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Thread: The Unexpected Beginning for Shape Changers. (M)

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    New The Unexpected Beginning for Shape Changers. (M)

    Shape changers have just come out into the world. Exposing their self’s so they can have more freedom and not have to live in fear. After some time, some of them started to go missing.

    This story takes place after a man and a woman were kidnapped. They were both then brought into this lab where scientists then started to do experiments on them. Some of the things the scientists did to them was change the way they looked, acted and even made them forget most of what they had learned though out there lives. When they both wake up they are together in a cage and around them were many other cages with one man and one woman inside together. What will happen to this man and woman will they remember anything from there past or did all the experiments done on them make them forget everything they had learned already? Will they get to know each other and grow to love and care about what life may bring for them? Or will they not want to have anything to do with one another.

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    Characters Name: Daniel Everleigh
    Gender: Male/Man Age: 26

    Description: Daniel has short blond hair, He is 6”2” and weighing in at about 165.7 pounds, While his skin is a very pale, His eyes are wide set and Deep Blue color, He is strong and very handsome looking.

    Personally: Initially, Daniel comes off as a very talkative person, he is very friendly and willing to help out in any way when needed, He likes to play the harmonica and the violin, He enjoys reading and working on computers, He also enjoys watching football and baseball. He is the oldest in his family of seven; He has two sisters and two brothers.

    More on Daniel’s background: When Daniel was growing up he had always wanted to be a scientist. But that all changed when something happen to him the day after he graduated from college. When scientists kidnapped him and locked him up in a cage in there lab; and on the first night he was there the scientists gave Daniel some drugs that put him to sleep. They then started doing experiments on him. These experiments they did on Daniel changed the way he looked, acted and even made him forget what he had learned throughout his life. But the thing is will Daniel remember anything from his past when he wakes up? Or did all the experiments they did on him truly make him forget his past and want to give up on life?


    Name: Emma Steel

    Gender: Female

    Age: 25

    Description: Emma has long chestnut brown hair, 5” 5’ tall and weighs 120 LB. She has olive toned skin with bright blue eyes. She is delicate looking but she can hold her own if needed.

    Personality: Emma is a book worm and can be quite shy at first. Having been hurt in her past from friends and family she had found safety in books. This had left her very lonely and weary of everything. Emma is an only child and won't be missed by her parents.

    History: Emma grew up with two alcoholic parents, they had not been abusive but they were not kind and made Emma feel unwanted. When she was oldenfugh she started to work at a bookstore to save for school and for an apartment of her own. After applying for her first year at college she had been taken by a man who was pretending to show her around campus. The man gave her a drug that had her fall asleep and was transported to this lab. What will happen to her? What will become of her plans now?
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-15-2023 at 04:26 PM.

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    My first post to the story:

    As Daniel Everleigh stood quietly alone on the stone bridge looking out over the lake as thoughts of the past came into his mind. See Daniel had just finished college and now he was ready to start looking for a job. That's what worried him the most. What kind of job should he look for? He wanted one that would allowed him to find himself a wife. What if he was to follow his dreams and become a scientist. That is after all what he went to school to be. But all Daniel knew is he was not getting anywhere right now just standing here thinking about it. Then smiling when he saw a duck come floating by in the water it then drew his attention away from his thoughts at the time.

    As he stood there watching the duck little did Daniel know there were two men that had been watching him from a distance. These men were scientists and they wanted to get their hands on Daniel. But seeing that he was alone one of the men walked up to Daniel and started to talk to him. "This sure is a nice day to be out here." Daniel then smiling as he nodded his head. " Well hello there sir I did not hear you walk up to me and oh my yes it sure is a nice day to be out here. I was just..." But Daniel could not finish his sentence because a second man walked up behind him and placing a rag with something on it over Daniel's nose and mouth. But before Daniel could fight back with the man he started to get light-headed and soon passed out into a deep sleep. Then smiling at each other the two men then carried Daniel back to their van so they could take him to their lab and do some experiments on him. Which would change the way Daniel looked, acted and even making him forget everything he had learned throughout his life.

