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Thread: (M) The Reclamation of the North OOC

  1. #21
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    Looking forward to it and I honestly half expect you to make a Kurama Fox that is an actual fox now.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  2. #22
    Knight in Swiss Armor
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    Name: Supreme Llama Tenshin
    Age: 77
    Gender (M or F): M

    Appearance(pic and/or description):
    Spoiler: Image 

    Covered in fur as white as the snow on top of Mount Soillseachadh, the aged Great Llama wears red and yellow robed indicative of his monastic order. Behind his eyes lie the wisdom of many lifetimes, awoken through decades of deep meditation.

    Race: Llama
    Role within the Expedition: Spiritual Guide, Magical support

    Spells(limit of 3, mages only):
    Divination: The Great Llama's wisdom through meditation allows him to glimpse beyond the present, extending into the past and future. It is through this meditation that he is able to recall past lifetimes and seek wisdom, but its more practical use is to allow him to see into a number of likely futures. Imprecise by its very nature, as gazing into the future inevitably changes it, he can at least use these insights to provide wisdom and guidance to his followers.... or, more practically, strategic advice for the expedition.

    Telekinesis: While meditating, the Great Llama will use telekinesis to hover in mid air, his posture in a sitting lotus position. Greater focus and concentration allows him to move objects, hurling them with great force, or stopping them in a similar fashion. Practical uses include accelerating the projectiles of allies, as well as decelerating enemy projectiles.

    Thunderclap: While the Great Llama abhors violence and a prefers a passive, nonviolent approach to life, he realizes that words alone are not enough. This spell allows him to call forth the clap of thunder and lightning on his foes. While it can call an actual bolt of lightning down on his enemies, his preferred use is to stun them with explosive crash of thunder, forcing them to route.

    Racial Skills and Abilities (limit of 4)
    Enlightened Wisdom: Considered (by the Cloud Chasers at least) to be the most wise of all beastfolk, the Great Llama has honed his wisdom through a lifetime of meditation on the unseen truths of the world of Eisignol. His consciousness having ascended beyond material wants and desires, his only purpose in the world, before he inevitably becomes one with it, is to pass his wisdom down to the next generation.

    Cloven Hoof: While lacking the claws of predatory beastfolk, the Great Llama can still pack a mean punch or brutal kick with his cloven hooves. Damage dealt by his unarmed attacks is increased, but they deal crushing damage. As he abhors bloodshed, having a means to defend himself without drawing blood is ideal to the Great Llama.

    Senses: Superhuman hearing and smell allow the Great Llama to detect hidden predators long before they reveal themselves. His eyesight allows nearly 360 degree vision, at the expense of of binocular vision, making it more difficult to focus on an opponent in front of him, but easier to spot one approaching from behind. Through meditation, he can expand his senses even further, making it nearly impossible to sneak up on him, though his physical senses have admittedly deteriorated somewhat with age.

    Cute and fluffy: His harmless appearance assists the Great Llama with social interactions, as other beastfolk are likely to view him as a grandfather figure. He uses this visage in order to speak at length about enlightenment and to promote his views of passive nonviolence. In combat, enemies are less likely to attack him as he doesn't appear to be a threat.

    Normal Skills and Abilities(limit of 5):

    Martial arts: In his youth, the Great Llama trained extensively in the unarmed combat styles of the Cloud Chasers. Arthritis and deteriorating muscles render him less effective in combat than he used to be, but he can still effectively use soft styles of martial arts to use an opponents energy against him or her, reading their movements and the flow of their energy and redirecting it in a style very similar to Aikido and Ju Jitsu.

    Quarterstaff: Though he refuses to use any edged weapons, the Great Llama's quarterstaff serves a dual purpose as a walking stick and defensive weapon, able to protect him from enemy weapons while retaliating with nonlethal strikes. He uses it in a style very similar to his unarmed combat, relying on defensive redirection of enemy weapon attacks and occasionally weaving in a powerful, hooved kick.

