He nodded slowly. "well, let's hope it worked." He rubbed his side where the new mark has formed. "I worry about them on their own. They're too young. I wish we could force them back."
He nodded slowly. "well, let's hope it worked." He rubbed his side where the new mark has formed. "I worry about them on their own. They're too young. I wish we could force them back."
Made by .Karmz. ! She is simply the best!
She nodded and laid a hand over his on his side, concerned. "Me too. But we can't. David... David needs this. As backwards as it feels to say that."
Roger sighed. "yeah, I know. I can't say that I would have come home right away either." He squeezed her hand. "I'm okay. You know that it just stings for a bit." He kissed her forehead.
Made by .Karmz. ! She is simply the best!
She bit her lips and stroked his side. "Still. I'm sorry you had to do that."
He kissed her forehead. "I know. You will worry about me and I will always worry about you. It's... A small price to pay for Jimmy's happiness. Any of these marks are a small price to pay go keep my family safe."
Made by .Karmz. ! She is simply the best!
She looked up at him and touched her belly absentmindedly when he said the word 'family'. She smiled slightly and kissed him, keeping her hand on his side.
He smiled and kissed her back. He placed one hand in her belly and the other gently held the back of her neck. "I love you and I love our children."
Made by .Karmz. ! She is simply the best!
She smiled against his lips and pressed a little closer to him as they kissed.
He grinned in between kisses before shifting his hands in order to pick her up. He carried her into their bedroom before laying her down gently. "The things you do to me..." He murmured before kissing her neck.
Made by .Karmz. ! She is simply the best!
She grinned when he picked her up, and let out a soft moan at his lips on her neck. She stroked his back with her hands. They hadn't been close like this in a while due to all the stress.