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Thread: What Child Is This?

  1. #51
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    When the three were eating the soup from their bowls around the low table they used, Yosef was thinking of the mountain he had been seeing this day in their home, and how it could be just the blankets their child would give back to them. He became suddenly aware of the food he was eating. "This is really good! We have not been having meals like this before. I do not know how you did it better but I would really like having this meal all the time."

    Mary said, "It is just the soup with the vegetables we have cooked in it. But Yeshua was putting in seasonings and I did not recognize everything he was using."

    Yosef said, "We can have this cooked again, can't we, Yeshua? I would like to see the seasonings when you use them, too."

    Yosef ate a little more quickly, still, and when finished he watched their child, until he finished. Then Yosef said, "We can have you bring our blankets back, now."

    Their child got up and ran to the separated area where he had taken the blankets, and a large mountain appeared to be right there. Yosef went right after him figuring the child was tricky enough that he might miss catching something.

    Mary said, "What about me? I would watch him bring back the blankets for us too." She got up promptly, though a little soup remained in her bowl.

    Once in that separate area, their child could be seen running up on one side, and already high up. He came close to the top, and picked up one edge there of what was certainly a blanket. He called out from up there, "Catch!" He was then throwing a blanket down to them. It was catching air and came down spread out until nearly coming over them. They caught it with their uplifted hands, and they maneuvered it to fold up. They both then stared in amazement.

    Yosef said, "Where is all that mountain? It was just here!"

    The child told him, "It was the blankets, and that stand. You wanted the blankets back and I had to take my mountain down." The child held the other blanket in his hands, and holding it out, he said, "Here."

    Yosef said in amazement, "The whole thing vanished when he moved this blanket from it! It was an appearance, but not really there!"

    The child said, "But I made my mountain and you know it was there."

    Yosef said, "But you are right here, and we were just seeing you far away. Up there."

    "I jumped down too, since I was not having my mountain now."

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    Yosef had puzzlement showing on his face. Then he said, "But then it just looked big. And when you pulled that blanket down, it was clear that it wasn't."

    The child said, "What seems to be small will be seen to be great."

    "So the mountain you made was showing that to us?"

    "If you can take that understanding, so it is, there will be a greater mountain I would make. Still what is judged to be small will be seen as great. So what you judge things to be should not be trusted for the final word for those."

    "So this was the blanket all along, while you had it appear to be a mountain. Until you moved it to toss to us, and we saw there was no mountain there. Now that we know, we can take the blankets to where we will sleep this evening."

    Mary said, "But we want your help making supper tomorrow as well, Yeshua, and you can let us watch what you are adding to the cooked food."

    "Certainly. You should know. Our God wants the provision for us all this way, as we will be having it." He then accompanied them to the space in their simple home where they lay the blankets for where they would sleep that evening.

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    Yosef reminded his wife and child that he would be busier the next day, and for several days. He said, "Stay right here the whole time. Do not go out. Soldiers go around here enough these days. I can have family members come by and see you both, while I am not here, so you do not have to be left all alone for all that time I would be busy, and away. But just do not get undressed again, you both, that they can come see you."

    Mary said, "There really are some in the family I want to see again, after the very long time it has been. And I want to know how Uncle Baruch is doing now, so I want to see him again too."

    Yosef said, "I will go to him and others of the family to tell them they can come check on you while I am gone with all that work to do. You would then not need to go, so that you both would just stay here. I wish I could see our child season up the food you both make. Hopefully I would see soon, but I don't know that I will make it back to see tomorrow."

    Mary said, "Yeshua can agree to these things. Right?" She looked at the child.

    He answered, "Let those who would come then come. There will be something for each and everyone to learn, just for them each."

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    Yosef said, "I want to know there will not be uncomfortable surprises. Can I count on that?"

    The child answered, "No, not at all. There are no assurances for not having uncomfortable surprises, there are surely more to come, even with being entirely away from me, but there will be surprise with me, that will make some uncomfortable anyway."

    Yosef said, "May any of it not be like any that there were today."

    Mary said, "We will not have any of it tomorrow the way we had it today. I think he meant that there are things to learn from today, and there are other things to learn from tomorrow."

    "Alright. I can understand that he would mean that."

    Yeshua said, "What there is for you will not be the same as what there is for others who will come."

    Yosef said, "Can you go to bed yet? Are you not tired already?"

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    He said, "I do not think I am that tired, but I will go to bed and lie down, as you say."

    Yosef asked the child, "You were climbing up and down that high mountain, and you are not tired?"

    "It was what I made with the blankets and the stand that was used to hold it. That didn't tired me out." Without anything further their child walked on to his bed where he would lie down and be ready to fall asleep.

    Mary said to her husband, "Don't you notice that even though we seem to deal with a lot, even real trouble, we don't see our child doing things wrong, and he just cooperates ... all the time."

    Yosef said, "Still, he took off everything and was staying naked, and he had you doing that too."

    "There wasn't anything wrong with it. It was in the design meant for us, and I was really understanding that. It was that way in the beginning without there being anything wrong, and it seemed that it was suggested where we would be in the kingdom above we would not need to have these things on."

