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Thread: The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God [M - Hannelorian x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #981
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    Internally Arthur was crushed but unsurprised. Christian had of course, failed to give his mother any acknowledgment at all. This was the way, it was as though Elizabeth had never existed. In fact if he could wipe her from history, Arthur was certain his father would have done so. Arabella had supplanted the woman even before she had died. When his mother retreated into the depths of her alcoholism and depression Arabella was there to command the women of court. She was there to act as hostess, as confidant, as ringleader. She had been auditioning for a job she hadn't wanted, and she got it.

    Then of course there was the question of his grandmother. Nora. A woman of iron will, a woman who without acknowledgment effectively ran the country while his grandfather remained weak and paralyzed. No one, of course, would give credit to a woman. Eleanor was not particularly warm toward Arthur. All of Nora's love and affection was reserved for her own son. The only one who truly loved Arthur was Elizabeth his own beloved mother, but naturally, fitfully, it was his mother that made Nora go cold. When Eleanor realized how impossibly useless she felt Elizabeth was, she had no hope for her grandson. He was immediately a disappointment, a reminder of her own husband, a man she loathed and spent the entirety of her early motherhood ensuring that Christian III would be nothing like his father.

    Eleanor did love children, just not those in her own family save for her precious boy. "Did you ever know her, mother?" Arthur ignoring his father's query for the moment posed the question to Arabella who seemed caught off guard. Occasionally the Queen wondered if Arthur just called her mother to irritate her. Either way it did work.

    "The Dowager?" Arabella questioned briefly. "Yes. Not well, we only met a handful of times after my first marriage." Arabella recalled. "Not long before she passed."

    Arthur listened to her and nodded his head a bit. In a rare moment Eleanor lamented to Arthur and Christian her truth, and likely what sent his father down his road. The old Dowager expressed that Arabella would make the perfect wife. There was a woman so pious, so devoted, so beautiful and close to God that she would have done well to marry into the family. But alas, she was already spoiled by marriage to a feeble old man. Another good godly woman gone to waste, she had thought.

    "I do miss her father, yes." Arthur said softly as he turned to look at his father. "I think we were all far happier when she was still around." His father was happier, which made life easier for the rest of them. "She stood for no nonsense, and she carried us all with her." Arthur chuckled lightly. "I do miss my mother too. That is a loss that never leaves you, does it?" Arthur asked and Arabella remained dead silent.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  2. #982
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    The Princess, too clever for her own good sometimes, watched a look pass between the King and Queen when Arthur mentioned his mother. Elizabeth's name had not been said in the court nor before the King in years, as far as Arthur knew, and it was the common thing too for ladies called said name to go by their middle name instead...for fear of annoying His Majesty. The 'late' Queen had been entirely erased, as best as she could be. Damnatio memoriae* as it were, a fate known to the Romans, though they never called it such.

    Elizabeth did not exist. She had never existed. Only Arthur stood as proof she had once been alive. Along with perhaps her room, kept so by Arabella and unseen by Christian. Perhaps that was why the King was so against his son? He was the last link to a Queen he found so repellent.

    Alex could not work out what the look meant. It was not annoyance, not for Bella anyway, it was...something. She filed that for now, with the intention of returning to it, and most of what had happened during their stay here, when it was less stressful.

    It was perhaps rather strange that it had not occurred to anyone, not even Arabella before she was told, that the Queen might be locked away in a mental asylum; it was, after all, it was not uncommon for 'unsatisfactory' wives to be put away like that in their society. Hell, the two previous Duchesses of Suffolk had suffered such a fate!

    Even Alex, who was utterly convinced the King was the foulest monster -perhaps aside from his dog Nikolai- to walk the earth, had not considered he might have done such a cruel thing to his wife, and then to his son in telling him his mother was dead when she was in fact not. Perhaps it was the issue of annulments and so on and the succession that stopped anyone considering it.

    Royal marriages were tricky things, especially if said marriage had produced a son and heir, and even more so if said heir was alone in the line. It created a minefield of legal and religious issues concerning legitimacy. Of course, a King could bribe the Pope to do as he wished...but was a chink in one's armour, as it were, to have that issue. If the marriage had been made in good faith and children born within it, then some issue was annulment could be issued and all was fine. In theory. Still, if said annulment was later questioned, any further marriage and children were called in question too, along with the first.

