Valeria kept her eyes on Alastair and tried not to look down at the wild pig. When she saw him pick up a rock and come over to where the wild pig was at she held her breath as she watch Alastair hit the pig in the head. Then a smile came to her face when the she saw the wild pig drop to the ground below her. It was not long after that Alastair came over to the tree and told her she was safe now.
As Valeria heard this she nodded her head. He then reached up to her and helped her out of the tree and into his arms. As Valeria climbed into his arms she started to cry as she put her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. “Oh Alastair I was so scared the wild pig would get me, but when I saw you coming down the path I know I was going to be alright. Thank you for killing the wild pig. You are one brave knight to do something like that for me.” she said as she kissed him on the cheek.
After Alastair had put her on the ground Valeria turned and looked at the wild pig. But before she could say anything she heard Alastair speak again and say he really did not think there was any wild pigs around here. Now Valeria thought about what he had said she started to shake her head. “Oh there are wild pigs around here they only come out after it rains and then also early in the morning. I am surprised there was one out today so late in the afternoon.” Valeria said.
Then Valeria saw Alastair walk over to check on the wild pig. As she watched him she held her breath because she hope the wild pig was dead now. When seeing it was she came a little closer to it. Then Alastair spoke again and told her he had to find Zad and take the wild pig to him.
Now when Valeria heard this she looked at Alastair with a confused look on her face. “Why in the world do you need to give Zad the wild pig? He has no need for it.” Valeria ask as she walked over to his side and studied his face closely. They stood there for a few minute neither of them saying anything. Then Valeria spoke again. “But if you need to give it to him the only two ways you can do it is if you call for him or if he happens shows up on his own. He is probably watching us right now some where.” she said as she looked around them.
But before Alastair could say anything to her Zad did appear right behind them. Now after he walked quitely up and was standing right behind them he then spoke. “Well, well what do we have here? I would say it be a dead wild pig. Well done Alastair.” When Valeria heard him speak she jumped and quickly moved closer to Alastair as she did she grabbed his arm and held onto his hand so Zad would not be able to do anything to her.
Then before Zad could say anything else Valeria spoke. “Yes, that wild pig chased me up a tree and then got ahold of my dress in it’s mouth, but Alastair saw what was happening and came and saved me and killed it.” Valeria said as she looked up at Alastair and smile at him. When Zad heard all of this he started to laugh. “Well Miss Valeria Segrave you got lucky this time but next time we will see about that. Now has Alastair told you about the task he has to do for me with the wild pigs?”
When Valeria heard Zad question she started to shake her head. “No sir, he has not told me about it yet.” she said as she looked at him closely. Zad then started to laugh again. “Well if he has not you need to ask him about it. I will take this dead pig with me now, but next time you kill one Alastair just call out my name and clap your hands two times and the wild pig will disappear.” Zad said as he waved his hand in the air and made the wild pig disappear, then he too disappeared.
Now after Zad had left them Valeria turned and looked at Alastair with a confessed look on her face. “Alastair what did Zad mean by he gave you a task to do with a wild pig? Was this one of the tasks you have to do too break the spell if so was there any other one you have to do as well? Oh please Alastair tell me while we walk back to the lake because soon the sun will be setting and I need to be in the water.” Valeria said as she waited for him to talk, she then took his hand in hers and they started to walk to the lake.
It was a nice day with the sun out though it was low to the horizon, while evidence of an earlier rain was still seen. The shore was not far ahead, and Alastair knew he would soon see the tail appearing on Valeria.
Alastair explained that his task was to kill wild pigs, seven of them, just one in a day, for Zad to have, and that this was not the only task. He then said to Valeria, "There are still battles with ogres, and your brother would be included for going to battle. I have the way to end the ogres coming to be a threat, with what I brought that can close the entry of their world into our reality, I must take those flat plates to where that gate is. It should not wait long, I am sure you would agree."
As they walked up to the shore line Valeria turned and put her arms around Alastair neck. Then looking up into his eyes she spoke. “Oh Alastair you don’t know how much I missed seeing you when you were with Zad. I do hope he treated you well when you were with him and did not try to hurt you in any way.” she said as she put her head on his chest. Then she heard him speak and he told her he had to kill seven wild pigs and he could only kill one pig a day and give it to Zad. Then he said that this was not the only task. Now when Valeria heard this all she lifted her head off of his chest and looked up at him again. “Really how many tasks do you have to do?” she ask as she studied his face.