    As The two scientists arrived back at the lab they placed Daniel on a stretcher and wheeled him into a very big building. As soon as they got him inside they started to work on hooking Daniel up to a IV that would pump powerful drugs into his body. These drugs will change the color of his eyes, hair and even his body shape. When this was all happening they also cut Daniel's chest open and placed a small chip right next to his heart. This chip would allow them to be able to know where Daniel was at all times and also help them to be able to do other things to him later on. Once the two scientists finished doing this experiment on Daniel they then locked him up in a cage.

    As the sun came up the next morning Daniel started to wake up. As he opened his eyes slowly he started to look around. When seeing where he was he started to panic. For some reason he could not remember how he got here. As he slowly tried to sit up he had to stop and grab his chest for a sharp pain attacked him. What had happened to him he thought as he felt his chest. Then slowly laying his head back down he started looking around again. Then seeing that he was in a cage he reached over and put his hand on one of the bars and slowly pulled himself up against the side of the cage. As he did this he froze when he saw he was not the only one in the cage. Rubbing his eyes as he blinked a few times to adjust his eyes to the lighting. Then seeing it was a young lady laying in the cage with him he sat there not sure what he should do next. For she was still sleeping. Then looking around his surrounding he noticed there were other cages with one woman and one man in them as well. Now Daniel started to wonder where he was. But he could not remember what the last thing he was doing. Then he finally decided he would call out to see if anyone was listening. "Hello is there anyone else out there that wants to talk?" When no one else answered him he started to see the woman start to move. Then turning his attention back to her he thought to his self. Would she want to talk to him? Who was she? How did she get here? He wandered this as he sat there waiting for her to wake up.

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    Emma held her welcome package to the college tight to her chest. It didn't feel real yet. She had done it saved enough to go to college and to all its have enfug for her own apartment. She needed to get away form he parents she needed to get her self on the right path. She had signed up for a tour of the campus and. Was meeting with the guy.

    " hello yes I'm here for the tour, my name is Emma " she said. The man behind the counter came out " hi Emma let me show you around. He said and led her threw the campus and made it to the gym ' here you can work out for free just insure you have you....." he said nodding and a hand came form behind and put a cloth to her face and she struggled trying to scream. The drug took effect and she collapsed.

    Bringing her to the lap they laid her on the bed in her cell and hooked her up to the iv and injected a green tinged liquid in to her iv. Her breathing picked up as the drug began to flow threw her. The scientists took there leave and watched till she calmed down and the effect was finished.

    Slowly she woke holding her head. Her eyes oppend and her normal bright blue eyes had changed to bright purple. "oh my head " she said slowly sitting up. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulder now with a streak of white running threw it She looked around and saw a strange man in the cell " h...hello " she said curling up sitting in the bed in a tiny ball " what's happened?" she asked looking about

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    Daniel watched the woman as she started to wake up. Then smiling over at her when she finally said something to him. "Hello Miss!" He said as he reached his hand out for her to shake it. "I am not really sure what happened. For I have this pain in my chest right now." he said as he winced from having a sharp pain run across his chest. What was wrong with him? Why was he having sharp pains in his chest like that? Then taking his hand he put it up under his shirt and felt his chest. Oh my wait is that a cut on my chest? How did it get there? For he could not remember being in a car accident.

    Then his thoughts were interrupted with a loud beeping sound, as two big doors rolled open and in walked four men wearing long white lab jackets, with white shirts, and black pants. Each of the men were carrying a clipboard that had a piece of paper on them. As they walked in they stepped in front of all the cages. Then one of the men started to speak into a microphone. Which was nice and loud and he said. " good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kevin and this is Steve, Tom, and Ed. We would like to welcome each of you to the Turn Around Hope Care Lab. Where the four of a scientists will be doing experiments on each of you. As you have probably noticed we have already started the experiments on each of you, but there will be more done in the months ahead. Each of us men have been assigned eight cages each and there are 32 cages all together." Kevin said to all the men and women. Then turning and nodding his head to the other three men.

