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  1. #1
    Giga Onion
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    Default VANTABLACK

    A part of me still thinks I should've stayed asleep... It's too late to go back to sleep now...


    The Imperial Inquisition has dispatched one of their upcoming prodigies to the planet of Les Dona. This prodigy, codenamed "VANTABLACK," was given the objective of uncovering and crushing a potential rebel uprising. However, Vantablack will soon realize this mission was more than he bargained for.

    Spoiler: LES DONA 

    Note: Each chapter will be linked to their respective posts.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-11-2023 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Giga Onion
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    Default Chapter 1: Touchdown I


    13th of Markus - 3550 BD - Sunrise (06:00 AM IST)
    BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. An alarm rings out in a bedroom devoid of personality. Each ring echoing only slightly.

    A man, standing no more than two meters, wakes with a start; beads of sweat dripping from his brow. His tormented gaze peers around the bedroom, almost as though he's regaining his sense of object permanence. And, as though it was but a reflex, he slams his open palm on the snooze button; silencing it.

    Finding himself upright in a sitting position on his bed, he climbs out moving to turn on the lights.

    When he does, there comes a different ring. This one has bit of a tune, only consisting of 3-4 harmonious notes in ascending pattern. This ring, when his gaze draws upon it, comes from a device that looks to provide communication.

    He scoops up the device as he slips into a shirt and some pants. He hits a button on it, said button being blue in coloration to denote positive feedback.

    "ID Number zero zero alpha nine," he says as he holds the device up to his ear.
    "ID received agent, transfering you to your inquisitor." A feminine robotic voice responded.

    There was a moment of dead air before another voice connected to the transmission.

    "Vantablack," a deep bassy male voice thundered in, "Your first trial awaits you. Report to your staging post in 30 minutes."
    "Yes, my Lord," the man instinctively responded.
    The transmission is cut shortly thereafter.

    This man, known only as Vantablack, pockets the coms device and sets about spending those very precious minutes gearing up with everything he had in this voided bedroom of his. He then sets off for his staging post, using those last minutes to take a brisk jog through the vacant, stale and sterile, hallways.

    13th of Markus - 3550 BD - Sunrise (06:30 AM IST)
    Standing in his staging post, which turns out to be the belly of a clipper, Vantablack stands at attention.

    A screen comes up revealing the face of the thunderous voice, which was an older gentleman sporting a thick mane and a groomed mustache. This inquisitor had an expression that tells of no pleasure and all business. He spoke, unabaded, "This first trial will determine your loyalty."

    The screen changes to reveal profiles of several individuals.
    "We have reason to believe that each one of these persons are connected with a rebel group known as the Illuminated. These heretics claim that they've discovered an ancient technology that allows them to 'transcend reality and its barriers.' We suspect that they've engaged in maltech practices and the Inquisition needs you to locate and eliminate this cult before it can cause any further damage to our new kingdom."

    "And my cover, my Lord?" Vantablack asked not even breaking eye contact with the screen.

    "Arthur," the inquisitor says plainly, "Arthur is a guard working for 'Julio's Investigation Agency.' An eccentric group of people that require caution when interacting."

    "Must I eliminate them too if they discover my true motives?" The agent's eyes dialate as he watches the inquisitor's expression sour slightly.

    "It should never come to that. They were compensated prior to not ask those questions lest they value their lives. Your cover is secure unless you squander the opportunity."

    "Of course, my Lord. Apologies for asking such a question."
    "Let it not happen again," there's a pause from the inquisitor before he conintues, "Travel time to Les Dona will be two weeks. Familiarize yourself with its people and culture. We will be observing your progress. May the Immortal King guide you."
    The transmission gets cut there, leaving the agent alone in a revving up clipper as it decouples from something.

    There's a pause for an indeterminate amount of time before a voice comes over the intercom saying, "We've entered hyperspace. Buckle up down there it's gunna be a little bumpy."

    The agent settles into his seat, realizing that this is the first time, in a long time, he was given a real assignment. A real mission.

    21st of Markus - 3550 BD - Sunrise (06:30 AM IST)
    Having spent a good amount of time in hyperspace, the agent cracks open those files pertaining to Les Dona and its people.

