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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #701
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    With the need for speed in mind, Donald hatched a plan to eat up the needed miles. "Guys, if you have any Pokémon that can get us there faster, now might be a good time to get their help," he stated.
    Jeremy: we don't have any on us. We're gonna have to take a ferry. The nearby docks has a ship that is heading to where we're going.

    Sandy: It's gonna only mean that it will be a while before we reach Chicago... but the main thing is that we're gonna hit Chicago and help the Gym Leader get her gym back.

    Randy: That's right. I mean... we could always fly our way there... but that'd make it way too easy. Besides i am sure we would all be thinking the same thing that... traveling and journeying in order to get there... is half the fun. If we were to just fly... we'd be more than likely missing out on catching some very interesting pokemon.

    Jessie: You know. He has a point. We should try to use other means... not just resort to flying just to get to where we need to go all the time.

    Abigail: We could still perhaps have our flying pokemon fly up and scan the land ahead... looking for anything that doesn't appear right.

    Marcie: Hmm... that's a great idea. My Dragonite Madonna just loves recons. She would look for any chance to go on one.

    Jeremy: *Looking to see a ship* There's a ship. The S.S St. Angela. It's said to be a rather swift sailing ship. Taking scenic routes to ensure the most enjoyable experience for any traveler. It's not that fast... it's a 4 day ride. But... the trip will be so so worth it. Who knows... maybe we'll get lucky and wind up with some good items. The ship could have a couple of Poke Marts on it. So... we can easily restock on what we need.

    Sandy: *Grins* Sounds good to me.

    Lisa: What're we waiting for? Let's go.

    It was on to the ship. It was gonna slow them down due to it being a 4 day trip. However... with what they were to have in mind... it was sure to be well worth it...

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    It pained Donald to admit it, but he knew they had a point. He hoped the Chicago police had a handle on the crisis at the gym. He, Reuben and Ray all boarded the ship and started looking around. Donald's Espeon and Ray's Beheeyem scanned the surrounds for anyone looking to sabotage the journey across the great lake.

  3. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    It pained Donald to admit it, but he knew they had a point. He hoped the Chicago police had a handle on the crisis at the gym. He, Reuben and Ray all boarded the ship and started looking around. Donald's Espeon and Ray's Beheeyem scanned the surrounds for anyone looking to sabotage the journey across the great lake.
    While on the ship...

    Jeremy: I think that we have another team to worry about or watch out for.

    Sandy: How do you figure?

    Lisa: What do you mean... another team? You mean another one besides the two that we've been having to deal with?

    Jeremy: I'm afraid so. *Sighs* When i was facing Maxie the Leader of Team Magma again... which was to win our mother back from the controls of Team Magma.. it was during the battle that something started happening. His Camerupt and Nova started to fall under the guise of mind control. Someone unseen was controlling our Camerupts. We had to cut out the match and get them back into the pokeballs which we could. But... the incident was enough to raise a wild sense for concern.

    Randy: Who do you think it was?

    Jeremy: No idea. Maxie didn't know either... however we can surely bet that he's not gonna just sit down and not find out who it was. He is gonna be looking for the one responsible for what happened and when he does... It's not gonna be pretty.

    Marcie: You can say that again.

    Abigail: Something tells us that we're gonna need a team to do some recon.

    Jessie: Let's wait till we reach land again... We'll deal with putting out a recon team then. We need to think this through and figure as to how we're to go digging for answers. Whoever that guy is... he could be trouble. OR she.

    The trip continues on...

    Who was this Cyrus? Were they gonna encounter the mysterious adversary? It was gonna be anyone's guess...

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    "Some Pokémon, mostly Psychic-type, have the ability to control other minds," Reuben stated, "Most of the time it's used as a means of communication with humans if telepathy is insufficient. Do you think it was a Pokémon controlling Nova's mind? Donald knew that any Internet searches for people named Cyrus would turn out millions of results that would take too long to go through.