    As he did that the foreman then started to walk to their sign cages. Daniel watched the men walk around and saw that each person was given a bracelet to wear. But as Kevin walked up to the cage Daniel was in he smiled and said. " hello Daniel and Emma I have come to give you each a information bracelet. When I am done passing the rest of them out I will bring you to your breakfast." He said as he handed Emma her bracelet. " well I will let you to be so you can get to know each other and I will be back in a little bit." As Kevin left their cage Daniel smiled over at Emma. Yes he sure was going to try and get to know emma. For she was such a pretty young woman and how could he pass the opportunity to not get to know her. Then slowly scooting over closer to her he smiled at her as he looked into her eyes. " so your name is Emma how are you doing my name is Daniel Everleigh." As he talked to her Kevin walked back by the cage and smiled at them and nodding his head at Daniel to give him his approval. Then he walked out the doors to start working on their breakfast plates. Daniel then turned his attention back on to Emma who had yet yet to answer him. He wondered if she was scared to talk. He also knew the time would come when she would talk to him and he looked forward to that happening.

    As Daniel sat there watching Emma all of a sudden he jumped when he heard screaming coming from one of the other cages. Then turning to get a better look at who was screaming he then saw Steve and Tom running into that cage to wear a man and woman were fighting. As Tom grabbed the man and pulled him down to the floor Steve grabbed the screaming woman and held her up against the bars of the cage. As they did that Kevin came running back in the lab and in his hands he held a tray that had three rags on it. As he ran by Daniel's eyes grew wide as he watched Kevin enter the cage where the other two men were still at. When he got to there he placed the tray on a small table and taking one of the rags off of the tray he then went over to the still screaming woman and place the rag over her nose and mouth and soon she passed out in Steve's arms. Kevin then did the same to the man as well.

    Now when Daniel saw this it made him grow really mad and he started to holler out and scream. "Stop! Stop! Don't do that to them for it will kill them." When Kevin heard Daniel start screaming he came running into the cage and grabbed Daniel by the arms and pushing him up against the cage bars and then saying to him. " Daniel stop it or I will do the same to you." Now Daniel would not listen to seeing of what Kevin was saying and kept screaming out. Kevin knew this was bothering other people so he called for Steve to bring him the other way as Steve brought the rag and he then placed it over Daniel's nose and mouth and soon Daniel had passed out in Kevin's arms as well.

    After Daniel was out Kevin looked at Steve and shook his head." Here I thought Daniel would do so well with the experience we did on him but I guess I was wrong. Well I guess we take the three of them back to the experimenting labs and hook them all back up to the IVs again and start all over with them. But this time make sure you add a more powerful drug that will not prevent anger breakouts, for I don't want this to happen to Daniel again." Said as he looked down at Daniel and shook his head. When the three were being wheeled back to the lab Kevin stopped Steve and said to him. " oh please make sure you shock Daniel's chip two times to make him forget this little matter that had happened today." Steve nodded his head and kept moving to the lab. When Steve arrived in the labs he and Tom moved Daniel and the other two people on to the lab tables and started to hook up all of them with IVs. When it was time to add all of the drugs into Daniel's IV Steve started out putting in the first drugs that Daniel had already been given before, but held off on adding the new drug that was to not prevent anger breakouts. He knew if he waited until later on to add it into the IV then it may work better on Daniel.

    As the drug started to work in Daniel's body everything went as planned, but when Steve added the new drug into the IV he did not know he had picked up the wrong drug that was to be used. When he stepped away to check on the man's IV he did not see that Daniel's body was starting to shake all over. But Tom just happened to be working on the woman and looked up and saw Daniel shaking. He hollered out to Steve to get back over to Daniel's side. When Steve got back over to Daniel's side he quickly unplugged the IV and grab Daniels arms to hold him down. But seeing that the shaking was not stopping he then quickly grabbed the shocking tool and shock Daniels chip. When the shaking finally stopped he let go of Daniel's arms and then going to look at the IV bag he read what the drug was listed on it. As he read it he shook his head. What had he done this was not the right drug that was to be used in the iv. How did he happen to pick up the drug that was for making someone have more anger breakouts? He did not know, but he did know he better think of something to do before Kevin came into the lab and saw the shape Daniel was in.

