Emma cried out at the pain lancing threw her. it was stronger then she had ever felt before “ she leans in to Daniel feeling safer in his arms . she always did. It was one of the many reasons she loved him so much.
Seeing Sara she tried to be quiet to not disturb anyone but it was so hard and began to scream. she didn’t mean to hurt Danile as she saw the scratches. laying on the stretched her hand in Daniel’s hand and kissed him back but a she started moving she reached for him but grabbed her belly whimpering she nodded ”it will be ok ahhh “ she cried out and held her belly “ oh it hurts so bad “ she said as they moved her to the table she laid back putting hit blanket over her and screamed as the next contractions hit .
Emma nodded to Sara “you’re a nurse , or a scientist?” she asked screaming again. She looked up to Keven “ it hurts so much “ she said and nodded holding her legs she cried and screamed out as she felt the hot water against her skin she started to push but the contractions we faster and faster not letting her get far past one to the next . she screamed in pain over and over again. she wanted Daniel by her side. she wanted to see him but there must be a reason they can’t yet.
She felt so tired and welcomed the cloth over her face and she fell asleep the contractions continued till the drug wore off letting er body relax. In her dreams she could see Daniel and two little ones running with them threw a field of wild flowers laughing and having an amazing time . she didn’t mean to but the happiness and feeling of joy and images of the dream flowed to Daniel.
As the shot started to work Emma woke her voice harsh form screaming “ hello . I’m sore everything went ok “ she asked quietly she knew she would not see the baby’s and hoped one day she could have one foe them selves but today was not that day. She had no idea she was carrying their children but she still had hope one day they could. She saw Kevin and looked to him “ can I speak with you Kevin “ she asked when he came over she coughed but continued.
“ I’m hoping one day to have children with Daniel, have a family “ she said “ can we make a deal “ she asked “ can we raise our own child and not have them be part of this experimentation and ill do what ever you want of me no more fighting it a willing participant for the chance for our child to have a normal life just once “ she asked desperately willing to give her whole life what was left of it for the chance to be a mother have a proper family and have the child grow in a happy world .