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Thread: [M|OOC] The Coronation Game (Alura and Naming)

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    Default [M|OOC] The Coronation Game (Alura and Naming)

    |The Coronation Game|

    This thread is rated M, for all of the usual reasons. Potential readers beware!

    Twenty years may sound like a long time to most, but it is nothing more than a drop in the proverbial bucket when speaking of monarchies. Kings and conquerors alike seek to forge nations – and legacies – that will span generations. Centuries. Eternities, even. To this date, none have been successful. Not truly. That little fact, however, has never stopped any would-be immortals from trying.

    The nation of Cydonia is still young, as far as kingdoms go. Only one man has ever sat the throne, and for but a part of his life. The early years were a sordid and bloody affair, but in more recent years, his citizens have enjoyed a period of relative peace and stability. The warring factions that once existed within Cydonia’s eventual borders have been brought to heel, and taught that cooperation is the only path to true prosperity. The memories of the common folk proved short when they were blessed with such good fortune. Old grudges were set aside, and former enemies began to look towards the future together.

    Alas, Cydonia’s hard-won respite was not to last. Sensing weakness, or perhaps opportunity, a neighbouring kingdom by the name of Altim was quick to shatter their fragile peace. They began a war of conquest against those they had once called allies, staggering in both its scale and its ferocity. Cydonia’s king tried to stem the tide of foreign invaders, of course, but to no avail. The man might as well have tried to stop a storm by blowing, for all his success. In the space of just a few months, he found his armies smashed, his villages burning, and his land – and throne - quickly slipping away.

    With Altim’s armies marching on his capital, Cydonia’s king was forced to recognise an uncomfortable truth. As enemy soldiers knocked down his walls and forced open his gates, the king knew that his own life would soon be forfeit. That of his heir, however…perhaps there was hope for her yet. An idea began to form in his mind. It was a slim hope. A desperate gamble. Wishful thinking, dressed up and framed as a plan. A messenger was sent out, and this, dear reader, is where our story really begins...

    Spoiler: Blank Character Sheet 

    Paging @Alura

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    Name: Riana Elisabetta Maria Fortuna Renauldi Alderbahn Gaudi-Tyche

    Titles (if applicable): Her Royal Highness Princess Riana Elisabetta Fortuna, Her Grace the Crown Princess and High Stewardess of Cydonia, Great Mistress of the Most Venerable Orders of the Ring & Armills, Grand Lady of the Syprian Isles, Duchess of Blackmourne, Countess of Fenwick, Countess of Llewellyn, The Honourable Riana Tyche of Altim.

    Age: 19

    Appearance: All blonde hair, sweeping lashes, blushing lips, and blue eyes; there is very little about Riana that does not scream entitled princess. Her cheeks are blooming with youth giving way to womanhood and she can most appropriately be categorised as "soft". Certainly, portraits of the young royal often garner praise and there is a certain air of importance that she exudes despite having done very little to earn such an opinion of herself. Attired in the lavish colours of the ruling Gaudi family (which have been absorbed into Cydonia when its lands were given to the people as the seat of Cydonia to avoid claims of favouritism against the other unified clans), she can be seen parading about the palace with a retinue of equally soft and giggling noble maidens from the heads of the former Chieftans' families.

    Personality: Some might say she is too self-involved and young to be a ruler. Clearly, they've never enjoyed her dulcet presence and sparkling wit. It's remarkable that someone with so much beauty and charm could be spoken of as negative in any way, but there's really no accounting for people. "Haters in sooth must hate", as the well known minstrel sisters Adrienne, Kiely, and Naturi sang. The Crown Princess is not immune. Still, she does not allow the occasional nod-and-smile or rude comment break her confidence. It would be too much to hope that the common people could appreciate her fully. Some day, she will become the beloved Queen of Cydonia and extend the rule of her family into the heights of arts, culture, and prosperity that her father won from the warring chieftans of the old clans. Some of those that come to the castle still murmur to themselves and speak of courtly life as if it were an imposition. Someday, she will show them what bright and beautiful things their sacrifices have bought and they will adore her and praise her as the rightful and magnanimous sovereign that she is born to be. Perhaps she'll even marry a crown prince from some far-off land, with dark hair and... Oh, looks like we've lost her attention, she's giggling away with her entourage again. Ah, well.