He then told her that there were still battles with the ogres and her brother would be included for going to battle. Now when he said her brother was a part of it Valeria eyes grew wide. Oh how she missed seeing her brother and wished she could see him. Then her thoughts were interrupted when he spoke about the flat plates he had to put in the gate to close them up.
Now this made Valeria nod her head. “Oh my yes you should do that very soon. But you must also rest for the night and then early in the morning we can both go together and you can do it. Hey why don’t you stay here tonight and sleep on the cot I have in the cave over there.” she said as she turned and pointed to the cave behind her. “But first let me get into the water and go get us some fish to eat then while you are cooking them you can tell me all about the task you have to do for Zad.” she said as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
Then turning before he could say anything she stepped into the water and as she did her legs started to disappear and soon her tail appeared. After her tail had appeared Valeria looked up at Alastair. “All this is not new for you to see and I am glad. Now when I get the fish why don’t you go find some sticks for the fire and by the time you have it started I should have some fish we can eat.” she said as she dived down under the water before Alastair could answer her.
Now it did not take Valeria very long before she had caught five fish and put them in a bucket. Then swimming over to shore line she gave Alastair the bucket. After she did that she swam to some rocks that were in the water nearby. Then pulling herself up onto them she sat there watching Alastair preparing the fish to cook them.
A few minutes go by and Valeria spoke. “Alastair will you please tell me now what the other tasks are that Zad is having you do. Will I be able to help you do any of them?” she asks as she watched him flip some of the fish on the fire. Now when the fish were cooked and ready to take off the fire Valeria swam over to the cave and got three plates and brought them back over to Alastair. When the fish were on the plates Valeria smiled. “Thank you for cooking the fish. They look good.” she said as she handed her a plate.
As they ate neither of them said a word but as Valeria was putting the last bite of fish in her mouth she looked over at Alastair and smiled. “Why don’t you come sit here with me on the rocks for a few minutes before we turn in for the night.” she said as she pats the rocks next to her. Now she did hope he would come join her so she could get him to kiss her because it had been a while since they had kissed each other.
Alastair watched Valeria turn into the mermaid she now was when she had come to the water. He thought about how unpleasant living like this had to be for her. He gathered useful wood and with his training for it he did not take too long to have a good fire going in the pit he made use of. Interesting fish were brought, smaller than what he had yet seen. They ate together when he had them cooked, and they sat together by the cave Valeria had found, Alastair then discussed with her the need he had to return to the fortified outpost to retrieve the needed plates in the morning. But she should come with him then.
"So, please come with me to the outpost. You would be safer with me. I will retrieve the plates I must bring, and get some good information and directions with that where ogres are first being seen, that we would find the portal that will need to be sealed. Ogres here already will still need to be dealt with. But it is late now, we will do that in the morning, I think you would agree. It is getting dark quickly now, when we finish here do show me the cot you have available. I think I will have you near me, we will probably want to stay until we go to sleep there."
As they ate the fish together Valeria watched Alastair she even smiled at him a few times. She was glad he was back with her because she had missed him. When they had finished eating Valeria was glad that he had come and sat next to her on the rocks. Now when Alastair had sat down next to her he started to talk about the need to return to the fort in the morning to get the plates.
Now as Valeria listened to him talk about it she nodded her head. “Yes, Alastair of course I will come with you back to the fort to get the plats. I want you to know I feel safer when you are with me then when I am by myself. But there is one thing you need to remember if I do come with you, I will need to be back in the water before the sun goes down. So we will need to find some water somewhere if we are away from here. “ She said as moved a little closer to him and put her head up against his chest and looked up into his face.
Then neither of them said anything for a few minutes but just sat there together quietly taking in the quietness of the night. Now as Valeria sat there she listened to Alastair’s hart beat. She wondered what he was thinking about. Had he thought about maybe kissing her tonight? She knew he enjoyed being with her so maybe he would do it.
But after a few minutes of the quietness Valeria finally spoke. “Alastair can you please tell me what the task are that you have to do to break the spell on me. I know you told me you had to kill seven wild pigs, were there any other things you must do as well? Will I be able to help you out on any of them?” She ask as she reached one of her hands up to his face and brushed a strand of his hair out of his eyes as she smiled up at him. Then after she had done that she then placed her hand on his and gently squeezed it.