    It was far 'easier' if troublesome Queen's died, permanently removing any problem. Their issue was still legal, unless the King said otherwise, and a new marriage could be contracted. As had happened here. The King had no need for annulments, surely?

    Besides, it was a known fact that Elizabeth had been very depressed. Most people assumed she had either drunk herself to death or killed herself.

    One or two though maybe the King had helped her along but no one guessed what he had really done. No one could even continence it.

    So what was this look?

    Alexandra stroked her husband's hand in comfort and said, smiling sadly -partly for her own amusement and partly to see another reaction- "Yes, I thought of the Queen Mother when I looked at the children. Little Victoria has her colouring I think, unless it darkens later on, as sometimes such colour does. Queen Elizabeth had such a rare colouring and so pretty, it shall be lovely to see it brighten the palaces once again."

    She was not disappointed. The muscle in the King's jaw tightened, ever so briefly at the mention of his former wife. He did not like praise of her. She was nothing. He deserved the praise, after all. Christian knew too that Alex was doing this on purpose, something else he did not like. Clever women unnerved him, and this game was supposed to be his to play. He was supposed to make people squirm. He was annoyed at himself for reacting, though he -wrongly' assumed he had given nothing away.

    He forced a smile and looked at his current Queen, touching her hand as if to centre himself before he looked across at his son and daughter-in-law, prepared, one again, to act the part. One could see him struggling in the way he drew a deep breath. "Yes, very pretty. I miss her too, sometimes," he lied, badly, "My heart grieves for the loss for you, lad. A man's mother is always precious to him. I wish you had had more time with her."

    Now he was back on safer ground, thinking of the fact that Arthur could, even now, have time with her and because he himself had the power, the young man could not. He smirked, unable to stop it, taking comfort and pleasure in that. It was an unnerving sight and, once again, Alex filed it away, frowning, ever so slightly, at his expression.

    Alexandra looked across at her sister and decided it was best to move this conversation along. She had had a moment of fun and learnt much, though she did not know the details yet, but now it was time to change it, in case the King turned and ruined the current, tenuous, peace.

    She settled on a safe topic, for now. Victoria, and not her resemblance to the late Queen, but to her presence.

    "Your Majesty," she said, smiling. "You are most taken with Vicky, which cheers us greatly. Did you wish for a daughter of your own, ever? I imagine she would have been called Eleanor, after your dear mother?"

    Christian smiled, genuinely, at that. "I had not considered it," he said, honestly, "Until recently. I had been raised to want only boys, as was my duty to provide heirs for the realm so...I never gave a daughter a second thought but," he nodded, pursing his lips, "But seeing the little one I am quite convinced that I should be happy and content if my dear wife," here he looked to Bella and smiled again, lifting his hand to rest it on her stomach, "gives me a Princess."

    He paused, pondering, "I had not considered a name, but yes...I suppose you are right...Eleanor, maybe. There can be only one Arabella, after all," he beamed proudly. "We thought Henry, if the baby is a boy," he added. "A fine old name with history. And," it suddenly occurred to him, "A precedent too! Arthur as the elder and Henry as the younger, as with Henry VIII and his older brother."

    The King had, for once, spoken innocently, a history lesson coming back to him in the moment. But it didn't escape Alex that yes, that was true...And Arthur, the heir, had died, being replaced by Henry who was never meant to be King upon the first's death. She tightened her grip, briefly on her husband's hand.

    She could not say whether it was a warning or on purpose or even if it was just an innocent comment but it was yet another shot across the bow, as it were. If this Henry was born and was to be King...This Arthur had to be removed, and death was the best way to solve succession issues.

    And it followed that if Arthur had to be removed, so did her son too. There could be no lose ends.

    * Phrase coined in Germany in 1689 for a practice carried out in Ancient Rome by which disgraced persons of high rank were literally erased from the annals of history; names carved off lists, statues destroyed, the banning of their name being said aloud and destruction of any of their projects, even in the extreme going so far as killing members of the same Emperor Gaius's (Caligula) wife and infant daughter.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #983
    The Grey Lady
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    Alexandra had rocked the boat, ever so softly, but rocked it never the less. Speaking of Elizabeth was dangerous, a frightening prospect. The brief look she had exchanged with her husband was one of knowing truth, and one she quickly set aside for all of their sakes. But to raise her name so casually and so repeatedly broke all of the rules, the precious rules that the court clung to for their own protection. Elizabeth was not a real person. Arthur may as well been birthed into thin air. It wasn't done.

