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Thread: KINGDOMCOME〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & DreamDragon101」

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    Fantasy KINGDOMCOME〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & DreamDragon101」

    Today was a momentous occasion.

    Today marked the first day a King and Queen were to be seated at their thrones to begin their royal duties. And the sunlight was as warm as it had been that fateful morning, the birds chirping and the crickets ringing. There was no servant present to greet them to guide them on their morning routines just yet. This early hour was indeed most enchanting as its solitude offer solace for a waking Sylvester Woburn.

    This young king, whose kingdom had glistened with dew, woke to the sight of his queen nestled deeply into his exposed upper body. He had not come to know her long, their arrangement being swift and timely, but something about her willingness to be by his side was something he had quickly grown accustomed to. In fact, some might argue that he was beginning to enjoy it. Though he kept his position in bed for just a few minutes longer, gently caressing this sleeping beauty's cheek.

    However understanding when the servants arrived, he did not wish to waste the few precious minutes he had and slid from his queen's grasp. Here, he was standing upright in nothing but his trousers. He slowly paced over to the bedroom window and stared out at the kingdom he had envisioned for himself. He was rather astonished that his family was even able to come to the table for negotiations. The territory was up for grabs and both families had claims to it. This union was the only real middleground they could take. All others led to war.

    So, Sylvester took this into consideration when thinking about the itinerary that was slowly forming in his mind. However another thought entered his mind as his eyes drew back to his queen, Arina Woburn. He was given word of issues already forming in the kingdom.. He hadn't even sat in his throne yet, and there was already trouble to deal with. But, those were issues he was going to have to deal with as soon as he sat on his throne. On top of that, he wasn't going to let these obstacles ruin how pleasant of a morning this had been.

    Thus he stepped away from the window and returned to the bed. He sat carefully on the side of it and reached over to a night stand nearby and pulled from it two specially-made knives. The first knife was made from a sort of dark steel while the other was made from sharpened crystal. Both are sheathed and placed at his side as he, himself, prepared for the arrival of the servants.

    And, like clockwork, a series of three knocks were heard from the double doors across the room. Sylvester looked over and quietly called out, "Come in."

    A maid, who appeared to be more tired than her king, stepped in and curtsied. "My King, it is time. Shall I wake up my Queen?"

    Sylvester shook his head, holding up a hand. "No need. This time, I will. Wait outside, we will come out when we are ready."

    The maid nodded, and backed out of the room; closing the door behind her.

    Sylvester turned back to Arina and came over to her side of the bed her he gently shook her. "My dear.. It is time to wake up, we have a lot of important matters to attend to." He had a small accepting smile on his face, aware of he may look to her.

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    As the sun shines in the castle bedroom window Queen Arina sleeps peacefully nestled up against her husband’s exposed upper body. Even though they had only been married for a little over one month there was something about the way she slept that made her sleep so peacefully each night that no one could figure out why and she had grown to like this way of sleeping and she know her husband did to.

    Arina just happen to be in the middle of a dream that took place in her very own rose garden. This dream was no ordinary dream, but when a strange looking man appeared to her with a pink rose and just handed it to her and little did Arina know it was a magic rose and what it would do to her if she smelled it. Now Arina couldn’t help wanting to smell it because it was such a lovely rose, but when she was about to smell the rose her dream was interrupted from someone shaking her to wake her up. As Arina opened her eyes to see who had waken her up she looked up and sees her husband’s Sylvester standing there smiling down at her. Arina loved this man and returned a smile to him. “Oh, sweetheart must I wake up when I was in the middle of a dream that had a pink rose in it and I was about to smell it.” she asks as she looked up at him and held out both of his hands for him.

    When she had taken his hands in hers, she then pulled him down to sit next to her. “Sylvester dear please hold me in your arms for a few minutes, for I am longing to be in them right now.” she says as she sits up and moves closer to him and puts her head on his chest. As they sit there quietly for a few minutes neither of them says a word. Then Arina speaks. “I cannot believe today is our first day we both will be sitting on the throne together and I have been waiting for this day for a long time and it has finally come. What if we don’t do our duties right what will happen to us?” she asks as she reaches up and brushes a stranded of Sylvester’s hair out of his eyes and then placing her hand on the side of his head and holds it there.

