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Thread: (M) Unexpected Encounters of the Knights (IC)

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    As Valeria sat there putting her flute away some thoughts about Alastair started to rush into her mind. Yes she did care about him and she knew he cared about her and had strong feelings for her plus he wanted to get her safely back home again. But if he did why was he not showing his feeling for her? Was there something more she did not know about him that made him not want to show his feelings? And what made her think about him like this right now? Valeria did not know but she wished he would open up more and show how much he did care about her so Zad could see it to. But now should she go find Alastair and see if his feelings for Zad had changed? Or should she wait for him to find her?
    Valeria sat there for a few more minutes than standing up she walked slowly back over to the pool and when she got there she knelt down next to the water. Then cupping her hands she reached down into the water and started splashing water on to her face, for she did not want Alastair to know she had been crying.

    When she was finished doing that she dried her face off with her dress then looking around to see if there was a shady place to sit and wait for Alastair to come find her. When she sees a few trees near the path that lead back up to the phoenix’s house she stood up and started walking over to them. When she got there she sat down under the trees and then taking her flute out of the bag she then put it together again. Then smiling she put the flute up to her lips and started to play a little tune she loved to hum. She hoped her playing her flute would bring Alastair to her when he hears her playing it.

    After playing it for a few minutes she stopped playing it and took the flute away from her lips and placing on her lap. As she did that she put her head back onto the trees and closing her eyes she tried to picture what it would be like if Alastair was playing along with her, because she remembered that he had said he played the flute along time ago. What could he play that she already knew? Then a thought came to her mind. What would he say and think when he saw she had her flute again? Would he change his feeling about Zad if he knew he gave it back to her? She did not know.

    As Valeria sat there she did not know Zad had been watching her in the trees a good ways back from her and he had some plans for her that she did not know about. He knew if he put a spell on her and put her to sleep she would not move from where she was at and Alastair would find her easier and wonder what was wrong with her when he saw her sitting there sleeping. Yes he would have a little fun and do that very thing to her.

    Then raising his hand he smiled and spoke these words. “Deep, deep sleep come onto her, make her sleep until her prince kisses on her lips.” After he said these words he waved his hand in the air then clapping his hands once the spell was cast. Now when this happened Valeria’s eyes open and she looked around for a minute then she yawned and started to get really sleepy. Then Valeria not sure what was wrong started to feel light headed and soon was lying on the ground fast asleep.

    When Zad saw this happen he smiled and went over to her side and checking to see if she was truly a sleeping and when he saw she was he then placed a note next to her on the ground. Now this note had Alastair’s name on it and it read this:

    “Alastair you must kiss Valeria two times on the lips and say I love you Valeria to break this spell
    and to wake her up. If you fail to do this the spell she has on her now will cause her to not be able to talk to again until you are able to break the spell which she has been carrying on her already for two years. “

    As he left the note next to her he smiled and nodded his head and then disappeared.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 02-03-2024 at 07:51 PM.

  2. #32
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    Alastair had reached the bottom of those steps making a stairway around the treelike tower that Frah, the high phoenix, had for his home, as it seemed. But where was Valeria? Had she not come down this way right before him? Maybe there were yet strange anomalies in this realm of the phoenix apart from their world that had things flow entirely differently, for each of those who had come here from outside of this realm.

    He looked around in wonder. The pool where they had been swimming was a little way from there, past some very small trees here. Could she have gone and submerged under the water, again? He would have to go look. There was almost nowhere else to look, between the two high mountain ranges on either side, that came to very high peaks one on either side so close together, just a little way further, and he knew he could walk there, and the problem of being stuck here away from their world where they had their homes would be over. But he had to find Valeria, now.

    He looked around carefully as he went toward the pool. She could not have started playing with him by hiding, could she? It would take effort to hide from where he could see her. But there, right by the edge of the pool, that is her, isn't it? But she is just lying there almost merged with the ground, and not moving! What happened?!

    Alastair hurried over, now concerned. She was there totally sprawled over the ground at the very edge of the pool. But why? He looked carefully over her, closely, to discern her breathing. She still lives! But why, after an emotional departure and hurrying down from where they were with the phoenix, would she just lie here unconscious?? And then he saw a paper, it was quite near her. And when he gave it attention, he saw his name on it, and wondered how this might be involved with what he had found.