    Christian lied through his teeth and once more they all knew it. He never even thought of Elizabeth, even when they were married. Christian was never happy with her. Perhaps a world of hurt and pain could have been avoided had Arabella only been years older, the perfect first wife. But she was nobody's first choice. That was her sister. Alexandra was a first wife, a true and beloved wife. The fact that her first husband had loved her, where he had no affection for his first two wives should have been enough. But no, not really. Arabella always got what others left behind. She was a toy for men, a play thing. Or so it had felt at some times.

    Arabella often reflected upon Elizabeth, even before she knew the truth. The woman had once been a great beauty, but as far as Arabella knew her, she was far too sad to appear genuinely beautiful.

    Arabella's hand slid over Christian's hand as he rested it upon her pregnant belly. For a moment this felt normal, she could almost accept that he would welcome a daughter. When not many months ago he had more or less told her that he would rather Arabella die in childbirth than birth a girl. The deeply held fear Arabella felt was real and dangerous. No, she prayed. God could not be so cruel, not even to her after all she had sinned. She hoped and begged for a boy. It had to be a boy.

    "Eleanor would be a splendid name if we were to have a daughter." Arabella began slowly. The look on her face was enough to suggest this was an unwelcome thought. "Though we shall have none of that. God will grant me the son Christian and I were promised." To speak of their own daughter was one thing, but to raise the possibility of Arabella's was another. She could afford no such talk. "A Princess can come later." Her displeasure was apparent but not directed at Alex who had only been trying to move the conversation along to a slightly happier place.

    Arabella sighed and leaned back, her frame relaxing into Christian. She was upset, she felt for a moment like she was truly alone. Alex poking at the King about Elizabeth, though she did turn the topic, thankfully, but then to ask about the King and a daughter.

    "All happy things indeed" Arthur spoke with almost a cheer in his voice. He had not taken it personally, or at least had chosen not to take it so here in this setting. Both his wife, and his mother-in-law both having threatened to jeopardize the uneasy peace now. It was his responsibility to try and reroute the group accordingly. "You have a good mind for history. Much like Alexandra. Your father certainly made sure you were both well raised women." Arthur smiled brightly and gently squeezed his wife's hand as she had done his though with increasing pressure. "Children aside, I am quite pleased for the time we'll get to spend together over the next few days." Arthur concluded.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  4. #984
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    Alex took the hint from her husband and sister, just as Bella did from her own, and she dropped any such contentious topics. For Christian though, it was too late; he had given away too much without knowing it and the hint from Bella was still filed in the Princess's questing mind. She would, in time, take it out, examine in from all angles, add what she had seen and investigate the whole matter. A path that would lead her to a hospital, to doctors, to a cell...and then on to the startling truth.

    Still, for now, that was the future.

    Safer topics should be spoken of. It was like dealing with a tea kettle that, even on the best day, might scald the user. Extreme caution had to be used. Alex laughed softly, "Yes, papa made sure we were to be ladies fit for our tasks...Though, as Bella and I have often said, I cannot thing even in his most careless dream, did he imagine such high places for us. Or rather myself," she added, genuinely. She nodded to her sister, "I think we all knew Bella was destined for greatness."

    The King beamed. "Oh indeed," he agreed, nodding, "I often think of the wasted time...I would you had been my wife from the start."

    Alexandra frowned. Surely the King was not so far gone as to realise the simple calculation...It was 1866, Arabella was born the year after Arthur in 1841...The King was married for some time before Bella was even thought about! How would that have removed any waiting? Let's say he did not marry Elizabeth and 'waited' for Bella...they married when she was seven-and-ten or so...He would still have had to wait nearly two decades? All the while being pressured to provide an heir and risking his dynasty!

    She said nothing, of course, just rolled her eyes -the King was beaming at Bella and missed it entirely- and looked out of the window, watching the peaceful winter scenes pass by. The few people who were out walking stopped and bowed and waved at the Royal carriage. Alex smiled and nodded to them.

