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Thread: Round One [Warden-vs-Samurai]-Judge SikstaSlathalin

  1. #11
    Red Ninja
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    Judge's post # 2

    With the battle nearing it's end fatigue begins to set in. The heat saps your strength and with two foes to deal with you need every ounce you can muster. The ground scorches your feet and your weapons slides along your sweaty palms. Your steps unsure, but you have come too far to die now you must win this day to see the next.

    The Grinner has remained unmoving upon his perch atop the archway. That grin still blatantly plastered across his unnatural face. Watching you fight for your life as if you were an actor in a play, amusing, but becoming tedious. But as you and your opponent became momentary allies in slaying the large Demon the Samurai's strike cleaving the Demon's head nearly in twine and the Warden upwards swinging blow neatly cutting through the skin and bone, detaching the hell spawn's leg from the rest of it's body. The Grim Judge's smile widened even more, pushing Cheshire Cat dimensions. As the blows fell the demonic warrior let out a deep pained bellow as it's unnatural black blood began spewing out of it like some hellish fountain. Grasping it's mid section it tumbled back and fell heavily from the edge of the arena it's death peel resounding all around you.

    The creature's ear splitting yells were soon replaced with a great booming of bells from the dark citadel behind you assaulting your ears. You're already addled mind muddies further causing your eyes to go out of focus. But you still fight to maintain control. The fight is drawing to an end and you must win. The ringing of the bells continues telling you in no small terms the fight was nearing it's end and one of you must die if for no other reason than to silence the bells that not only deafen you but seem to be hitting you squarely in the chest like a hammer forcing you to be short of breath with each bang. You have but one chance left, you must strike the killing blow or force your foe to succumb to the pain and exhaustion first.

    The Grinner waves his hand, the severed limb of the demon vanished in a pillar of black fire leaving the arena bare except for the original combatants. Hell's Bells continued to toll, Death would be coming for one of you soon, the only question was...would he be kind?

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
    Each fighter will have a final post to make before this fight will end and go to judgement. From there the winner will be declared and a final judge's post will announce the winner.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #12
    Giga Onion
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    In the end the final decision we all must take, make or break

    The resounding gongs of Hell's bells, and a dead demon disintegrated, signaled the coming end of this battle of his. The wolfman, in his almighty bloodlust, saw his vision waver and break. And yet, his constitution refused to let the depths of Hell rake him back into its fiery depths.

    He swayed, forward and then back. He even used his blade as a crutch as his attention, his lasting vision, fell upon the wounded Samurai.

    Will decide what will be and our destiny

    He smirked, calling over to the wounded man in a mocking tone, "EY! HOW ABOUT YOU AND ME END THIS! I'M GETTING A LITTLE TIRED OF SWEATIN OUT MY FUR!!" He pulled his blade from the concrete and rested it on his shoulder as he lowered down into a pouncing motion.

    If we lose the fight Armageddon will finally tell.

    He would howl to the fiery "skies" above, as though there were a moon hanging overhead. The cold of the night leaks onto his nerves, as the feeling of cold winter air runs through his mind. He only cackled at the thought of dying by the blade of an opponent. And as such, ke kept low as he sprinted forward towards the oriental warrior, howling all the same.

    Burn in hell, there will be no after, be no other day.

    "GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!!!" He would lift himself into the air and come down in a vertical tornado slash, putting every ounce of strength he had remaining into his final strike. What falls is what he will accept. Whether that is victory, or defeat. Death, or life. He will accept it, as he had done before on several other battlefields.

  3. #13
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Kano stepped back, his blade intercepting the incoming attack as he did; Deflecting enough of it to escape injury. The samurai began to summon his willpower back. Focusing again on the wolfman.

    Masamune was bloody and burnt but he still stood. His blade was sharp as ever, and hungered still. And he was exhausted; The bells that tried to crash through his focus were correct. It was time to end this.

    Shifting his feet where he stood, the samurai shoved himself forward. The tip of his katana leading the way. Kano thrust his blade, aiming a fatal strike as he did. Pushing what remained of his strength into it.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  4. #14
    Red Ninja
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    Final Judge's post.

    As the fighters roared out there final taunts and bared their blades to strike the last blow and try to escape the region of Hell they had fought in. But before the final toll of the bell rung everything froze, the Grim Grinner had snapped his fingers one more time exerting his will upon the nether realm around him.

    The Samurai had fought valiantly satiating his demonic blade's thirst with his own blood then with the black sludge of the Demon's

    The Warden true to his history fought with rage and power running where his lust for battle took him.

    But while each warrior proved a great fighter, there can be only one victor in this fight. And the Grinner has come to his decision after much deliberation.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    DNAfein 21

    Writing Style: 6
    -Ideas: 2
    -Flow: 2

    Effectiveness of Combat: 8
    -Character Consistency: 3
    -Ingenuity: 2
    -Interaction: 3

    Control of the Field: 8
    -Environmental Awareness: 3
    -Strategic Awareness: 3
    -Control of the Fight:2

    Note: You played the Samurai well, taking into note his history and his connection with the demon sword in his possession. But I feel you could've done more with the character and history he was given. All and all though very good.

    Dire Hoef 17

    Writing Style: 6
    -Ideas: 2
    -Flow: 2
    -Conventions: 2

    Effectiveness of Combat: 6
    -Character Consistency: 3
    -Ingenuity: 1
    -Interaction: 1

    Control of the Field: 5
    -Environmental Awareness: 2
    -Strategic Awareness: 2
    -Control of the Fight: 1

    Note: While you did stay true to the Warden's build and sheet. You didn't do as much as you could've he turned into the Hulk and stayed that way despite having more options. But you were consistent about it so good on you.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

    Time begins once more, but as consciousness returned the Samurai found himself alone on the fiery stone arena. Blood was soaking into his blade, but the wolfman's body wasn't present. Where it had gone the Samurai didn't know, but he was the winner and that was all he needed to know. A portal opened besides the Oni and as he walked through the hellish bell rung it's final peel and the fires of hell erupted all around the arena engulfing it entirely. Like the fighters, the Grinner was gone and hell was returned to it's former fiery glory.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~


    VICTOR: Dnafein as the Samurai, Kano Masamune with 21 points.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

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