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Thread: Ashen's Roleplay Recruitment Thread

  1. #1
    The Ashen One
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    Recruiting Ashen's Roleplay Recruitment Thread

    Salutations, RPA! I'm Ash.

    To celebrate my ten-year anniversary on Roleplay Adventures, I am making a new recruitment thread. This is the place to find all the information you need about starting a roleplay with me! I know it's a bit long, but bear with me and please read up to make sure we'll be compatible!

    If you've been on RPA awhile, especially in the private roleplay boards, you've probably noticed my name before. I generally have several roleplays going at once, and you're welcome to check out any of those to get an idea of my current writing quality. I like to adapt to fit my partners, so each roleplay will be different.

    A bit about me! I'm a nonbinary editor originally from the United States. I enjoy combining my interests of words and cultures to create new worlds and characters to explore. Roleplaying is easier for me than solo projects, as my motivation doesn't waver so much when someone is waiting on a reply, so let's help hold each other accountable and write some fun adventures!

    My roleplays can go on for years. I prefer well-developed worlds and characters with lots of meat in each post. I want to write a book with you, so make sure we're on the same page about expectations going in.

    Communication is an absolute must. If you are the type of person to abandon a roleplay without informing your partner, I do not want to write with you. This has happened dozens of times during my experience here on RPA, and it is heartbreaking every time. Do not do this. Feel free to communicate with me about everything roleplay related, including future plans for our roleplay, how you're feeling about anything, if you're not interested anymore, if I'm overstepping any boundaries, anything. I won't be offended if you call me out on something if it makes the roleplay better and more enjoyable for both of us.

    Still down? Awesome. If you're interested in roleplaying with me, reply to this thread or privately message me and we can pick up one of the plot ideas in this post, one of your ideas, or create something new together.

    Spoiler: Guidelines 

    Spoiler: Interests 

    Spoiler: Plot Ideas: 

    How to Role-Play With Me:
    I'm always up for a new story, and I rarely turn down the opportunity! If you still think we're compatible after all this, I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me in whatever fashion is most convenient for you, and I hope to hear from you soon!

    (This post will be regularly updated as plot ideas shift and moods change.)
    Updated as of 4 June
    Last edited by Ashen; 06-04-2023 at 06:05 PM.
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

    ~Recruitment Thread~
    Spoiler: Ashen's Personal Hall of Fame 

  2. #2
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Quite an enjoyable summary, and updated posts help a great deal for new faces like myself around here! I especially appreciate the point about meeting new people as that is why I am here to branch out again from just RPing with my partner after so many years. I do not know if you prefer direct messaging, or expect a reply here, so I will try here, but if this is not a place intended for conversing back and forth, I can remove this post.

    Currently, several stories I have set up in my signature are not yet started. The Scifi-esque ones hare, but the fantasy ones are not. If they interest you, or you are looking to create an entirely new one let me know! But as per your desire for deeply woven worlds, these are all long standing with many previous stories forming each one. Only other thing I can think of noting is that I check on here daily because I am used to posting many times a day, but most folks I am posting here respond every couple days.

  3. #3
    The Ashen One
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    Hi, @Corrik55;

    Thanks for your interest in my thread! It looks like the roleplays in your signature and those that you typically participate in are all group roleplays. I am only interested in one-on-one roleplays at this time. Were any of these ideas you had for private roleplays, or did you have any other ideas that would better fit that criterion?
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

    ~Recruitment Thread~
    Spoiler: Ashen's Personal Hall of Fame 

  4. #4
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Well as none of them have groups, or require them. They are all technically 1x1 as nothing about the stories has a minimum playing requirement. I am quite happy to do that as it has been mainly what I have found since joining.

    If it helps to give a better range of choices, I am setting up all possible RP ideas here as I slowly pick ones from my collection to bring to this website. I am also quite happy to add ones not brought over yet based on anything people are really in the mood for as well. I have far too many stories and characters to pick from, so it has been a matter of prioritizing choices based on the other players interests. Or even just making up a new story with others and picking from the casts to join the fun!

  5. #5
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    Hi Ashen!

    I'm a little scared of putting myself up to play with you, as... well... English is not my first language so I don't want to set off your OCD.

    But, instead I would like to offer a reference for Corrik55.

    Corrik has been faithfully running effectively a 1x1 game with me for quite a while now and they are funny, creative, and very adaptable to my sudden unexpected actions (hahaha). Most of all, I think the quality you are looking for is reliability and Corrik definitely has that.

    So, yeah, I just wanted to give that personal recommendation.

    I hope it goes well for you both!

  6. #6
    The Ashen One
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    Hi again, @Corrik55;

    I'm going to take a look at your ideas over the next few days and send you a PM about what I think if that's okay!

    And hi, @Maya Qwan;

    I looked over one of the roleplays you're currently in, and I think you should give yourself some credit! Even if English isn't your first language, you have a beautiful grasp of it, and I don't think that would bother me if we were to write together.

    And thanks for the intel on Corrik haha!
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

    ~Recruitment Thread~
    Spoiler: Ashen's Personal Hall of Fame 

  7. #7
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Aye, no worries Ashen! I am always available for a chat if you have got some ideas. After looking at your latest blog, it seems that you have plenty of good ones as well!

    Oh, hey Maya! I will second that your writing is more comprehensive than mine and many that I have read. You have no reason to fear approaching new people over that. If anything it is a big reason we are all on here, to improve our ideas and how we communicate them.

  8. #8
    Member Dark Pigeon's Avatar
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    I am up for something new. I love to write, hate shortyshort commands, and love to explore new characters and creating a big grand world! I am not afraid to play the non-favorite-storylines that might be upsetting (in the real world I will crush, burn, kill, and possibly burn you again. But it is great fun to play... am I... normal?!)

    Love creating fantasy worlds, so world building in a non-set-to-certain-plots-of-something is prefered. Not used to play women (do that in the real world, even there I such at it) but I can do anything, anytime, all day long!
    Sorry for the many mistakes, Im a little bit dyslectic. If there are to many mistakes it means my personal translator is having a live. So no worries they will be fixed.

  9. #9
    The Ashen One
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    Hi, @Dark Pigeon;

    Thanks for your interest in writing with me! Unfortunately, I am not a big fan of world-building, especially not expansive fantasy/sci-fi worlds like you seem to be interested in, so I'm not sure if you'd still be interested? My focus in roleplaying is much more grounded in character exploration.

    Beyond that, were there any plot ideas you were interested in pursuing?
    Thanks to Craze for the beautiful Bravely set!

    ~Recruitment Thread~
    Spoiler: Ashen's Personal Hall of Fame 

  10. #10
    Member Dark Pigeon's Avatar
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    We don't neeed to create a world, but sometimes it is fun while creating and exploring your charakter in what kind of world they live.. for fun. Also, Logic be damned! As long as we are having fun, everything is possible!

    I like, A, C, D,

    This is how easy I am entertained. Would love to play a stuck up princess, just because it is new. Or the future man trying to get back! I mean, what is NOT to like about this! And pirates, what is not to love about this idea.
    Sorry for the many mistakes, Im a little bit dyslectic. If there are to many mistakes it means my personal translator is having a live. So no worries they will be fixed.

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