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Thread: [Mature] Westward To The Heart [Kach x DuchessLivilla]

  1. #21
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    Mr Ross was proving to be quite infuriating, he liked to presume far too much about her, and what did he find so funny!? Honestly she didn't mind the topic of discussion, though Anna did find his manner extremely... Crass.
    "Very well Mr. Ross, if you are going to insist on being an uncouth, cloddish, and shabby driver, that is your business. However if you intend to assert any more presumptions about me, I won't hesitate to box your ears for the offense." Her voice was cool and matter-of-fact leaving little question of her tolerance for such things.

    Make a show of going to worship? What was he on about? What kind of man had they sent to fetch her? Hopefully he was close to the worst the town of Silver creek had to offer, or else Anna was beginning to think she would be in over her head.

    The news of a Madame was unsurprising to Anna, though she had never had any experience with their like, her mother had told some stories of the enterprising and hardy women in that line of work. The man had seemed embarrassed bringing it up; there was small pleasure in that.

    "Well at least there are a few people of substance to meet in Silvercreek." She replied pointedly, her brown eyes heated before turning back to look forward down the road.
    "I don't have anything to prove to you Mr Ross, I have handled children in the past. I don't think I would have anything to gain from your undoubtedly large wealth of knowledge on the subject. However perhaps if the children are in need of their spirts being lifted, you could stop by and tell them the jokes you have been chuckling at?"
    Anna's tone carried a bit more edge than she would normally have allowed, however Mr Ross had done quite a good job of being a bee in her bonnet, and if the man wanted her to be more open with her displeasure she would gladly oblige.
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  2. #22
    DuchessLivilla's Avatar
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    At her talk of boxing his ears, and what came after, Arthur laughed properly -for the first time in many years it felt like- and shook his head, a fond smile curling on his lips. He couldn't say why but he rather liked this prickly woman; she had, thank God, some character to her! She'd need it, that was for damn sure.

    He inclined his head and tipped his hat to her, still smiling, "You're alright, ma'am," it sounded like, and was meant as such, as a compliment. "Got some fire in you, reckon the local lads shall be on their toes with you about. They won't know what has hit them. Promise me to save boxing their ears till I'm in town...Ain't much entertainment about and a Lady doing such, I would pay to see."

    As the plodded along, a horse drew level with them and a native-looking man, but with darker skin that suggested he might be half-black too, with long hair, tied back in a plait, and sporting a blue shirt and brown breeches, called out, "Arthur, I thought it was you." He looked past him and nodded to his companion, "Ma'am." On the back of his horse was a dead deer, head jolting with each movement below it.

    "Charles," Arthur drawled, nodding back, "Fine day. Damn hot though, I reckon. You had some luck on the hunt then, I see?"

    The man, Charles, nodded, "Yes. Took a while though. The animals are something, not sure what. Past the creek and up by the woods. There's signs of folk where they normally ain't..."

    Arthur frowned. He knew where Charles always hunted, and the place was deserted...always had been, 'cept for said animals, and one or two of the other natives folks, who never left much sign of them having been there in the first place. "What kindof signs?" He asked, all his attention focussed on the man.

    "Couple of firesites, spread out a few miles apart, but I tracked them...they go in a circle. All were empty though. One was newer, cold but only by a few days, going on the look of it. Whoever they are, they are about still, or have only just left. There be any talk in town of strangers?"

    "Not that I've heard. Miss Belle be the only new arrival," he glanced at her then back to Charles, "I'll keep an eye out at the ranch, and see if Mrs Wells known anything. She's always first to know."

    Charles nodded, "Thank you, Arthur. I best be getting on, for the meat spoils. Take care," he smiled then nodded once more to Annabelle. "Ma'am, welcome to you." Before he road off up the road.

    Arthur was silent a time after he had gone, his face all serious now and pensive with it.