    Christian chuckled, "Of course, my dear Arthur would not be here and I would not change that for the world. And you are right, lad. A happy Christmas, all of us together. I cannot wait to see the tableau," he grinned, "My dearest tells me she has arranged to have one of the twins be in it as our Lord and Saviour. That shall be a fine image. Oh..." he smiled, "I must see if it would be possible to have the scene painted! We must all be in it, as members in the story. What a portrait it would be. The family and key members of the court, arranged as figures in the nativity."

    He was clearly pleased and thrilled with his idea. "I must sit down and decide who shall be who and arrange the costumes to be made. Of course, it is too late for the tableau to be changed but we shall sit for another and have it done again in the studio."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    Bella would wave politely at those who bowed and waved to the family in the carriage from the windows as she caught sight of them. Truly a remarkable sight for the public, a Royal family that looked almost naturally and truly happy. "That is a wonderful idea my darling." Bella commented to her husband on the notion of them all dressed up and painted some day as nativity figures. Arabella hadn't really entertained the thought. It was so entirely ridiculous and something that Christian was likely to forget anyway. Though the smallest part of her was just a little amused at the notion.

    Slowly but surely the carriage made it's way back to the castle where the couples could be deposited. Christian, occasionally remembering to be a gentleman would exit the vehicle first and offer his hands in assistance to Arabella, leaving Arthur naturally to support his own wife. Arthur did this quite easily and with a bit of pride. It was the small things like assisting his wife down from the carriage that he took great pleasure in. These little tiny moments he would remember, like catching the smallest hint of her perfume as she brushed past him.

    "Gentlemen, you must now leave Alex and I to prepare the tableau for you." Arabella had the broadest smile on her face, she seemed so at ease, so comfortable. No one would have known she had broken down entirely no more than an hour earlier. "And perhaps Father Lennox, we must be sure to be as accurate as possible I think." Arabella scratched her head and appeared deep in thought. She didn't need Father Lennox for that, Arabella could arrange a nativity tableau with her eyes closed. But the story fit the situation and "Pious" Arabella would take advantage whenever she could.

    "Do go and enjoy a brandy, or a nice scotch by the fire." Arabella took a hold of her husband's arm and leaned in, pushing herself to the tips of her toes to kiss his lips gently.

    "Come along father." Arthur said softly with a smile. "I sense the ladies are eager to show us what my darling mother had been so hard at work on." He was of course, teasing still with the mother comment, but Arthur was genuinely intrigued to see this whole thing play out. He relished the idea of a Christmas tradition, as he really had none. Arthur embraced Alex warmyl and placed a kiss on the top of her head as they headed inside, followed by the two women who shared a path for now.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    The second they were gone, Alexandra crossed to the nearest sideboard and poured two glasses of brandy -it being the King's habit to have such in most rooms for his own consumption- and handed one to her sister, draining her own in one mouthful and making a face as she did so before sighing. She set the glass back down with a heavy clunk.

    "Foul stuff but I fear the situation calls for it. Mama would never have sherry or such in a lady's rooms but a little brandy as a bracer...I see no harm in it."

    She looked at Bella and shook her head again. "I am sorry, for bringing up daughters. It seemed the best way to disarm him...I cannot apologise for baiting him though. I could not help myself. The man irritates me beyond belief."

    The Princess looked down at the empty glass and, for half a second, considered throwing it. She managed to bridle that urge and moved away from it into the centre of the room, a hand at her waist. "The way he speaks of...No, the way he does not speak of the mother of his child? It is disgusting. That poor woman suffered, as you do, under him, and now her name is not even mentioned? For all she suffered, he should have a statue and masses said for her daily!"

    She dragged in a breath and looked at the ceiling, trying to calm herself. "Arthur...He...he so wants family. He wants this Christmas more than he will admit, he wants to dance and laugh and enjoy family time for his father, because he never had that. I want to make sure he gets it too. As fake as I am sure this all is. At least he can have the show of it."