    Personal history: The personal history of Her Royal Highness Princess Riana Elisabetta Fortuna is rather unimpressive to date. Her father attained high kingship and established the realm of Cydonia, building upon the former site of his ancestors great hall into a formidable castle. He married her mother and after some time she was born. She has learned the things all girls of noble birth must, excelling at domestic affairs and courtly etiquette. She is praised amongst the advisors and women of the court as a model of female grace, never much venturing into unattractive things like warfare, scholastics, or other such things - much to the chagrin of her otherwise doting father. She does enjoy haggling, however, as it serves her well in the markets. It is one of the things she and her father enjoy sharing together - both haggling between themselves and tag-teaming negotiations with the traders and merchants who come to the castle and are unprepared for the sweet, unassuming princess to assist in taking the better end of their deals.

    She can ride a horse enough to parade when appropriate, but is not familiar with animal care, husbandry, or anything else that requires really a modicum of manual labour. She delegates like it is her job, which she believes it is, and does not understand when anyone shows reluctance or annoyance at being graced with a task from her lovely hands.

    Her mother is a foreign noble, and Riana inherited a fair deal of her beauty and snobbery, without her ambition (or so it yet seems). The Crown Princess of Cydonia did not inherit any titles from her mother, as is the custom between the two families who have a long arrangement of such marriages. She has been granted an honourary title that has no real worth other than allowing her presence at court.

    Needless to say, this idyllic lifestyle has come to an abrupt halt and she was one of the last to know. That someone should dare defy her father, set aside go to actual war, is unthinkable. Of course she knows that his advisors and knights have come and gone, often at unthinkable hours. Still, she had not prepared herself for the event that has arrived. Cydonia is a kingdom built to last, founded on her father's motto MANUS MULTAE COR UNAM ["Hands Many, Heart One"], a testament to his love and concern for his people. Who could truly be so heartless as to tear down the stones that Cydonian blood and sweat built up all these years?

    Spoiler: Ancestry 

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    Name: Sir Sigrid Barriston

    Titles (if applicable): Knight of Cydonia, Giantsbane, The Bastion of Daunta

    Age: 24

    Standing well over six feet tall, with a barrel chest and arms like tree trunks, Sigrid strikes an intimidating figure, akin to what most young children likely imagine when they hear the word ‘knight’. Sun-tanned skin, utilitarian black hair, a strong jaw and a crooked nose give his face a weathered-yet-forgettable appearance. The singular exception is a jagged scar that cuts diagonally across the center of his face, narrowly missing his left eye. There are others, but most of them remain hidden beneath his clothing, obscured from regular view.

    Ultimately, the most memorable things about him are the most subtle. The quiet intensity in his eyes, and the forceful way he seems to carry himself. Never truly at ease, the knight’s posture alone seems to suggest that he is a man who would rather break than bend. A man who is in control of himself at all times, as if worried by what he might do if ever allowed to truly relax.

    Many think Sigrid's quiet nature and prodigious size suggest he must be a slow-witted and bloodthirsty brute capable only of killing. Though that may have once been the case, it is true no longer. Sigrid is happy to let people believe what they want, as their opinions matter little to him, and being underestimated is often a useful advantage.

    Whilst they may have been right once, recent experiences have forced the knight to mature into something more thoughtful and considerate. With a mind for battlefield tactics, Sigrid has no patience for flowery words and hidden meanings. He speaks only when he feels he has something of value to add, and he carries himself with an easy confidence, as if the mere weight of his expectations might compel others to obey, and he doesn't object to getting his hands dirty when the situation requires it. Occasionally, his façade will crack, and a glimpse of his former self will shine through, but Sigrid tries to keep such occasions far and few between.

