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Thread: BEJEWELED〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

  1. #41
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    Slamp came to the first body with all the extra weight pulled to the earth. The edge of Slamp's own body made curves on either side which formed a scoop right there, for Slamp to pick up that one, Officer Helmered. And Slamp shaped a kind of a portion of a funnel along which Slamp slid Officer Helmered inward, as that one cried, "Aaargh! Help!"

    Slamp said, "Too bad, that is not the plea I look for." And Officer Helmered went down into the great echinoderm mouth at the center.

    Slamp had stopped there, momentarily. Slamp said, "That is not all I can do. There is so much more you have not seen. I could not even tell you all of what I might do. Now see this!"

    A tongue of fire surged up from the creature, that opened then into a view of another realm. And an unfamiliar creature then flew out from there, and then another, and then another, in total ten had come out from there. They were also flat, with eyes on one side and a toothy maw also of an echinoderm form below the eyes with edges of either side spread out far enough that they sort of flew with those as they came downward toward the men.

    Slamp said, "I have not heard any of you beg me to let you serve me. That will be all you can do, with the short remaining opportunity you have, to have me spare you. And none should tempt me to show what more I would do."

    These creatures, envelopers, came toward men further on who had not fallen toward the ground, one came right at Erhardt.

  2. #42
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    Erhardt watched as Officer Helmered fell before this unholy creature. This was the last straw.

    "No more men are to die this day," his knuckles ran white, "This is His Will." He prepared himself, sliding into a ready stance. When the starfish-like creatures came, Erhardt met them with the swing his of blade and the shedding of holy energy. In a flash of radiant light, the echinoderms were no more; reduced to ash in mere moments. "You have spoken your last words monster, now you will be judged."

    Erhardt readied his stance once more, but this time he called forth the Power of Hylax. Here he spoke a prayer only really uttered by priests saying,

    "By His Will,
    To the Glory of his Passion,
    There can be no greater strength,
    Found only in His embrace,
    Grant me strength of Heavenly One,
    Lay down your fire and destruction,
    Upon your enemies,

    In the next moment, a blue flame crawled across his blade; shrouding it. He stepped in, the force of the step caused the ground to heave, and leapt from his place. He moved so fast that he flashed like lightning. The strike was aimed precisely for Slamps' soul, punishing this creature and evaporating its form. Without a second thought, the creature was engulfed in hellish flames that caused searing pain to this so-called god. But he wasn't done.

    Erhardt stepped back in, and let loose a flurry of strikes that rended whatever remained of its corporeal form. Each strike struck with such speed that the slug demon was rendered helpless to the assault, displaying Hylax's ever-present dominion over this island.

    Once the being was returned from once it came, Erhardt assessed who stood and who fell.
    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 02-27-2024 at 10:57 PM.

  3. #43
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    Ildapan was returning to that coast with Gernot, Janxhed, and the others who had gone together inland and across this island of the Damuzi, and here they came near to where this scene had been taking place. Ildapan just saw the sixteen hundred square feet of the great flat shiny being rise of levitating from the ground, and with a flash then immediately disappear from being seen anywhere there. He came to where many men appeared to be lying down on the ground, and Erhardt standing there himself, with a bright sword he held. Ildapan called to Erhardt, "What has happened here?"

    Erhardt explained that this monstrously huge unknown being, shining brightly with a structure like a starfish mouth seen on top had come from somewhere else outside of this reality to claim this island, threatening them who stood in its way, and Erhardt had power from Hylax to stand against that being to banish it from their reality with his attacks. Apparently that being went back to the realm it had come from.

    Ildapan said, "As you are within the real service of Hylax that makes these things possible, you must speak to all others from our people with the rest of us who have witnessed the help of Hylax to the Damuzi people and wills no harm to them, and that others must leave them and their land alone. Those of the Kingdom of Nynmark are gone, defeated by the help sent by Hylax, and there is not yet legitimate basis for any intrusion into this island. Let us see if these men can get up, and then let us go do that."

    The men who had collapsed with great weight added now were feeling the weight diminish again.

  4. #44
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    Once the sentries had collect themselves, they set off for the newly established camp for the expeditionary force. Here at such a camp, a palisade wall was erected and fortifications emplaced. Soldiers and crewmen alike were running to and fro, going about their daily duties. As for priest and his party, they were swiftly escorted to expedition captain, Yuton. Yuton waited for Ildapan and Erhardt, and then welcomed the two with a confident smile.

    "Father Ildapan," he said with excitement, "You've returned at last. Here I thought the natives would've done you in!" He chuckled at his own joke, and kept the conversation moving. "So Father, tell me everything you've encountered. No stone unturned."

    Erhardt kept his eyes trained on Ildapan unsure if just such a resolution can be reached when the captain appeared deadset on acquiring the Old Source Shell.

  5. #45
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    Ildapan said as he faced him, "Captain, we all met with the native Damuzi people, none could say where the Old Source Shell is. But it is so secure the Nynmark invaders, who were already come and making an attack on the other side, would never ever find it. I told the people we would keep it safe from them. They had explained how the island benefits only from its presence there, and the peace and prosperity all in this island experience would vanish without it. They wanted help against those attacking, and I spoke to them of help that we could call on that would intervene. And Captain, we all who went called on help from Hylax, and Hylax sent help, for the Damuzi people, with the Frah, the flying shiny one, who demolished the forces from Nynmark. Captain, if the Frah found any others attacking those on the island, they would be demolished too. The Frah must have left without noticing any here, and the being that Erhardt encountered as a coming threat to make claim to this island must have come to our world right after the Frah left. We must leave the Damuzi people, if we want Hylax on our side."

