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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #691
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald checked out a map app. His Zoroark conjured a visual aid for what he is about to explain. "According to this, we can take I-80 West and I-90 West to Chicago," he stated, tracing a path due west through the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
    It was then that Nicole's Druddigon popped out of her pokeball and took to the skies. It was gonna look for another route. To find an alternate option. It wasn't long before it came back and opted for a meeting with Sandy's Fearow, and Anistar's Braviary. It was discovered that there was another route. Going up through upstate New York, hitting the dock and surfing the lake due west across Lake Erie over to Detroit...Crossing Michigan and then docking at the port of Michigan... surfing straight westbound right to Chicago which is dead ahead on the otherside of the lake.

    Lisa: Okay. Now there's two routes. The question is... Which route is the best route? Either one is gonna likely send us into possible hostile territory as there is still the threat of Teams Magma and Team Aqua. But the thing to wonder is which route will house more of them... and which will not. The route with more water... will be leading with more of team Aqua. The route with mostly land is gonna be team Magma. Either way... we're gonna have to deal with one of them.

    Randy: There's a good point in that. A very good point. Either route is gonna be treacherous. We're gonna need to think deeply and consider all our options on this.

    Which route would they take? Danger by land... or danger by a body of water?

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    "If we're going by water, we need to be careful that we don't cross into Canadian waters," Reuben warned, pointing out the border running through the lakes, "If Team Aqua is smart they may bait us into a legal minefield."
    "That's a good point, Reuben," Donald agreed, "Going by land will allow us to stay on American soil and we'd have better odds of survival."

  3. #693
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "If we're going by water, we need to be careful that we don't cross into Canadian waters," Reuben warned, pointing out the border running through the lakes, "If Team Aqua is smart they may bait us into a legal minefield."
    "That's a good point, Reuben," Donald agreed, "Going by land will allow us to stay on American soil and we'd have better odds of survival."
    Randy: That's true. But... we also must take into consideration... that by route of mostly water or maybe a good portion of water... it's a more less time consuming as it's crossing Lake Erie... into Detroit Michigan... crossing that to Lake Michigan. Then from there crossing it into Chicago Illinois. It cuts our travel time down by a third. Granted that yes... we have to be sure to stay within the U.S jurisdiction. But... it'd be a more-or-less straight shoot. If we take the Land route... we'll have to take a while as we'll have to cross... Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana... and then reach to Illinois... which then we'd have to go a little bit north from there... Just to hit Chicago.

    Alice: He does have a point there, Reuben. It's gonna be a factor to be keeping in mind. However we do it... we're gonna need to ensure that we keep that in mind. Either way we look might all look at it... there's gonna be a bit of a snag.

    Abigail: *Scratching her head a little* We're gonna need a bit of help...


    Biker Dan: *Riding up with Biker Ken* Yo... Biker Abby. You headin' out on the road again?

    Abigail: Yeah. We got to get on the way to a third badge.

    Biker Ken: Where at?

    Abigail: Chicago.

    Biker Dan: Whoa. There? *Gasps* Wha... that's deep. That Gym has a very secure system. Too secure that it attacks at any interloper.

    Biker Ken: How're you gonna get there?

    Abigail: Don't know. There's two choices in routes to take just to get there. One that is with a bit of water... the other... Mostly all land.

    Biker Dan: If you're for a route... Take the one that's got a bit of water. The Route that's morally land... it's got 30 encampments of Team Magma. Small ones... but yet... still a beef of a stickler. The other route has a couple Encampments of Team Aqua. One large one... and 8 small ones scattered throughout. The small ones are floaters and they're on the other side of Lake Erie. The North side. And then upper Michigan. The large one is in Detroit. But as long as you keep your nose clean and look the other way... they won't dilly and bite your direction. but on the west end of Michigan... near the state border heading to Indiana... there's a small biker clique called the Demon spikes. They're tough... testy... but pretty cool to their fellow crewmates and would give the shirt off their back to any lady or kid who needed a helpin' hand. Find them and ask for the one they call Rocks McCanary. She's a rocker and a shocker. Rex did some biz with her back in the day. If you find her... and she asks who you're with... Just tell her that you're the Rain brain Biker Gang's girl. She'll know the affiliation and will hook you up with what you need.

    Abigail: Sounds great to know. Thank you...

    Biker Dan: Hey... No sweat, Abby. You might have only been with us a short time... but that's still enough to be considered as one of us. We got your back... Anytime. *Noticing the guy beside her* You her pops?

