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Thread: [M] War and Peace ~ Breggo and Hannelorian [IC]

  1. #211
    Little ball of fire
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    “Your royal highness,” Radisson bowed as the princess passed him, her ladies in waiting seeming to stream after her unbidden in perfect synchronization. There was no need to address what the princess wanted him to know even as he was left alone with the blonde woman who had been on his mind rather frequently. He smiled gently, his eyes taking her in as his heart seemed to flutter. He looked around, trying to see who was still around the relative reclusiveness of the royal tent, his eyes scanning the men and women milling around before he turned back to Georgiana. She seemed to float forward, her hands resting on his jacket.

    “We…will give rise to rumors this way,” Radisson itched to hold her but he held himself back, gripping the girl's elbows instead, squeezing lightly. “I’m glad Little George is doing well - thank you for keeping him out of Fenrir's way. What else have you been up to while I was away? Causing mayhem like always?”

    No, he couldn't express his true emotions at the moment but he hoped she would understand - he missed her, he was happy to see her, there was still a big unknown between them. Or rather, he was still waiting for her to make the decision they needed to make, the one he had time to think about and was at peace with. Their union was, in many ways, inevitable, and while he could act on it, he wanted to preserve her position especially when they were on display for all nobility to see. The rumors and scandal didn't scare him but it were extra complications to something he hoped would stay under the radar.

    “My father invited me for dinner,” Radisson's voice dropped, trying to look for an answer in the woman's eyes. “With my betrothed.”

  2. #212
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    "Rumors? What do you mean. I'm simply... dusting off your jacket." George responded rather coolly, even as he grasped her elbows. It was difficult to find the patience to restrain herself. Georgiana wanted to take a step back but she couldn't move. Such was the feeling of intense need to be near Radisson, as though she had been starving for him, or she was so parched and he was the only water in sight. "No mayhem. Well, none of my doing anyway." George chuckled lightly and found herself biting at her lower lip, almost like she was unsure of what she was supposed to be doing. And then he mentioned the dinner with Lord Greville.

    "Your betrothed?" George asked entirely skeptical at first. "Who is she?" That was a joke. George obviously knew he had meant her. "I haven't yes yet... I need... a few more days Radisson." Georgiana looked toward the floor before her eyes lifted to look around at the passers by, most paid no mind to the two, but some did indeed find their glances landing upon the couple. "You know... why. Is it better for me to say yes now? When I feel like I have a choice? Or is it better to say yes when I know I'm carrying your child." Her voice had lowered into a delicate hush.

    Georgiana sighed. "I don't mean to say... that I don't want to be with you. But you and I both know that you will be the Knight. You will be the man in the shining armor who will swoop in to take care of me. I... have feelings for you. But can you be so sure you want to spend the rest of your days tied to me? A fallen Princess? I'm not... Saskia or Beatrix. I'm not refined or dignified. I'm not special. I'm just a girl who can't control herself whenever you are near." George felt her hands moving to slide down his arms to hold onto them now.

    "You are a Lord. A Knight. You could have your pick of any lady. I'm selfish for wanting to keep you to myself. For wanting to say yes but I'm forced to say yes. I'm not deserving of you. Or any of this. I am here by the grace and kindness of another foreigner... tell me that you're sure. That this is what you want. Not that it is the right thing to do. But tell me that this is what you truly want Radisson."

    Georgiana looked up and into his eyes, holding him there at a measured distance of an arm's length.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #213
    Little ball of fire
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    “None of your doing? Are you the same George from a few weeks ago?” Radisson teased even as both their expressions sobered up. It wasn’t the right place to have this conversation, not by a long shot however, even if would take a few more days, Radisson knew they needed to get it over with. Regardless of what happened, there was no way to avoid it and, as much as he wished he could let her go if she wasn’t carrying his child, he knew he couldn’t. Somewhere between the insatiable passion and the glimpses of vulnerability, he had become attached to the young woman past a point of a simple bed companion. He wished he could say it was love but the mere thought of the word made him from - it was heavy, binding with too much subtext.