    Ones that were hiding out in the woods, at that. Such folks were rarely up to nothing. He should know. He felt his fingers itch at his side and for a moment he wished they were around his prized pistol or better yet, his Springfield rifle. He flicked the reigns to spur the old horse on a bit, wishing to be in town sooner rather than later now. He had better tell the sheriff.

    He had almost forgotten Miss Belle beside him until she spoke.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  3. #23
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    Anna continued looking ahead, appearing to watch the horse plodding down the dusty road. She didn't need his approval, but it contented her to have it; and that soured her mood all the more.

    She hadn't noticed the outrider approach until the man and Arthur began exchanging words. She was pleasantly surprised at the man's courtesy, though he should have waited for Arthur to acknowledge him before speaking, especially in such a casual tone. It would not have been polite to point out the man's deficiencies with no aquintance so she held her tongue and listened, observing the man and attempting to blend in. She wondered who the man might be in the employ of.

    Anna kept her polite smile though Arthur didn't bother making introductions. It grated on her. Her students back in Boston knew more about manors than this... Cowboy.

    When they started talking about strangers she noticed Arthur tense. The man really was an open book. He didn't seem worried, but maybe suspicious.

    When he finally mentioned her, in what would pass for an introduction, she nodded and offered a formal smile.
    The block-headed man hardly thought her worth mentioning except for a passing mention. She would have to offer civility classes at the school if this was how everyone behaved.

    Again she was surprised by Charles' manors, he had apparently been at least somewhat educated. She figured he would have to be in the employ of someone well-to-do. She nodded, her smiled warming slightly, and offered her thanks and bid of safe travels.

    They went back to riding in silence and Anna turned to watch Arthur. He seemed to be lost in thought, a slight grimace on his face as if he was considering the strangers as a danger.

    "You think these strangers are really that dangerous?" She asked genuinely unsure of the hazard. She ensured her voice didn't have any unease it. She didn't want him getting the thought in his head that she needed protection. It seemed a trifle, and why would anyone bother with Silvercreek? "Does Silvercreek really have that few visitors?"
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  4. #24
    DuchessLivilla's Avatar
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    Arthur blinked and came back to reality. He looked at her, "Ain't nothing for you to worry about, Miss Belle, I'm sure...But no, we don't get many newcomers. Train don't come by, and the post only rarely brings new folks or old folks coming back home. New folks come to town...They don't hide out in the woods, nor do they circle about in said woods."

    He rubbed his chin, clearly on edge. "Charles, being a native, or half anyway, by birth, he knows them wood like his own hand and if he's uneasy, I do well to be uneasy too. I'll see you to your new home and into Mrs Lennox's tender care, then I'll go and see the Sheriff..."

    Arthur drew out a pocket-watch and checked it, "Hopefully," he added, "He'll still be sober enough to listen." He put the watch away and gestured to the vague smear on the horizon that was slowly forming up in the heat haze. "That's Silvercreek there. Be there within half-an hour I reckon. Old Dobbs ain't built for speed, not anymore anyway."

    He smiled fondly and called out, "Ain't that right, old boy? You've done your time and have every right to enjoy a slower life now..."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  5. #25
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    Anna frowned disapprovingly, men-folk always thought they could protect anything, regardless of whether it wanted their protection or not. She would decide if it was something for her to worry herself about. It couldn't be men hired by her uncle searching for her already, could it? Certainly not. A coincidence, though an unsettling one. She would have to make a concerted effort to blend in with the locals, she only hoped that would not be too difficult.

    Anna peered at the discolored smudge in the distance. She couldn't recall meeting a half breed before. The man, Charles, seemed normal enough. Hardly a savage at all. He almost seemed normal. Mercy, she was beginning to loose her wits barely a fortnight out of Boston.

