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Thread: Round Three- [Paladin-vs-Samurai]-Judge Siks

  1. #1
    Red Ninja
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    Default Round Three- [Paladin-vs-Samurai]-Judge Siks

    ROUND THREE: Moonlit Town


    Judge: Siks

    You're walking down a deserted street in the middle of some massive city. With nothing but your own thoughts and the distant tolling of a giant bell to keep you company. The buildings loom up all around you like squatting giants leering at with their blackened windows and whispering to you from their tightly shut doors and shudders.

    Out of the corner of your eye you see flitting figures, watching you for the merest fraction of a second and vanishing without a trace before you can turn your head to see who or what it was. The uneasy feeling of being watched never leaves the back of your mind, and as the seconds pass the feeling of some kind of impending ambush joins that unease. Your senses are on high alert and the sounds of your footsteps fill your ears.

    For what seems like hours you wander aimlessly, the narrow streets like a labyrinth with no end. In all that time you notice the sky never changes, the moon remains at it's apex like a china plate hung up on a wall. A full bone-white eye forever watching you...the shadows and whispers still your only companions. That is...until you see the tall skeletal figure of the Grim Grinner, his face as bright and white as the moon above...his grin casting strange shadows on the rest of his skull. He thunks the base of his scythe upon the ground and the sound mimics the distant toll of the bell. The smiling specter compels you to follow him. Staying just far enough ahead so as to stay in your sight but not close enough to communicate with.

    Time and the town remain frozen in place as he leads you deeper and deeper into the desolate town. But soon you are lead to a central square with the a grim statue of death planted in the middle among thick tangled briars. Walking upon the air the Grinner walks over the wrought iron fences and brambles before he sits upon the shoulders of the deathly visage. Hanging his scythe casually upon the shoulder of his stony likeness he studies each of you the smooth bone on the front of his face boring into you despite having no eyes to see with. With slow practiced movement the Grinner lifts his thin hand and snaps his fingers. The great bell tolls once more and the air hums with the sounds of heavy gates closing somewhere. Looking about you strange walls of blue fire encircling the center court at a distance of two houses in every direction...this would be your arena. As the fire gates close the shadows all seem to swarm in around you and your opponent. They fill every alcove and alleyway, their invisible eyes always watching, their whispers intensifying. Suddenly a metal plates whizzes from the darkness impacting loudly upon the metal fence around death's statue.

    It is then you realize you won't only be fighting your foe, but unseen menaces who will be throwing distractions and weapons at you both. A fight from all sides and for the amusement of a single spectator. Like every fight before, this will be a test of both your mental and physical fortitude. With a final wave of his hand the Grim Grinner invites you to begin fighting.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
    You have 5 posts per person and 72 hours to respond between posts.
    After making two posts, you will need to wait for my post before you can continue.
    By the flip of a coin, Samurai will go first.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  2. #2
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Kano's thumb idly stroked the hilt of his katana as he had wandered the city. Neither of them recognized it, which explained why they were so lost. The samurai's eyes narrowed as the vaguely familiar shinigami appeared. The burn scars began to ache at the sight of the grinning countenance, but Masamune followed his mysterious guide.

    The hatred and malice that had permeated the air as they walked through the deserted streets surged as the hidden bell rang a final time. The ghostfire whooshed silently around the square, and the shadows cascaded towards the square only to ebb, like waves, at the crossroads. Kano pulled his eyes from the smirking figure to scan the plaza, his eyes flashing a deeper red as they landed on the man with the shield.

    The ancient blade's hunger rushed into the samurai and Kano's hands tightened, one on his hilt the other his saya. Like a spring Masamune's legs straightened and he shot across the square. As he closed on this new opponent Kano drew his blade for a vicious strike, the weapon's hunger sweeping forward.

    (Hits on 4, 5, & 6)
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  3. #3
    Crimson Casanova
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    In the end, Brutus's vision was engulfed by hellfire.

    But it was not the end. Not yet.

    The hellfire dissipated and the Paladin found himself in the city of broken shadows.

    My life is a curse.

    Is this Hell? Brutus questioned. He was in the middle of a lifeless city with a distant bell disrupting the silence. A few short seconds ago, he ignited a fiery bomb to slay the genocidal Conquistador at the cost of his own life. However, it seemed that the deities of this tournament weren't finished with Brutus. The claim for the demon lord's throne will have to wait.

    The Paladin grimaced as a phantom pain pulsated across his left arm and he glanced down. Previously, the heavy plate mail armor was cleaved through by the naga-beast. However, luminescent golden strands of metal repaired the damage and encircled the upper portion of his arm. His kite shield was strapped back to his limb and he flexed his elbow to test the muscles and ensure full mobility.

    This place is a curse.