After they had talked a little bit longer Valeria finally lifted her head off of his chest so she could turn and look at him. Then she took her hand and placed it up on his cheek and started to speak. “What I am about to tell you I know I have told you this before but I want to tell you it again.” she said as she stopped talking for a minute and smiled at him. “I care so much about you Alastair and to have a man like you in my life means so much to me. But Alastair Hylton I also know I am falling in love with you.” she said as she looked into his eyes and smiled again.
Alastair said, "Valeria, I am going to have to steal two bottles of a magic potion from a store that sells those, they would be worth a fortune! And I will have to find a certain woman named Yamira." Alastair grew silent again, with great concern hinted at on his face. At length in response he said, "It is certain that I already love you, Valeria."
The concern lessened from his face. He looked at Valeria, and discerned that she appeared so willing. He drew her closer to him, looking into her face more. Then he brought her to where her lips were right there to his, and he kissed her, and remained kissing a long while.
Valeria mouth dropped open and her hand went to her mouth when Alastair told her the two tasks he had to do. “Oh Alastair, How are you going to steal some magic potions without getting caught?” she ask as she took her hand down from her mouth. “I do know where to find Yamira at so I will help you find her. But let me think a while about a way I can help you get the magic potion.” she said
Now after Valeria told him she was falling in love with him, Alastair then surprised her and told her he already loved her. But before Valeria could say anything to him she felt Alastair pulling her closer to him and as he did she saw him looking into her eyes. Then he brought her lips up to his and started to kiss her.
Now this being Valeria’s first time kissing a man made her feel a little nerves but after a few minutes she started to relax and enjoy it as she pressed her lips up against his and returned a kiss to him. After a few minutes of kissing Valeria brought her hands up to the back of Alastair’s head and they remain there until they finished kissing.
When they had been kissing for fifteen minutes Valeria finally pulled away with a surprised look on her face. “Oh my Alastair I did not see that coming but you do know how to kiss really good. Have you ever kissed any one before? And what made you all of a sudden want to kiss me today?” she ask as she look up into his eyes and smiled at him.
Then after he answers her question Valeria took both of his hands in hers and said. “Well I have enjoyed spending time with you tonight but it has been a long day and we will be getting up early tomorrow so why don’t we head on to bed now. While I swim over to the little cave I will let you decide how you want to get over there. You can go on a little path over there to get to the cave or you can swim with me to get there.” she said as she turned and pointed to the path behind her.
But before he could answer her she leaned forward and kissed Alastair on the lips one last time then letting go of both of his hands she jumped into the water and started to swim but stopped when she did not see him move and turned around and looked at him. “Well what are you waiting for Alastair are you coming now or do I need to come get you myself?” She asks as she started to laugh and splash water at him with her tail.
Then diving under the water she swam around the rocks and came back up on the other side of them and pulling herself up on the rocks behind him she started to playfully push him off the rocks until he was in the water as well. Then jumping back into the water she quickly swam under it and over to him and popping up in front of him she put her arms around him and started to laugh. “See what you made me do to you because you did not moving fast enough?” she said as she looked up into his face and continued to laughed.
Then when she was done laughing she put her arms around his neck she lean forward and put her head on his chest. “Alastair, I am so glad you are here with me tonight. I am looking forward to the days that are ahead of us and what they might hold.” She said as turned her head and looked up at him and smiled. After he answered her she took her arms off his neck and reached for his hand and started to lead him over to the cave.
Now when they reached the cave Valeria turned on a two small lanterns that hung on a nails in the opening of the cave. Now when they were able see around in the cave Valeria lead Alastair over to the cot. “Okay here is the cot you will be sleeping on and I will sleep over here on the rocks.” she said as she let go of his hand and swam over to the rocks that were in the water nearby. Then pulling herself up onto them she then turned and looked at Alastair. “Okay, make yourself at home and I hope you sleep well tonight. Good night Alastair.” she said as she blow him a kiss.
Alastair had responded that he had been kissed by his mother, but on a cheek, as he had by aunts and uncles. A second cousin had kissed him too, but she did right on his mouth. That was his experience with mouth to mouth kissing. "But I have such love for you now, which I think you do for me, and you looked so ready for us to be kissing. You did like that."
When in the cave Alastair drew near to the lanterns, after a brief moment with some shivering. He wondered again about stealing very valuable and costly items, how could that happen? And he would need Valeria to lead him to the right Yamira. Should he ask Valeria anything about that right now? It did concern him. So he finally said, when he was on the cot, "Valeria, I am glad you know the woman you know as Yamira. How did you happen to know her?"
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