    Then smiling up at him she says. “I love you so much Sylvester Wobum and I know you will be a good king for Britannai no matter what happens.” But before he could answer her, she brings her lips up to his and starts to kiss him. After they kiss for a few minutes Arina breaks away and says. “Has Lyoka come in yet this morning?” she asks as she looks up into his eyes and smile again.

    Now Arina knew all the servants always tried to be on time, pulse Lyoka was always the one to wake her up every morning, but this morning for some reason her dear sweet husband had done it, and this had confused Arina and had made her wonder why he had done it and not Lyoka.

    As she listened to Sylvester answer her question, she started to stand up so she could make her way over to her vanity to brush her hair out. Once she was sitting down, she picked up her brush and started to brush her hair out. When she had finished brushing it out, she then braided it and put it up over her head like a bridge. Then standing up she walks over to the bedroom window and stared out at the kingdom for a minute. Then turning to face him she says. “Sylvester dear I know we have just gotten married, and we have not yet sat on our thrones, but I was wondering when can we start a family? Because I want to have us a child now and it would mean so much to me if I could.” She asks as she studies his face closely. As she waits for his answer she slowly walks back over to his side. When she is standing right in front of him Arina then reaches out and takes both of his hands in hers and gently squeezes them as she looks up into his eyes and says. “Please dear I really do want to have child.”

    Then as Arina was about to lean forward to kiss him again there was a series of four knocks heard at the double doors across the room. Arian looked up and said. “Come in”

    A message boy no older than fifteen stepped in and curtsied. “My King and Queen I am sorry to bother but I have a very important letter that was just delivered, and I was told I had to bring it to you at once.” he said as he held it out for them to see. Arina frowns and nods her head. “Well, if it is that important bring it in boy.” The message boy nods and brings the letter into the Queen and hands it to her, then he curtsied again and backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.

    Arina starts to open the letter and begins to read it aloud. Here is what it says:

    "King Sylvester and Queen Arina, this is no ordinary letter brought to you today but a letter that demands gold from you. In person King Sylvester you must bring two hundred pieces of gold to the east gate by noon tomorrow. If you refuse to bring the gold Queen Arina will then be kidnapped and killed. But if you do bring it then no harm will be done to her.”

    Queen Arina mouth drops open when she finished reading it. “Sylvester, who would want to do this to me? Are you planning to give the gold to them dear? Oh, please don’t let anyone hurt me.” she says as she drops the letter to the floor and runs into his arms and lays her head against his chest and starts to cry.

    When they both left their bedroom Arina tried to stay close to Sylvester the rest of the day, for she was scared and was worried that something would happen to her if she was to leave his side. When they sat on the throne Arina could not focus on what was being said her mind was still on the letter they had gotten. Was this really going to happen to her or was someone just trying to scare her to make her worry about it?

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    Sylvester held that small smile, "Apologies my beloved. Dreams are foreign to me as I do not receive them as often as you do." He found himself now at her beside, her gentle frame against his. It was a quiet and quaint embrace, it was something Sylvester was still getting used to. A man of the sword he was, knowing only battle and bloodshed. It was a..welcomed change of pace. "Such worries are unbefitting of a confident Queen," he gave an assured smirk, "We must have a faith, and hold steadfast. We were not given this opportunity to merely squander it with idle conjecture."

    Arina had made sure to devote several minutes to physical displays of her unflinching love for Sylvester. He, of course, was not going deny his wife's love. Thus held her tight as they kissed, and then released when she broke away. "She has, but I had sent her away." He was feeling rather ecstatic, a new energy surging through him. "I felt that since today was important, it would be equally as important for the King to wake his Queen, personally. I wanted this day, this time, to be special before we are sure to be enraptured in some risky endeavor."

    Sylvester's smile grew a bit at the question. "A child?" He looked into her eyes as she did his, he was trying to think of an answer. Sylvester never really understood the fascination, but who was he to deny his wife a child? Heirs were important to continued prosperity! And if this kingdom was going to survive long after they're gone, then children were in order. And thinking on that fact, Sylvester realized he hadn't touched his wife in such a manner since the consummation. That's going to change. "You will have your child, my beloved. And if you are good health after the first, there will be more. Our family will stretch to all corners of the Isle." He cupped her hands with his own, reassuring her that her dream will become reality in the future.

    But right on que, trouble came.