    “I don’t know when you should answer,” he sighed, his own voice dropping before he paused, his blue-grey eyes meeting her. There was the vulnerability, the way she looked at him that made Radisson want to wrap her small frame into his arms and protect her from the world. Perhaps he always had that desire to protect her even when she was a child, annoying him with her antics and inability to sit still. Of all the women in his acquaintance, the fallen princess of Syrenia was a breathe of fresh air. She wore her heart on her sleeve, did what she pleased and didn’t play by the rules. At the same time, she was the epitome of noble decorum, a lady of the highest caliber even if she herself didn’t believe it.

    “You forget that all I ever be is a knight and, as much as I’d like, I have nothing much to offer. I have my father’s name and my emperor’s blessing but I have no house nor manor nor home to call your own. My commitments will put you in the direct line of danger not only from the outside but even from those within. Women will envy you and men will try to seduce you because you will be one of the few women in the Flight’s circle, the Duke of Greville’s coveted daughter in law,” Radisson looked around, moving so that his body hid her from view of most passing by, giving them a bit more privacy. “Are you certain you want me and all the complexities that will come? I….I don’t know who I’d choose if I ever needed to decide between you and the Flight - can you live with that?”

    “I….don’t know what this between us is, not the full extent. I don’t want to lie to you, George - I don’t know what I want but I can promise I will, if you accept, always do right by you. Do you trust me?”

  4. #214
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    "Do you think I need a title?" George asked with a cocked head. "A fancy manor house to call my own? To spend my life ordering servants here and there?" She looked down to the ground and sighed. "I lost everything. Everything. I have nothing." George swallowed hard on her words pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts. "Yes, I have a title but that is nothing. No lands, no wealth, just me. I don't need that from you. I don't want that from you." This moment felt wrong to be making such a decision, it was... almost painful for George to hear his words, not because of what they were, but because ultimately the two of them knew they didn't have a choice. This was what this had become.

    "I don't think we get to be certain. I don't think we get time to figure it out anymore." George's hands trembled lightly, she watched them for a moment and let them lower to her sides. "This isn't about trust... of course I trust you Radisson. We are in this now. You and me. Forever and a day." George had never imagined being a wife. Never at all. In fact George had never really taken the time to contemplate anything about her future. She was lucky she had a future, and she lived in each day perhaps like it was her last. Maybe that is why she acted with such reckless abandon. "So..." George said finally. "We're getting married. You can say goodbye to your potential suitors, to the women who would lure you into their beds... not anymore."

    George was not sad about this, at least not particularly sad. Of course she had no idea if Radisson was the man she wanted to spend her forever with, nor was he sure about her. But there would be time to figure that out. "At least you aren't the Emperor and I am not the Princess Royal. The world isn't watching us. And I suppose... if you behave, maybe you'll get lucky tonight. Maybe." She smiled brightly and leaned in to rest her head against his for a fleeting moment. Exactly a moment as Saskia and Beatrix had returned to the tent.

    "The hunters are returning, it shouldn't be long now. We should all get ready to celebrate in their triumphs and then we can eat. Food enough for everyone to wet the appetites until the catch may be prepared." Saskia nodded quickly and clasped her hands together. Everyone would prepare to greet the hunters, Saskia to see what her future husband had been up to, perhaps enjoying a day for a little bit... at least before the evening during which she would undoubtedly ruin his day, if not ruin the rest of his life.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #215
    Little ball of fire
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    “Forever and a day,” Radisson smiled at her reassuringly, chuckling as she brought up the idea of other women. He had never looked for a wife, at least not actively or at present, his companions were always those from families who could not rope him into marriage. Although he was not the heir of a dukedom, there was always appeal around the two Greville twins - while Maurice captured women's hearts with his charm, title and elegance, Radisson was the beloved warrior with a respectful disposition paired with danger. As such, he was rarely spared the attention of desperate mothers with eligible daughters much as the rest of the Flight. Marriage would finally alleviate that annoyance from his life and bring joy into Duke Greville's - his father had been hounding both boys for grandchildren for years.

    His hand slid down to hold Georgiana's as the princess and her entourage returned, his fingers intertwining gently with hers. That simple connection, the realization that very soon, social norms would move just a smidge for them in public was exciting if a bit strange - he was so used to showing to emotion, making no indication of his connections that it felt to Radisson that he was screaming his intentions to the world, a small shiver running up his spine. “Your highness, I hope you will allow me to steal Princess Syrenia away from you this evening - I promised my father to introduce him to his future daughter in law.”