    Mark: Yeah. I am. Mark Grayson.

    Biker Ken: Cool. Very cool. Your young gal there is a tough one. Heiress or not... She's a tough cookie. If you guys ever need a biker boost of muscle... Just signal. We got charters of our gang all over the country. Someone from our big gang will come and provide a boost of grit and armed muscle.

    It was minutes later when the bikers took the leave and went cruising about...

    Jessie: *Looking at the gang* Now what?

    That was the question... What were they to do next? Was the info a good lead? Should they try it?

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    Donald had taken the time to hack into the networks of Teams Aqua and Magma to confirm the bikers' information during their conversation. "They're right—nine Aqua camps total and 30 Magma camps dotting Interstates 80 and 90," he corroborated.
    "Bikers may straddle the line between moral and immoral, but the key factor is their street smarts," Reuben explained, "By being friends with the Rain Brains, Abigail can get the lay of the land."
    "Well, guys, it looks like we're going to have to get wet," Donald suggested.

  5. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald had taken the time to hack into the networks of Teams Aqua and Magma to confirm the bikers' information during their conversation. "They're right—nine Aqua camps total and 30 Magma camps dotting Interstates 80 and 90," he corroborated.
    "Bikers may straddle the line between moral and immoral, but the key factor is their street smarts," Reuben explained, "By being friends with the Rain Brains, Abigail can get the lay of the land."
    "Well, guys, it looks like we're going to have to get wet," Donald suggested.
    Jeremy: We might even spot some Water-types worth catch or maybe water-types that happen to have also a second type to them.

    Sandy: We've seen dual-types. We have some. Like some of us got a Ground/Electric. A Bug/Flying... a Fire/Flying... Steel/Ground... Fire/Ghost... Grass/Poison. Fighting/Psychic... Ground/Dark... possibly others.

    Alice: That's true. You kids have seen your share of them.

    Randy: We're likely gonna be seeing much more... even some repeats of the ones already seen.

    It was only a minute later when...

    Jeremy's Entourage crew arrived and informed of an insurrection in Chicago. It was very distraught and very concerning.

    Jeremy: *Pulling out the portable Radio* Let's find out what's going on.

    As soon as he turned it on...

    Radio: *Broadcasting* This is the station MRHAP Metropolis giving you a news broadcast hot from the APB wire and direct from Chicago News Station 560 AM Wind. Just an hour ago... the city officials closed off the roads leading to the Chicago City Pokemon Gym. Reports stating that an hour earlier before the official call to close off the roads that lead to the Pokemon Gym... There were sightings of a band of red hooded men storming into the area transporting in a gadgets to pull in wind and antimatter. One source reported that there was cause for belief that it could be another step towards awakening the slumbering Ancient pokemon of the land Groudon. Another report revealed that they were also with a sound source that harbored the voice identical to the United States Superstar. A local bystander managed to get a soundbyte of the Audio... Take a listen...

    -Audio Clip-

    “When you’re stoned, baby, and I am drunkAnd we make love, it seems a little desolate
    It’s hard sometimes not to look away
    And think what’s the point when I’m having to hold this fire down
    I think I’ll explode if I can’t feel this free now

    If you won’t let me fall for you
    Then you won’t see the best that I would love to do for you
    Instead you will be missing me when I go
    Cause I’m bored of hanging out in your cold

    When I feel loved, baby, I join the road
    And the world moves with me
    When I feel lost I just slip away
    Silently, quietly take my things and go
    And think what’s the point, think where’s the hope we’re coming home

    Cause if you won’t let me fall for you
    Then you won’t see the best that I would love to do for you
    Instead you will be missing me when I go
    Cause I’m bored of hanging out in your cold

    Cause if you won’t let me fall for you
    Then you won’t see the best that I would love to do for you
    Instead you will be missing me when I go
    Cause I’m bored of hanging out in your cold

    And if you find one day
    Find some freedom and relief
    With this freedom maybe
    Maybe you will find some peace
    And with this baby
    I hope it brings you back to me
    Bring you home, take me home

    Cause if you won’t let me fall for you
    Then you won’t see the best that I would love to do for you
    Instead you will be missing me when I go
    Cause I’m bored of hanging out in your cold

    Cause if you won’t let me fall for you
    Then you won’t see the best that I would love to do for you
    Instead you will be missing me when I go
    Cause I’m bored of hanging out in your cold

    Oh, take me home
    Oh, take me home
    When you’re stoned, baby, take me home

    Radio: *Broadcasting; Con't* The Chicago City Pokemon Gym Gym leader Ace Lieutenant Royale Partridge has reported to put herself in sabbatical and has taken shelter at the city hall. If there are any traveling Pokémon trainers nearby or seeking to approach the pokemon gym… take caution as Team Magma currently has the property under their control.