  6. #46
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    Yuton contemplated these words thoughtfully. He spent a great deal of time deliberating on what they should do, but eventually he would come to a decision. "Well, Father Ildapan. You speak a great deal on Hylax's favor, which I have no doubt you wish to keep. However, those beyond this island will brand us traitors if we return empty handed. I favor my livelihood back at home, and so too do most of these men. I do not want to brand the man that got us here. Unless you intend to keep me from procuring the Old Source Shell?"

    Erhardt became anxious at the mention of favoring himself over Hylax. However, he kept his eyes trained on the two men so as to decide who to stand with.

  7. #47
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    Ildapan did not wait long to give answer. "You may well speak for yourself. All men brought here should hear of the sequence of events, knowing the choice is between staying with that for which they were sent for, and what Hylax wills. It is sure that I went with the men who came with me to get the Old Source Shell to keep it from Nynmark, and it was only for us to learn that it was so well hidden it could not be found, the native people in general know nothing about where it is or anything about it for it to be recognized. And we called on Hylax for needed intervention, and the Frah, the great flying shining one sent from Hylax, demolished the forces of Nynmark that had started their attack on the island, along the other side. Though any from here still attacking, if they ķill almost all, would not have that Old Source Shell which can't be found, which Hylax was defending with demolishing the Nynmark forces. They will still go against Hylax who defended the people from Nynmark, and why would Hylax not do so to any other attacker? Erhardt and the men stationed with him, who had power from Hylax who was called on to rid from here that being that came right after in attack to gain the island, will not join the attack contrary to Hylax. Possibly many other men would not, and they should hear to be informed to choose. Any going against Hylax may face being demolished, as the power from Hylax has been showing. What would this be for when the Old Source Shell, vital to the well-being of this island, cannot be found, as we certainly learned?"

  8. #48
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    Captain Yuton stared at Father Ildapan for a moment, and then paced around the holy man. He observed him, scrutinizing every inch of him and his character. He had been stalwart in his faith, an unshakeable pillar against the tides of faithlessness. He could only smile, and shake his head. "So the Old Source Shell is so well hidden that not even the natives know where it is. That is fascinating. And we were given the choice of death or Hylax? Hm. Then let us pose this question to the rest of the encampment."

    The man stepped over to the door of his quarters and swung them open. Here, he strutted out onto the top deck and to the railing on the starboard side. Captain Yuton extended his arm out to call forth magick circles that suddenly extend his voice beyond normal limits. "To those that hear this voice, know that Hylax has given you all a choice: Death or Salvation. The reason for this choice is that the natives are oblivious to the Source Shell's location. Thus, we don't even know where to begin. So, if you want to go home empty-handed and be branded a traitor, get onto the eastern boat. Otherwise, stay here and accept death for the Magocracy. Hail Hofen Hylax!"

    He looked back at Father Ildapan who had no doubt followed him out onto the top deck. He smiled with some manner of glee, "You may leave as well Father. I will not fault you for doing so. Just know that when you return, you will be stripped of your honors and flogged before the Clergy for abandoning your holy mission." He then looked to Erhardt and shook his head, "I know you had sided with Father Ildapan, so I will spare my breath. Go."

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    Ildapan looked at Erhardt and the men that also came out following, and then he said, "These are not the only choices. I am sure I would only go where Hylax would have me go, regardless if it is with staying right here offshore, returning to Erhohen, or going to live among the Damuzi people. But I have called on power from Hylax, and was answered, just as you, Erhardt, have called on power from Hylax, and were answered. We should just as well call on Hylax now. We should have what is determinedly against Hylax removed." Ildapan raised hands held outward, and Erhardt and those men with them did likewise, and he called out, "O Hylax, we will do according to your will as we can do, but it can be effectively done with removal of what is with determination against your will, that such would not hamper your will being carried out. Let no more aggression be coming to this island. O Hylax, have your power remove all of what would yet be a threat to those on the island you have been acting to protect. O Hylax, we beseech you, let that be done, now, and spare all ones who will do as is shown of your will." Key phrases were echoed as the men with eyes closed held their hands up. After a few more repetitions of the key phrases Ildapan then concluded, "According to your will be it so! Hofen Hail Hylax!"

    Suddenly, a fiery circle came upon Captain Yuton, and grew to envelop him.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 03-22-2024 at 02:25 AM.

  10. #50
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    Clasped in red, Captain Yuton found fear swelling within him. The men whom he had spent months traveling with were now turning against him. In this moment, they had become agents of a god that he had no pleasure in following. And yet, he was going to done in by them.

    Captain Yuton called out in anguish saying, "PLEASE! I BEG OF THEE! CEASE THIS AT ONCE!" The pain was everlasting as the fire danced along his body and licked his skin. Each tongue scorching his skin, searing punishment into every nerve. His cries for help were not heard, and thus was the man sent off to a place where Hylax make enact judgement upon him.

    Erhardt turned to Father Ildapan and said, "His screams were heard across the whole camp. Do we take up arms against our own brethren??" Erhardt looked ready to do so as people from around the ship turned to see the commotion.

    Gernot held up a hand to one of the crew in a defensive manner saying, "No.. Not yet, they still might be reasoned with!" Gernot, although, kept his hand close to his blade. He wasn't going to be caught dead if a fight did breakout.

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