    “Finally,” Alan's voice reached Radisson, making him turn to see his father smiling as he stood to the side, his eyes warm and pleased as he looked upon the couple. Immediately, the knight wondered how long the duke had been standing there and how much he had heard - while he grasped the nettle when it came to announcing his plans to the Princess Royal and, apparently, his own father, he did not want to make any revelations about the reason behind such a decision nor any speculations. “Your royal highness, I must insist that you allow both your people to come into my home tonight for dinner. I believe we have much to discuss.”

    Stepping forward, the Duke of Greville took Georgiana's free hand, giving it a soft kiss and then meeting her eyes, trying to read the emotions currently coursing through the young woman right then. “My dear Georgiana, I am so pleased for you. For both of you - you have made one old man extremely happy today, I hope you know.”

    The hunt had been rather uneventful which was, at least in Liam's books, a blinding success - none of those who accompanied the emperor and his Flight got injured or left behind, no fights or disagreements broke out and the Master of the Hunt expertly guided the group through the woods on an engaging hunt for a male moose, the hounds and men cornering the beast within a couple hours. The animal was exhausted but ready to fight for his place under the sun, giving the hunt a good end with the emperor slashing the bull's neck in the end. The servants that had ridden with them quickly started to work on the dead animal, the nobles starting their slow ride back to Drakarfell. As they rode, Liam looked over to find Alistair beside him, looking more relaxed and confident.

    “You need to work on your facial expressions,” the blonde suggested, slowing his grey to match the emperor's black stallion, the horse snorting in warning at one another before settling down. Alistair raised an eyebrow even as he waved for the man to continue. “During these events when you are with the Princess Royal. She forced your hand but it will do little for you if you act distant and cold before the lords of Asterious. That will only give rumors about your relationship with your future wife - does she allow you into her bed? Are her children legitimate? Does the emperor realize they are not?”

    “What are you getting at?” Alistair growled but Liam didn't seem phased at all.

    “You keep your distance to protect her, to ensure she is not associated with you but that weakens both your positions,” the ice cold gaze met the emperor's deep blue one. “It will signal to others that perhaps, they can turn you against each other. They will fail but that will add extra pressure, extra challenges. Don't you have enough, Al?”

    “For all her flaws, she won't turn on the empire nor on me,” Alistair shook his head, turning to look at the road ahead. “Saskia is smart - she handled Throckmorton and my mother on her own, she isn't afraid to show her kindness and good. However, if people think we are in love, she will be a bigger target than if people think they can use her - some like the Dowager will not forgive her for being loyal to someone like me.”

    “Fool,” Liam snapped, shaking his head. “The Dowager already hates her because she is associated with you. Even now, she is a target whether you like it or not. If you think of protecting her, make it visible to everyone that she is under your protection else what is to stop someone ambitious to one day slipping her poison in an attempt to get her place? I heard the dowager duchess of Eaves is quite well versed in that.”

    “You forget your place, Earl,” Alistair growled, halting his horse, forcing Liam to do the same. The pair ended up on a small rise by the side of the road, the rest of the hunters passing them without paying much attention to the pair. “Last I checked, it was Alistair de Valois who was emperor of Asterious and I will not stand being treated as a child for my decisions, hard decisions.”

    “Forgive me, your majesty, I did not realize I was talking to the head of state as opposed to a member of my Flight,” Liam bowed, his voice steady and calm. “In such a case, I shall not trouble you further with such idle conversation and resort to only discussing things within my realm of responsibility. Mainly, the southern campaign and the affairs of my estate. Perhaps I should seek my leave and go to Cliffheaven to check on my domain.”

    “Perhaps you should,” Alistair glared at the man. “At the very least, it would stop me from murdering you on the spot for your tongue.”

    “As you will, your majesty,” Liam bowed his head. “Should I prepare for a beheading or your arrow? My only request is that it is fast and clean as is befitting a noble's execution.”

    “Fuck off,” the man shook his head, nudging his stallion forward, the Earl keeping his eyes to the ground, allowing the younger Knight to leave. Sighing, Liam allowed his hunter to start walking forward, his mind reliving the conversation he just had with the emperor. It would be so much easier if Alistair started to trust Saskia with more duties, if he started to play the game. The rumours surrounding the disgraced second son of the past Emperor were amplified by those who were fighting change, the stories of his dark deeds growing darker all the time in hopes of swaying the masses against him. The princess royal provided him with exactly what he seemed to lack - compassion, softness, warmth. Together, the empire stood a chance however, it seemed Alistair was holding on to something, some decision or fear and he was not about to let go. And that made it all more difficult for the man in power to rule without the constant struggle. Shaking his head, Liam squeezed the stallion into a light canter, riding to catch up with his friends.