    And then he saw it was a spell on her. She would always sleep. Unless... It must be from that wizard Valeria was talking about. But wasn't he tricky? He seemed that he would be, from what he first heard. Was she duped then after that? But he could not at all let her keep sleeping. He kissed her, twice, and told her he loved her. He knew as he did that it was not really untrue.

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    It was not long after Alastair kissed and said I love you to Valeria that the spell was broken and Valeria started to move her head. As she did that her eyes opened slowly and she started to look around to see where she was at. But when she turned her head and saw Alastair standing there looking down at her she gave him a smile as she looked up at him. “Um...What happened to me? Was I asleep? The last thing I remember was, I had just gotten a drink andwasdrying my tears away and that is all I remember.” she said as she watches Alastair face to see how he would respond to what she had said.

    Then she started to sit up and as she did she saw that Alastair was holding his hand out to her to help her up. Valeria gladly took it and stood up. Once she was standing again she brushed her dress off and listened to what Alastair had to say. As Valeria listened to him talk she started to remember that Zad had been there with her. Had Zad done something to her to make her wait here for him to find her?

    Then a question came into her mind for him. “Alastair what made you come find me? Ithought you did not want to have anything to do with Zad anymore. But that does not matter now, what matters is thatyou did come to find me.” she said as she walked over and stood in front of him, then taking his hands in hers she looked up into his eyes.

    “I think it is about time I am honest with you about somethings. I am really afraid of Zad and I want you to know that. I want to know that you are willing to take care of me and to hear you tell me you do love me. I will not be running from you again but I want to be by your side as long as it takes us to get home. Alastair…” she stopped talking and stood there for a minute looking up into his eyes. “Alastair I love you.” She said with a smile on her face as she watched his face and waited for him to answer her. She hoped he would respond with some of the same words she had said and even maybe kiss her on the lips, for she was longing for him to kiss her.

    After a few minutes had gone by and Alastair had answered her Valeria spoke again. “Now I know you would not just come looking for me without wanting to tell me something as well. If there is something please do tell me. Why don’t we take a walk and you can tell me what is on your mind.” She said as she let go of his hands and turned to start walking.

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    Alistair was relieved when Valeria was awakening, it was not soon enough. He said, "You were asleep, Valeria, and I will not be dishonest with you. I just found out that Zad put a spell on you. I happen to really love you, and that is a very good thing, if it were not so I could not have awakened you and you would have always remained asleep still. We must get out from this world with this Frah, the high phoenix. Zad is not kept out from appearing here, and I figured out that we have not adjusted properly in sinc with the reality here, and are still experiencing timelines differently.

    "Of course I wanted to find you again, I did not want to lose you. And we have the way to leave here, I should bring you with me that we return to our world. I had experienced you telling me that Zad was a wicked wizard who you feared when I spoke with you earlier, then you left me up there with that Frah, and told me Zad came because I love you and could care for you, and he was not trying to cause trouble or get in the way, and was not wanting to hurt either of us in any way, but he was making sure I would love and care for you. You fear him now? We have such anomalous presence here I can't be sure of things, but I know we can go and should, and we can go right now. I would always want to bring you with me. Let us go, now, we should not stay with this. We need to just go that way where the bases of those two great peaks nearly meet over there, for us to escape from here. The high phoenix told me that." Alistair came closer, and kissed her. He said, "Come with me." So they walked from there.

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    As Alistair told her that she was put asleep, because Zad had put a spell on her. Valeria mouth dropped open and she started to shake her head. “I was wondering if that was what he did to me before her left me. He had just finished talking to me and then he left me alone.”

    Then as she continued to listen to him talk a big smile started to come on her face when Alistair told her he really loved her and that was a very good thing. “Oh, Alistair it is so good to hear you tell me that and I truly do believe you really mean it from your heart.” she said as she squeezed his hands gently. When he told her that they must get out of this world now she started to nod her head in agreement. “Yes, I agree with you Alistair we do need to leave here now.

