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Thread: BEJEWELED〔M〕〔OOC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

  1. #1
    Giga Onion
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    Fantasy BEJEWELED〔M〕〔OOC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

    Our peaceful island...became a warzone...and we were powerless to stop it

    This story follows a member of the Damuzi, and a chaplain from Erhohen. The Damuzi girl's home, having been untouched by the blades of war, became the center of a major conflict between two world powers. Their mission? To procure a rare and valuable gem the Damuzi worship. However, they're not the only danger the Damuzi must encounter as dark forces stir within the shadows of the jungle.


    Spoiler: the Forbidden Isles 

    Spoiler: the Damuzi 

    Spoiler: the Threats from Beyond our Shores 

    Spoiler: the Threats from Within 

    Spoiler: List of Characters 


    Hoef's Character: Idmah Bebe-mak
    Godly's Character: Ildapan Narden

    HTML Code:
    [CENTER][SIZE=5]fanceh quote[/SIZE]
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    [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][B][U][SIZE=4]General Information[/SIZE][/U][/B]
    [INDENT][B]Full Name: [/B]
    [B]Social Class: [/B]
    [B]Orientation: [/B][/INDENT]
    [B][U][SIZE=4]Physical Information[/SIZE][/U][/B]
    [INDENT][B]Apparent Age:[/B] 
    [B]Overall Attractiveness:[/B] (F - A+)
    [B]Eye Color:[/B] 
    [B]Glasses or Contacts:[/B] 
    [B]Hair Color:[/B] 
    [B]Skin Tone:[/B]
    [B]Dominant Feature[/B]
    [B]Psychic/Mage(?): [/B]
    [I]Curse: [/I]
    [I]Mode of Transportation:[/I][/INDENT]
    [B]Habits [/B]
    [I]Optimist or Pessimist?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Introvert or Extrovert?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Logical or Emotional?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Business or Pleasure?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Confident?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Animal Lover?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [B]Greatest Strength[/B]
    [B]Greatest Weakness[/B]
    [B]Major Priority[/B]
    [B]Pressure Point:[/B] 
    [I]Is this obvious?[/I] [B]Answer[/B]
    [I]Most comfortable when[/I] Answer
    [I]Least comfortable when[/I] Answer
    [B]Political Affiliation:[/B][/INDENT]
    [B]Familial Relations[/B] 
    [INDENT][I]Mother:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I] 
    [I]Father:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I] 
    [I]Spouse:[/I] | [I]Relations with:[/I]
    [I]Relations with:[/I]
    [I]Relations with:[/I][/INDENT]
    [B]Type of childhood:[/B] 
    [B]First Memory:[/B]
    [B]Brief Biography[/B]
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 09-19-2023 at 03:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    I might need help for using the character sheet referenced. Here is something I wrote that can help for what would be in it.

    Ildapan is a twenty-eight year old man serving as chaplain among the forces of Erhohen at the start of this account. He is distinct from all others he is with in having descent from Damuzi through his mother, who was a child produced from an earlier Erhohen explorer and a young Damuzi woman at that time who assisted and guided the Erhohen explorer, who returned to the Magocracy of Erhohen along with valuable plants that were useful for new seasonings and medicine he brought the young Damuzi woman with him, and they worked together in the Magocracy of Erhohen, and after coming close in relationship they wed.

    The girl born to them, Sinsilitees, became the mother of Ildapan, and she raised him with knowledge about her people and many of their ways, along with some values from them.

    Ildapan grew up to be a handsome young man. There were girls attracted to go with him, but his values clashed with their expectations, and none of them continued with him long.

    Ildapan grew practiced at ways of hand to hand combat. But though he continued with much of what he learned from his mother, he took to following the ways of Hylax in his faith, like others in the Magocracy of Erhohen. With his improving abilities, he was guided to the military training. But for his sensitive knowledge and discipline, in his faith, he was directed to the path in which he became chaplain in the forces.

    Ildapan has dark brown head hair, growing straight with slight waves, and light tan skin. He is athletic in appearance with strong arms, legs, and feet. He can climb much better than average. He is inclined to be helpful to those needing help, whether human or even other than that.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 08-11-2023 at 01:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Giga Onion
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    I'm happily willing to answer any and all questions. Do ask away!

  4. #4
    Giga Onion
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    Quote Originally Posted by GodlyD&D View Post
    Ildapan is a twenty-eight year old man serving as chaplain among the forces of Erhohen at the start of this account. He is distinct from all others he is with in having descent from Damuzi through his mother, who was a child produced from an earlier Erhohen explorer and a young Damuzi woman at that time who assisted and guided the Erhohen explorer, who returned to the Magocracy of Erhohen along with valuable plants that were useful for new seasonings and medicine he brought the young Damuzi woman with him, and they worked together in the Magocracy of Erhohen, and after coming close in relationship they wed.