  6. #216
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    Georgiana's eyes shot open wide when Radisson so casually yet cavalierly announced their news to the Princess Royal, and also his own father who had not been far behind. The next thing she knew her hand was kissed by the elder Lord Greville, the Duke himself. Georgiana smiled through her shock, her eyes holding nothing but a complex web of emotions. "It is I who have the honor and privilege my Lord to be marrying your son." George spoke the words and they were in a sense entirely genuine, though in reality she had no idea what one was supposed to say in this situation. And then of course her eyes finally moved to settle on Saskia who equally seemed to be somewhat shocked.

    "Daughter in law?" Saskia repeated the words with a degree of confusion or disbelief. "I see." The Princess Royal simply nodded at first. "Congratulations are in order." Saskia finally settled into a bright smile. "I could not be more happy for the both of you. Truly. Love is a many splendored thing." The Princess strode over to George and rested a hand on her shoulder squeezing reassuringly. "It would be my absolute pleasure to assist you in any way possible." Saskia was happy for the couple, but she worried slightly about how Alistair would take the news. It seemed rather obvious that the two had not ceased their relations. Unconsciously the Princess' hands moved to her stomach resting upon it. "And of course, the both of you must attend dinner with Lord Greville."

    George eased at the Princess' gentle touch. Her blessing was important, even if she was not wholly aware of the circumstances surrounding the engagement. The reality was sudden and hard hitting, there was no taking this back or undoing it. Now this was made real and everyone who witnessed it would make sure it happened.

    "I only ask that we delay informing His Imperial Majesty until tomorrow. He has enough on his plate today and I'd prefer not to crowd it further." Saskia of course was being entirely selfish in her request, full well knowing that this news coupled with her own could mean Alistair would have a very unpleasant evening, it was best to parse the two into separate occasions.

    "Of course ma'am." George shot off instinctively to acknowledge the request. "And thank you ma'am for your support and assistance. I am aware that it is my duty to serve you, and in this way you are too kind to me." George bowed her head in gratitude.

    "Shall we have a toast?" The Princess offered as a familiar voice burst in from behind her. "What are we celebrating my darling daughter to be?" Carina asked almost lazily. Striding in like a wave that was petering out. Saskia withheld her sigh and turned on her heels smiling brightly. "We are celebrating love mother."

    "Well we all know you aren't in it, so what's this all about?" The Dowager rolled her eyes as a footman appeared with a tray of glasses of sparkling wine, stopping before each person allowing them to take of their drink.

    "We'll pretend for all of our sakes that you were perfectly pleasant, but please do us the favor of faking it for the rest of the day? I know, it is rather exhausting. But something tells me you're capable of faking a great deal." Saskia smirked and held her glass into the air. "To the Princess Syrenia and the little Lord Greville. May your days be filled with happiness, love and laughter." The Princess Royal smiled and downed her glass before setting it aside. It wasn't long after that Beatrix entered the scene. "They have returned." She announced and raised an eyebrow at the scene.

    "Shall we mother?" Saskia turned to Carina, and went to take the woman's arm, the two women walked out of the tent each one putting on their biggest smile as they went to review the riders as they came into the camp. The Dowager Empress and the Princess Royal dropping into a low curtsy as the Emperor came into sight. For all intents and purposes the two looked like they got on well, the members of the gentry assembled thought they got on well and it seemed to be a rather happy family. "Welcome back your Imperial Majesty" Saskia would say softly as Alistair dismounted his horse. "How was the hunt?" She asked, stepping forward to leave Carina behind, she embraced her fiance and placed a kissed upon his cheek.