    "I beg your pardon Mr Ross." Anna said, eyes wide and brow tight. "Do you mean to say Silvercreek's Law Man is a drunkard?!" It was barely mid day. Surely Mr Arthur was exaggerating the situation. "Surely you can't be serious." What had she gotten herself into? A drunk law man, and mysterious strangers had to be better than being in her uncles clutches... "A law man is supposed to be an exemplar of civility and an arbiter or justice, not a common drunk." Anna began to wonder what everyone else in Silvercreek might be like.
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  6. #26
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    Arthur laughed at that, though without malice. "The sheriff likes a drink, and he is perfectly civil, most of the time. He's got his reasons, like the rest of us. Don't worry yourself about him, Miss. He can still hang an outlaw or break up a brawl."

    "Just about..." He thought ruefully. The sheriff was, in his view, due for retirement. His deputy was too young though and rather untried. Sure, he thought he knew it all, like all boys of his age, but the lad could hardly shoot straight!

    He smiled to himself, thoughts of himself at that age, well younger actually, learning to shoot. Being awful at it, then getting the trick...

    "They were fine times, that's for sure..."

    He said nothing else as the clopped along, getting nearer and nearer the little town until the wooden -and a few stone- buildings could be made out. Silvercreek was a typical town for out west, the main street dusty -and muddy in the rain- flanked on each side by mainly wooden buildings with slouching stoops. There was the saloon -of course- halfway down, opposite the general store, a bank, which was required for the ranch, a doctor's office, and a smattering of other shops, most with the owners living above them.

    At the top of the town was a small church, made of red-brick with the churchyard behind it and at the opposite end was the stables and blacksmith. Dotted around the main body of the town were small, rather squat wooden cottages, some larger, some smaller, but most.

    Arthur steered Dobbs towards the main street, nodding at a few folks as they called out. "There's the inn here," he gestured, to the building at the end, across from the stables at an angle. "If you wants a hot bath and don't want to boil the water yourself. School house is behind the church, and your cottage is next door. I reckon," he looked about, "Mrs Lennox will meet us there. Ah," he spotted, up the top of the main street, the Lennox's carriage.

    "There. She's here," he chuckled and glanced sideways at Miss Belle. "I reckon it's not as grand as you've been used to, but here, that's a fine carriage. Mention it to her, if you want to get on her good side."
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  7. #27
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    Arthur's assurances did little to convince her of the Sheriff's capability. Perhaps she had gotten herself a bit too far in? She would have a hard time getting back to the train station without help if it came to that. Not that she had anywhere to go if she did.

    As they got close to the town Anna scrutinized it. Silvercreek was certainly quaint... It seemed like as good of place as any to hide for a time. Certainly not somewhere she would want to stay forever.

    Smoothing her skirts, she prepared for first impressions. They were of paramount importance, but it occurred to her, she did not know how, rural folk made introductions, and her escort hadn't proved entirely reliable in that regard.

    The Inn was a humble structure of two floors but apparently well cared for. It's wooden exterior was white washed, and the windows were cleaned with the shutters in good repair.
    A nice hot bath to soak in would be lovely.

    Doing her best to take in the village without gawking, she regarded the carriage. It had been well built and taken care of, though it was rather plain and had definitely seen some use. True, not as ornate as she had seen, but perfectly serviceable compared to the uncovered wagon she currently rode. It was dusty.

    She didn't meet Arthur's eyes as she peered up the road trying to catch sight of the school and her new home, though she did offer a nod in acknowledgement.
    She waited until the wagon came to a stop, and Arthur dismounted. Hoping the man would be wise enough to lend a hand getting off the contraption to save her the awkward, clumsy, climb down.
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  8. #28
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    Arthur hopped down with ease, his boots raising little clouds of dust. He stretched, ran a hand through his sandy hair and replaced his hat before, glancing at Miss Belle, coming around and holding out a hand for her to step down. He reckoned, correctly, she didn't want to fall on her face in front of his new neighbours. As amusing as that might be to everyone, bar Mrs Lennox.