    As he walked over to the cabinet that held all the drugs in it an idea came into his mind. What if he was to use the new drug as well as the one he had just used this would make Daniel be completely different than any of the other people out there. Plus it had been done before and no one would know that he had both of them in him. Yes that is what he would do to cover up his mistake he had made. When Steve hooked up the two drugs to Daniel's IV he stood next to him and the whole time watching him carefully. For this had never been done on anyone before. As he stood there watching the two drugs enter Daniel's body he smiled.

    Then Steve quickly unhooked Daniel's IV and pushed him into the stretcher and quickly wield him out of the lab. As he got to the doorway of the cage lab Kevin stopped him. " you are just now bringing Daniel back to his cage?" He said as he looked at Daniel for a minute. Steve and nods his head. "Yes I ran into some trouble in the lab while the drugs were going into his body." Kevin frowned and shook his head. " okay you can tell me all about it later on. Now get Daniel back to his cage." When Steve finally will Daniel back into his cage he lowered the stretcher to the ground and gently rolled him onto the floor. As he was leaving the cage he saw Emma watching him. Then smiling at her he nodded his head. " he is all yours now emma." He said as he closed the cage door. Not long after Steve had left Daniel started to move around as he woke up he moaned and put his hand to his head and held it there as he opened his eyes. As he opened his eyes everything in the cage around him started to look like it was spinning around him. He shook his head to try to focus his eyes on Emma. " is that you over there emma? Oh everything is spinning around me right now. Please so please forgive me if I am looking at you funny." He said as he blinked his eyes and just looked at her and hoping someone would come help him out.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-15-2023 at 06:52 PM.

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    Emma took the bracelet and put it on her wrist. this was so weird " i umm yes I,m Emma Steel. it's nice to meet you to " she said and listened to Keven and was horrified "How can you experiment on us against our will ?" she asked scared now having no idea what they would do to her or Daniel. this was crazy how could they do this to them? she never signed up for this. she just wanted her college education for a good job. not this.

    When Emma heard the scream she looked up and over to the cage and stood next to Daniel " stop please they couldn't want this you'll hurt them " she said but when Keven warned Daniel she backed up and curled herself up on to her bed " no .. please no ill be good I just please " she said scared seeing Daniel fall unconscious and taken away " your monsters" she said with the little bit of bravery she had left.

    she looked at the food on their little table and did not feel hungry at all "Oh.. oh goodness " she held her hand to her mouth, ran to the toilet, and threw up. scared and the reaction to whatever they did to her. She went back to her bead and pulled the blanket around her. She watched everyone some were eating others were scared a few were mad but behaving. Emma was concerned about Daniel, he had been nice to her so far and she didn't want someone who would get angry. Emma looked around the room. it was two stories splitting the cells onto two floors, hers was on the bottom. in the middle was what she could only describe as a prep station. skinks and cupboards of supplies fridges and she could see some but others were hiding in there cells like she was. what was the experiment? why did they choose them she thought to herself.

    When Steve came back with Daniel she stood up but stayed back she was scared and watched him. her hair fell into her face and she pushed it back. then she pulled it forward again seeing the white in her hair "What in the world " she said. her body was changing because of them. they had no right to do this " if you left him be he would have been fine. There was no need for this at all " she said as he left and watched him leave.

    when David called her name she came to his side " hey easy now, it's ok. let's get you into your bed" she said and helped him up and into his bed making sure he was comfy " did you want some water ?" she asked seeing his arm had punctures wondering what they had given him.
    The only limit is YOUR mind