    George remained in the tent for the time being taking Radisson's hand into her own and squeezing it. "Forever and a day." She repeated.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  7. #217
    Little ball of fire
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    Alistair nodded at the people assembled, taking his fiance’s hands and leading her towards the tables where the servants were already setting out everything necessary to enjoy the roasting meat from potatoes to salads and more. Like most state affairs, the seating was done by hierarchy with the emperor walking his betrothed to the head of the table and ensuring she was comfortable before proceeding to his end. His mother, much to his chagrin, took her seat beside him, smiling at him as though she was genuinely happy to see him. Alistair frowned slightly, trying not to sigh - these formalities were another reason he hated all the official events. Before Saskia arrived, he could barely see the Dowager from across the table, leaving Liam and Alan to entertain her. Now, he was stuck with her on one side and the dowager duchess of Eaves on the other. After his conversation with the blonde Flight leader, the young woman made him frown. At least, with Marcus on her other side, perhaps he could be spared any conversation with her.

    “Did you hear the news, dear?” Carina smirked as she turned to him with a twinkle in her eyes. “I hear the young Princess Syrenia finally snatched herself a husband. Who would have guessed that residue of a noble house could ever find herself a worthy husband? Though worthy is still to be seen.”

    “What are you talking about?” Alistair raised his eyebrow, his eyes glaring at the woman. Carina clucked her tongue in amusement.

    “Why, Radisson Greville and Georgiana Syrenia of course,” she blinked innocently. “Did you not know? My, I thought your lovely betrothed would have at least mentioned something. Unless…”

    “Spit it out,” The man’s gaze darkened. “I am not in the mood for your games, mother.”

    “Ah, so you do have limits,” Carina’s smirk grew larger. “Unless the Princess Royal was somehow involved and helping those two cover up their relationship. Frankly, it seems rather odd that those two would become engaged within what? A month? He probably knocked her up and now is trying to cover his sins.”

    “Your royal highness,” Alan bowed, sitting to Saskia’s right, his dogs seeming to roam around in the close vicinity. “I do appologize for my excitement - I had no idea what Radisson was up to and it was quite a pleasant surprise. I wondered about those two since your visit to my house a few weeks ago but I am glad that it is out in the open.”

    “What is out in the open, Lord Greville?” Liam smirked, approaching his seat and bowing to the princess royal, his cheeks flushed with pink from the ride. Handing his hat to a servant, the Earl sat down to Saskia’s left, elegantly pulling off his gloves and tucking them into his belt. “I do apologize but I overheard your last statement.”

    “You are always observant, milord Rhydderch,” Alan chuckled. “However, her royal highness has asked me to refrain from sharing the news until tomorrow and really, these are not my news to share but my son’s.”

    “Dare I ask which one or are we talking about his imperial majesty? Your Grace treats him like a son,” Liam teased as he reached for the napkin, spreading it with a practiced motion over his knees. The tent where the tables stood was being heated with small portable ovens, the thick material of the tent keeping the warmth and making it so that the huge amount of people could feast practically in the field without feeling the cold. Seeing Alan roll his eyes, Liam’s lips twitched upward before he turned to the princess. “I hope you weren’t too bored while we out, your highness. Are you a fan of venison?”

    His pale eyes shifted to look across the long table, shaking his head as he saw Alistair surrounded by two women with an expression of annoyance that he was trying to, rather unsuccessfully, hide. Something Carina had told him had certainly made his glare daggers in their direction though Liam didn’t bother to care. He had spent enough dinners and luncheons beside the dowager empress to know how unpleasant she could be although he had been lucky enough for Carina to never despise him. Somehow, they even had decent conversations at times before Sebastian’s deathe and Alistair’s ascent.

    “His imperial majesty would do well to hide his scowl,” he muttered so that only his closest companions could hear. Alan sighed, not even bothering to look in that direction.

    “He would but he won’t,” the old man smiled slightly even as servants started to walk around and serve pots of hot soup and baskets of fresh rolls. “Alistair was never one to hide behind false pretenses and if he starts now, he will lose what little trust and support he has from the common people, from the soldiers.”

    “The soldiers would follow their general,” Liam responded but Alan shook his head.

    “The soldiers see you as their general and while I never doubt your loyalty, that is a dangerous position to be in for an emperor,” the duke reached to pass the basket to the princess, waiting to make his own selection. “Alistair needs to gather his own strength instead of relying on you all to pick up the slack.”

    “I won’t speak ill of my friend and my emperor infront of his betrothed,” Liam’s eyes narrowed slightly though it was the only indication that he disagreed with the older man. “I do think the occasion does not warrant such heavy topics especially where people can get the wrong impression.”