    Les Dona is home to fourteen-point-seven million people. The majority of the population is human with their being a small, but vocal, minority of dwarves. Government is not planetary, and is fractured among counties and individual towns within those counties. Political leaders are known as Capos with the most influential of them being Enrique "Scarface" Jacinto. He owns the super-county of El Derado, and enforces his will on surrounding counties.

    In addition to tyrannical drug lords, the planet is plagued with unnatural phenomena that seemingly defy all known logic. There will be times where the sand inexplicably turns into water or sparks will shoot up from crystals poking out of the sand. Rocks seemingly float without any external force. Animals that are expected to do one thing, do the opposite. Nothing makes sense for this planet and its biosphere.

    Les dona is also a struggling economy. This is mostly due to corruption at several key levels of government. The gold that would've been entrusted to the citizenry was only used to fatten the Capos pockets and bolster their security forces. Currently, Jacinto's men occupy the greatest percentage of that niche with his men being called, "Casadors." A majority of the populace are below the poverty line, forming sprawling shanty towns outside the more developed parts of the county.

    Les Dona boasts a nontoxic breathable atmosphere with the only contaminants to speak of being dust particals that are kicked up by strong gusts of wind.

    It's people are ruggedy and hearty, often keeping to themselves and scaring off anyone who is looking to cause trouble. They prefer to speak truthfully and plainly as they value honesty above all else. They're more willing to gun down a stranger than one of their own if it means life or death.

    "So trust is a big thing huh," the agent muttered, thinking aloud.

    Les Dona is also home to the Church of Saint Jorge, a sect of teleports. Their goal is the spreading of Saint Jorge's teachings and practices, which are buddhist in origin. They see themselves as "Sandskippers," and believe they're one with the cosmos by "skipping" in and out of space at will. They're often seen providing humanitarian aid to improverished areas in all counties. They also seem to have very little involvement with the interfactional war among the counties. They have a strong following with a majority of the planet practicing and preaching the religion on various levels.

    Coming to the end of the file on Les Dona, he pauses on the files on Julio's Investigation Agency. He wasn't too sure what to make of this cover. He was assigned to protect Julio Orduna, a known private investigator responsible for solving some of Les Dona's toughest cases. He understood that this PI was paid to not ask questions about him, but something felt odd about this pairing. This is not even considering his two other colleagues, a rambunctious punk of a teenager and a genius deadbeat hacker. Ria Picazo and Eduardo Fontanez are both ghosts when it comes to the Inquisitions sleuthing.

    The agent furrowed his brow at this and put the PDA away, having his fill of reading for the day.

    28th of Markus - 3550 BD - Highnoon (12:30 PM IT)
    "We've exited hyperspace, we'll be within orbit of Les Dona in 20. Get ready."

    The agent stands up from his half-leaning position in his seat, and moves to a circular tube; stepping in and adjusting his back on the padding. The door slides close, and there's a jerk as mechanisms lock into place.

    "All systems are green on your drop tube. Hope you got your grav-chute on, because it's gunna be bumpy going all the way down agent. I know this is your first assignment, but don't get butterflies down there. Remember, you got a job to do and alot of people are countin on ya to get it done."

    There's a beeping coming from somewhere outside of the tube.
    There's a release of pressure, as a red light appears on the inside of the tube.

    "Alright, we're entering the lagrange point. Standby for orbital drop."

    The agent glances up to the red light before pressing on the side of his helmet activating the vacuum-seal feature on his drop gear.

    "Good luck, and may the Immortal King guide you."

    In that moment, the red light becomes green and the agent is sent rocketing through space down towards the planet; creating a fireball around him as he enters atmosphere. Thankfully, his drop gear protects him from re-entry and most debris.

    Though the descent, itself, lasts minutes as the agent comes closer, and closer, to the surface; its blue sands becoming ever more blue by the second. However before he could collide with the ground in a spectular explosion of blood and sand, the chutes on his gear activate slowing down his descent. This slows it down so much that he was able to land somewhat safely along the slope of a dune; only kicking up three to five meters of sand and rock.

    Sliding to a stop he whips off his helmet and drop gear; tossing it to the side. He glances around quickly before pulling out his PDA and checking where he is based on map data provided via the files he was given. He gathers that he is ten to fifteen kilometers from the nearest settlement. He narrows his eyes at this and sighs, "I was off by five klicks.. Dammit.."