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    As Daniel lays there on the floor with everything still spinning around him he finally give up and closes his eyes, but not for long for he feels Emma placing her hand on his arm and saying “Hey easy now, it’s ok. Let’s get you into your bed.” As he opened his eyes and looked up at her he nods his head as she helps him stand, as he starts to get up he lean heavily on Emma for his head was still spinning and his legs were about to give out. Once he was on the bed he looks up into her face again and smiles at her. “Ah thank you Emma that was so kind of you to help me into the bed.” Then hearing her asks him if he wanted some water to drink. He nods his head. “Yes please that would be nice.” he said as he tries to sit up, but as he does a strange feeling sweeps over him like he was going to get sick. As Emma was coming back with the water he jumps out of the bed. “Oh my, I think I am going to be sick.” he says as he runs over to the toilet and starts to throw up.

    As he recovers he slowly starts to walk back to the bed but as he does he stops at the mirror on the wall and looks at himself in it. As he looks in it he reaches up and starts to run his fingers in his hair which is now black instead of light brown. Then shaking his head when he sees it he says. “Oh dear my hair is now black instead of being light brown, how can that be?’ Then remembering why he sighs. When he was back in the bed again, he looks at Emma and nods his head as she gives him the cup of water. But as he was about to say something to her in walks Kevin into the lab and comes over to their cage. “Ah I see you are finally awake now Daniel.” he says as he stands at the cage and looks in at them.

    Daniel frowned at him. “Yes of course I am, but what kind of experiments have you done on us? For neither of us signed up for this to be done.” Kevin smiled when Daniel ask him. “I thought you would never think of asking. Well we are doing experiments on you all because we wanted to find out more about this race of people you are.” Daniel frowned once again as he ask his next question. “What kind of experiments have you done on us? And why do you have to put us to sleep when doing it?” Kevin nodded his head and opens the cage and walks into them. As he walks over next to Daniels bed and leans up against the bars of the cage he starts to tell them about the experiments being done.

    “Well this is how it all started out. We four scientists have been watching everyone in here for the past two months, but you may have not seen us doing it. See we like how your race of people act and live, so we bought you two in here and started doing experiments on you. Daniel you ask why we had to put you to sleep. Well while you two were sleeping we did sever kind of experiments on you that required you to be asleep when we were doing it. The first experiment we did Daniel was take some of your DNA out of your body and put it into Emma’s body and Emma we did the same to you and put it into Daniel’s body. This will help us study how you both react to different kinds of DNA being put in your bodies. The second experiment we did on you both was to put some powerful drugs into your bodies that changed the way you looked and acted and a few other things you won’t see take place in you for a while. You will be required to have these same drugs put in you for the next four months; they will be given to you two times a week. Since I told you about this I will let you decide if you want to be put to sleep or want to say awake when it is being done next time. But I would recommend you being a sleep because when we put the drugs into your body sometimes your bodies reacts to them and the drugs don’t work right if you were awake. But I will let you decide what you want to do when it is time to give you the drugs again.”

    When he was finished telling them all this he nodded his head and started to turn to leave the cage but stopping when he hears Daniel speak. Daniel looked at him and said. “Thank you Kevin for telling Emma and I this information. I will think about what you told us.” he said as he lays his head back on the pillow. Kevin smiled at him. “Your welcome Daniel, I am glad we can both be on the same page now.” Then turning he looked at Emma. “Emma do you have any questions about the experiments I told you about?” he said as he studied her face. Then after she answered him he turned and opened the cage. “Well I will let you two talk about this now, and if you happen to have any more questions fell free to stop any of us scientist and ask us.” he said as he closed the cage and walked over to the lab doors.

    As Kevin walked out of the lab Daniel’s mouth fell open as he turned to look at Emma. “I can’t believe what experiments they have done onus. What do you think about them? Do you want them to keep doing it on you? I would kind of like to let them keep doing the experiments on me, for I am instead in what they are doing and want to help them out more.” he said as he stood up and walked over to her side. “If you want to keep doing it as well, I would be glad to stay by your side and go through each of them with you, because I also want to get to know you more Emma, for I have noticed you to be a very sweet young lady and that is something I like about you.” he said as he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes and waited for her to answer him.
    Last edited by DreamDragon101; 07-22-2023 at 03:47 PM.

