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Thread: The Resistance

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    Default The Resistance

    The Plot/Background

    The idea began with a clever scientist in Brittania, a powerful country encompassing all of Europe, who, in the beginning of his career, aspired to create powerful soldiers that could outmatch those of Brittania's rival nations. It was a good idea at first, however, this idea became too inhumane for Britannia's citizens, and it was disbanded. Dissatisfied, the scientist and few of his collegues took their research and fled to Rodel, a neighboring, rival country, one much smaller than Brittania. There this scientist continued his work, only there were no volunteers to become his super-soldiers. He needed human test subjects. Where would he find people to test this theory on, and would this theory even prevail? Would it work?

    A few months later, children started going missing in the small, poor border towns of Brittania. The number of children that "ran away" or "went missing" grew, day by day, week by week, skyrocketing into the thousands within just a year. These children weren't necessarily troubled and running from problems. They were taken. The Head Scientist, as he became known, was building an army.

    These kids were tested on and transfused with the genes of different animals. Some died, some got really sick, and some went crazy. Finally... One child, a young girl, was a success. She became strong and powerful, the perfect example of a super soldier, everything the Head Scientist wanted. One they had one success, the thousands of children were each turned, one by one, and the rate of success grew and grew. They started to build an army and train these kids to fight. The Head Scientist at the base in Rodel called them Chimeras, half human, half animal.

    The government of Britannia got word of these disappearances, then of the testing, and eventually, war broke loose between Rodel and Britannia. The only problem was that the Britannian army ended up fighting (and ultimately killing in some cases) the kids they were trying to rescue.

    Coming to the present, the year 1940, fifteen years after kids started being stolen, the two armies are still fighting and kids are still being taken from the border towns. Some of these kids became cold blooded killers, insane. Some are scared and want out. Some escaped. However, even escaping doesn't truly mean freedom, not for the chimera kids. The Brittanian army hunts these children down, wanting them for questioning and seeing them as threats. Everywhere is dangerous, especially for these loose children, some now turned adults. Who can stop this situation? What if a different force rose? What if you could help? What are you going to do about it? What if you could resist?

    If you would like to sign up or are interested in joining, feel free to post! I'll put a little character creator here to help you out, and I'll post my character for this too. This is actually a novel that I'm working on! This will be a very literate RP. I'd like at least full paragraph posts so we can move the story along well and build up the world. Feel free to add suggestions/advice.

    Chimera Log- Escaped Chimeras

    Adam Heidrich- 19- German Shepherd- Presumed alive
    Elizabeth Gordon-17- Harpy Eagle-Presumed alive
    Demi Osgood- 18- Black Mamba- Presumed alive
    Marie Carpentier-16-Lion-Presumed alive
    Crystal Dianthus-20- Crystal Jellyfish- Presumed alive
    Nicholas Baker- 20- Mule deer- Presumed dead

    Well. This was...Adam wasn't sure what he'd expected when he had arrived at his childhood home. At first, visions of children running, playing, and a loving family filled his memories. But then...
    Screams. Gunshots. Running feet. Spilling blood.
    His hand moved away from the door knob, almost as if the touch of the cold metal burned. The last time he stood in this home, his parents were alive. He was six years old. He and his younger brother Aaron, just four, had been playing pirates in the sitting room when the doorbell rang. His mother had answered, and hell had broken loose. Armed men had ran inside, quickly dispatching his mother near the stairway, while her two sons watched in horror from where they'd run upstairs. Their father, a Brittanian general, had come in ready to defend his family, but he was just as easily gunned down. Adam and Aaron had been easy to find and capture.

    Adam had never seen his brother again.

    The clean up took him nearly two weeks. The dust was easy to clean away once he got the water running. The blood...well, after over ten years of rotting into hardwood floor, that took a bit more effort. He ended up throwing a rug over it and trying to forget about it entirely.

    He found himself alone. Alone in a huge house, unsure of what to do now. He'd escaped. He'd cut out his tracker chip, leaving him with a giant, jagged scar encompassing most of his left forearm. All he knew is that he couldn't stay here alone. He had no family. No one to help or go to. He had to do something.