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    "Wouldn't that throw a wrench in the works?" Donald moaned, "Why would those bozos go after the Pokémon gyms? First New York and now Chicago."
    "Well, hopefully the local police can deal with them before we show up," Ray hoped.

  7. #697
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Wouldn't that throw a wrench in the works?" Donald moaned, "Why would those bozos go after the Pokémon gyms? First New York and now Chicago."
    "Well, hopefully the local police can deal with them before we show up," Ray hoped.
    Jeremy: i don't think this is gonna be something that the local police can just handle. They don't know Team Magma like the some of us do. We started having to tussle with them back in Buckner, Missouri. It's been a hell Storm and a real pain in the ass.

    Macie: Jeremy! Watch the tone there... okay? I am still trying to come to terms on the mess i was regrettably and guilty feeling due to being part of team Magma's evil devious and dastardly ambitions.

    Randy: Macie, dear. It wasn't your fault. you were under the effects of mind control. Complete mind control. I mean... sure... the ordeal knocked you to the curb. It threw you down like a sheet of metal... but come on... you faced scrapes in your life before. You eventually bounced back.

    Jessie: True. Very true.

    Lisa: We should go and help out anyway. If Team Magma is really taking the Gym and has commandeered it... We're gonna need to find the Gym Leader and have her fight back at them.

    Sgt. Lerner: She's a Marine pilot... She's apt to flow into the frontlines of battle. Marines are army tough and with strength to persevere in the midst of adversity. She'll find a way to pull through. So... here's our mission, Troops. We make haste and march to Chicago... then locate the subject of interest... Retired Ace Lieutenant Royale Partridge. We get her to return to battle and fight back for her Gym.

    Saphiroth: Sounds like a very good plan. Let's do it.

    Onwards to Chicago... Starting with going through upstate New York... then West to Michigan and then onwards... to Chicago.

    Here we go...

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    As they made their way towards Buffalo, Reuben asks the group, "How many of you have passports?" He realized that they may be able to shortcut through Ontario to get to Michigan if they went through the proper legal channels.

  9. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    As they made their way towards Buffalo, Reuben asks the group, "How many of you have passports?" He realized that they may be able to shortcut through Ontario to get to Michigan if they went through the proper legal channels.
    Jeremy: None of us.

    Sgt. Lerner: Uh... Hold on there, Private. That's not true. I happen to have a passport. it's good for 20 countries. Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Rome, London, Britain, Korea... South and North, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Australia, Egypt, Iraq, Japan, Iceland, Poland, Switzerland, Canada and Brazil.

    Sandy: What?! You're kidding! Really?

    Darlene: He's been to a lot of places back when he was years younger and was in the throws of combat. Or doing Recon missions. He had to go to different countries from time to time and that meant getting a legal passport for each country and their customs. It had to be like that in order for him to be able to be upon the country and be able to do what it is what he had to do. The passport is still valid. It'll allow him passage through the country. We're gonna just have to let him lead and have him vouch for us... for when we happen to do minor treading into Canadian border and then back out. We'll likely be spotted. However... with him vouching for us and the passport still in good shape... we'll be okay.

    Randy: Sounds like a good standing in my book.

    Jessie: Same here.

    Abigail: We can use our water pokemon to swim across... it'll be fun.

    Mark: That'll be the best way to do it. We can't get through it any other way.

    Lisa: Let's do it. Let's make it happen.

    It was then when they marched onward to where they knew that they had to go. A Pokemon Gym was in dire trouble and it was the location where they would get their 3rd Gym Badge. So... it was all in on the objective... Get to Chicago and help the Gym Leader retake control of the Pokemon Gym. Then compete for a shot at the Gym Leader and earn a badge... They had miles to go before they could rest. Miles to go... The journey... was on.

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    With the need for speed in mind, Donald hatched a plan to eat up the needed miles. "Guys, if you have any Pokémon that can get us there faster, now might be a good time to get their help," he stated.

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