    “Quite right, my boy,” Alan nodded in agreement, looking slightly sheepishly. “Apologies for getting carried away, my dear.”

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    The Dowager Duchess of Eaves was in a unique position. By virtue of her marriage to one of the most powerful Lords in all of Asterious, she had become one of the highest ranking ladies outside of the Imperial family itself. Beatrix understood the Dowager Empress. The both of them shared one thing in common, a dead husband though Beatrix supposed Carina was likely sad about her own loss. As such Beatrix had a bit more freedom than the average lady when it came to addressing the old woman. Her games were so blatant, so obvious, they lacked art or inspiration.

    "Her Royal Highness, Princess Saskia the Princess Royal." Beatrix began though she was partially publicly correcting the Dowager's lack of respect for the woman who would take her position. "Intended to inform your Imperial Majesty after the day's public events were concluded. Yes, it is true. It appears Lord Greville offered his proposal moments ago." Beatrix had not witnessed the whole scene, but she knew enough to understand what had happened and now she had to protect Saskia. "It is my understanding that she wished to share such news with you in private, as it is a most private matter." Beatrix smiled softly and cocked her head to the side.

    "And I suspect that the Emperor would agree that it is most inappropriate to discuss any suspected health conditions of the Princess Syrenia at the dinner table." Beatrix took her familiar comfort in a glass of wine that had been poured. Taking the delicate crystal into her hand and raising it to her lips. "I might also remind you that Lord Radisson still bares a title, and is a distinguished Knight and member of the Flight. There are few men more worthy of a good wife than those."

    Beatrix did not particularly enjoy this little act. The Dowager was attempting to sow seeds of discord and distrust between Alistair and Saskia. Saskia played the game, but Alistair responded to her snide little jabs. Beatrix knew that Saskia told Alistair about the relationship between Radisson and Georgiana, hence Radisson was sent off though it seems that didn't quite work as anticipated.

    "You are a good little girl Beatrix." Carina spoke with a fading smirk. "Always playing the part, so eagerly defending the foreigners. You should take more pride in your own people." Carina seemed to be losing a degree of interest. Beatrix had learned well over the years. "It is interesting." Beatrix began, "you were so eager for The Princess Royal to marry the late Emperor. And now you seem to despise the poor girl. I wonder why that is."

    The Dowager Duchess knew Alistair would likely not tolerate this for long. He did not have the penchant for all of this. "But I digress, my dear Emperor, tell us of the hunt." Beatrix continued, hoping Alistair would take her up on the change of subject, even if it was a rather boring one.


    Saskia listened as the men spoke of her fiance. A part of them seemed content to continue as though she was not there, but all the while she remained smiling. "Bored? Oh not at all." Saskia responded to the first question addressed to her. "The Dowager likes to keep me on my toes. She's just... waiting for me to make a mistake." Saskia had the brilliant talent of smiling no matter what she was saying. She could make it look like she was having a good laugh and the people across the table would have no idea they discussed heavier topics.

    "As for the news... My Lord Greville is quite generous to indulge me. My intention was to keep it from his Imperial Majesty's attention. Though tomorrow all will be revealed I am sure." Saskia cast her gaze down the other side of the table, and she could recognize Alistair's expression from a mile away. Carina was bothering him, getting under his skin.

    "Alan." Saskia began as she leaned over, rested a hand on his arm and laughed lightly, once again putting effort into her appearance for those who would be searching her expression for clues or hints of weakness. "Liam is right." The Princess would of course stop speaking as the severs did their jobs, only offering kind words of thanks, only resuming when it was safe to do so. "Alistair needs to learn to smile, to look like he enjoys this. His strength is in his stability, it is in his unwavering commitment to his agenda. Our agenda." Saskia nodded as she leaned back into her chair for a moment. "The common people will be able to connect with him if they can see him as anything other than a brooding man who fits the description of the stories they've been told about his misdeeds and horrors. The people need reasons to doubt what they hear. They need to see him confident, and not as though every choice he makes weighs so heavily on his mind that it'll put him into an early grave."

    There was an unnerving airiness of her tone, simply because it better facilitated her facial expressions and carefully constructed facade. The Princess took the basket of bread and helped herself before passing it along. "But where you are right is that he does need to gather his strength. But at the same time... Liam and Marcus for example, enjoy freedoms that he can't. As the Emperor his hands are tied, and he will always need others to enable him to succeed. But I do wish to make one thing clear gentlemen."