    She sat down on the nearest chair with a resigned sigh. "Sometimes I feel as if I am going mad when I deal with the King. As if his own state is somehow catching. Bella, my God, how do you remain sane? Day after day, night after night, with him?"
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    Arabella took the glass of brandy in hand and without any hesitation took a swig from it. There was no change in her expression, it was clear that the Queen was no stranger to sneaking the occasional beverage, the intense and harsh taste of the alcohol no longer had an effect on her. "Mama always had sherry around." Arabella countered her sister as she raised her glass in the air in a sort of cheers motion before taking another small sip. "She hid it well. She wasn't a drunk or anything but... she did have her moments where she'd pull up a floor board in her sitting room, and... indulge." Arabella chuckled lightly. These were the moments between sisters that were to be cherished. The moments of complete honesty between them. The hidden truths of their childhood.

    "I'm not mad that you baited him, Alex." Arabella said as she moved to her sister, her free hand gently reaching out to squeeze her sister's arm. A disarming and soft smile upon her face. "I worry for you is all. But... you know it's enjoyable every now and again... to see him at a loss for words. Taken aback by something. It's not an everyday occurrence." Arabella shook her head. "Sit with me before we rouse the troops." Arabella moved with her glass in hand to take a seat upon the settee, she exhaled deeply as she did so, clearly relieved to be off her feet.

    "Arthur loved his mother. I can see that, and you and I both know the only reason she stayed on this Earth as long as she did was because of her love for him." Arabella was lying, but she had no real choice, but still it made her point. Elizabeth did love her son, even if today she could not recognize him. Even if today she could hardly understand or remember her own life. Her fate being worse than death. "Christian... he doesn't hate her, you know." Arabella could hardly believe she was defending him, but she wasn't exactly doing that. But it was the truth. "He doesn't think about her because she never served him in the way he wanted. Yes, she gave him a son, but then he had a son to think about. But that isn't unique to her when it comes to Christian." Arabella looked up toward the ceiling.

    Eventually Arabella looked back at Alex. "It is in a way... kind, that he does not name her, rather than spend his days disparaging her and her memory... I know I sound like a mad woman right now. But believe me, Christian can do far, far worse." The Queen looked sad, but knowing. There was clearly so much more she wished she could say, but she couldn't no matter how much she wanted to, how much she longed to. "Let Arthur have his Christmas." Arabella said rather convincingly as she downed the rest of the liquid in her glass and set it aside on a small table.

    The Queen pondered the question for a moment. "Sometimes I think I have lost my sanity." It was yet another moment of honesty. "But I don't try to retain it for him." Arabella smiled. "I do it for my unborn child. For my daughter. For the people of this nation. I know we disagree on many things... but I do my best by the people. They are my strength." Arabella had sinned gravely in her life, but this second act was her chance at redemption. "He talks. I listen. I tell him what he wants to hear. I do what he wants me to do. I try not to think about it. And then of course there is... Anthony." Arabella sighed. "It isn't all just secret exchanges. We pray... he teaches me about the true faith. About what work I should be doing, what it means to truly serve God in a way that is not heinously cruel."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Alexandra blinked, rather shocked by the news her mother often drank, though only for a moment before she gave a soft laugh and shook her head. "Well I'll be damned," she replied, marvelling at her own innocence of it all. It was not really her fault. She had a good man for a husband, and a happy marriage. She had never had the need, even in the first year -which was often when the courting spell died and women realised just who they had wed- to secretly drink to get through her days and nights.

    She had stopped drinking almost entirely during her pregnancy as it made her feel ill* but even before that she had never been overly fond it it. She would take wine with dinner but that was about it. Now she thought back and saw her childhood with different eyes...that strange smell that was sometimes on her mother's lips and that mama had said was 'medicine'.

    "My God I was innocent," she laughed and shook her head again. "I wonder how many women do the same...forced by such unhappiness to numb it however they can?"

    The Princess fell silent, looking off at the wall before she added, "I am fortunate in my husband, I know. I must never take it for granted. I grieve, daily, for you and for Elizabeth, and the others who are so trapped. It's wrong and it's heart-breaking that it's so accepted. I think of little Vicky and the fact that in perhaps only seventeen years she might find herself a wife to God only knows who...Not now, I know but there must be something that can be done with marriages that are like that. A way out for the woman that doesn't leave her destitute or worse in a madhouse, denied her children and locked away."

    Without realising it, Alex had come dangerously close to the heart of the matter. Luckily, for Bella and herself, she left it there and nodded. "I suppose so. In his forgetting her, he has at least spared Arthur that. The poor man does not have to hear his mother be spoken of cruelly each day. I cannot imagine the effect it would have had on him as a small boy. Already grieving and then to hear her so abused."