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    Emma nodded getting the glass of water next to the untouched breakfast. She was hesatint wondering if they put somthing in it. Once her mom had gettin tired of her asking questions and put a sleeping pill in her aplejuice and she slept all day. She came back but jumped back so her had a clear shot to the toilet. What did they do to him back there? She wonderd, she had the water there so he could wrince his mouth and got a fresh glass for him.

    She saw him looking in the merior " my hair has changed as well " she said to the white streek in her hair " are my eyes still blue ?" she asked as hers eere bright purpal now. She made sure he was comfy but looked up hering kevin and she backed up hitting the bars and gasoed as she hit them hard .

    Emma had a hard time trusting people. Threw the years of betrail not only from parents and friends alike , she was unsure of everyone but Daniel was diffrent .she coudent put her finger on it but there was somenthing about him. She listens to kevin and huged her self around her ribs . She gasoed and felt the scar and it hurt " w..what is this " she touched the scar." how did you find out about us? Why dont you try talking to us insted of exparamenting?" she asked. She listend to the awsers and came back to Daniel.

    " its scarry, i have you DNA inside md " she said moving a bit closer to Daniel "i dont think we have a choice in the matter. But im curous and scared. I dont like it i be honest . Ive worked hard to get. Controle of my life and now its taken away again " she said as a tear fell and she shook her head getring her slef to stop " i want to stay with you , i dont know how to decribe it " she said holding his his hands and looking back in to his eyes " but your the first person ive ever felt safe with " she said. Hoping she wasent beeing a werdo to him

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    As Daniel held Emma’s hands he smiled at her as she started to tell him her felling about the experiments they were doing on them. Then nodding his head when she said something about the DNA he had from her. “Yes it is strange that they put some of my DNA in you and I have some of yours in me. I wonder why they did that. I think I will ask Kevin next time we see him.” Then when she said that they did not have much of a choice to having the experiments done on them, He agreed with her. “Yes it is true but they must have had a good reason to keep doing it, pulse if they did not see the reason to do it on us they would have already let us go by now.” He then squeezed her hands when she said she was scared and did not like it. “I know how you feel I am scared to, but who knows maybe all of these experiments they are doing will help other people out later on.” Then as he looked up into her eyes again he notice she was crying. “Hey there it is going to be alright. We will both make it through this you will see. I promise you if something was to happen to you I won’t leave your side until I know you are alright.“ He said as he reached up and whipped a tear from her cheek. Then after she told him she felt safe with him he then leaned down and gently kissed her hand.

    A few days pass by and the experiments that were being done on them continued and this day it just happened to be a day that a big experiment was to take place. Now Daniel knew it was taking place for Kevin had come in two days before and told him about it. But he knew Emma had no clue it was to happen because the day Kevin came in Emma was sleeping at the time. So when he was talking to Daniel he asked him if he wanted to be put to sleep when it was taking place. Now Daniel had been thinking about it since the last time they had talked, so it did not take him long to give Kevin his answer. He told him he wanted to stay awake when the experiments were taking place. Kevin also ask him if he thought Emma would want to be put to sleep, and Daniel thought it probably would be the best thing to do since Emma had said she did not like the idea of the experiments being done on her, Pulse Daniel wanted to watch to make sure everything was going alright on her. So the two men decide not to tell Emma their plan for her.

    Well now that the day had finally come Daniel was pacing the cage that morning in deep thought and Emma was laying down reading a book that Kevin had brought her. He knew she had been watching him so he tried not to pay any attention to her. Then looking up when the lab doors opened he then quickly went and sat down on his bed. Then watching as Kevin and Steve walked up to their cage. “Good morning Daniel and Emma. I trust you two are both doing well today. Well I have come to get you both to do our regular experiments we do every two days.” he said as he walked in and placed a tray with two rags on the table. Then Kevin turned to Steve and asks him to go get the two stretchers. As Steve left the cage Kevin looked over at Daniel and nodded his head then walking over to the little table he then picked up one of the rags and as he did that he looked at Emma. “I do believe I have been told that ladies are to go first.” He said as he walked over to Emma’s bed. As he does Daniel stands up and walks over to Emma’s side. “Emma dear remember what I have told you everything is going to be alright, I will be there with you.” he said as he takes one of her hands in his hand and gently squeezed it. Kevin smiles as he leans forward. “Okay Emma just relaxes now as I do this.” he says as he slowly places the rag over her nose and mouth. Daniel soon feels her hand go limp as the drug takes effect.