    The young man leaned against the stone wall behind him, trying his best to stick to the shadows. This town was crawling with Brittanian soldiers, the nearest base just a mile away. Nick had thought himself lucky when he'd found the small Brittanian border town, however he realized quickly that chimeras weren't welcome. He'd already resorted to stealing food from the markets.

    He'd escaped four months earlier, and had spent his meager existence in this town. He knew he must be somewhere in Old Poland, given the local language. The Welsh-born boy stood out like a sore thumb.

    Nightmares plagued him nightly. He spent his nights in his deer form, curled on the cold grass, knowing winter was coming closer and closer. He had to make his way east, to where his family was. He knew they must be still alive. His sisters, at least, should be. Maybe his mother and father. They had taken him in a school raid, and none of his family had been there. Perhaps...perhaps they were still alive.

    He hadn't escaped alone. It had been Oliver's plan, after all. Ollie was the brave one. Ollie had the plans, the bravery, the skill to find them an escape route. But it was Nick who crossed the broken electrical fence, and Ollie who was shot and dragged away screaming Nick's name. The guilt plagued him.

    He should have let them take him.

    He should have turned around.

    He should have looked again. One last look.

    It was raining. He pulled his knitted hat over his ears, grimacing. With his little body fat, any type of cold affected him greatly. His stomach rumbled, and he knew he'd have to steal again soon. What an existence this was.

    Well. It was better than being a prisoner.

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    With a squeal of brakes, the truck lurched to a stop. Desperately, Lizzy grabbed the bars of her cage to keep from tumbling over.

    "What is that?" someone said. "A bird?"
    Eyes wide, she turned and stared at a sea of faces - all human.
    "Another freak show!" someone yelled, throwing a rock at her cage. She jerked her hand back as it hit the metal.
    "It's a pet! Look at its collar!"

    Ashamed, she ducked her head down and spread her wings around her, desperately trying to hide.
    "What good is it if you can't...!"

    "Attention!" someone yelled angrily.

    The crowd grew still. She slowly parted her wings - and wished she hadn't. It was Scorpio, her "handler" with the puckered scar on his face, along with a squad of guards to back him up. He sneered at the men, shaking his head.

    "Is this how you welcome one of country's greatest assets?" he demanded, waving a hand in her direction. "A weapon shaped by the noble doctor's hand himself? Ready to fight and die alongside you?"
    "Yeah, what does it do, steal more children for you?" someone called out.

    "WHO SAID THAT?!" Scorpio demanded as he whiped around. "I will have the lot of you doing punishment drills all night if the man who spoke doesn't step forward!"

    The soldiers muttered, then parted as a man stepped through. "I said it," he spat.
    "A sergeant. One would think you would know better. Time for a lesson in appreciation, I think. You two! Help him up and tie his hands to the bars."

    The sergeant sneered back at Scorpio, brushing off the arms of the two guards as he easily climbed up to the flat bed and spread out his hands. As they lashed his hands to the bars, Lizzy let her wings part to stare at his face, so close. It looked grim.

    "Well, you won't need these anymore!" Scorpio cried, clawing at the stripes but getting nowhere. Pissed, he pulled out his field knife and hacked at the sleeve, tearing a hole in it that he could then grab the offending rank badge and tear it away, revealing a bleeding cut.

    He then cut at the back of the sergeant's tunic, ripping it in two, then held out his hand.
    "The cat, if you please," he ordered. "As you know, we must have discipline in the ranks, private!"

    The leather handle was pressed into his palm.

    "Twenty lashes should do," he smirked, then swung.

    Horrified, she watched as Scorpio lashed out at the man until he cried out and collapsed against the front of her cage, slumping down.

    "Well, now there should be no more disrespect of the doctor's creations!" Scorpio said, wheeling to face the soldiers watching below. "Someone take him away, he's due on the line. And bring me the rats!"

    The soldiers muttered as one of the guards reached into a bag to produce two dead rats.