    Brutus gazed up at the dark sky and noticed that the full moon was his only visible company for the night. Yet, there was an eerie feeling that he was being watched by the surrounding shades. Fleeting figures disappeared from the Paladin's sight but remained looming in his peripheral. There was a certain sense of uneasy dread as the Steel traversed across the streets to seek his next adversary.

    Finally, the Grim Reaper appeared. The skeletal monstrosity displayed himself at the other end of the street. He grinned madly in the lunar landscape and turned around to beckon the Paladin to follow. Brutus loosened the grip of his mace but his heart palpitated for the upcoming battle. He briefly assumed that the fallen angel of death was his next opponent but perhaps that was not the case. The Steel cautiously followed the entity to the central square of the city.

    The Reaper casually strode in midair as it ascended towards the foreboding statue. It nestled on top of the stone shoulder and then commenced the arena battle. Blue flames erupted around the square and encircled Brutus. Memories of the consuming hellfire flashed in his mind but he pushed them aside and took notice of his true adversary.

    That creature is a curse.

    The towering Oni positioned into a battle stance and held a tight grip on his katana's handle. His blue skin glistened and matched the enveloped flames, yet there were visible burn scars on his exposed torso. Its eyes flashed a deep crimson-red behind the death mask as it initiated the battle. Undeterred by the shattering plates, he sprinted towards the Paladin. In a flash of practically blinding speed, the abomination drew its sword and swung down with a vicious strike.

    Brutus recalled a few rumors from his training in the Order. There was a legend about a bloodthirsty samurai that sought to end all life with its ancient blade. It was a savage creature that left death and destruction in its wake. Perhaps, this was the legend in the flesh?

    Then I will slay this legend.

    Three different magical Blessings coursed through the veins of the Steel. The Blessing of Protection was his absolute defense and allowed him to deflect any attack. However, it needed to be used wisely because it could only activate a few times. The second Blessing, the Blessing of Resolve, was constantly active and allowed the knight's body to withstand most forces. There were very rare occasions where an attack could cause the Paladin to be knocked from his feet.

    These two Blessings combined solidified his identity as humanity's dark protector.

    The Paladin smiled deviously and raised his kite shield in a muscle-memory manner. The katana struck the metallic shield but then violently bounced back. Normally, the laws of physics required the Paladin to stumble back from such a powerful assault. However, the Blessing of Resolve protected the Scotsman's momentum and transferred the staggering force back to the samurai instead, as if he struck a boulder.

    "I gotcha now, you ugly sack of shit!"

    After successfully deflecting the savage strike, Brutus capitalized the moment. He swung his flanged mace towards the Oni's right side and intended to crush the abomination's ribs with a devastating blow. If the Samurai was unaware of the Steel's reputation, he will soon learn that even the most unholy quake before the dark avenger.

    Your existence is nothing but a bane to humanity. I sentence you to an agonizing death.

  4. #4
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    As his slash hit, Kano felt his momentum shove back towards him. Instinctively the samurai began to back peddle, intent to keep on his feet. His opponent's words bounced off the Oni, even as the mace made contact. Kano pulled another step, his arm rotating as he did. The back peddling prevented the damage that was obviously intended; Still it was likely a rib or two were broken.

    Masamune gritted his teeth against the pain. His blade screaming outrage in his head. Options flashed through Kano's head as memories that were not his own flooded into the pain. The samurai suddenly knew things about his opponent's combat abilities he himself was unaware of; Knowledge that seemed to come from fighting another like him.

    Regaining his focus, the samurai quickly took a step towards the others shielded side. And disappeared from sight behind the raised bulwark. It wasn't done with magic, as Kano recalled no magic. The single step simply became several, allowing him to reposition himself as the shield blocked his opponents view.

    From his new position Kano again struck. Focusing his pain and the blades anger into the swing. The blade whistling through the air, as if screaming its hunger.

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  5. #5
    Crimson Casanova
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    The Darkness Shall Fear You

    Too easy.

    The towering Oni stumbled backward after his sword sharply bounced from Brutus's strap shield. It was an all-too-familiar situation for the Paladin since he previously countered several attacks from the strongest Lycans and Ogres. Luckily for his adversary, the Samurai reacted quickly and took a few more backward steps to mitigate the upcoming damage. The flanged mace grazed against the blue torso and Brutus insidiously imagined a cracked rib from the impact.

    Surprisingly, though, the abomination seemed undeterred by the excruciating pain and maneuvered himself behind Brutus's shield. Even though the creature stood at a towering height, the kite shield blocked the sight of most of the abomination's body. The Steel took note that his opponent's high pain threshold and quick wit may prove to be a challenge in this strife.