    A messenger boy brought a ransom letter, and Arina read it aloud. Sylvester's smile that had been growing since the start of this conversation died. This news was disheartening as there were already enemies working against them. He hoped that such shencanery waited until they were seated on the throne, but he guessed he didn't really have much of a choice. "Relax my dear, no harm will befall you. This appears to be the work of opportunistic bandits looking to capitilize on a fledging kingdom.. They believe that I'm feeble enough to give gold away. However, what fail to understand that such tactics don't work on warheroes.."

    He had serious look, one that would scare anyone if caught in his stare.

    "I'll send for my Crow, he'll take care of this little ransom problem. Although do stay close to me until my Crow returns with good news." Sylvester rubs her hair, and kisses her head. He kept her close, and did all he could to reassure her. But, when the two left the bedroom and arrived at the throne room, Arina was nervous about it the whole time. Sylvester kept a close eye on both her and the people around her. He figured they had access to her, if they were willing to threaten kidnapping. Sylvester gestured for one of his guards to handle the request. That guard rushed off into the castle.

    As the guard ran out, the King's Court arrived. Four individuals representing various aspects of their kingdom came forward and bowed before the couple. The tallest among them was the first to speak, "Greetings my King, I am Grand Duke Dean Foss, of House Foss, and your financier. I am tasked with handling our kingdom's treasury as well as collect taxes from the people. Should you recover me at any time, my office is always open and I'm willing to answer any questions you may have."

    The next a potly gentleman who sneered a little and laughed, "My King and Queen, I am Grand Duke Herbert Goffe. I take care of feeding you, me, and everyone else in this country. If you want to know if your food stores are going to make it through the winter, you come to me."

    After that was a man of a darker complexion who appeared not be from here. Sylvester furrowed his brow and asked, "And to you, what of you? Who are you, and why do you belong in this court?"

    The gentleman gave a small smile and said, "I am Grand Duke Willard Strange, of House Strange. My father, Leon Strange, was from the Isle, but my mother was not from here. I am the voice of the people. What they tell me, I tell you. The villages bring their hellos and good wishes for a health and prosperous reign."

    The fourth and final man was draped in priestly garb. He hailed from the church, and appeared rather eager to assist. He said, "I am Father Albion Ryer, of House Ryer. And I humbly congratulate you, my King and Queen. The clergymen back at the Church are rejoicing and praying for good tithes in the upcoming nights ahead. I am here as a representative of the Church, and am readily willing to give you religious counsel whenever necessary."

    Sylvester looked at these four men, his court. He gave a small exhale and said, "Then we will start by addressing a matter most pressing."

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    As Queen Arina sat there listening to the men talk her thoughts kept going back to the letter they had received this morning. No matter how hard she tried to get it out of her mind she just could not stop thinking about it. Arina held Sylvester’s hand the whole time and would not let it go. She knew he could tell that somethings was bothering her, but she could not help it because she was scared.

    When they were eating lunch Arina tried to focus on what Sylvester was telling her about each of the men that had talk to them. But Arina finally had to interrupt her husband. “I am so sorry sweetheart but I just can’t focus on what you are saying right now because I can’t get what that ransom letter said out of my mind. I know you promised me that you will have one of your Crow deal with it and I trust you will keep your word about it. But it has been on my mind all morning. So I thought it might do me some good to take a walk in the rose garden this afternoon. I should be alright by myself.” she said as she folded her napkin and placed it on the table. Then getting up from the table she walks over to Sylvester’s side and as tears fill her eyes she puts her arms around his neck and leans down to kisses him on the cheek. Then placing a hand on his shoulder like it was going to be the last time she saw him for a long time she then looks into his eyes and tries to give him a little smile. Then slowly turning she walks out of the room.

    As she leaves the room she quickly makes her way to their bedroom. When entering the room she looks for her shawl then going into her sitting room she grabs a book to read. Then as she was about to leave the room Lyoka walks right into her which causes her to drop her book. “Oh my Queen I am so sorry I did not know you were in here. Please forgive me.” She says as she kneels down to pick up the book. “It is alright Lyoka I was not watching where I was going, I am fine. But while I have you here could I ask you a favor.” she said as she watched her servant pick the book up. “Yes my queen you may.” Lyoka said as she looked up at the queen. “Would you mind coming with me to the rose garden so I won’t be out there by myself to worry my husband about it.” she ask as she takes the book from her servant hand. Lyoka nods her head. “Yes my queen I would be glad to do that.” she says as she stand up. Then Queen Arina nods her head and smiles as she starts to walk down the long hall way.