    "Lizzy must be hungry after such a long trip," Scorpio smirked, waving a hand at her again. The two rats were tossed through the bars. Gingerly, she picked up one of the rats with the long talons of her right foot, then glanced out with horror at the watching men. "Don't hold back on our account."

    Reluctantly, she folded back her wings and leaned down to bite into the dead rat's flesh.
    Last edited by Enigma; 11-15-2019 at 06:51 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

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    People who did not seem to belong here were not nearly as welcoming as she wished.

    Her feet were cold…her hands were cold…everywhere was cold and the rain was not helping. She tried to rub heat into her hands through the gloves…gloves that she had stolen. Everything she had currently was stolen, boots, pants, shirt, coat, the whole nine-yards. Working for her would not have been a problem except for the fact she barely spoke the language here. Wherever she had been taken…well it was much farther from her home then she thought. She pieced together that she had so be somewhere in Brittania…which of course did not help her since it only left an entire large landmass to pin down.

    People who did not seem to belong here were not helped. It was almost as if the civilians knew she was a monster…it was her features she suspected. Normally loving the fact, she stood out, now only seeing it as a curse. Black dark hair and super pale skin did not mesh well; plus, all the strain it took to even have human colored skin. She had to focus really hard just to keep her face pale and her eyes colored. It was all she could manage…if she walked around town nearly translucent everywhere, people would spot her and send her back to the hellhole she barely managed to crawl out of.

    ‘There are others too…others like her still trapped.’ She thought to herself as she stared into bakery. Rubbing her hands harder now trying to get any sense of warmth. She reached out to her hat to pull it more over her ears. She kept her hair rolled up into a ball to try and limit the features anyone could see on her as she passed. ‘If I stay here…I’ll be caught but I need help…I can’t make it on my own…’ In her mind she was trying to figure out how to save another Chimera…this was the only help she would be able to receive. She needed someone who could speak for her…

    ‘the only words I know how to say were the regular words she heard over and over again…prison talk was not enough to make it. Yea I need a friend’

    She moved away from the bakery and started to move with a purpose. As long as she did not loiter anywhere long no one should at least start trying to speak with her. The soldiers might not stop her if she acted normal.

    A sudden turn caught her smacking right into someone, her light body combined with how fluid it was now after the change caused her to bounce right off…probably barely even throwing the person off. As she landed on the ground she immediately covered her face, hopefully coming off as trying to hide it from the rain but really just to keep her features from being seen.

    “Very Sorry. No hurt.” It sounded terrible in her ears. Trying to mimic the accident she heard from the people who lived here. Hopefully the person would just be pissed and move on. She tried to glance up to see who she bumped into. Tall…thin…stubble from not shaving, dark skin…almost of the opposite of her soft pale. His clothing was covering up his other features and since she was trying to hide hers…well she did not manage to see his eyes.

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    Why… why would …. you do this…. you’re a monster…. a freak……. STAY THE HELL AWAY!!

    It’s been the same dream. Night in and night out it has been the same—a horrible nightmare. Demi woke every night to the resounding screams of his family. His brothers and his parents always said the same thing… monster. Demi lay against the damp bark of an oak tree with his hands clamped over his face. Tears began to manifest within his eyes and slowly started to trickle down his cheeks like a small waterfall. He still didn’t understand why it was him that had to be taken away from his family and turned into this….. into this thing. Since the experiments, Demi has had a rough time adjusting to his new genetic makeup. He was cold, he was hungry, and he was desperate to find a solution to help resolve his issues—including theft. He wasn’t violent in nature, but he simply couldn’t be eating small woodland creatures for the rest of his days hiding out in the small forest right outside the main city of Rodel, but he had to do what was best for him—to survive.

    With tears still in his eyes, Demi made his way through the trees and to the city to find some form of sustenance because at this rate, he was fearing starvation.

