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Thread: Want to ask questions with starting in this site

  1. #1
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Default Want to ask questions with starting in this site

    It has been a long time since I enjoyed the opportunity I had in roleplaying fantasy games. It was in person, with several of us involved, well before internet was available. I would be out of practice to some extent. I would like knowing things like frequency of the roleplaying, is there a schedule or certain times to be involved? What times would they be if so, or what is best? Are there helpful tips?

    I do have imagination for this. I am a writer and was inspired for that from the previous roleplaying.

    Maybe it can help if I answer things too. I guess I will have to come and check again, I don't seem to get notifications and it seems I need to post more to get more out of this site.

  2. #2
    Alura's Avatar
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    I assume from your name and description that you are and have been a fan of tabletop-style roleplaying. Dice/counters and character sheets, that sort of thing. It seems like there are many on this site who enjoy that. Some people like structured play with set rules, but not the specifics of an item list or rolling for things, etc. Yet more enjoy free-form where it's more of a sandbox/choose your own sort of adventure, perhaps with loose development around a few core goals.

    When you find the styles that you prefer, you'll find that frequency really depends on the group you gather. If you are creating the games then as the GM/DM of that story you can set additional rules to the RPA site rules that can include things like frequency, how to notify of any absences, any other expectations on people who choose to play, etc. Some people post daily, some once a week, etc.

    If you want to dip your toes in, you can choose the different genre "OOC/OC" or "out of character" sub-forums to see if anything tickles your fancy. You can also post looking for partners in the 1x1/Private sub-forum if you think getting back into it would be easier with a single partner to bounce ideas off of and hatch some plot lines with them!

    There are also Groups that focus on specific in and out of character topics, but if messages are not working well for you that might be something to save for later. They seem to be less active overall and may not be worth your time starting out, I'd say.

    There are some great FAQ on how to navigate the features of the site at the top of the forums listings and the Admins/Mods seem to be very responsive if you have specific questions that are not covered there! You can also adjust your Settings (from the top right of your menu) > General Settings ('My Account' section on the lower half of the left-hand menu bar from there) when signed in to have a look at your notifications and see if that might be why messages are not coming through properly for you!

    Hope this was helpful! Glad to see you about and looking to mingle with us!

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  3. #3
    The Invisible One
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    I'll chime in to say that if there is ever a time where there're no RPs that interest you, and if you don't want to GM something on your own, you can post in RPG Requests and Recruitment to pitch an idea to people and see if anyone else is interested. Usually there's at least 1 or 2 people that will be down to join in on an idea, and there are some really great GMs here if you ever want help in GMing something, whether you just need general help, or a Co-GM/

  4. #4
    Enigma's Avatar
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    Want to do a tabletop rpg? Consider finding five other players and setting up a Persistent World. Gives you a chance to organize.

    Less that five other players? You can do it in the appropriately themed forum - the hard part is making sure everyone has access to the books (or an online site with the openRPG offering). Sharing copyrighted material is not allowed.

    Or you can freeform it.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  5. #5
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Thanks Alura, InfraredHero, and Enigma, these were really helpful tips, which can guide me here. Many years ago I was involved in that tabletop roleplaying, with dice and sheets. It was with a world of settings and possible encounters that one running it would prepare on their own, it was much like making a story, which inspired me at first to attempt to prepare such for other players, and then after that I was writing, including inspiration from that in actual stories. Stories being made with roleplaying is of interest to me. It has been long enough, I think I would dabble in roleplaying in another's creation, and I can aim at maybe having something prepared for others to roleplay in, through this.

  6. #6
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    This type of roleplaying really is shared storytelling, where each player focuses on their own character's actions and responses while the moderator handles the NPCs and settings.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 


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