    When they arrive in the garden Queen Arina looks around. “Is it not a beautiful spring day to be out here in the garden smelling the roses?” Queen Arina asks as she walks up to the yellow rose bush and starts to smell the roses. Lyoka smiled and nodded her head. “Yes my queen you could not have asked for any better day to have walked in the garden. Shall I lay you a blanket out for you so you can sit and read?” she asks as she looks around for a place to lay the blanket at. “Yes I do believe that would be nice if you were to do that for me.” Queen Arina said as she picks the rose she had just finished smelling. As Queen Arina waits for her servant to lay the blanket out she places the yellow rose in her hair then looking around she then seats herself on the blanket.

    A few minutes go by and Lyoka speaks. “My queen it is now time for your afternoon tea. Shall I bring your tea out to you or would you rather wait until you go in to have it?” She asks as she smiles down at the queen. As Queen Arina closes her book and looks up at her servant. “You know that would be very nice to have tea out here in the garden, so yes please do bring it out to me.” she said as she smiles up at her servant. “Yes my queen I shall do that. Will you be okay if I leave you alone for a little bit?” she asks as she looks down at the queen once again. “I think I shall be fine for a little bit.” Queen Arina says as she nods her head. Lyoka then nods and curtsies and backs away leaving the queen by herself.

    But little did Queen Arina know that a man had been watching them from behind some trees and now seeing she was alone he slowly made his way out from behind them and started to slowly walk over to her.

    Now Queen Arina knew that her servant would be gone for a little while so she decide to walk around the garden for a little bit. Then as she stood up she stationed her dress out and then starts to walk. But as she took her first step someone grabbed her around the waist and started to pull her close to them. When Queen Arina felt this her first thoughts were that Sylvester had decided to join her. “Sylvester dear I am glad you decided to join me.” But before she could say anything else the person spoke. “Oh be quite you foolish Queen, I am not your husband you are talking to.” When Queen Arina hears this her eyes grow wide as she tries to pull away from the man. But the man grabbed her around the neck and pulls her tightly up against him. Queen Arina then started to scream. “Please stop you’re hunting me. No let me go!” But as she said that the man then slapped her across the face. “Be quite or you will be sorry you had not spoken.” he said as he pulled out his knife and put it up against her neck. But Queen Arina did not care what he had said and started to kick the man and screamed out once again. “No please stop!! Someone help me!!” She screams as the man then puts his hand over her mouth and started to pull her out of the rose garden quickly.

    After he had pulled her a good ways into the woods another man joined him. Then the two men tied her hands and feet up and put a gag into her mouth. As Queen Arina lay there on the ground not knowing what they would do to her next she started to cry. Oh why had she let her servant leave her alone? How would Sylvester ever find her now? All she knew was she wanted to be in her husband’s arms and he would holder her close to him.

    Then one of the men left the woods Arina wondered where he had gone but he was not gone for very long and when he did come back the two men started to talk. Then the first man that had brought her into the woods came over to her side and leaning down he spit into Arina face and started to laugh. “Now what are you going to do Queen Arina about this? I will tell you this much, if I don’t get the gold by noon tomorrow from your husband you will be mine and your King Sylvester will never see you again.” he said as he slapped Arina hard across the face. Now Queen Arina knew her husband would not let her down and he would have the gold brought to this man because he had told her this and he would keep his promise because he loved her.

    Meanwhile back at the castle Lyoka had come back out with the tea but not finding her queen waiting for her she started searched for her. Then noticing a letter lying on the blanket she went over to it and picked it up. When seeing it had the King’s name on it she quickly ran back into the castle and looked for the King. When finding him she curtsied first and then said “My King I am so sorry to bother you but the Queen is not in the rose garden. I was just with her a little bit ago until I left to get her noon tea and when I came back she was not there. But I did find this letter with your name on it.” she said as she handed him the letter. Then she curtsied and back away from him leaving him sitting there with the letter in his hand.

    Now this is what the letter said:

    “King Sylvester, I am sure you were not expecting to receive another letter. I wanted to let you know I kidnapped your beautiful wife and the only way you will get her back is if YOU IN PERSON brings the two hundred pieces of gold and leave it by the rose garden gate by noon tomorrow. But if someone else brings the gold your wife will then remain with me. So it is up to you King Sylvester you pick what you want to do.”