    But something didn’t feel right. Something in the way the air tasted stuck to his tongue like a rotten egg. He couldn’t tell if something was about to happen, or if something was already in pursuit. His survival instincts jolted through his body like a spark of lightning, so he ran. He ran as fast and far as he could until he heard something off-putting. He was hearing the voices of several people on the dirt path that lead into the city. Voices he thought as he stayed behind a nearby bush hoping to not alarm the strange men.

    "Any luck finding him"
    "No, what about you"
    "Damn, how could he get so far?"

    The voices echoed in Demi's mind like a broken record player, but he knew what this meant, he knew he was being hunted. Without a shadow of a doubt, he slowly began to snake backwards and attempt to find another path that lead into the city.


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    The smell of the market had drawn a small girl to the stalls, blonde curls poking out of her hat, face wrapped in a brown scarf and a large trench coat covering her figure. She blended in effortlessly in the bustling crowd, no one giving her a curious glance as she stuck to the flow and avoided the colorful stalls that would’ve been so easy to steal from. Rain splattered around her, giving off a musky, pleasant smell.

    Marie was just passing through this small border town, she needed supplies if she wanted to continue further south. The only problem was it would seem that maybe she need to go to another border gate as the place was crawling with Soldiers.

    ’Soldiers’ she shivered at the word. The soldiers did this, her parents, her nounou. Anger had started to form tears in her eyes, but she couldn’t let anything get in the way of her journey. She couldn’t let anyone touch her again. Marie couldn’t do anything about that which she lost, she just had to continue on and hope for something better than right now. Call it giving up, call it lazy, It was the logical choice, natural instinct, to save her own hide. It was a distant dream, but maybe... maybe one day, after she became rich, she would make some connections and pick apart the government here. Brick by brick.

    The girl wiped her eyes, scanning the people around her for heavy pockets. If there were anything in their pockets that they had to carry around on their person, it must be worth it. But after wandering for an hour or so, Marie decided that maybe staying up into the day wasn’t best for her habits. She turned into a nearby alley to rest for a moment, and a soothing voice filled her head.

    “Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day,
    Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his life’

    Marie was sitting on her nounou’s lap, a heavy book rested on her knees and the floral scent of roses complimented the soft, luxurious fabric that bathed in the warm light.

    How spoiled she had been, and yet her spoiling caused her intelligence. And now she was the man teaching ​himself how to fish.

    Marie backed up, tempted to pull her scarf down and use her nose to scent if there was danger in this dark alley, but decided against it, as there could be someone watching her. What would be safest would be join go back and join the crowd outside again, but after staying up so long into the day, as a nocturnal creature, she needed to rest. Maybe a dark alley fit for the homeless like her wasn’t the safest, but maybe the retched smell that came from the large bin in the corner would ward off most people.

    She dragged herself over to the dumpster and set herself down beside it, and only when she looked up, she noticed that she had sat down in a puddle. This was the life, and Marie had a feeling it wasn’t going to get any better.
    Last edited by spoon_car; 11-17-2019 at 11:27 PM.

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    Men, some of them the doctor's 'elite' corps, hauled her cage off of the flatbed truck and carried it to the middle of their camp, where she was sure she would be under the watchful eye of everyone. She could see them whispering, pointing at her. The Ice Raven, the one who'd if they opened her cage would go after their livers and hearts, and ate the rejects.

    "Come forward!" Scorpio ordered curtly, producing a small key from a chain around his neck. "Press yourself against the bars, I don't want to reach in there any farther than I have to."

    They'd been doing this ever since they put this ticking collar on her. She waddled up to the bars a little self-consciously and leaned forward, pressing her chest against the front of the cage that still stank of the sergeant's blood.

    She closed her eyes as he stroked her chest feathers, doing it purely to embarrass her, then grabbed her collar, pulling her into the bars as he slipped the tiny key into the hole and began winding the mechanism inside. "
    This will keep you loyal," he sneered as he released her. He held it up. "With this key, you become useful. Hope I never lose it."

    He barked out a laugh, sliping the chain back on and fed the key back under his shirt collar. Giving her one more superior sneer, he turned sharply and marched towards the headquarters tent, leaving her to the stares and whispers of the other creations.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 


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