    He pockets the PDA after figuring out the direction he needs to travel, and begins in that direction; slinging his rifle over his shoulder and holstering his pistol.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-26-2023 at 10:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Giga Onion
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    Default Chapter 2: Touchdown II

    28th of Markus - 3550 BD - Afternoon (13:13 PM IST)

    The agent stops. Transfixed on the sound.

    He isn't sure where it is coming from, but it grabs him; keeping his attention hypnotically.

    He paces around, looking at various areas of the blue desert about him; befuddled.

    The agent then does a small breathing exercise to calm his nerves.
    Which was successful.
    The agent found himself refocusing his mind to the path he mentally mapped out.

    However, something felt different in this path of his. He notices that the desert has seemingly leveled out; revealing flat sandy land for kilometers around. He did not realize, until that moment, the desert had consumed his path.

    His eyes dialate in slight frustration at this obstruction, but makes a concerted effort to maintain the path he had originally made. This came to some success, as he remembered to backtrack to the dunes. He thus begins moving in that direction, jogging in order to make-up for lost time.


    He stops yet again, slidding somewhat into the sand.

    This time there was no mistaking it. Those were wardrums of a most diabolical kind. A sound so disorienting and menacing that it caused intense nausea.

    The agent was scanning the horizon expecting an orc warband to suddenly appear. He even readies his rifle, kneeling down into a firing position. There were only a few times the agent had to bloody his M.92 Windchaser. This may be one of those times.

    His eyes dart around the landscape once more, expecting an enemy that'll never come.

    He temporarily drops his guard, seeing that the enemy is nowhere to be seen. He hacks out some spit from the intense physical reaction he suffered through. He can see, however, the dunes are closer than they were before. He gives an approving nod to this, and continues on; keeping his rifle at low ready.


    Just as the final drum beat closes, the agent collapses to his knees onto the side of a dune.

    He violently vomits into the sand, unable to hold the contents of his stomach.

    After several seconds of continuous vomiting, he wipes his mouth of the excess; looking back at where he came from hoping to see that same flat, sandy, land. But instead, to his horror, the land wasn't flat but concave. Each spherical semicircle occupies a space of about 3 meters in diameter and 1 meter in depth. These craters stretch for hundreds of meters, and have breaks in them like cracks in a wall. Each one giving off natural precussion in that discordant rhythm he heard before.

    He observes them closely, and then spots the breaks in them. He deduces that some of the breaks cut through the area. And so, the agent decides to traverse the breaks seeing that his destination is beyond them.

    Shimmying his way along the cracks, of which were only half a meter wide in some areas, he almost tips over into a patch of the area due to a miscalculation. Thankfully, his quick-thinking allows him to shift his weight and footing to maintain balance. As a result, he clears the field of concave sand plates after several agonizing minutes of tip-toeing and odd indian belly dancing.

    On the otherside, he moves on now transitioning into running at fifty percent his maxium speed in the direction he originally plotted. This time, fully intending to make up for lost time.

    28th of Markus - 3550 BD - Afternoon (16:30 PM IST)
    The agent is standing on the outskirts of a dusty town stretching some hundreds of acres across. He estimates there to be well over three dozen buildings. The architecture of these buildings being false fronts. However, there were some buildings that were far more developed and had stronger foundations. These buildings look to be governmental in nature, sporting flags representing this town's allegiance.

    He starts down the main dirt road that cuts through this town; scanning the various sidewalk attractions. He sees everything from loiters talking about the day's ails to children playing tag in the street. "For a town on the edge of nothing," he thinks silently, "They were somehow able to make it happen. Remarkable.."

    His eyes fall upon a neon sign that displayed a keg of beer being poured into a tankard. His eyes then fall further down to a couple of prostitues standing around next to the entrance. He paid them no mind, but as he steps towards the swinging saloon-style doors, one of the good-looking women spot him.

    She immediately steps into his path, blocking him.
    He looks at her with a soft sigh as he realizes this is going to be yet another detour.

    "What's ya name stranga?" She asks innocently with a thick south Meracan accent.
    "Arthur," the agent responds as he shoulders past the girl, sharing that same accent.