    But one thing the letter did not say was what was going to happen to the Queen Arina before the king was to bring the gold the next day.

    What did happen to Queen Arina she was not expecting it. Now before night fall came both of the men had a little fun with Queen Arina. First they took the gag out of her mouth and slapped her across the face until her face was badly bruised. Then both men lay down with her and touched her until she was crying and screaming for them to stop. But by the next morning if anyone would have seen her they would not have recognized her in the shape she was in. What the men had done to Queen Arina left her very wake and to the point she could hardly move.

    Then by noon when it was time for the gold to be brought the men carried Queen Arina out to the edge of the woods and leaving her laying there they then hid nearby and waited for the King to bring the gold.

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    The Caged Lion is now Free

    He had a growing pit in his stomach. The tears in her eyes, and the kiss had told him everything that he needed to know. The ransom letter had gripped his Queen, and it wasn't letting go anytime soon. But he was going to allow her to air out this nervousness for he wanted to ensure that his wife, his Queen, was merry. So, after lunch, he took his place back in his throne room to listen to the next series of plights from his people. At this hour of the day, there were only a handful of people that wished to see the King and Queen.

    "My King," one of these individuals stepped forward and bowed, "I come to you today to plead forgiveness for this year's crop yield. We've been struggling to keep our fields bountiful, and we've only been able to produce enough to get us through winter."

    Sylvester stared at the farmer and sighed, "It is quite alright. I suspected this, do you have enough for the New Moon Tithe? If not, then we'll have to ration so that we may survive it."

    The farmer cowered a little at the mention of the New Moon Tithe. The New Moon Tithe was a concept foreign to most, and barely understood by some. Every month, on its 27th day, we place an offering at a special altar here in the city and the Lunar One descends from the sky to collect it. Should one not have the appropriate offering, demons of unfathomable horror will descend upon you and your people; feasting wantonly. This was something to avoid at all cost.

    The farmer spoke with a bit of stutter, "W-We do.. But barely. If we give what we have as offering, then our winter is going to get harder my King.."

    "This is our first winter. This kingdom is new, there will be growing pains. We must endure, and remain steadfast. I'll pull from my personal stores if the situation becomes that dire. Until then, this is my decree." Sylvester remained stoic. He thought about the total food stores, and remembered that there was an emergency stock just for this ocassion. He definitely pondered if it'll be enough, but now wasn't really the time.

    Just before the next person stepped up, Lyoka, the Queen's personal servant, stepped up handing him a letter. He dismissed the people that were patiently waiting in line to be heard by the king. These people shared a look of displeasure and disappointment, but Sylvester was not focused on that. He was reading the letter, his blood beginning to boil. "My Crows.. So slow they are." He grumbled and crumpled up the letter; tossing it to the side.

    "Lyoka. Prepare a small company of men, twelve strong. I want them ready within the hour, and I want them following in behind me by another hour. We leave at daybreak, and they're not too approach until I give the order. Now move, posthaste!"

    The rest of the day was spent preparing for the retrieval of his Queen. This angered him beyond anything that had come before. War did not match up to amount of rage he had incured, and so he was going to show these brigands not fuck with the Lion.

    When the day of the exchange came, he arrived at the location they said to meet. Unfortunately for those hidden among the foilage, they were surrounded by twelve heavily armed men. Although these men did not approach as they were told. They waited, just like the bandits who waited for Sylvester to show his face and bring the gold. Which, he did just that, appearing at the rose garden gates. He was prepared for combat.

    He saw how they treated his Queen. He saw how they abused his Queen. Their deaths were sealed.


    He unsheathed his blade into the air and shouted at the top of his lungs, "ATTACK!!"

    From the moment, the twelve armed men descended upon the bandits who attempted to leave their posts to jump the lonely king. In the ensuing clash between men, Sylvester snatched up his Queen and princess carried her to safety all the while the bandits were quickly becoming overpowered. They were not expecting Sylvester to call such a play, but he knew not to negotiate with filthy criminals.

