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Thread: Necrotic Deep (OOC)

  1. #1
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Default Necrotic Deep (OOC)

    Welcome! We already know how zombie apocalypses work, but what if it were to happen underwater?

    In this story the above world has had its apocalypse and now it is seeping its way into the depth below. The below word is a mirror to the one above, well except for being underwater and different types of creatures. This is a sandbox world so let's see what can happen with creativity and one small bite from an infected being from above!

    Co-moderater is @Alura; She will help to accept characters and shape the world with her wonderful creativity and writing skills!

    Spoiler: Rules 

    Spoiler: Character sheet 

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    Last edited by Moonlit_Fae; 03-02-2021 at 01:01 AM.

  2. #2
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    |Name| Colleen O'Shea
    |Age| 21
    |Species| Merrow
    |Role in Society| Ambassador to the Human Fisher King

    |Appearance| Colleen is the picture of her people with long, sea green hair and webbed fingers and large, flat flipper-like feet. The webbing is pale, nearly transluscent and delicate as a very thin membrane. In many respects she appears as an ordinary woman though the cloudy-clear aspect of her form makes her seem somewhat ghostly and ethereal. Her eyes are wide and dark as the open ocean in a storm.

    *While on land, Colleen appears as a shapely woman in a tailored suit and dark-tinted sunglasses, hair slicked back or secured with combs. Custom orthotics help to conceal her unusual feet and facilitate easier bipedal movement while above ground. Fortunately, in the modern age cosmetics - particularly waterproof - have come a long way towards helping her kind blend in with humans. One might sit in a cafe or share a taxi with a Merrow or other water-dweller like her without ever knowing it beyond a vague impression of something a touch odd about her. In the age of slick politicos, powerful conglomerates, non-stop social media, and all-seeing technology it pays to know the old hierarchies and the new. It has never been harder nor more important to respect the laws of the land one finds themselves inhabiting.

    {Current Events} Good winds and good catches come to those who show the proper respect to the rulers of the Mer and Merrow. Though the Merrow are often considered lesser - and do have more diluted powers as something of an aberration - Colleen has retained the ability to impact currents and tides. She can even cause both to come into being - or to ebb away even when they are considerable - but such feats require a full day to rest. Because of this, if she is managing an emergent situation related to these things (ship adrift, coastal flooding, etc.) she can do little beyond addressing that task and recuperating day in and out until the situation is resolved. If she becomes dehydrated, the strength of this power begins to erode.

    {Cool Runnings} Land-lubbing got you down? Blistering sun really broiling you? Colleen has retained the ability to manipulate liquids through different temperature changes. She can freeze water on hot days to chill wine or heat a cooling bath. It has seemingly little use beyond a parlour trick, but Humans love the convenience. Consequently, it sometimes allows her a party trick to dazzle guests of the Fisher King or even the ability to collect favours from key household staff in a pinch. What most do not realise is that this skill is not limited to water. If she has the mind to do so, she can defend herself by manipulating the humours that flow through most bodies. It allows her to help stave off death from bleeding wounds and heal as much as it allows her to drain blood or stew a brain in its own juices. She can also separate those humours by the same token, helping to separate out poison or illness - though some require repeated treatment to keep the impacted being alive. This power can help her in retaining water around herself on land: making her ideal as a liaison between the Merrow monarch and the Humans, but as with all of her powers it begins to wane if she becomes dehydrated.

    {Poisson Distribution} Speaking common and at least a passable amount of most of the major languages between land and sea, Colleen has ingratiated herself with aquatic life and news. She operates something like a spy network of fish, mammals, and even maritime avians who serve as carriers and ferry news back and forth to her whether she is at home amongst her people or serving at her ruler's leisure as ambassador and advisor to the Human king who presides over the domain of the seafaring factions of that race. She has a smoother relationship with the Mer than most Merrow, but there is still a clear line of disdain for her kind in some of her political dealings. Because of her broad network and her own studies, she has a strong knowledge of Merrow lineage and history and a decent grasp of the same for the other races. She possesses long-sight as a result.

    {Legging It!} One of the delights of the world above is dancing. Call it a guilty pleasure, call it a vice, call it "ludicrous stick-tottering" as her predecessor referred to it: it is wonderful. Everyone has a weakness, and for Colleen it is anyone who loves to dance as much as she does. It's primitive, but beautiful. It's quaint, but joyful. She may never be as light on her webbed feet as the dainty toes of Human women allow, but all the same it is something the Merrow woman adores practicing!

    {Baubles & Dinglehoppers} Through her work and socialisation across cultures, Colleen has become known as an unparalleled gift-giver. If you need a token of esteem or a reward for service, she is an excellent resource. If you do her a kindness, even if it takes her some time she is known to repay it above and beyond the value of what has been rendered.

    |Background| The history of the races is something of a pearl. Its many dirty layers peel away and scintillate like an opal, showing different colours depending upon who is unfolding the story. For this reason, it may be impossible to know the full truth of the past, though Colleen O'Shea has made deep study of it as one of the Merrow, the evolutionary half-step between the Mer people and races like the Humans. There is some controversy over them, and they are viewed without the favour the Mer show to the Selkie and other races.

    Despite this, they have become liaisons and trades-people, becoming essential in negotiating the liminality between the races of land and those of water. Ambassador O'Shea's predecessor trained her up as an apprentice and she spent time in a consular official's position strictly preparing to serve as the next appointee to the Fisher King, one of the most influential of the mortal Humans to have dealings with those below the waves. Respectful of the Mer and tolerant of the Merrow and the other half-Mer fringe societies, his court has provided Colleen with opportunities to learn, grow, and serve her people in ways she could never imagine.

    Still, with the sudden onset of a dire new illness, will her own retinue be able to aid the Humans? And will they be able to warn the people of the waters before the sailing, fishing Humans desecrate their homes as well? One thing is certain: before steps can be taken to address the outbreak, the source must be discovered!
    Last edited by Alura; 02-28-2021 at 06:23 AM. Reason: *Update typos & flesh out modern/land appearance.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  3. #3
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Love the character! Accepted of course!

  4. #4
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    How’s this? I also provided some information about the race.

    Spoiler: Lavender 

    Spoiler: Cecaelia Culture 
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  5. #5
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    I love everything about this, especially the naming conventions. If Moonlit is onboard, it's a yes from me!

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  6. #6
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    Can we add races?!

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
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  7. #7
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Cecaelia are from actual Native American mythology, I just added in some story and culture stuff
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  8. #8
    Mystic of the Grimoire
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    Fair enough.
    Then question becomes.
    Can we add personally created races?

    "Even Dreams, can be a nightmare"
    Spoiler: Click it, I dare ya! 

  9. #9
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    Moonlit can correct me if I am wrong, but the sandbox is meant to be a combination of mythological/fantasy creatures that are based on an otherwise realistic Earth and most of which have likely encountered Humans in some fashion at one point in time or another, whether they maintain an ongoing relationship with them or not. To that end, as long as personally-created races are well-considered that sounds like it could be a lot of fun to have brought into things!

    Spoiler: ...optional rabbit trail... 
    As long as races are more than different in just appearance and have an actual history up to the modern era that informs how they arrived where they are and how they largely behave and are regarded, etc., the more the merrier in my opinion!

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  10. #10
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Can I ask a question? What is the Human Fisher King?
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

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