    She looks a little flabbergasted at the near-silent rejection, and follows him into the tavern proper. "Well, Arthur I can make it worth ya while. Maybe for just a little gold? Waddya say?"

    He stops, turning to her. He looks her up and down, and shakes his head saying, "Not my type."

    Her face crinkles at this and is awe-struck, "Well you must be gayer than a box of flowers.."

    He scoffs at this, clearly ignoring her insults. He finds his spot at the bar as the prostitute rejoins her friends outside.

    The keeper, having been eyeing the agent the entire interaction, leans on his side of the counter in front the agent; smirking slightly. "Not many people in this town ignore a pretty lady like dat.. You must be gay or lookin for vengeance, which is it?"

    The agent, even less amused than before, looks at the keeper before sighing heavier, saying, "Lookin for vengeance... I ain't got time for no snatch.."

    "Well buddy," the keeper comes up from the counter and smiles; chuckling. "What'll be?"

    "Bottle of ale." The agent cracks a small smile, hoping to just continue on with his night.

    The keeper pulls a bottle out from somewhere under the counter on his side. He pops the cap, and slides it towards the agent where he then caters to someone else momentarily.

    The agent takes a swig of his alcohol, and flags down the keeper again. "I got a few questions since I just blew in from outta town.."

    The keeper glances back at another patron making sure they had their drink before coming back to the agent and nodding upward to indicate that he's listening.

    "Firstly," the agent takes another swig, "What town is this? Secondly, is there an inn I can stay at? And thirdly, what rumors have you heard?"

    The keeper smirks, seemingly relishing in his own humor. "The town's called Valbueno. Most of us call it 'Bueno. There is an inn, but it's ran by a chrochety ol' bitch who might run ya pockets if you ain't careful. But if you want to test ya coin purse, she's across the street."

    "As for rumors," he leans in, "There hasn't been much coming down the grapevine as of late, but what I have heard was that quite a few people have been going missing in these parts. Some say it was raiders, others argue outlaws."

    "What's ya take?" The agent inquires further, taking another swig of his drink.

    "Well," the keeper thinks on the question for a moment, "I think it was cultists.. The people that had gone missing were all children... They all went out to play after duskfall, and never returned.. Plus those freaks always target children."

    The agent makes little nodding gestures in agreement with that statement.

    "But, that's all I got for ya.." The keeper handles another patron as his attention shifts.

    The agent finishes his drink, and slides the keeper a gold for it. He then gets up from his seat at the bar and walks over to the exit. He slips through the group of prostitutes who were hooping and hollering at him as he crosses the street.

    28th of Markus - 3550 BD - Duskfall (17:20 PM IST)
    Entering the inn, the agent is greeted to the sounds of merrymaking in the common area situated towards the middle of the inn's first floor. There were also sounds of dining as well off to his front-left, and a visible staircase off to his front-right.

    Immediately to his direct left, though, sat a counter. An old woman, who is sitting at that counter, was eyeing him before saying, "You stayin' or sight-seein'?"
    "Stayin," the agent replies jiggling his coin purse. "How much?"
    "Five gold a night, that includes meal and shower." She doesn't bat an eye.

    He tosses five gold onto the counter without hesitation, whereby the old lady hands him a key. She doesn't elaborate further, only pointing to the number hanging from the ring-end of the key.

    He examines the number, and assumes that's the room number. He gives a firm nod to that.

    "Dinner has already been served for the night, but you can grab whatever is left." She breaks her attention away from him, and turns it to her terminal; more preoccupied there than with him.

    He doesn't say much after that, breaking contact with her to go straight to his room. Once there, he stows away his equipment under the bed; covered by one of the few blankets he has. Although, he does keep his sidearm in its holster on his hip.

    He takes his shower, and changes into some lighter clothing; fiinding a comfortable spot on the side of the bed to look over his PDA.

    He finds that Valbueno is four days south of the next settlement. He's going to need some wheels or a beast to cross the desert as quickly as possible. He does not want to take his chances crossing the desert on foot.

    So, he elects to spend this night relaxing as this is the first time he's gotten real sleep in a real bed in weeks. He wasn't going to pass up this opportunity.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 06-26-2023 at 10:17 PM.


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