    Meditation: Through focus and concentration, the Great Llama is able to meditate on the truths of the world. This can be used both in and out of combat. Out of combat, meditating increases the effectiveness of his spells, as well as allowing him to gather increased magical energy to channel into them. In combat, his battle senses are increased, allowing him to fight blindfolded and increasing his other senses. As his other senses are superior to his eyesight, combat meditation allows him to perceive attacks before they happen, especially when combined with his Divination magic.

    Loremaster: Having studied every ancient text he can get his hooves on, the Great Llama knows just about everything there is to know about the world of Eisignol, its myths, and its legends. He tempers this knowledge through wisdom, using it to provide useful advice to the expedition.

    Spiritual Guide: Being a top ranked member in a religious order, the Great Llama acts as a spiritual guide, ensuring the spiritual health of every member who approaches him. This effectively provides a moral boost to the expedition, as a spirit in perfect balance is less likely to route and more effective in combat.

    A plain, wooden staff, which also serves as a walking stick. There is absolutely nothing magical about this piece of wood, and it does not affect his spells at all.

    Ordinary monk robes. Provide about as much protection as toilet paper.

    A simple satchel full of the bare essentials to survive and a change of clothing. The Great Llama has neither need, nor desire for luxury.

    Having lived his entire life on Mount Soillseachadh in the high peaks of Valra, the Great Llama's constant devotion to wisdom and enlightenment have made him an extremely patient llama. He is often known to pause for several minutes before replying to a simple question, the time spent meditating on the answer, before eventually speaking. He can look at a simple flower for hours on end, examining every detail and meditating on the symbolism of each petal and every asymmetry.

    Preferring a simple vegetarian diet of grass, vegetables, and fruit, the Great Llama wishes no harm upon any living thing, and apologizes to the plants before eating them. He never drinks alcohol, nor does he consume any mind-altering drugs, as he believes that clear vision is the key to seeking the truth. He is very friendly to everyone he meets.

    Likes: Nature, flowers, tasty grass, and all living things.
    Dislikes: Violence of any kind, though he will defend himself if threatened.

    Born in the high peaks of the Valra mountains, the Great Llama has spent his entire life in the Cloud Temple on Mount Soillseachadh. His childhood was rather uneventful, spent farming and foraging a simple diet, relying only on the bare necessities of life to survive. Like many of the Cloud Chasers, Tenshin was an orphan, having been left at the foot of the monastery by parents he never knew and carried up the thousands of steps to the temple itself, as his parents couldn't be bothered to make the climb.

    From a very young age, Tenshin displayed the wisdom associated with the llama race, able to mediate disputes among monks several times his age. Tenshin lived during the time of the Final Expedition, and learned a number of lessons from it. In a perfect world, nonviolence was the key to a contented lifestyle, but such a world could not exist if one simply stood by and allowed himself to be slaughtered before obtaining Enlightenment.

    As he revealed the wisdom from these insights, Tenshin was put on the fast track to becoming one of the great leaders of the Cloud Chasers, and at only thirty years of age, declared to be the new Great Llama after the previous Great Llama was said to have transcended mortality, leaving no trace of his previous body behind. From that day onward, he would serve as a spiritual advisor to the Cloud Chasers, as well as any who came to him for guidance.

    His days were spent training in martial arts, meditating, and mediating. Travelers from far and wide would visit the temple, climbing the many steps to ask a single question of the Great Llama, which he would answer with great wisdom. Young and old, rich, poor, and noble... the Great Llama would treat them all with equal respect, and answer their questions to the full extent of his wisdom.

    Unfortunately, his position also forced him to make difficult decisions, such as expelling monks from the Cloud Chasers should they prove unable to live the simple monastic lifestyle. While his talent for magic was considerable, he would never be powerful enough to be Sorcerer Supreme of the Cloud Chasers... nor had he any such desire. So long as he could use his divinations to help as many people as he could, the Great Llama was content.


    A great, literal tiger of a man stormed up the thousands of steps to the Cloud Temple on Mount Soillseachadh. Many had visited the temple before, with questions for the Great Llama who resided on top, and all were accepted so long as they were peaceful. Before he even entered, however, the Great Llama could tell that his intentions were quite the opposite. Nevertheless, he sat hovering in mid air, seated in the lotus position with his eyes closed, and addressed the tiger politely. "Welcome, pilgrim," he said. "You may ask a single question, and I shall answer."

