Cyreus smiled as he looked around inside the cave unaware he had a witness looking at his shape in the alcove. He was so focused on exploring that he didn't know of Ike's presence. As such looking around he found what looked to be some light source and clicked a knob on it which lit up the inside of the cave seeing he was all alone getting startled by his own shadow at first before catching his breath. "That scared me, didn't think my own shadow would catch me off guard, good thing no one is here or that would have been embarrassing." Cyreus said as he noticed that the alcove had long since been abandoned and was wondering if he could turn it into his treasure trove.
"This place could be good for hiding all my surface trophies so no one else finds them and gets rid of them. My family would be angry if they knew I collected surface items and saved them. They nearly caught me with some not to long ago in my secret coral reef hideout. So I need to move things now." Cyreus chuckled softly having a sweet and almost melodious laugh which displayed his gentle nature.