  5. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Some Pokémon, mostly Psychic-type, have the ability to control other minds," Reuben stated, "Most of the time it's used as a means of communication with humans if telepathy is insufficient. Do you think it was a Pokémon controlling Nova's mind? Donald knew that any Internet searches for people named Cyrus would turn out millions of results that would take too long to go through.
    Jeremy: It's quite possible that it might have been. However it would not be a wild pokemon. It would be one that was commanded to do it. Someone would have had to command for it to do it. Maxie is suspecting that it could have been the team leader of Team Galaxy. It had to be. He gave this inkling that he and this Cyrus had a rivaled history. A very rough history as they might have crossed paths before. But if he had a pokemon do it... and it be able to control our pokemon like it did... it had to be a rather powerful pokemon and he had to have been close by somewhere where Maxie and i were.

    Sandy: Hmm... that does seem to make a whole lot of sense. But why would Cyrus try to do that to both Maxie's Camerupt... and Nova? He didn't have a thing against you. Just Maxie. It had to be that you were there at the most ironic of times and it was just collateral damage... him trying to take control of both Maxie's and Yours.

    Lisa: You don't think that he'd try again... Do you?

    Jeremy: I can't say. That is something of which i just... don't know. I honestly don't know.

    Macie: Whoever Cyrus is... he's my kind of dream... to try to take control of Maxie's Pokemon and have the pokemon possibly turn on him. Poetic justice.

    Marcie: Not really, Ma'am. It isn't like that at all. Your Nova was at risk of being taken too. It took for it to see you... to get it to snap out of the veil of mind control and break from its hold.

    Nicole: When we get to Michigan... we will find out some Intel on Cyrus. Find out who we're likely dealing with... Beside Team Aqua and Team Magma.

    Once in Michigan... what would they find on the mysterious Cyrus? Would their troubles be just about to get worse?

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    Donald pulled out his phone and sent his Porygon-Z out. "Access and compile all information you can find about Team Galaxy," he requested. Porygon-Z acknowledged before disappearing into Donald's phone. "While that's happening, we need reconnaissance at and around the local gym," he addressed to the group.

  7. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald pulled out his phone and sent his Porygon-Z out. "Access and compile all information you can find about Team Galaxy," he requested. Porygon-Z acknowledged before disappearing into Donald's phone. "While that's happening, we need reconnaissance at and around the local gym," he addressed to the group.
    It was 4 days later after they reached the coast of the state of Michigan that they got to digging for info on Team Galaxy. Finding out all that they possibly could about the Mysterious team. They didn't know what to find or what they were hoping to find and discover... but they knew that something fishy was going on and they had to get some lead on it. They had to. Lisa and Nicole sent out Scyther and Druddigon to head for Chicago, Illinois. For Reconnaissance. Sandy Sent his Fearow, Alice sent her Mandibuzz and Marcie sent her Dragonite Madonna. It was while they took off to Chicago that the group remained for a bit in Toledo Michigan...

    Randy: We should ask around about this mysterious team. Maybe the people in the area know something that could help pin down some Intel on the mysterious team.

    Jessie: That... That makes a bit of sense. It would help. I mean... everyone knows better than any... that there is nothing better and absolute than the word of Mouth. Gossip and heresay spreads pretty far. All you need is something to start it and it just grows.

    Jeremy: *Looking at the nearby sign* We're right now in Toledo... Toledo is kinda considered Gossip town. So... we might catch some good information.

    Sandy: We should find a knowledgeable local. Someone who might know the lowdown on things. Even with things that concern odd groups that happen to stand out.

    Jasmine: Let's get lookin'.

    The search for information on Team Galaxy... was on.

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    "The first person I would ask is a detective," Reuben stated. His Beheeyem and Donald's Espeon were psychic scanning around to see if anyone nearby knew of Team Galaxy while Donald's Porygon-Z was busy in the Web searching for any information posted on the Internet about said team.

  9. #709
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "The first person I would ask is a detective," Reuben stated. His Beheeyem and Donald's Espeon were psychic scanning around to see if anyone nearby knew of Team Galaxy while Donald's Porygon-Z was busy in the Web searching for any information posted on the Internet about said team.
    That was when...

    ???: Halt! Who dares enter Toledo, Ohio with a swarm the size of a small Imperial Army?

    Jeremy: *Turns to the side and looking to see a man dressed like a woman* Uh... Who are you? Are you from around here and Did you just say... Ohio? Isn't this Michigan?