    "I didn't come to ask questions, but to prove myself stronger!" the tiger shouted. "Killing the Great Llama will prove to all that I am the strongest!" With a roar, he leaped in the direction of the llama... only to find himself suspended in mid air by an unseen force. The llama placed his feet on the ground, picking up a simple walking stick and tying a blindfold around his eyes before setting the tiger back on his feet.

    "I shall answer the unspoken question," the llama said. "It takes greater strength to know when not to fight. Go now in peace."

    "Not good enough!" the tiger growled as he once again charged in the direction of the llama. A loud thunderclap then shook the foundation of the building, the explosive noise startling the tiger, his sensitive ears ringing from a noise louder than any he had heard before. Stunned and startled, he was then sent flying from the Cloud Temple by a well-placed kick from the llama, who planted the staff in the ground and used it to propel the tiger forcefully from the temple.

    As the startled, stunned, and frightened tiger scurried down the many steps, the llama once again spoke, "Go now in peace." He then returned to his meditations, the blindfold still covering his eyes.

    Holey Paladin's armor by Haya

  3. #23
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    Pal: Very interesting Pal, a few things though.

    1: All spells need to come from the listed schools of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Metal and Nature and while you can claim Thunderclap from the Wind school, the other two not so much and while Divination and Telekinesis can be useful it can also be OP even if used by a pacifist. He's well made to be a pre-Avatar form Aang though so maybe pick three other spells from Wind school.

    2: While you did get it right that Llama have very keen senses of Smell, Sight, and Hearing, allowing him to use his meditation in combat to make it nearly impossible to sneak up on him is unfair and while using his advance age as a counter might work it won't work enough for my liking, he can keep his biologically good senses and I am willing to give you an out of combat power boost that lasts in short bursts and takes a few minutes to "activate" and none of that "knowing attacks before they happen stuff." It'll be unfair to everyone else.

    3: There is no Sorcerer Supreme in this world, magic isn't that prevalent in this world that we need a mighty super wizard around to keep things safe. The leader of the Cloud Chasers is the Sky Marshal. And no regular fighting blindfolded please.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  4. #24
    Knight in Swiss Armor
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    Thanks for the quick reply.

    His entire concept is based around Divination as support magic, so I'll just withdraw my application. Good luck with the RP!

    Holey Paladin's armor by Haya

  5. #25
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    SO be it.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  6. #26
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    Name: Jeimatseu Seutamos, the Silent Ninja
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male

    Appearance(pic and/or description):
    **credit for photograph goes to Artstation**

    Jeim stands elegantly at 7 feet tall.

    Race: Pyarian
    Role within the Expedition: Healer, Oracle, Close to Mid-range Magical Combat

    Spells(limit of 3, mages only):

    Essence of Life (Healing) - Jeim can heal most wounds, but it takes time. Under the effects of Amplify, his healing can effect multiple targets.

    Amplify (Amplify Strength and Speed) - Jeim can essentially enchant an ally with a special mark that lasts for 10 minutes. Once marked the ally's strength, speed, and abilities are increased by 2. When Jeim uses Amplify on himself, his abilities are only enhanced by 1 and only lasts 5 minutes.

    Mystical Fortitude (Magic Combat) - Arcana surges through Jeim and the magical item, the Pyarian Eye, the floats around him. With great skill, Jeim is able to harness the energy of the universe and use it with devastating effect.

    Racial Skills and Abilities (limit of 4):

    1) Keen Sight - Pyarian's have four long feathers with what looks to be eyes. They are, in fact, used for sight. While the Pyarian's main vision is sharp, the four long feathers allow for zoomed views of their surroundings. They allow them to see great distances.

    2) Fortified Agility - Pyarian's are very agile, moving at speeds close to 55 mph at full sprint. They are most known for being extremely acrobatic and can perch on the thinnest of ledges.