    As he lets go of her hand he shakes his head. “I hope we made the right chose to put her to sleep.” he says as he looks at Emma. Then turning he sees Steve coming back in the cage with the two stretchers. He then says. “Okay Kevin I am ready to get this experiment over with now.” he says as he walks over to his stretcher and lays down. Kevin nods his head and looks at Daniel. “Are you sure you don’t want to be put to sleep as well?” Daniel nodded his head. “I am sure Kevin I am just worried about Emma that is all.” he said as he looks over at her. As Steve puts Emma on the stretcher Daniel takes a deep breath and thinks to himself. Everything will be okay.

    When Kevin and Steve wheeled the two stretchers to the experiment lab Daniel looked all around he was a little surprised when he saw how big the lab was and he noticed there were a lot of other people in the lab already. Then seeing all the tools that were being used on everyone, But Daniel could not believe they were all going to be used on him and Emma. Then his thoughts were interrupted when Kevin stated calling out to him. “Daniel are you ready for me to start now?” Daniel nodded his head. “Yes I am.” He then watches as Kevin started to gather all the tools he would be using on him and Emma.

    Then Kevin stated to tell Daniel what he would be doing on the two of them. “First I am going to take some of your blood out of you and fill three small tubes with it, then I am going to do the same with Emma, after I do that I will then start a IV and give Emma the drugs that you two have been receiving, plus I will also be giving her another IV with your blood I took from you. I will then be doing the same thing with you as I did to Emma. Do you have any questions about what I told you?” He said as he studied Daniel’s face. Daniel took a deep breath and then looked over at Emma then looking back up at Kevin said. “Are you sure what you are doing is safe and It won’t hurt us if we get a different type of blood in us?” he asked as he shook his head. Kevin then thought for a minute then answering Daniel’s question. “Well as I told you earlier this is a very dangers experiment we are doing. Only about 53% of most people that has had this done to them reacted in some way to the experiment. So to answer your question No this is not a safe experiment I am about to do to you two. But you two don’t really have much of a choices you will have to have it done to you even if you don’t want it to be done.” Daniel nodded his head. “Okay then let’s get it over with then.” Kevin nods his head as he looks over at Steve.

    Kevin then picks up two needles and hands one over to Steve to use on Emma. Then he starts to insert the other needle into Daniel’s arm. As he does that Daniel watches Kevin draw the blood from his arm, he then starts to wonder what Emma would say when she finds out she has some of his blood in her. When Kevin finishes filling all three tubes with Daniel’s blood he then takes them over to Steve and hands them to him. Then he picks up the tubes that had Emma’s blood in them and starts to walk into another part of the lab where Daniel could not see him. A few minutes go by and then he comes back out with an IV bag filled with Emma’s blood in it. About the same time Steve comes back out with a bag of Daniel’s blood and also two other bags that had the drugs in them. When the two men started to hook up both of the IV’s in both of them, Daniel closes his eyes and shakes his head for he did not like the idea of receiving Emma’s blood in him but he knew it had to be done even if he did not like it.

    When both of the bags of blood and drugs were hooked up to both of them Kevin then pushed the button to start both of the IV’s up. He then looked at Daniel. “This should take about five hours until the IV bags are empty, so just try and relax if you can. Oh, and you should start to feel the drugs working in your body in a few minutes. I will be back in a little bit to check on you both.” he says as he pats Daniel’s arm and then walks way.