    The girl born to them, Sinsilitees, became the mother of Ildapan, and she raised him with knowledge about her people and many of their ways, along with some values from them.

    Ildapan grew up to be a handsome young man. There were girls attracted to go with him, but his values clashed with their expectations, and none of them continued with him long.

    Ildapan grew practiced at ways of hand to hand combat. But though he continued with much of what he learned from his mother, he took to following the ways of Hylax in his faith, like others in the Magocracy of Erhohen. With his improving abilities, he was guided to the military training. But for his sensitive knowledge and discipline, in his faith, he was directed to the path in which he became chaplain in the forces.

    Ildapan has dark brown head hair, growing straight with slight waves, and light tan skin. He is athletic in appearance with strong arms, legs, and feet. He can climb much better than average. He is inclined to be helpful to those needing help, whether human or even other than that.
    Also this character has a lot of things going for it, the idea that he's not from the native island but his mother is is an interesting spin. Plus it characterizes the Magocracy.

  5. #5
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    My issue was not knowing how I would fill in that character sheet. Perhaps it can be shown how I just write one out myself. I picked up that name from a previous thread for role-playing one had attempted, but it was dropped, so I remembered that name that could be used in here. But even with some defining it contributes I would be thinking for ways I can have correspondence to what I had described in messaging.

    So the Erhohen Magocracy has some advantage over the Damuzi, but just, with supernatural power that is basically from those who are using glowing gemstones, in orbs, tips of rods or staves, or something. They probably have a bit more things of metal that can be used, but the Damuzi would not be without any megamite metal, just not so much.

    Ildapan learned a lot from his mother Sinsilitees, while she was not from that island of her ancestral people, while her own mother was one of them. Ildapan is educated to be functioning well in the Erhohen Magocracy. But with his values he would not share the vision to exploit the island of the Damuzi. So when in the forces, he sees others as the chaplain there sharing advice that is never useful for exploiting that island.

  6. #6
    Giga Onion
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    Right, well I'll put a together a character soon. So, that should give you an example of what it should look like.

    Very interesting, okay so he's got ulterior motives for being here.

  7. #7
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    I hope to see something for having this still go on to anything for us.

  8. #8
    Giga Onion
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    I am currently putting together a character! It's taking a little time, apologies for the slowdown.

  9. #9
    Giga Onion
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    "I will defend my home till every last drop of blood leaves my body!"

    General Information
    Full Name: Idmah Bebe-mak
    Title: Shaman of the Nine Wilds
    Monikers: Dark Hawk; Night Spirit; Evening Star; Spirit Talker;
    Birthdate: 12th of Halüm, Y125
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Bloodtype: O-
    Bloodline: Bebe-mak
    Race: Human
    Occupation: N/A
    Social Class: N/A
    Orientation: Heterosexual

    Physical Information
    Apparent Age: 21
    Voice: Angelic, but Powerful, Soprano
    Overall Attractiveness: A
    Eye Color: Silver
    Glasses or Contacts: N/A
    Hair Color: White
    Hairstyle: Long, Uncut/Unkempt, shoulder-length
    Weight: 177 lbs
    Height: 5'8
    Skin Tone: Tanned Brown

    Dominant Feature
    1. She has tribal markings denoting her position as shaman among the Damuzi.
    2. When in dark locations, her eyes shimmer
    3. She has sharper canines than other Damuzi
    4. There's a purplish-red diamond gem in the very middle of her forehead

    Psychic/Mage(?): Mage


    Color: Blue
    Music: Lullabies, Carols,
    Literature: Oral Storytelling
    Expression: "There's no greater death than defeat."
    Curse: "By Orianda's grasp!"
    Mode of Transportation: Teleportation

    Drinking: Socially
    Smoking: Nonsmoker
    Mannerisms: Taps foot/finger when impatient; Tilts head in thought; Frequently gazes off into space;

    Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist

    Introvert or Extrovert? Extroverted by default

    Logical or Emotional? Emotional, but is realistic

    Business or Pleasure? Business, but there's room for pleasure

    Confident? Very

    Animal Lover? Absolutely

    Greatest Strength
    Her ever enduring resolve regardless of the time or the place.

    Greatest Weakness
    Her crushing naivety of the greater world and its machinations

    Major Priority
    Fighting back the foreign invaders

    She thinks that the Damuzi people are the last remaining to be connected to the land. She doesn't understand the motives of those alien to her, but she does understand what their intentions are based on their actions. And those actions put her at odds with their goals.

    Pressure Point: Her Naivety
    Is this obvious? Yes

    Most comfortable when among nature

    Least comfortable when fighting other humans

    Religion: She believes in the god Ama-sin

    Political Affiliation: She has none


    Familial Relations
    Mother: Nisaba Namid | Relations with: Moderately Weak, little communication
    Father: Meskalam-dug Bebe-mak | Relations with: Strong, regular communication
    Spouse: None | Relations with: N/A

    Brother(s): Akalamdug Namid; Ilum-sha Bebe-mak
    Relations with: Moderately Strong & Strong, little communication Akalamdug but regular communication with Ilum-sha.