    "You're a'right, Miss, just step down. I'll catch yeh, I promise," he smiled, kindly enough really. And there was certainly strength in his hand. Seeing her hesitation, perhaps a little fear at the drop, he met her eyes and said, this time seriously, "I promise, Miss. You won't fall, hang on," he waved a hand and walked to the sagging porch of the inn then came back with a sturdy box, that took a good foot off the drop for her. He set it down then held his hand out again. "Much larger space to step on, right? You'll be fine. In a few days, you'll be up and down these steps like a natural," he smiled kindly once more.
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

  9. #29
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    Anna relaxed when she saw Arthur head around the wagon to help her down. She didn't think she would have forgiven the man if he left her struggling up in the seat. She carefully turned on the seat, shifting her skirts so as not to get wrapped up in them and hesitant to reach out for Arthur's hands. The fool man was grinning at her again, like a cook that had just watched a plump goose wander into his kitchen. Anna didn't frown, though she didn't smile either.

    She watched him go and fetch a box to use as a step, finally the man was using some sense! But did he have to patronize her so?
    She took his hand and carefully stepped down onto the box, getting both feet planted before stepping to the ground and re-arranging her skirts once more.

    The buildings were... humble.

    A one room school house with a small... shack next to it. Wooden sided buildings with a couple small windows each and tar papered roofs.
    The final battle,
    Pain, suffering; overcome,
    by the united.

  10. #30
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    Arthur brushed dust from his coat and went to the back of the wagon to fetch her bags. "This way then, Miss," he said as he walked past her, up the slight incline to Mrs Lennox's carriage.

    The rather portly, 'grand dame of Silvercreek' climbed out the carriage, beaming. She was dressed in, to Anna's trained eye, rather old-fashioned clothing, from at least two decades before, though the gown and bonnet were well-made and clearly expensive. They were also black, with much lace and ruffles. Mrs Lennox wore a mourning brooch at her throat, that contained a lock of pale hair.

    "Ah! Miss Belle," she smiled and came forward, "I am so relieved to see you arrive here safely. I have always hated travel, most unlady like I always think but one must do it sometimes, mustn't one?" She patted Anna's hand. "Why aren't you young! But highly recommended," she smiled kindly. "You must be tired, Miss, I am sure. I've arranged for a room at the inn for you, their best, and you can rest and have a bath. Your cottage is nearly ready but I would much rather give it an extra day to let the fire heat the place before you move in. I can take you to see it though?" She beamed.

    Mrs Lennox was evidently a talker, one who hardly took a breath it seemed. She took Anna's arm and set off towards the church to the squat, whitewashed stone cottage next to the wooden school building. "Mr Arthur?" Mrs Lennox glanced back, "You give those bags to my man, will you? And you had best come along, we might need you to check the fire."

    Arthur did as he was bid then followed along, "'Course Ma'am," he nodded.

    "Now, Miss Belle," Mrs Lennox was carrying on. "There's a small garden to the back of the cottage, that is a little overgrown but I am sure some of the hands from the ranch will be happy to lend you a hand. There's a small vegetable plot, as well as flowers too. The old school mistress had quite the green thumb, I hope you love it as much as she did. Now..." they reached the little cottage and Mrs Lennox opened the wooden door straight into a small, yet cozy -a fire was crackling happily in the harth- living room with a few rag rugs upon the floor and sparse but well cared for furniture.

    It was, to most folk, very nice, but to Anna it was a world away from her home.

    Mrs Lennox smiled. "Here we are. Cozy, isn't it? Through here," she pulled back a curtain, "Is your bedroom. I've had the mattress re-stuffed for you, and the linens washed and aired." She patted the patchwork quilt. The room contained, as well as the iron double bedstead, a trunk at the foot of it, and a large press for her clothes. The small windows, with pretty curtains, looked out onto the back garden.

    "There's a tap out back, for water, Miss, and plenty of coal and wood in the shed too. If you need more, you just ask one of the hands, and they'll see to it."

    Arthur, knowing his place, had stayed in the living room, and made himself busy by checking the fire and adding an extra log.

    He was dying to see what Miss Belle would say...He could imagine her horror at this being her new home. She had no idea how lucky she was. Hell, half the town would kill for such a place!
    "Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time." - Granny Weatherwax

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