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Thread: [M] Sniped Through the Heart (Iwazuma x Hannelorian)

  1. #271
    I Forgot My Title....
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    Regina was seated in her chair, calmly awaiting Bertoldt's return as she often did whenever she arrived to find him out of his workshop. The only difference this time was that Anke was with her. It was unusual for her to bring a guest, but she figured Bertoldt didn't mind. He knew of her, at least; she had mentioned her to him the last time they'd spoken. She couldn't imagine Bertoldt being unhappy with her situation, given her permission to seek out emotions and their consequences. It was supposed to make her a better soldier, after all. All of this was for Osnen, so she could be stronger and more efficient. But was it really? Regina's thoughts so often slipped to Anke that she was questioning just what the benefit was having her so close to her heart. Just another person she had to protect. Just another weakness.

    It's okay. Trust the process. Osnen would not lead you astray.

    Regina took a deep breath, steadying her nerves and looking over at Anke hopefully. What she saw, however, was not a woman excited to move into her new room, but someone consumed by anxiety. "I mostly come here for routine maintenance. I don't tend to make use of this place for leisure." Regina spoke calmly as she always did, but Anke seemed to be in a less than chipper mood. Regina cocked her head, an expression of confusion coming across her face. Not been honest...? Regina wasn't sure what she meant. She'd come here for their living arrangements, of course, but...what else could be going on? Regina watched as Anke produced a slip of paper she hadn't seen before. "Culmen..." Regina repeated the name quietly. It sounded awfully familiar.

    The waited had handed her this? From the other day? The bistro date had flown by so quickly that Regina had nearly forgotten most of it, save for Anke's unhappiness. She'd felt like a failure after that date, like she did so many. The trip to the bowling alley had been by far their best one, though now Regina wondered if it was her actions that had been entirely responsible. If the waiter had handed her this...Regina wasn't sure what to make of it. There was so much she didn't know here, and she was a sniper, not a detective. So much didn't make sense.

    Anke seemed ashamed of herself. For keeping this from her. Regina mused quietly for a moment. She hated seeing Anke so unhappy. But what could she do about it? She was convinced she needed to learn more about Project Culmen...or at least that someone wanted her to. Regina furrowed her brow for a moment, then stood, taking Anke into her arms and giving her a big hug. "It's okay." Regina's voice was devoid of emotion as always, but she put as much meaning into her words as she could. She wasn't sure she understood just what or why all of this was and would be, but she was sure that Anke wasn't alone. That little she could promise. Regina let Anke go, but let her hand trail down her arm, brushing her fingers against Anke's hand before taking it fully. "Mine."

    But then that left the question of the slip of paper and the mysterious waiter..."I...think I know something about Project Culmen..." It was extremely hazy, but there were faint memories of the term in the back of her head. "I think it happened when I..."

    "Well! I was not expecting my favorite visitor today." A wheedling, nasally voice entered the room as Bertoldt stepped in. He looked every part a scientist, with black rubber gloves on his hands and his eyes hidden behind a visor. He merely had a halo of brown hair surrounding a large bald spot, and the grin on his face was equal parts disarming and unnerving. His head tilted down towards the snipers' linked hands, and a gasp came from his lips. "Ah! Am I to believe that this is your esteemed 'friend' you were talking about before?" He eyed Anke up and down for a moment, his hands behind his back as he inspected her. "Mmm, yes. You are quite the lovely sight, aren't you? No surprise you managed to win over my dear Regina." He pushed his visor up the bridge of his nose. "I don't believe you were scheduled for maintenance for another few weeks. What brings me this immeasurable pleasure, may I ask?" His posture shifted from Regina to Anke, eager to learn more about the unexpected visit.
    Karma is the best.

  2. #272
    The Grey Lady
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    What Anke was certainly not expecting was for Regina to react so warmly. Though her outward appearance and inflection may read to most as cold or emotionless, Anke had learned in part how to read Regina. It was the subtle ways in which she said certain words, the micro expressions on her face that anyone but her would be likely to miss. That struck her first, and then it was the warmth of the embrace, the taking of her hand calling her "mine." Anke was not prepared for such a response, she expected to be met with cold silence, perhaps expressions of disdain. Not kindness and understanding. Regina truly had made quite a bit of progress in a small amount of time.

    Anke wanted Regina to know she hadn't just used her for this. That the bowling alley was real, the night they spent together, the morning all of it was real and meant the world to Anke. But how do you express such a love? Anke would simply have to show it by showing up, being there and being better for her partner. It made Project Culmen fade into the background, and Anke just sat, held by her partner in safety. All that mattered was this, was them. It was easy to forget the rest when it was like this. When Anke lost herself in Regina which was so easy to do at any time. Regina was a pool without a bottom, or perhaps all of the oceans of world, limitless in depth and potential.

    Then Regina surprised Anke once more, something that seemed like it should be impossible, but was... almost certainly absolutely possible. With Regina one never really knew what was going to happen. Project Culmen was a term familiar to her, and just when she seemed about to open up and express herself, Bertoldt entered. Anke resisted the temptation to swear under her breath, instead she simply put on her brightest smile as he greeted them. For someone so generally off putting he was certainly cheerful. She wondered if he was this cheerful when he tortured Regina. Probably. Or did they call it maintenance instead?

    "I don't believe we've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Anke said softly, her voice dripping with a kind of saccharine, artificial sweetness. The smile on her face was broad, showing off her perfect white teeth. "Lieutenant de Heer." Anke spoke her name so elegantly, gracefully. "Anke." She clarified. "I requested that Carlisle bring me to see you. I wasn't sure if you would accept an appointment from an unknown entity." Anke had a certain way about her that was entirely convincing, perfectly charming, to put one at such ease. "Please forgive the intrusion." Anke bowed her head.

    "Regina and I are not friends. We are partners. Romantically. I'm sure you are aware of this, we can simply call it what it is." Anke did not see the need to downplay what they were or what was happening. "Given the nature of our relationship, I would like to request that I be granted permission to move in with Regina. It is terribly inconvenient right now. It seems the most logical solution, I was hoping you would agree." Anke nodded.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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