    Now when Alistair finished talking Valeria saw him move a little closer to her. Then he surprised her and put his lips up to her lips, Valeria’s eyes went wide for a moment she had not been expecting this. It had caught her off guard but soon she returned her kiss. When this kiss ended, she was panting with a slight blush across her cheeks. This made her wondered was this what love was like, if so, did he get the same feeling from it as she just did? Oh, she hoped so, but time would only tell.

    Then Alistair spoke again and said Come with me. Valeria smiled and nodded her head as she took his hand in hers, they then started to walk. But they had not been walking for long when Zad appeared down the road a little way in front of them. Now when Valeria saw him standing in front of them, she stopped walking and grabbed Alistair’s arm and held on to it tightly.

    But before either of them could say anything, Zad saw this and started to laugh. “Ah well Miss Valeria, I see you have grown love this young man since we last talked. This means I must have my little talk with him before you two get too attached with each other.” Valeria started to shake her head. “Oh, please Zad let us both get back home before you take him away from me to talk with him.” she said as she moved to stand behind Alistair and kept holding on to his arm.

    Now when Zad heard this he frowned at her and shook his head. “Oh, I see you want to make it harder for me to talk to him. Okay I will let you two get home, but when you do get there, I will be waiting for you both. I will then take your young man away from you until I can properly talk to him. Valeria, you know what will happen if you try and stop me from talking to him. So don’t say anything too me about it or else I will make life even harder for you.
    As Valeria herd this she bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head. “Yes, master I understand, Alistair will be yours when we get home, and I won’t try and stop you from taking him away from me.” She said as she looked up into Alistair’s face and nodded her head.

    Zad laugh at what she said. “Ah now that is my good girl. Now Alistair you take care of Valeria, and I will be talking to you when you two get home.” he said as he nodded his head to them both. Then before either of them could say anything back Zad disappeared. Now when he had gone Valeria just stood there looking at the ground not sure what to say. She knew she had not told Alistair that Zad had to take her from him while he talks to him, but she did not know how to tell him now.

    Then letting go of his arm she came around and stood in front of him. ” Oh Alistair hold me close to you in your arms for I am sacred. I am so sorry I failed to tell you that Zad had to separate us two when he talks to you. See we are not allowed to see each other when you are doing the task to break the spell. Because of that Zad will be taking me and hiding me so you can’t see me until you have finished doing each of the tasks. The reason why this has to happen is because Zad thinks if I was to be there with you, I might want help you out. He also is doing it because he wants to see how much you love me and how much you want to break the spell. Please understand me Alistair I don’t like it anymore then you do that this has to happen. I would rather be in your arms then away from you.”

    Now when she finished telling him all this they stood there in each other’s arms for a few more minutes. Then Valeria looked up into Alistair’s face and smiled up at him. “Shall we go now to the place we need to get to so we can go home?” She asks as she took her right hand and reached up placed it on his left cheek and gave it a little pat.

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    When Zad had appeared, Alistair heard all that this wizard said to Valeria. She truly became frightened. And then Valeria convinced that wizard, somehow, to leave them alone until they both returned to the realm of their own home places, but then he would be taken from her. She knew this and was going along with it.

    When Zad was gone, many questions came to him. But he just said to Valeria, "What I heard you say in my experience of the sequence of things, which might be different from what you remember, was that this wizard was only following us around because he needs to gain my trust and he needs to see that I am able to care and love you and so when he sees that he will know that I am the right one to break the spell. But he is the one who put the spell on you! Is that how it was? I did not understand why you were upset with me not seeing something about him. Was this different from your experience? And you still will be alright letting him take me from you right when we return to our own world?"

    Alistair looked to where they were heading, still not more than a couple of hundred feet from there. And he thought, then after that it would be over.

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    Before they started to walk Valeria heard Alistair ask her a question about what she had told him about Zad. But she did not answer him right away but was quite for a few minutes as she thought about what he had asked her.