    Personal history:
    Just as a child might be born with an innate talent for music, some are born with a frightening proclivity towards violence. Such was the case for Sigrid. Born amid conflict, and raised to it, its little wonder that he would grow to become such a terrifying force on the battlefield.

    Orphaned at a young age by the same war that united Cydonia, Sigrid was raised as a ward of the state. Even whilst young, he was large for his age, and quickly proved the terror of the boarding home’s other young members. Like most young boys, he dreamed of fame and glory earned through combat. Epic struggles of one man against another, like those spoken about in story and legend, and often sought to play them out with often unwilling playmates. When he eventually came of age, he – like all of Cydonia’s orphans – was given the chance to take up a trade, and nobody was surprised when Sigrid elected to join the military.

    Sigrid distinguished himself early, for reasons both positive and negative. With regular training his skill quickly began to grow, but a few unfortunate incidents with his training partners made it clear that the boy had a temper. He caught the eye of one of Cydonia’s established knights, and Sir Jacob Barriston offered the boy a position as his squire. Sigrid accepted readily, and began the years that would go on to define his adult life.

    He spent a great deal of time acting as Sir Jacob’s manservant. But for every hour spent carrying about swords and armour, Sigrid spent two hours training. He drilled with every kind of martial weapon imaginable. He trained to fight with plate and without it. He learned to care for his gear, fight from horseback, and dabbled in battlefield tactics. Sir Jacob even insisted he learn to read, learn the basics of chivalry, and study the political climate of Cydonia, much to Sigrid’s dismay. Most importantly, he was taught to temper his rage, and turn it into a weapon as deadly as any blade, much to the detriment of his eventual foes.

    When the war with Altim began, Sir Jacob heeded the call, and Sigrid rode to battle alongside his master. Sigrid was given his first taste of real combat, and found it a very different experience to what he had imagined as a child. A perfect example of trial by fire. Even so, his training bore fruit, and the boy excelled, much to his master’s satisfaction.

    Things took something of a downward turn just a few months into the war, when the battle of Daunta began. Sir Jacob was slain early into the conflict, and Cydonia’s forces looked set to rout. Severely outnumbered, and with their command structure shattered, Sigrid took it upon himself to rally the defenders. He held the town long enough for Cydonian reinforcements to arrive, winning one of the few small victories they managed during the early stages of the war. In the aftermath, Sigrid declared his apprenticeship finished, as his master was no longer around to do it for him. He took up Sir Jacob’s last name, out of respect for the man who had trained him, and declared himself the former knight’s rightful successor. In light of all that he had accomplished, and with much more pressing concerns, nobody saw fit to refuse him.

    The freshly-made knight went on to fight at several large-scale battles throughout Cydonia’s fall, earning himself both a wealth of experience, and a reputation befitting his savagery. Despite his best efforts, however, his home nation suffered loss after loss, and it quickly became apparent they were losing the war. He was recalled back to Cydonia’s capital, alongside what little remained of the Cydonian military, to serve in the final defense of its capital.

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    Alrighty. We've probably waited long enough for the near year celebrations to die down, so its probably time to get this discussion (and roleplay) started in earnest haha.

    Did we end up deciding on where we wanted to start the story? I vaguely recall us discussing it, but I can't remember if we agreed on an answer. I do recall saying that I'd happily start the IC thread myself, but I'd like to confirm before I get too carried away writing the opening post >.>

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    Hmmm, we did discuss it but never settled it I think. We could either write out the flight from the castle or start in the days of their learning more detail about the aftermath and charting a course for where they go from here. I think it would be enjoyable to throw them into the chaos of that night from the beginning, but it's really to your preference where you're inspired to begin!

    If you don't mind, yes, please! If you get hung anywhere and want to co-post or have me do it then I'll take a stab at it. I just also feel you've the stronger vision of the world at the moment.

    I can do an IC write-up of what I think might be going on with the princess the night things go off the rails if that's helpful to have!

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

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    I think I'd prefer to write out their flight from the castle, all things considered. That sounds much more fun, and much more impactful. Maybe an opening post that involves our knight getting pulled away from the front lines to speak with the king, who hands down his assignment in person? Then he and the princess could prepare and begin their escape across the next couple of posts. You might even get the chance to write a teary-eyed farewell between father and daughter, if you wanted...though I'm not entirely certain our beloved princess seems the type, haha.

