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Thread: Vaidia's Character Theme Workshop 2.0

  1. #1
    Vaidia's Avatar
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    Default Vaidia's Character Theme Workshop 2.0

    Hello friends! I figured I would re open this as I am starting to try and be more active here again.

    Here is the original (featuring all the broken links.)

    Do you have a character you are very fond of, and just thought the one thing to make them complete would be a rockin’ theme song? Well you have come to the right place! Presenting:


    I am once again needing some motivation to get back into composing. I have some experience with writing and arranging music, and have had a sad lack of projects to motivate me recently. So, I had the random midnight (2am) thought strike me that I could try and write theme songs for characters to get me back into the groove (again). Sound like something you would be interested in? Fill out the forum below!

    Current Slots:

    1. Reserved (Specs in the Ocean theme project)
    2. Corrik55 "Willow"
    3. OPEN

    Character Theme Song Form

    Character name:
    Link to Bio:
    Descriptors: Pick three (or more) Adjectives to describe your character.
    Personality: Give a brief description of your characters personality. You can just use thee adjectives if you'd like.
    Style Preferences: Things such as genre preference, mode (major? minor? dorian? atonal(you better not you little--)?), or if you have an instrument you are fond of that you feel matches the character, let me know.
    Other information: Anything else you might want to add, such as if you want it to loop or something fancy like that. If there is some prose that you want set to words, AKA lyrics, this is where you could put them.
    Sample Post: Optional, but helpful. 100 or more words, or a link to a relevant post

    Each theme will probably be around or under a minute, the level of instrumentation pending on what ideas I have/style I am going for. Most files will be probably be MIDI quality, as that is what the software I currently own produces.

    Slots are limited and completion is not guaranteed. Quality will be suspect as I am VERY out of practice.

    Progress will be updated in signature, and is an approximation.

    Completed/Sample Diddles
    Spoiler: Completed Diddles 
    Last edited by Vaidia; 08-08-2021 at 08:55 PM. Reason: Slot 2 - TAKEN

    Thanks Nara and Karma for the wonderful Avatar and Signature set!

    When all else is gone, the bones always remain...


  2. #2
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Character name: William Shelle

    Link to Bio: William “Hawksbill” Shelle

    Descriptors: Rowdy, Excited, Nautical

    Personality: William is a big, rowdy sailor always ready for a fight or a drink.

    Style Preferences: I think a good sea shanty would be best, though Celtic Punk would work equally as well. As for instruments, well, he’s always been a lover of the squeeze-box.

    Other information: Not much, but there are a few songs that I feel like fit him pretty well. Shipping Up To Boston by Dropkick Murphys, We Are Ye Banished Privateers by Ye Banished Privateers, The Wellerman by Wellington Sea Shanty Society, and The Mariner’s Revenge Song by The Decemberists

    Sample Post: Coming Soon!
    <a href= target=_blank></a>

  3. #3
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    How fun! Probably something many here are familiar with, but I already tend to have favorite songs that I attribute to specific characters. The more epic ones are obvious, so I would love to help you develop a piece for a more down to earth character that is relatively new and growing.

    Character name: Autumn Willow (called Willow by everyone)

    Link to Bio: Willow's profile at the bottom of the list.

    Descriptors: Happy, Spastic, Nervous, Intellectual, Passionate

    Personality: A young witch from a druidic hippie commune, Willow was a fearless magical child who moved away from home and was assaulted by life as an adult. Her biggest struggles are with self confidence, hormones, and understanding those that live unaware that magic exists.

    Style Preferences: (Unfamiliar with music creation and terminology, sorry) Wind instruments, whimsical, mystical, youthful, adventurous, celtic, gaelic, wistful, hopeful. something that gypsies might dance to, or druids might sing to?

    Other information: (Me personally) Favorite music is pure instrumental. Am unsure of what better to provide as an example than my all time favorite compilation piece. Really, really, really excellent and exemplifies what I can listen to on loop for days. The soaring peak near the end is felt more than heard.

    Sample Post: Kasa leaned over the redhead. Her tone was not one of annoyance, but more along the lines of trying to keep a child from playing with fire. Willow ruffled through her hair as well as the pages, trying to find a reversal spell as she apologized over and over from under her wild curtain of hair. Finding a clean, simple nullification spell, she gingerly picked up the knobby old wand and gave it a wave again. This time when Markus poured Juda a new glass it sat perfectly still, happy to exist and not change metaphysical state whatsoever.

  4. #4
    Vaidia's Avatar
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    Added to the queue, Corrik. I have some ideas already!

    Thanks Nara and Karma for the wonderful Avatar and Signature set!

    When all else is gone, the bones always remain...



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