    3) Flight/Levitation - Pyarian's are avian, and as such can fly. They can also levitate about a foot off the ground at all times causing some to forget how to walk. Pyarian's have the unique ability to grant levitation to those who are in constant contact with them.

    4) Adaptation - Pyarian's are not affected by changes in climate. Temperatures have no negative effect on them, and as such, they can thrive in any environment. They are immune to poisons/venoms.

    Normal Skills and Abilities(limit of 5):

    1) Ninja Style - Jeimatseu was trained to be lethal with his hands and body. He knows how to move without a sound, and use the shadows of the night to overwhelm his enemies. Ninjutsu is a way of life for him.

    2) Knowledge - Jeimatseu has delved deeply into various books be it magical or not, and as such has amassed a large knowledge base. He understands that others seeks answers to questions, and he takes pride in having the answer. Jeimatseu has delved so deeply into a hunt for knowledge and understanding, that he has unlocked an innate ability to view the past and future of those he encounters. He does not know the full future as one action can change what he's already seen, but he has given many answers to those who seek understanding.

    3) Whisper on the Wind - Tapping into the mystical world, Jeimatseu can feel when he is in danger or when danger is close. It is like a voice whispering in the wind warning him.

    4) Sight Beyond Sight - Looking into Jeimatseu's eyes will grant him access to the true intentions of others. Secrets are revealed.

    5) Venomous Soul - Pyarian's are extremely toxic. They produce a venom that can secrete from their talons and feathers. Much like a modern-day porcupine, Pyarian's can fling their feathers with such precision that it is hard for them to miss a target. The venom is so potent, it is said to cripple a raging rhinoceros charging at full speed within seconds, and is known to be deadly by attacking the respiratory system. The antidote is located in a secondary gland secreted from the beak of a Pyarian.

    Weapons(Limit of 4 weapons): Aside from his potent toxic feathers that can be used as throwing blades, Jeimatseu is not trained in the use of weapons like the bow and sword. He is trained in hand to hand combat and uses magic as a weapon.

    Armor(one sensible suit of armor):

    Equipment: The Pyarian Eye. The Pyarian Eye is a very powerful relic given to him by his master during his training. The relic enhances Jeimatseu's strength, agility, and magical affinity. The Pyarian Eye can be summoned at will, and protects Jeimatseu like a suit of magical armor.

    Personality: Jeimatseu is a seeker of knowledge and understanding. He accepts that everyone comes from different walks of life and as such tries to be as open-minded as possible. He is often quiet when first approached, but when he gets to know someone he will open up to them. Jeimatseu has a determination to assist in tasks that have been deemed impossible. He is, in fact, a thrill-seeker wanting to fulfill his knowledge base with answers. With that said, he will not back down from any challenge as he sees all obstacles as lessons to learn and gain knowledge.

    Likes: Meditation. Training. Learning. Knowledge.
    Dislikes: Conflict. Mindless Destruction. Chaos.

    Background: Jeimatseu wasn't always as confident and strong as he is now. Throughout his life he was always determined to gain knowledge and become a proud heir to the Pyarian race. Jeimatseu does not speak of his past nor the training he went through to achieve the level of skill he has. He went through many changes in his life, but when he became the Royal Family's personal advisor, he knew then that his gifts were needed. Jeimatseu understands the threats that they face, and was one of the healers sent to try and save Javur Shatterclaw. To see it first hand put everything in perspective for him. As the personal advisor to the Royal Family, Jeimatseu does all he can to fulfill their wishes.

    Other: Jeimatseu was sent on the expedition by the Queen to ensure any news was reported directly back to her.

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  7. #27
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    Looks like a good start, as for race not so much Werebeasts as anthros.

    like this.

    If you're gonna play a fox man for example you can just call him a Fox or come up with a race name like Vulpolians or something.
    Last edited by SikstaSlathalin; 06-26-2020 at 07:07 PM.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
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    Looks good so far as well DNA.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

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  10. #30
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    Can I be a Blue Dragon? Glaucus atlanticus is the technical name for the creature. Like would it be possible for him to levitate?

    Just trying to get a feel of what to create.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 06-27-2020 at 06:30 AM.
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