    ???: Thou jest, My brooding pedigree. You are a bit confused... This is Ohio. The upper west side of Ohio and near the borderline to Michigan. This is Toledo. I'm a resident of this fair town. It's like my bread and butterstick. my home is here in this town. You look like a tourist or possibly a passerby.

    Sandy: That depends on your perception there. However... We're Pokemon trainers. On the journey to challenge the 12 Pokemon Gyms in order to compete in the United State Pokemon League tournament.

    ???: Pokemon tournament?! *Grins with intrigue* Well snap my bloomers. I've seen a bunch of trainers crossing by some time ago. They were looking as if they were up to no good thought. Toledo doesn't take well to a whole lot of tomfoolery. We try to to keep that to a minimum. However... it does't always work so good and show respectable results. Who are you guys anyway?

    Jeremy: I'm Jeremy Lightfoot. I'm a drag teen... Gay and also a Pokemon trainer. My drag persona is Passion Kiss.

    Sandy: I'm Sandy Westmoore. His soulmate. I'm also a pokemon trainer and A Drag teen. My Persona is Rainbow Kiss.

    Jeremy: These guys are with us. My sisters Lisa and Nicole, My brother Saphiroth, My mother Macie and Step-father but deemed father... Randy. My Cousin Curtis, Jessie Levinson, Jasmine Darnell Randy's daughter from a previous Marriage. Abigail Grayson... Heir to the Grayson Bus incorporation... Her father Mark. Marcie. And then there's our Family housekeeper Alice Who is a part of the family. Anistar... Darlene Lerner and her Uncle who's a Retired but seasoned Marine sergeant. Then there's the younger crew... Originally from a town called Hillwood. But then there's also another member of our family. One we didn't know was one of us till we crossed paths back in Missouri. Eastern side. He's considered as a digital enforcer.

    ???: Nice to meet you fellow trainers. I'm Maxwell Klinger. Former staff surgeon from the 4077th M*A*S*H unit. You two gay caballeros and your flock... are looking like you're lost.

    Jeremy: Not really. We're just on our way to Chicago to challenge the Pokemon Gym Leader for the Flying Ace Gym Badge.

    Klinger: *Gasps* Holy cow! You're planning to go against Royale Partridge? She's... She's a Ace. She is Marine Sempre fi tough. There's been at least 10 trainers so far over the last few weeks who'd gone against her and had their pokemon nosedived right into the ground. They didn't even stand a chance. If you're going against her... I would suggest Water/Electric type pokemon. To soak and then electrocute. Otherwise... you're gonna be seeing your pokemon get pinned to the ground hard and without subtle warning.

    Sandy: Good Intel on how to stand a chance against her. We shall take that to consideration. However... we're looking for some intel on a mystery Team. Team Galaxy.

    Klinger: *Wide-eyed* Team Galaxy?! Cyrus. That bad boy is bad news. He's worse than Archie of Team Aqua and Maxie of Team Magma. There's been word of their ambitious endeavors of trying to capture the Ancient pokemon Palkia or something. They're wanting to control the fabric of time. Doing all possible to control it. That Cyrus is nuts... he is 1000 times worse than me when i kept trying to get a section 8 and get sent home earlier than normal from the prospect of having to serve in the war. The war was driving my bats.

    St. Lerner: War can be hell.

    Klinger: Don't we know it.

    Randy: Is there more to know about them?

    Klinger: Of course. there are Magazine stacks of them at the nearby Library.

    Marcie: Thank you.

    Klinger: I happen to know where the library is. I can take ya'll over there to where it's at.

    So... They weren't in Michigan. They were in the upper west side of Ohio. And they managed to meet a very witty inhabitant of Toledo. Was this guy a good guy? Or was he as section 8 as he was back when he was in the war serving at the 4077th M*A*S*H Unit? Who could know?

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    "That would be a good idea," Ray agreed.

    "Why would Cyrus be in this country?" Donald pondered, "Could there be other access points to the Creator Trio's dimensions here in the U.S.?"
    "That information is classified," Beheeyem answered, "Between you and me and you didn't hear this from me, but…NASA and Area 51 have been collaborating with the Aether Foundation to look for spacetime portals that open up in this country. If Cyrus is looking for Dialga to control time, he'd want to find a local place where one if not all of the three can be summoned to this world."

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