    Then after five minutes go by the drugs did start to work in Daniel body. At first all Daniel felt was a little bit of tingling go thought his whole body and then he started to feel his body getting really hot like it was on fire and as that passes he then starts to grow really cold like someone had dumped ice water on him. As he felt all this going on in his body he started to take some deep breath as he does that he looks over at Emma. Then his eyes grow wide as he sees Emma’s body shaking all over and her face starts to grow really pale. As Daniel sees this happing then he starts to panic and to screams out for help.

    When Kevin and Steve hear Daniel screaming they both come running over to him, but it did not take them long to see why he was screaming. As Kevin grabs Emma he holds her down and Steve starts to pull long stapes over her legs and middle part and then he ties them to the table. Steve then quickly runs over to Emma IV and off turns it off. But Emma does not stop shaking and gasping for air. Kevin then hollers out to Steve to go get the bottle of drugs that stops people from shaking. When Steve returned with the bottle of drugs he then turned the bottle upside down and puts it up to the end of a needle and starts to inserting it in to Emma’s arm, as he does that he then starts to squeeze the bottle, and the drugs soon start to enter Emma body and she stops shaking. Both men look at each other and shakes their heads. After they get Emma settled and her breathing was normal again, Steve then hooks her back up to the IV and turn it back on. But this time he stays next to her watching her until the two bags were both empty.

    When both Daniel and Emma’s IV’s were taken off of them Kevin came over to Daniels side and said. “Well Daniel you made it through this experiment. Was it worth staying awake for? And would you do it again, if I was to tell you we may do it one more time in a month or so? ”Daniel lays there and looks up at Kevin for a minute. “Yes I think I could probably do it again next time. But I sure did feel a lot of different things happing in my body when the blood and drugs were being put into me. Tell me Kevin have you ever had this experiment done to you before?” he said as he looked up into Kevin’s eyes. Then seeing Kevin nodded his head. “Daniel to tell you the truth, Yes I have had this same experiment done on me once, so I know how you feel about it. Well I do believe it is time to get you and Emma back to your cage before she wakes up.” When Kevin wheeled Daniel stretcher back to their cage, Steve kept Emma in the lab for a few more minutes to take a little bit more blood and DNA from her body. After he was finished doing that he then shocked her chip a few times and then wheeled her stretcher back to their cage.

  10. #10
    Member isabella1503's Avatar
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    By a water fall reading a book and a werewolf by my side.
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    Emma nodded at the thought of helping others “it would be better if we help others, I wouldn't feel so taken advantage of” she admitted. She hated how scared she was, but she had such a hard time trusting other. She was surprised “Really? You would do that for me?” she asked and blushing at the gentle hand kiss. Daniel is a real gentleman; it helped the fear calm inside her to know she's not alone.

    Emma could not help but see Daniel pacing and wondered what he knew or what he was planning, when Kevin came in she sat up and curled into a ball at the head of her bed ”g..good morning” she said. She listened and went pail thinking of how often they would do this to her now. As Kevin came to her she panicked “ I .. I'm ok I'm just I “She felt like her body turned cold. When Daniel came to her and even though she was tense she nodded remembering her protector was with her. When Kevin put the cloth to her face she panicked remembering when they took her but soon the drug took effect, and she was limp and unconscious.

    Emma lay completely still as they prepared her breathing deeply and calmly. Threw the reaction and everything she stayed asleep and the colour on her cheeks came back a little. He body clenched each time she was shocked and was coming to when they brought them back to their cell. her hand went to the spot on the chest where the chip lay and it hurt. She was to weak to move just yet “ ow “ she said still rubbing her chest “ she looked over to Daniel and the colour fell from her face again “ oh no “ she moved as fast as we could crawling to the toilet and throwing up holding on to it until she was done and laid on the cold floor “ I. What did they do to me ?” she asked not wanting to go threw this every two days. She looked up at Daniel “My chest hurts “ she said working to get back to bed needing to be warm “ is .. is kevin here still ?” she asked using all of her energy to crawl into her bed .
    The only limit is YOUR mind

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