    However, the Samurai seemed oblivious to the ghostly spectators that continued to throw metallic plates towards the death statue. Perhaps, I can take advantage of this weakness, Brutus recognized his adversary's tunnel-vision. Despite the chaotic environment, the Paladin was constantly trained to uphold situational awareness. The Grim Reaper remained a silent onlooker from the shoulders of the foreboding idol. There wasn't a clear sign of immediate endangerment from their surroundings, but based upon the patterns of previous battles, Brutus was certain there would be some form of intervention.

    The Samurai swung his blade towards Brutus's left shoulder and around the shield. Normally, even without the Blessing of Protection, the Paladin can still easily deflect an attack with a simple maneuver of his shield. However, based upon the Oni's brute strength and the lack of the Blessing, any attempts to block the savage strike would only cause broken bones in his left arm. He couldn't even evade the assault at such proximity.

    Despite the seemingly unstoppable attack, Brutus had every intention to demonstrate that the Oni was only a feeble prey in this situation... and that the Steel was the apex predator.

    The Paladin pulled back his shield arm and lifted his hand, palm open, towards the savage strike. The blade easily cleaved through the heavy plate-mail gauntlet and tore deeply in the flesh. Brutus felt his entire left limb erupt with a fiery pain and gritted his teeth together to prevent any cries of agony. The grizzled warrior heavily panted from the pain but held a weak grasp on the sword itself. The heavy plate-mail prevented the ancient sword from completely cleaving through the palm and slicing his hand in half.

    "Pathetic," Brutus shook his head with a devious grin. "You place all of your conviction within this blade... let's see how you do without it." He tightened the weak grip on the sword with his impaired hand to hinder any movements to pull the blade free. The Steel swung his mace with a strong downward force and aimed towards the foible of the sword. He intended to smash the weakest point of the blade and shatter the ancient weapon into pieces.

    Without his precious blade, the bloodthirsty samurai would become a pitiful mongrel and beg for a quick death from the dark avenger.

  6. #6
    Red Ninja
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    A great bell tolled in the still night and as the Paladin's mace was about to reach it's target a large chunk of stone winged out of the night and struck the mace knocking the weapon off it's trajectory. And as the Paladin well knows once a mace begins it's swing it's very hard to stop it or change it, so as the stone struck it was no surprise that the impact transferred to the rest of his body and spun him around and away from the Samurai.

    On top of his now profusely bleeding hand he now had stunned weapon arm it wouldn't last long, but it gave him enough time to study the stone that had thrown him off his attack. It looked to be a chunk of masonry from some great fortress. Most of it had shattered upon impact with the Paladin's mace, but one chunk remained intact. It was some kind of keystone with a crest upon it's worn stony face, it was the the symbol of his Order, the holy shield with a fiery blade upon it's face. The rock looked to be from the destroyed remains of the Temple of Steel.

    While the Samurai's blade was saved from possible destruction, the warrior himself was not. As the Paladin was knocked aside two large metal plates or platters of some kind whizzed out from the opposite side of the square and hit him hard in the ribs taking the bruised feeling to fully broken. Movement would be harder, but his rage would only burn hotter even with the blade now soaking in the holy blood of the Paladin. It burned, but at the same time thrilled the demonic blade. The painful sweetness of the pure blood made all the more enjoyable because a holy man was foolish enough to let himself be wounded. The ancient spirit had a taste, but now it wanted more.

    The Grim Grinner continued to sit upon the statue of himself watching the contest, soon his hands began to clap. The thin digits clacking together in perfect time with the bells, it was unknown if he was clapping for the fighters or the projectiles, but one thing was obvious though. He has a lot more in store for the two polar opposite fighters.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
    After 2 more posts apiece I will post again.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 05-05-2020 at 10:45 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  7. #7
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    Kano forced his face to remain still as his opponent foolishly sacrificed his hand to the samurai's blade. However good the armor the blade would bite, as would any severed links. That was if the links weren't just pressed into the flesh. Masamune's eyebrow twitched as he felt his opponent tug at the blade.

    Kano's grip didn't falter, keeping the weapon firmly in place even as his opponent swung his mace. The samurai braced himself for the impact. The hits came, though not from the expected source. Kano wasn't oblivious to the shadowy mob, they simply were less important than his foe. It was a waste of focus and energy to worry about minor threats in the midst of a fight. Still the plates caused Masamune to snarl at the impact.

    Kano pressed the blade into the wound and pulled the blade down quickly. Ripping the blade free of his opponent's grasp. The samurai shifted his stance and exhaled painfully as he kicked out at his opponent. The bloodthirsty blade spinning in the Oni's grip.
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    The stone struck the mace head and shifted the weapon's trajectory away from the ancient sword. The sudden force also changed the Paladin's momentum and caused him to spin away from his opponent. Simultaneously, he felt the blade rip free from his left hand, and blood splattered onto the ground. The Oni quickly kicked the Paladin's side as he spun away, which added more distance between the two.