    She smiled though and leant sideways, resting her head on Bella's shoulder as they had done as girls, "I will. Arthur shall have his Christmas, the best one I can give him here. And another at home with the children, not that any of them shall remember it," she laughed, "But still, we shall and we can tell them."

    The Princess put an arm around her sister and hugged her as best she could in their position. "You are not mad, Bella, nor are you wicked. You have done wicked things, as have we all. None of us are saints. You must stop punishing yourself for everything. You deserve happiness as much as the next person. Your sins, if you want to call them that, have certainly been cleansed by your suffering here. As for the King, you can do nothing but what you do."

    She kissed Bella's cheek and added, "As for Father Lennox, he is a gift to you and I am so pleased you have him. He shall never betray you, I know that much. Loyalty is hard to come by here but you have it in him. I've seen the way he looks at you...If it came to it...God or you...He would chose you, sister. Damn the consequences."

    * The links between alcohol and pregnancy complications were not really known until 1973 and until then it was normal for women to drink, smoke and use the drugs (laudanum/opium) of the time without knowing the potential harm.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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    "I don't think Mama was terribly unhappy. She wasn't a drunk of course, she just snuck a few sips here and there behind Father's ever watchful back." Arabella giggled softly when she thought of it. "She mourned the boys she almost had, and loved the daughters she was given as best as she could." Arabella had fond memories of their parents, truly. Though few of her mother, owing to spending most of her time as a girl with their Father. Alex would remember their mother far more than Arabella ever could. In some ways it was a terrible shame.

    "Do you really imagine the world will still be the same when Vicky reaches seventeen years of age?" The Queen asked in a rather hopeful tone. "I should like to imagine that she'd only be married off that young if she truly desired, and someone her heart truly desires and is worthy of her love." Optimism was perhaps unusual for Arabella, but in this moment it was something she truly enjoyed. "Come now, when all is said and done your husband is going to the next King of England. And like hell he's going to leave this God forsaken place in the same state in which he found it. It's going to be a better world."

    Arabella let out a deep sigh. "Granted, you'll still worry like all get out about your daughter. That won't change, and God knows the world will find new ways to be cruel... but you'd never let her fall into such a place. You're too good a woman for that. Too good a mother."

    To think that these two women were only in their twenties. They had seen and endured so much, and now both of them wives and mothers. Both of them thriving in many ways and suffering in others. The world was indeed a cruel and cold place. But each of them found warmth where they could, and in that little patch of light had bloomed into tremendous flowers. Titans ready to take on the world. "My husband is a terrible man, Alexandra. A terrible man. Most nights I have nightmares about what he's done to me... what he could do to me. His cruelest punishments... one day you'll know. One day I can tell you... But for now. Perhaps it is best that we too enjoy this Christmas, as much as Arthur is."

    Arabella leaned her head to rest atop her sister's. These were the quiet moments that would define Arabella's life. "It might be our last for some time." Despite the severity and gravity of her words Arabella had a soft smile on her face as she was held as best she could be by her sister. There was a deep and abiding love she had for Alex, and a profound guilt over the years she had spent torturing her.

    "Come, let us prepare the children and the scene. They'll want to walk into a wonderland that is the nativity tableau, and I think you know me well enough to know I won't settle for anything less than perfection."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Alexandra smiled sadly, "I am hopeful yes, but I am not so much of a fool to think that men shall change in a mere seventeen or so years. Or that the world shall become so kind but you are right enough. She shall have something many did not have...A father who shall fight tooth and nail to ensure she has her husband of her choice and one worthy of her. Nor will I ever let her go to someone who shall not love her as she should be. Then again...none of us know what the outcome of this coming conflagration shall be. But I know," she squeezed Bella's hand, "If myself and my husband are not here to see her grow up, you shall ensure the same thing, so I do not worry for her."

    She said nothing of little Sasha. She worried for him. As a legitimate male heir, he was a challenge to the current regime merely by breathing. She had no foolish notions that, if they failed, he would be allowed to live. It was a risk that Christian would never take. She dwelt too, on the child in her sister's belly. If it was a son, and Arthur became King...would not that boy be in the exact same place as her son? A little removed, as Arthur was Prince of Wales and well established, but still...