    Saskia paused for a moment to reflect. "What you are doing is not speaking ill of him. You are trying to help him, and he needs all the help he can get. I recognize that I am new, and perhaps not so easily trusted." The Princess appreciated what was going on around her. It was comforting to know she wasn't the only one with opinions. "I will not question you for that... but I will ask you please know, I am doing everything in my power to help him. But, let us turn our attention to lighter topics, as you said. Liam, what else do you wish to accomplish during the winter months here in Valadis?"
    Last edited by Hannelorian; 04-25-2024 at 02:01 PM.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  9. #219
    Little ball of fire
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    Alistair absolutely hated these games and, more so than the games themselves, he hated being stuck in the middle of two women playing said games. He always knew his mother had a dangerous, mean streak to ger especially when it was directed at himself, a reality he had come to expect and accept over the years. Whatever he had done, whatever triggered the woman's dislike or rather hate of him, was beyond understanding of the mortal mind and, as much as he acted like Calembribor’s representative on earth, he was far from a deity even in its weakest form. To his other side, the Dowager Duchess of Eaves made a point of reposting to Carina, her words inwardly making the Emperor cringe - did Saskia trully want to tell him or did his mother have some truth in her words? Over the past six months that he had been in Valadis, he had never douted his friends and allies as much as in the past few weeks.

    “Ser Radisson Greville does serve the Empire well - why shouldn't he be rewarded with Our support for his marriage?” Alistair ideally brought his own cup to his lips. The news hadn't been a complete surprise - rather, he hadn't realized his friend would be back today. When he had asked Marcus to send missive to the knight that he had been pardoned, he didn't think the knight would be back for another couple days, assuming for whatever reason that Radisson was at the northern part of his trip that was furthest away from the capitol. The marriage was the only way his friend would maintain face in front of all that knew him, the only way to preserve their fractured pact. “Though the duchess does bring a good point - the Dragon Rider does deserve a title for his deeds and to set an example. Those who serve the country and its people are seen. Mother, perhaps you can recommend an open title?”

    “The county of Anaheim is floundering now that the last remaining hier got a better title and the old man was found dead in the morning,” Carina hid a smirk behind her hand. “It seems that it remains without a count and as you said, my dear, your men ought to be rewarded.”

    “Anaheim? The lands bordering Lys?” Alistair frowned but the dowager empress just smirked.

    “No, that would be the county of Aleheim. Anaheim is part of Duke of Throckmorton’s dutchy though it remains mostly autonomous due to the good duke’s accommodating nature. One, I am sure, Beatrix, you are quite familiar with. I do believe Felix has always thought highly of you,” the woman smiled at the younger courtesan across the table as she sipped the soup. “Compliments to the chef, Alistair.”

    “I was not aware you were close with the Duke Throckmorton, lady Eaves,” Alistair turned curiously to the woman. “Perhaps you would care to elaborate? As for the hunt, it was entertaining - if you want to send compliments, Carina, perhaps it should be to the Master of the Hunt. He tracked that moose to near perfection.”

    “I must confess your highness, my stay in Valadis will be rather short, I’m afraid,” Liam smiled at the woman politely before signaling for a page to fill their cups with wine, ensuring the princess was served first. Swirling the wine around, he leaned back in his chair, his eyes dropping to look at the drink. “I must make my way to Cliffheaven for a few weeks and ensure my sister hasn’t destroyed my castle. Besides, my mother is not doing well - it would be good for her to see more of our neighbours and unfortunately, with me gone so often, my mother dislikes hosting.”

    “I do hope your mother does visit Valadis soon - I do miss her company,” Alan said gently with a smile. “The dowager countess of Cliffheaven has always been a dear friend even if she did choose your father all these years ago.”

    “I hope you do not hold me responsible for that,” Liam chuckled good heartedly. “I also do believe that his imperial majesty may not appreciate my presense at the moment. We had a difference of opinion and he was quite….upset.”

    “Hmm, upset would be one word for it,” the duke of Greville nodded. “Although I doubt he will keep a grudge.”

