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Thread: Purgament 2020: Purgatory(casual M rated IC)

  1. #1
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    Default Purgament 2020: Purgatory(casual M rated IC)

    Purgatory( Casual IC/character sandbox )

    You step into the new rift and find yourself in a place completely opposite of where you came from. From a dead and windy plain full of malice and fear to large hall filled with warmth and the quiet laughter that seemed to come from the cozy air around you rather than from any specific source.

    Before you is a large table laden with food and drink, all piping hot and enticing to the senses. The atmosphere fills you with a comfort you have not felt in a long time. Your worries forgotten, the dread from deep within your mind abates.

    You are unsure if this is a dream or reality, but you might as well enjoy it while it lasts. Near the back of the hall and upon a stone throne sits the Grim Grinner, his grin ever present, but now it carries a kinder upturn of his lips. He waves his hand benevolently indicating all is well and safe here.

    *So basically this is just a fun little chat-style IC for fighters, judges, and maybe a few others. All RPA and Mature Rules apply of course. This is a completely optional adventure for the players to pass the time and maybe get a feel for their char. It is totally unrelated to the actual tournament as the tournament is totally unrelated to this.

    Think of this like a Downtown club just in the character of your fighter, even if a character dies or is beaten they can play around here until the tournament is done. Be warned though if you are under a time frame or on an extension and posting here instead of posting in your fight it will be noted and taken into consideration for some things.

    That aside have fun, play nice, and stay in character.*
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-18-2020 at 09:49 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    The rift lost its solidity for a brief moment, rippling in its unsteady state as a shrouded figure stepped through. Covered from head to toe in a deep blue velvety cape, Moon focused her gaze upon the empty room...empty save for the grinning Spector and the quiescent staff. With a barely noticeable nod to the occupants of the room, the mysterious woman made her way to the bar, pushing aside the folds of her cloak as she sat upon the backless stool, her bare legs crossing at the ankles.

    "Blood Mary," she requested in a husky voice, pushing her hood away from her ebony locks. Sapphire blue eyes shimmered from beneath them, the pupils a deep impenetrable red. "Olives..." she added, offering the slightest bit of a smile, the tips of her canine teeth making an appearance.

    She sipped her drink delicately, looking about the room with curiosity and a seemingly endless patience. Her aura was inky black...soulless...her origin unknown. Long unpolished nails tapped a rhythm on the bar's smooth surface, a simple way of passing the time. There was no rush, the moments passed differently here. Nothing wasted...nothing gained.

  3. #3
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    Having slipped into a motionless meditation the Grim Grinner was dreaming of the upcoming battles. Despite this little pocket of reality being separate from them the Grinner is in many places and times at once thus is the yoke of death.

    The quiet of the grand hall had turned into a pleasant buzz of white noise. It reminded him of eternity just endless and still. Eternity hurries for no one, all are beneath it's concern. Like a statue sitting high above the ground on the edge of some eons old citadel. The peons can live or die, it matters not to eternity.

    But even a massive river's flow has some rocks that ripple it's surface. And this ripple permeated the air causing the seated specter to lift his head and study the new arrival he wasn't expecting. A fellow entity of the Judge Caste rather than one of the combatants. The Mistress of the Blue Moon, Queen of the Undead. Drinking her usual concoction, but in boredom the Grim Grinner waves his hand and a small band of skeletal cats whisks her drink away.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-02-2020 at 10:23 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Fingers pausing in mid-thrum, Moon lifted her gaze and settled it upon the seated figure of Grim, a low chuckle coming from her ruby red lips. She tilted her head quizzically as she rose, almost gliding across the floor as she moved in his direction. She passed the long table laden with food and drink, her eyes pausing to look at the delicacies displayed before her. It was tempting...the aroma tantalizing...but first a quick hello...on a more personal note than before.

    Coming to stand before him, Moon lowered her head in greeting, the cool touch of her hand coming to rest atop his briefly. "Up to your old tricks are you old man? It's good to see you...and so lively." Again the chuckle before she looked to the rift. "I think we need to recruit our contestants...flush them out from the join us in a night of celebration."

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    The Grinner's smile grew wide and fond as the Mistress approached and bid him hello. He snapped his fingers and the crew of skeleton cats returned the woman's drink before he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. He gave another nod agreeing with her words about needing to liven up the ball.