    Sister(s): None
    Relations with: N/A

    Homeworld: Kolos
    Type of childhood: A communal one where her family had a core group of her mother, father, and two brothers but then the rest of her tribe would chip in where her parents couldn't. She was never left alone and was given ample care.

    First Memory: When she went on her first hunt as a young girl
    Education: Mathematics is weak, but is a knowledgable Naturalist and Botanist.

    Brief Biography
    Idmah was an odd birth as the mother experienced a mystical event that changed the baby in ways they weren't expecting. Their baby was born with a piece of the Anu-Hadis embedded into her forehead. Thus, they believed her to be blessed by Ama-sin and gave her a very pampered upbringing. She faced little hardship, and what hardship she faced was promptly handled by both her father and brothers. Although that all changed when she became an adult and realized that her mother and father were expecting her to find a mate. Instead, she found herself at one of the meccas of the Damuzi, Shalanum. There, she had a vision of the future and her role to play in it. Thus she devoted her life to understanding the Anu-Hadis and what she had to do with it. However, that devotion had turned into an obsession when the outlanders arrived.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 09-10-2023 at 03:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    **General Information**

    **Full Name:** Ildapan Narden
    **Title:** Chaplain in the Forces of the Magocracy of Erhohen
    **Monikers:** None
    **Birthdate:** 14th of Halüm, Y121
    **Age:** 28
    **Gender:** Male
    **Bloodtype:** B
    **Bloodline:** Mixed between Damuzi and common Erhohen
    **Race:** Human
    **Occupation:** Chaplain
    **Social Class:** Upper middle
    **Orientation:** Heterosexual

    **Physical Information**

    **Apparent Age:** 25
    **Voice:** Steady with assured sound
    **Overall Attractiveness:** A
    **Eye Color:** Brown
    **Glasses or Contacts:** None
    **Hair Color:** Brown
    **Hairstyle:** Longer than average in the culture
    **Weight:** 186 lbs
    **Height:** 5'9"
    **Skin Tone:** Tanned lightly

    **Dominant Feature**

    He is athletic in appearance with strong arms, legs, and feet. He can climb much better than average.

    **Psychic/Mage(?):** A little clerical ability



    *Color:* Green
    *Music:* Old chants
    *Literature:* Any Storytelling
    *Expression:* "A ship of fools sailing on."
    *Curse:* "By Hylax's fist!"
    *Mode of Transportation:* Various. He can climb much better than average.


    *Drinking:* Almost never
    *Smoking:* Nonsmoker
    *Mannerisms:* He is inclined to be helpful to those needing help, whether human or even other than that. He looks for ways to avoid those most disturbing.

    *Optimist or Pessimist?* Conditional optimist

    *Introvert or Extrovert?* 60% introvert, 40% extrovert

    *Logical or Emotional?* More logical but good emotional quotient

    *Business or Pleasure?* Both, either one at a separate time

    *Confident?* Just in familiar circumstances

    *Animal Lover?* Absolutely

    **Greatest Strength**

    Running, with or without footwear, and climbing

    **Greatest Weakness**

    Worried by the unfamiliar

    **Major Priority**

    Advising others that would discourage aggression and exploiting others against their will


    Serving the highest good in all cosmos as would be revealed

    **Pressure Point:** The most unfamiliar

    *Most comfortable when* helping others human or not

    *Least comfortable when* others who are most disturbing are encountered

    **Religion:** He believes in serving Hylax or one sent by Hylax

    **Political Affiliation:** Unreliable to political affiliations


    **Familial Relations**

    *Mother:* Sinsilitees
    *Relations with:* Turns to for any help

    **Homeworld:** Kolos

    **Brief Biography**

    Ildapan is distinct from all others he is with in having descent from Damuzi through his mother, who was a child produced from an earlier Erhohen explorer and a young Damuzi woman at that time who assisted and guided the Erhohen explorer, who returned to the Magocracy of Erhohen along with valuable plants that were useful for new seasonings and medicine he brought the young Damuzi woman with him, and they worked together in the Magocracy of Erhohen, and after coming close in relationship they wed.

    The girl born to them, Sinsilitees, became the mother of Ildapan, and she raised him with knowledge about her people and many of their ways, along with some values from them.

    Ildapan grew up to be a handsome young man. There were girls attracted to go with him, but his values clashed with their expectations, and none of them continued with him long.

    Ildapan grew practiced at ways of hand to hand combat. But though he continued with much of what he learned from his mother, he took to following the ways of Hylax in his faith, like others in the Magocracy of Erhohen. With his improving abilities, he was guided to the military training. But for his sensitive knowledge and discipline, in his faith, he was directed to the path in which he became chaplain in the forces.


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