    The Princess knew though that Arthur would not harm his brother even if he was a risk. The people would never forgive him and he would lose all their love. It would doom his reign. Whatever the threat, the Prince had to live. Besides, Arthur was not the type of man to murder children.

    She hoped.

    Alex nodded, "I know. He is a monster. You do not need to tell me more, keep your secrets. They may serve you well later. As for Christmas, perhaps we shall get another, perhaps not. It depends on how long the King can hold himself back...But I am not hopeful. One he has his son, I think he shall act...or at least begin to act. I doubt it shall be as swift as declaring war."

    Still, like the lady she was, she smiled and stood, helping her sister to rise, "Yes, enough of that. Speaking of it shall not delay it and we can do nothing until we know more. We can make this a fine Christmas for all and pretend all is well. Speaking of pretending...You shall, of course, be Mary, Queen of Heaven, in the King's little portrait idea, I am sure. God only knows what I shall be...the donkey, maybe?" She laughed, it was rather amusing to imagine it. "Something to amuse the children when they grow up and walk past it."

    She linked arms with her sister and they departed.


    Meanwhile the King and Arthur had retreated to his dark, richly panelled study with its thick Turkish carpet and glass fronted bookcases, kept locked to stop any servant from daring to read what they should not. Here was the King's little empire, almost, filled with things he loved -or liked? Could he love an object? Who knew, really- such as his hunting trophies, rare books, no less than three portraits of himself, and one of him and Arabella in their wedding clothes, several ornate swords and daggers upon the walls, a crossbow given to him by his father, and an oval portrait of his beloved mother, in a gilt frame.

    Christian poured his son a brandy and opened a box of cigars before he sat down before the fire, lighting his cigar and swirling his glass in the other hand. He looked the picture of ease and contentment. "Ah, there is nothing more English than this, is there, my boy?" He gestured, "A fine brandy, a fine cigar, and good company in warm surroundings. I often spend my nights here, reading or just enjoying some peace. A rare thing for a King!"

    He chuckled. "I am sure you find peace in other ways...With your wife, and now children. I was never one to cleave to others. I do not seem to have it in me. Maybe I shall take to it with the next arrival. You know...your wife made me think earlier," he said, sipping his brandy as he paused and drawing on his cigar deeply, allowing the smoke to swirl in his lungs before he let it out in a cloud of fragrant smoke.

    "Having seen the little Princess, I am quite hopefully my own is a daughter," he spoke true, he was quite taken with the idea. "The Queen hopes and prays most fervently for a son; I am told women believe it is their one consolation in life, to bear sons..."

    This appeared rather baffling to the King, which was equally insane. Could he really be so forgetful and cruel to not think about it for more than a second? The King, by his very own laws, had made it so that a woman with no sons was nothing! Was it any wonder all prayed for them to save their own skins?!

    "Of course, Bella worries what the people shall think of her, never having borne one before, if she has a daughter. I shall speak to her on that," he decided, with staggering irony. "She must know it does not matter what anyone but myself thinks...And perhaps the church but the church does what it is told."

    He sipped his brandy again and settled back in the chair. "Now son, I was thinking of the Christening...We want the Queen to be able to attend so I think sometime in early February. It gives the Princess time to recover and also the Queen time after to take to her chambers and so on. If memory serves she is due to deliver in early April. It also allows us plenty of time to make it a proper show. The people love a holiday, after all, and twins is a rare event. It must be made special. The council wanted me to wait," he laughed, "And combine the three infants christenings together but I was having none of that!"

    Christian shook his head and drew on his cigar again briefly, "No. No, I said, it must be separate. Expenses can go hang for all I care. My grandchildren shall have their own day, as shall my little one. It is only fair on all concerned. Besides, we cannot wait until March, when the Queen is recovered! A foolish idea all round. Leaving my grandchildren out with the church until then! Shocking idea. It would reflect upon all of us and risk their souls. No. Early February it shall be."

    He smiled at his son, "I imagine the Princess shall chose her friend...Alison, was it? The new Duchess of Kent as one the Godmother. I am less sure on who you shall pick, lad," he waved his hand. "You need not worry about my judgement. I have not been a support during this and I deserve not the honour of being chosen."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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