    Then after Valeria had thought about it, she slowly started to nod her head. “What you just said to me is all true and Zad was the one to put the spell on me. But the only way for it to be broken is if you do some tasks for him. Yes, he could remove the spell from me but if he did, he would also take my voice away from me. See the reason he put the spell on me in the first place is because I refused to give him my lovely voice and stop singing when he first came to me.”

    When she had finished explaining her answer to him, he then surprised her with two more questions that she was not expecting him to ask her. “Alistair the only reason I was upset with you was because I thought you did not want to break the spell because you were going along with what Frah was saying about Zad.” She said as she came closer to him and put her hand on his chest and looked up into his face.

    Then she answered his last question. “Oh, Alistair No, I don’t want Zad to take you away from me. It will be hard for me to lose you when Zad takes you away. The only reason he is going to be talking to you is to make sure you really love me and want to break the spell. Then he will be telling you what tasks you will be doing to break the spell. Then you will have to do each task before you can see me again. But the best thing is after you break the spell, we will always be able to be together and I will never have to leave your side again.

    Oh, Alistair just remember when you are doing each task, I will be thinking about you even if I cannot be with you at the time and please do think about me, it will help you know how much I love you and will miss seeing you.” She said all this and when she finished speaking to him, she then leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.

    Then as she smiles up at him, she puts her hand in his chest. “Now if you don’t have any more question for me, I am ready to start walking so we can get home.” She said as she gently squeezed his hand and waited for him to answer her.

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    Alistair went on with Valeria, wondering about these things as they approached where the steep slopes of each of the two peaks at the ends of the mountain ranges reached nearest to each other, where there would be access to what they needed to leave this place. What were these tasks? Valeria didn't know, or she would say. Then how could it be sure he could do them? This Zad could not be good. Why was he dealing with Valeria this way? It could not matter to him if a man she found really loved her, or not, when he was so manipulative with her. But now they approached something like a large plate.

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    There was what looked like a high mound, with defined corners at the top, right between the very steep slopes of the two high peaks where they came together. This high mound with corners at the top reached just a little higher than their height. A plate with a metallic shine that had an edge making a shape that corresponded just right to the profile of that high mound seemed to lean against it facing them as the two came to it. Alistair wondered about it, and came right up to it to look. As he expected from what the high phoenix told him, there was another plate there that the one they had seen was stacked against in front of it. He brought a hand carefully closer to it, and did not touch it until he was sure there was not too much heat from it sitting out. There was no uncomfortable temperature. He then tried gingerly to move the front one. There was no trouble to that. The plate was not thick, it was in fact remarkably thin, and he moved it easily, it was still about two feet wide and about four and a half feet high. Once that was apart, he moved the other one, which was like the first one he moved, and he brought it apart from that mound easily.

    There where the two plates had been an opening with bright sides was revealed, just large enough, of course, for them to enter, if they crouched down to go through it. Alistair held one plate, and he asked Valeria to take the other plate, as he held it up, so that they each could carry one through the opening, as he had been told, which could be managed with slanting the plate greatly to move through along its side.

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    As they walked along Valeria tried to think if she could remember if Zad had told her what the Knight would have to do to break the spell. All she could remember was he had to do three or four task. But she could not remember if Zad had told her them. Oh, she wished she had asked Zad what the task were. Now she knew Alistair would have to wait until they got home to find out.

    Valeria watched Alistair closely for a few minutes as they walked. Then she thought she would ask him a question about himself and what he could do. “Alistair, I don’t think I have asked you what kind of animals have you had the optionally to killed? Are you a good hunter to? My father taught me how to hunt and I have killed some wild pigs, two deer’s, a lot of rabbits, and a few other things to.

    Then neither of them said anything until they got closer to the steep slopes. But as they got right up in front of the steep slopes Valeria watched as Alistair looked at the large plates. Then she broke the silences with a question.

    Then all of a sudden Alistair hand Valeria one of the plates and told her to hold it. Then she asked her question that she had wanted to ask him for a long time. “What are we to do with the large plates now? She asks as she looked at it closely. When she looks at it she did not see any buttons that could be pushed, so how in the world were these two plates going to take them home.

    She wished Alistair would speak to her and tell her what was going to happen next since they had found the plates. His silences was about to make her go crazy.

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