    I hadn't considered the possibility of doing a co-post this early, but its an interesting thought. While I don't think its strictly necessary to get us started, part of me is undoubtedly curious as to how the more rapid-fire dialogue might impact their first real meeting.

    An IC write-up is another idea that I hadn't considered...and one I've never been offered before, haha. I like the idea, but if you're going to put in all that effort, then perhaps you should just make the contents your first actual post? I'm not sure I see the point in putting all that extra work in only to leave whatever you come up with out of the main story thread.

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    That sounds perfect! I like the idea of seeing them both getting ripped from their worlds abruptly. A farewell could definitely work... Maybe it's not meant to happen, but she's so annoyed at being passed off to a babysitter that she makes a beeline for the king to give him a piece of her mind? That anger could become tears, I imagine. Definitely depends on how that all comes to be, I suppose.

    Too true that she is definitely not ahhh, overly sentimental about the wellbeing of people who are not her or convenient to her.

    Speaking of dialogue, I hadn't thought to ask. If they do have quick exchanges, I don't see a problem with just posting rapid-fire as we want to without a "full-bodied" post. Would that be a problem for you or do you prefer to do something like co-post if we run into that?

    I guess there could be some time overlap as far as their points of view leading up to that first meeting though, which follows what you were saying about just using her IC write-up/view as her introductory post! While I don't mind writing background context or flavour sometimes, if it's not really adding anything then definitely just as happy not to do.

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    Hahaha, oh no. I can just imagine our poor knight standing off to the side awkwardly, stuck waiting for the princess, being forced to listen as the two of them say their goodbyes. It'd definitely make for an uncomfortable situation for him, and might give him all sorts of incorrect impressions about the princess, depending on how it actually shapes up. Still, you're right. We'll see how the scene actually shapes up during the opening posts before we commit to something like that. It wouldn't be anywhere near as much fun if we have to force it.

    Hm. I've never actually considered the possibility agreeing to make rapid-fire dialogue posts before. I've used co-posts for just about every situation like that in the past, haha. I'm definitely more familiar with co-posts, but I'm not opposed to trying the alternative!

    A little bit of overlap seems inevitable, at least for the first post, before the two of them have met up properly. I somehow doubt the princess will be hanging around on the front lines with the knight when the king demands his attendance, after all. Hopefully it'll only take us a post or two to get the two of them in the same room, though, before we can start proceeding like normal.

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    He's already the real MVP of this story, and it hasn't even begun, haha! Carving out his accolades for... this honour. Agreed, though, at some point it'll just have to flow where it flows!

    Co-post is perfect!

    I can't even imagine her on the frontlines of anything like that, but I really hope we have a chance to right it at some point if only for the absurdity. I hope he has whatever the medieval version of Xanax is ready for that appointment!

    I do think that makes sense. In my mind she's been insulated from the realities, even though maybe her father's been a bit inaccessible and the castle has had a lot of comings and goings... So perhaps for her in many ways it's life as usual until it abruptly isn't. And she's going to likely have a few things to say about it. As I imagine the knight will when he receives his charge, haha. Poor man. Bless him!

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    We probably won't get to stick her on the front lines of a large-scale conflict any time soon. The only real war we're going to witness in the early stages of the story is the one that sends them running, if we stick to our original plan. That said, it wouldn't be too difficult to give her an up-close taste of violence in a smaller setting. Just have a group of scouts or looters or bandits or whatever else stumble upon our two heroes whilst they're fleeing for the border, during the early stages. One cold dose of reality for the princess, and one hot torrent of unpleasant words for our knight...and for us to laugh at. If that's the sort of thing you'd like to see happen, of course.

    I was going to recommend some other ways we might drive home the cold, hard facts of the princess' new reality. Have them witness some burned villages or something of the likes. Now that I stop and think about it, though, she might not be empathetic enough to mind

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