Meanwhile, in another part of the world...
"Ahead of schedule. Looks like your idea worked. You might be more prepared than I originally estimated. Your licenses came in."
Troy placed two cards onto the desk. Aurora picked up the cards, shortly inspecting them before slipping them into her pocket, "And the other thing?"
"I'm working on it, but I probably don't need to tell you that it is very difficult to get anything out of Groom Lake, especially in Canada. You might have to take the L on this one, but I'm sure if I did manage to get the files, it'd just tell us that our independent calculations were correct."
"So Faze is?"
"Of no concern. Also, Denver might not be the place. I'm not sure where you will be going, but I'll get back to you when I get word from Grendel and Nćġling."
"Anything else?"
"Not for now, but some practice with the Javelina probably wouldn't hurt. While you're doing that I can intensify the training so you'll be in the best position when the time comes. You can leave now."