    Finally, Brutus's body stabilized and he replanted his feet onto the ground and stared at them in bewilderment. The Blessing of Resolve passively protected the Steel's momentum and there were very rare occasions the Steel was pushed away. Yet, that's exactly what happened. Typically, divine interventions occurred to override the Blessing. However, Brutus scowled and raised his gaze and bore into the clapping Grim Reaper, I get the sense it was anything but divine.

    The Paladin's left arm practically fell lifelessly at his side and blood profusely dripped from the fresh wound. The severe pain pulsated across his hand and forearm, and the heavy kite shield weighed down his injured limb. The Steel performed another reckless gambit but unfortunately paid the price without destroying the sword. He probably only had the strength to lift his shield-arm one last time in this battle. Fuckin' Grim Reaper, getting in my way.

    The Steel then lowered his eyes to the keystone and cocked his head over the image. A holy shield and a fiery blade, a familiar icon that represented the Order of the Steel. Brutus regained a few more memories from his last battle but still couldn't completely traverse through the gray fog of lost memories. He can only remember some veteran experience and the mysterious disappearances of his fellow members. However, he ignored these red flags, and blindly followed his orders with tunnel-like vision.

    Brutus returned his dark gaze to his adversary, who spun the ancient blade and shifted the hilt. "You're the strong silent type, huh?" the Scotsman raised his eyebrow. Normally, the Paladin enjoyed antagonizing his opponents and eliciting emotional responses from them. However, the Oni hardly displayed any emotions and simply continued his bloodthirsty assault.

    Regardlessly, the Steel cracked a devious smirk, "I'm gonna enjoy breaking you and hearing you scream."

    Quickly, the Paladin swung his right greave and kicked the piece of masonry towards the towering Samurai's torso. The stone piece soared through the air and aimed towards the Oni's right side, which threatened to slam against his broken ribs.

    This was a simple distraction tactic and the Paladin sprinted towards the abomination. He raised his weapon arm and corked his elbow, which raised the macehead to the left side of the Brutus's cranium. His lean arm muscles tensed and then swung in a downward-diagonal arc towards the Oni's right kneecap. The Steel intended to break the Samurai's leg and render him immobile.

    My death sentence will be carried out even if the Reaper gets in my way again.

  9. #9
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Kano ground his teeth behind his mask. Pain mixing with hunger and rage. The samurai was unsure as to which was solely his, and which came from the blade. His discipline drove him to refocus those into the battle. Refocus them into his next attack.

    The oni counted the drops of blood coming from his opponents hand as the other readied himself. Holding his katana at his side Kano considered his own options. Combat in its various forms flickered through his head. Memories of duels and battles he'd never experienced, sharing their knowledge.

    Options beyond count presented itself to the oni. Yet before he could decide, Kano's opponent ended his taunting with a threat. The fool kicked a heavy chunk of stone with his steel clad toe then charged. Masamune pushed himself forward to meet the charge.

    The ancient blade arced up, deflecting the poorly propelled projectile. The momentum carried the blade above the samurai's head. His focus channeled the pain, anger and hunger into a savage downward arc as the opponents reached each other. A roar ripped itself from the oni's throat as the katana swung down to split his foe in half.

    Last edited by Dnafein; 05-14-2020 at 10:05 PM. Reason: forgot the roll
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  10. #10
    Crimson Casanova
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    Heh, pathetic.

    As expected, the Samurai easily deflected the crude projectile with a simple swing of his blade. While the Paladin maneuvered his mace to smash against his adversary's kneecap, the Oni raised his sword overhead and then swung down to cleave the Scotsman. If Brutus continued with his assault, he could risk a crippling injury and lose the fight.

    The Samurai unleashed a violent roar as it savagely swung down, his ancient blade seeking to quench its thirst for blood. Pathetic. Brutus deviously smirked, "You seemed to forget, you can't hurt me!" Brutus shouted and lifted his left arm, ignored the biting pain in his hand, and raised his kite shield to deflect the attack. The Blessing of Protection reactivated and coursed through the Paladin's body and concentrated its magical energy within the shield. Like before, the blade sharply bounced back after it clashed against the metallic armament. The Blessing of Resolve protected the knight's inertia and transferred the force back to the abomination.

    Brutus's left arm quickly lifelessly dropped back to his side. Despite the two Blessings, the appendage pulsated with fiery pain due to the fresh gash on his palm. The Paladin assumed that the limb became useless for the rest of the battle. However, it served its purpose and protected the Steel from further harm and left his adversary vulnerable for another strike.

    "Now fuckin' die already!" Brutus swung his mace upward and towards the Oni's jaw and intended to disfigure the monstrosity's face.

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