    “No, he won’t,” Liam sighed, his eyes turning to look at the princess royal. How was it that this woman’s presense was managing to come between their friendship? Alistair was a lucky bastard for gaining such an ally in a difficult time, one willing to stand by him without fear and yet, the emperor was being so difficult and oblivious. Not many women would be quite as reasonable though, if he was being honest, few women would sacrifice themselves for the good of their country, going against their family and even the man they chose to marry. He had always assumed Anne was like that - brave enough to choose the unknown, to choose him but he had been disillusioned. Saskia had already proven her determination and resolve, something he could only admire. “However, we do not see eye to eye on a key matter and as his friend, I cannot budge while my loyalty as his subject forces me to agree. As you can see, the only thing left for me to do is to leave and hope the emperor changes his mind.”

  10. #220
    The Grey Lady
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    Lady Eaves turned her head to face Alistair as he mentioned Felix. Now would not be the time for her to air her dirty laundry, in fact, she would never want to be the one to personally tell the Emperor of the things her husband had her do. If Alistair wanted the truth, he would have to ask his betrothed or his Interior Minister. Beatrix had no intention of stirring the pot beside the Dowager Empress. The Dowager Empress who was also well aware of what Throckmorton did to women, especially women that were not his.

    "Lord Throckmorton and I go back quite a few years now." Beatrix cleared her throat and took another sip of her wine. "He was a dear friend of my late husband. We played host to the Throckmortons on many an occasion. As they in turn have hosted us." Beatrix smiled politely, but not as brightly as she might have otherwise. "In fact, I went into labor at the Throckmorton estate. They were most kind to me during an hour of great need. My... delivery was not easy. Our Dear Dowager knows that all too well." The Duchess turned to look at Carina. Beatrix's near fatal experience had been something of the court gossip when it happened.

    "Indeed, Beatrix was in labor for well over a day, caught a severe infection after the birth. We thought we were going to lose you but... you persevered." Carina seemed almost upset by the younger woman's survival. So many women died in childbirth, why couldn't the Dowager Duchess have been one of them? It was something to be mourned later.

    "As for Anaheim it is quite beautiful, though very much in disarray, it needs a strong leader. Lord Throckmorton is terribly busy with matters of state it would seem." Another forced smile, something of an excuse. Beatrix herself was now made uncomfortable, something rare even for her. "It would be an honor for someone such as Radisson Greville, but it would also be a time consuming responsibility, at least in the beginning. When titles pass to new families... there is always unrest... you see that's the problem with old houses. For centuries their rulers reign through good times and bad. But there is continuity, strength in blood bond. And then suddenly one day, it's all gone. Blink of an eye." Beatrix picked at her food, but generally seemed more interested in the drink.


    "Leaving so soon?" Saskia seemed genuinely surprised and disappointed at this revelation from Liam. "Well... you must let me send a gift with you for your mother. I have plenty of Lysian wine and a few bolts of fabric that should lift her spirits. Or if she does not take to the drink, I've passed on some delightful recipes for baked goods to our cooks... they would be most happy to prepare some of you to take with you." Saskia did everything in her power at all times to be good and kind. To be the kind of woman a husband would be proud of, a leader of nations would be proud of. But she wasn't that. She was no object of pride, just one of scorn and burden.

    "And if it might help, it would be my pleasure to personally pen an invitation to the capitol for her." Saskia listened intently as Alan and Liam discussed a couple of other measures, namely one that suggested the elder Lord Greville once pined for Liam's mother. "Pained hearts aside, I am pleased with how things turned out. So many wonderful people have entered the world because of the choices that were made all those years ago." The Princess Royal wanted to look on the bright side of things. And then of course there was the talk of the spat between Alistair and Liam. Saskia wanted to know more, but she knew better than to ask. That would be meddling, the one thing she was told not to do.

    "I cannot promise the Emperor would change his mind, but I feel there are few things he would end such a friendship over. I'm sure he'll... see his way past it in time. Though, I will admit that I... will miss your company. You're a good conversationalist. I feel you and Lord Greville here are my only friends aside from my ladies that is. But I shall trust your judgment and please attend to your mother and your sister. I do hope at the very least you would return for the wedding." Saskia once more smiled as brightly as she could and leaned in against the table, she seemed contented. Though beneath the surface she was filled with worry, in a few minutes time she would be confronted with her fate. The consequences of her actions.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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