    "Alright, that was not being disobedient. But I cannot just go along with it, I think. I am not used to it, and family members will keep coming over, and they certainly will not be used to it."

    "I was not used to it. But with what he was saying and showing to me I saw there is nothing wrong with it. But we do not have to talk of that with family members coming over. That is, unless Yeshua chooses to reveal these things to them too. But it sounded like there were other things they would be needing to hear. I do trust he is doing things right. All this time I never saw him not doing so. It is amazing, I think."

    "I will trust him with you, as I have to tomorrow, then."

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    It was clear the small but profoundly wise child was asleep very soon. It was getting dark except for the lamp they had for light. Mary and her husband continued to talk for awhile.

    "Yosef, with the things we remember were told to us, that he can do things we have seen him doing really means something. I am sure we can trust him, and we will be alright while you are gone. I will just miss you. It would be good if you could ever be working right where we all live, and I could still come to you for anything."

    "That sounds like it would be great. You might talk with him tomorrow and tell him that is desirable. Maybe things we would want can happen with telling him."

    "Maybe. I will say something about that being good. But I am thinking he would not respond as we like if we are asking for things like we are selfish."

    "Then we can tell him how we would be helpful to others with anything being better for us here."

    "If we do that, it would be fine if we really do mean that, and would be helpful to others."

    "I did mean that."

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    The next morning when Mary and her husband were awake, they found the precocious child awake already before them. Mary's husband husband let her know he was glad to see the child dressed now, even while it was noticed had a change of clothing. Yosef then said, "I trust you both for being alright while I am gone, the work I have this day will keep me away much longer this day. It would be really good, I think, if there was work like this for me where I could be right near you both where we live."

    The child said, "You can trust your needs will be taken care of, while you try to be aware of needs of others, and being thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and kind, and eager to make the world a better place. Remember our God is not limited, and would be giving models for how we are to be."

    Mary said, "Yes, we are trying from now on to be aware of others' needs, and being helpful when we can be."

    He still said, "You will find if you look there are more ways to be helpful."

    Mary and her husband did not wait longer to get up. Mary was going to prepare a quick meal, that her husband could eat, right before he left, with some of the baked meal, that he might have later in the day, along with him.

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    It was still when the sun was just coming up when Mary's husband kissed her and then went out from their small humble home to the place his relatives there worked at constructing things, where there was now a very big order. Mary understood that he would have some family members come by at times during the day to check on her, but that she should stay with the child, and not leave the home.

    When her husband was gone, Mary turned to her child, who was still nibbling on a piece of the bread baked a little while ago, and said, "It is amazing that you would already know, Yeshua, first, before either of us, but it is already seeming that was right, and I am going to have another child. I see indication of that."

    "You will need to be teaching him more than you have had to be doing with me. But there is need that I learn still what I can be taught too."

    "Then what do you think we should be teaching you?"

    "There are texts that are to be read with examples shown from them as models for how we are to live. I should learn so that I can read from those too."

    Mary said, "I cannot even read from those. How would I teach you if I cannot do that? But those texts show examples of those who were doing wrong things."

    "Yes, there were things shown to be wrong that we do not do those wrong things. But the examples are plenty that are not shown as wrong things that are models for us in how to live. These need to found with careful looking more than they have been. And you had already shown you were thinking some things are wrong that are not. But you do have a member in the family who reads well and could teach any other to do that."

    "Yes, I did not think you knew that. I will have to speak to him about that."

    "He can be one of the members of the family who will come visit today."

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    Mary looked at the little child Yeshua, and said then, "You do not know him, do you? You would not have met him yet."

    "That does not matter. I know he will teach me in the ways needed for reading I would need to be able to do. We will meet and I will know him then from that. He will be very happy that he teaches me."

    Mary said, "Well his name is Mordechem, and he trained to be one of the scribes. But his immediate family was mixed, and he was disqualified from that when it came to light. But he knows the way to read texts like no one else nearby, and he has instructed very young boys for that when their parents sent them to him for that. He will in fact be happy to teach one young boy among his own relatives."

    Her child Yeshua said, "I will be ready when he would be starting to teach me the script, that I can read it."

    "But you are little and so young. Not even he will think you can learn it very well already."

    "His joy will then be a surprise!"

    "Yes, I guess it really will be."

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    Mary was soon eating with her child, who she let help prepare it, newly heated baked bread and warm sauces with garlic and seasonings, for putting bits of the bread in. It was then as they sat together that a knock was already heard at the door of their simple home. Mary got up, and said, "Let me check." She considered, and then said, "Would it be Mordechem already?"

    Her child Yeshua said, "It is not him, yet. You have another family member here."

    Mary opened the door and looked out. The woman almost as young as Mary smiled, and said, "I was really happy to hear you had come back, with your family. I brought you some bread and some small fish."

    "Elishifah, you should not have. You must see my son. But do not be surprised or hurt if he turns what you brought here down. But he is eating now and would not be hungry for anything. Come on in." Mary made room for her relative to enter. They knew they were related, though it was not clear to them if they were first cousins or second cousins, or in-between in relationship.

    Mary said, "Yeshua, this is Elishifah, she brought us a few items as a gift, to welcome us here where we are with family."

    Her child said, "But we do not eat those things. We have had that talk before."

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