    Moving gently up from his chair he began walking down the elegant steps the skulls and bones on his outfit jangling gently with each step. As he descended the dais he waved his hands about the blue flames that alight the hall begin dancing in time with his hands. And as he reached the bottom they jumped from their wall scones and dropped onto the floor whirling together in a mad riot of color and lights before breaking off into six separate figures. It's unsure where they came from, but as the Host snapped his fingers music fired up from some spectral band unseen by mortals eyes and the six figures took solid forms. Turn into three men and three women dressed in Gothic costumes. Their bodies made of living blue flame and their eyes glowed with life before they paired off and began dancing to the strangely ethereal music. Turning back to the Mistress the Grim Grinner bowed low and offered her his hand silently asking if she would honor him with a dance.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 01-18-2020 at 11:26 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    The sides of her mouth lifting in an accepting smile, Moon took the offered hand, a quick shrug of her shoulders causing her cloak to fall towards the floor. Beneath, a black chiffon gown sparkled to life, the layers of cloth moving across her body with a life of their own. As always, she was dazzled by his charms...such as it was with unlife, the many years needing little to entertain it.

    "A pleasure," she offered, taking note of the other dancers on the floor...and her drink once again situated on the bar. "Perhaps you will dine with me later...a shame to have so much food go to waste...we must taste least once."

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    As he spun around with the Mistress of the Moon his bone jewelry jingles lightly as he nods his head. This would be a great waste of food and drink. Created from magic or not once they exist they cannot simply be whisked away, he had hopes the party would soon liven up. So far it's just the boneman, the undead mistress, and the fiery ghosts he created do the music wouldn't go to waste.

    The Grim Grinner is the Harbinger of Death he cannot create "true life" as the holy folk would call it. Ghosts can't eat or drink and neither he or the Mistress needs such sustenance to keep going and dancing to the ethereal music all around them.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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    Solana stuck to the shadows, her eyes taking in the quiet hustle around the room with a calculating gaze, a predator stalking her prey. With feline grace, the assassin slid silently without anyone being the wiser as she stood in the blind spot of the flames, hands crossed over her chest. Two elegant daggers, currently clean of any coating, were strapped to her belt, their handles worn leather and formed to fit perfectly in her grip along with a few extra surprises hidden along her body - she had managed to sneak in quite an arsenal in her falsely bodyfitting and in some ways revealing armour. Wherever she was now, she managed to bring her usual weapons, slipping past guards and whomever else almsot as though she had done it countless times before.

    Solana stopped, her heart beating more quickly. A brief grasp of the past, her mind errupting with pain as she tried to hold on to that memory, to fully remember the past but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. In over a century, the vampire had the keenest memory, remembering every detail she ever saw, a rare gift but now, it seemed that she no longer knew her past aside from brief flashes and then the numbing, burning pain. Another anomally - her body always went numb if she was injured, never burning. Sighing, she fiddled with the necklace on her neck, wondering why she wore it. It was elegant enough, hanging upon a thin golden chain, but otherwise, it was another mystery. No inscription, no hidden compartments, no recollection...

    Sighing and pushing her black locks back, the vampire leaned back against the wall, pursing her lips in thought. What were they all doing here and who were they? She didn't remember anyone. She had been simply surviving, grasping to some distant memory and purpose, freezing into oblivion when the air had rippled and she was thrown into It felt wrong to be so exposed to so many without knowing why she was there and who her next target was.

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    As another guest finally arrived the Grinner sensed her presence before he saw her. And just as the dance ended he spun the Mistress of Moon into a final bow before he kissed the back of her hand and moved to greet the new guest, the Vampiric Assassin named Solana LaCroix.

    Gliding more so than walking the Host approached the shadowy woman his eyeless face studying her closely. He had expected some of the craftier fighter to sneak weapons in, and the pale woman most definitely qualified as one of the more crafty fighters he and his fellow Deities of Death had gathered for this little tournament. He stopped a few feet short of the woman and bowed low his bone jewelry jingling lightly. He could not speak as death must always be silent, but he was sure the woman would gathered his intentions and meaning by his actions.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  10. #10
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    As the Mage herself fell, a light escaped Ingo's eyes, and a small teal colores portal formed as a rip in space. Just barely human size and no bigger then a doorway. "Good job Ingo, told you that you were useful." The voice came from the portal as a cat like creature stepped through and frowned looking down at the fallen mage, his eyes then shifted to Ingo and he shrugged. "To bad you didnt get to pummel his face in and shred it like you said."

    In return Ingo simply laughed and beat on his chest and before another word escaped hus mouth a snap was heard and The Raider was gone. Kiro frowned and shrugged looking to the Grinner as he made his way out. "Excuse me. Grim thing. Can I have this?" The boy asked in curiosity pointing down to the dead body of the Mage herself. "I mean obviously you dont want it anymore.."

    Before the boys words were answered the man was gone in the shadows. Frowning Kiro sighed. "You're lame." He said before holding his hand out, a spark of the same teal energy surged in his palm before he clenched it tight and ripped at it tearing another hole in the world. He then stepped through it into purgatory where the man who had walked away now sat on a high throne. Behind him the rift closed andnhe huffed looking over to Ingo who, did not care to eat but was still chowing down on a pig leg. Shrugging he looked to Grim and pointed. "Rude to walk away and ignore people you know. I asked a question."
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 


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