    He watched, with Arina safely in his arms, as his men dispatched those bandits with ease. Some, however, managed to escape into the dense woods. Out of the twelve soldiers that came with him, seven stood. Those seven bent their knees to Sylvester who nodded in acknowledgement. "You seven have been marked as the Queen's Guard. From this day forth, you are to never leave your Queen's side. Where she goes, you follow behind. Our Queen was sullied by cruel hands, and thus we must show these lands that Britannia will not bend to whims of fools." Sylvester's anger become palpable, malleable even.

    The seven nodded and gave a sort of chest-pumping salute. Afterwhich, the entire group returned home. Sylvester laid Arina down in their bed, and had Lyoka wash her and give her a new change of clothes. He had never left her side, not once. He stroked her bruised face, an anguished look on his face as Lyoka tended to her.

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    When Lyoka saw Sylvester carrying Arina in his arms she gasps. “How could anyone do such a thing like that to someone?” She says as she followed him into the bedroom. As Sylvester laid the pale Arina on the bed Lyoka watches him. Then she hears the King tell her to get water and a change of clothes for Arina. Nodding Lyoka quickly leaves the room to do as she was told.

    When returning she carries a bowls of water and a rag in her hands. Then after she sits it down she starts to clean Arina’s bruised face once she was finished cleaning her up she then removes Arina’s torn dress and replaces it with a new dress. As she all this she watches Sylvester seeing he never leaves Arina side. “My king I do believe you found the queen just in time.” she says as she picks up the bowl of water and starts to walk out of the room but stops as she get to the door. “If you need me for anything else just ring the bell and I will come.”

    For the rest of the day and way into the night Arina lays there on the bed not moving or making a sound. But as the sun starts to rise the next morning Arina started to move around and calls out for Sylvester.
    Then when she feels a hand stroke her bruised face she slowly opens her eyes and turns her head to see who it was. When seeing it was only her husband she starts to cry. “Oh Sylvester I am…so sorry this…happen.” she whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I was so scared I would never see you again when the men started to beat me up and touch me in places I did not like. Oh Sylvester they even….” she stopped and shook her head for she was afraid of what her husband might think about her now and even not want to love or want her after what the two men did to her. “Sylvester please come hold me close to you and tell me everything will be all right for I don’t want you to leave me.” she said as she waited for him to come lay down next to her.

    When she was finally laying up against his chest and his strong arms were wrapped around her she noticed how well he was handling this but deep down she knew he was probably not all right and was just not showing his feeling for her sake.

    As they lay there Arina started to wonder how her husband knew she had been kidnapped. Then bring up enough courage she finally asks him. “Sweetheart how did you find out that I had been kidnapped and how did you take it when you found out about it?” she ask as she placed both of her hands on top of his and pulled them up to her lips to kiss them. Then as she lay there listening to him talk she started to feel sleepy and soon fell asleep for she felt safe in his warm arms.

    Now Arina spend the next two days in bed resting and getting her strength back. But by the third day she was well enough that she surprised Sylvester and came out to join him at breakfast. As she walked slowly over to his side she leaned over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Good Morning sweetheart, I felt like I was strong enough today to come join you for breakfast.” she said as the servant pulled her chair out for her.

    When she was finally seated and the food had been brought out to them Arina sat there quietly watching her husband eat for she was waiting for a good time to ask him something. Then seeing him look up she blushed and smiled at him. She then knew this was probably a good time to ask him. “Sylvester dear I was wondering if we could possibly take a carriage ride out to the country this afternoon so I can get some fresh air. Pulse we have not done it since before we were married.” she said as she took a sip of her tea.

    They talk for a little bit longer and then as they were getting up from the table Arina walked over to Sylvester’s side and taking his hands in hers she said. “This morning I think I will spend some time in my sitting room doing some needle work and maybe even writing a letter to my mother. If you need me for anything you can find me in there.” she said as she leaned over to kiss him on the lips.

    Then as Arina made her way to her sitting room she saw Lyoka in the hallway. “Ah there you are Lyoka. I will be spending the morning in my sitting room would you please bring me a blanket and my needle work.” she said as she looked at her servant. Lyoka smiled and nodded her head. “Yes my Queen I can do that.” she said as she curtsies and waited for the Queen to start walking again.

    When Arina got to her sitting room she walked over to the window and looking out she noticed three knights practicing sword fighting a little ways from her window. This made Arina smile as she remembered the time her father had spent teaching her to use a sword. She knew Sylvester was really good at it as well and he carried one with him.

    Then her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Lyoka speak. “My Queen here is your needle work and blanket where would you like me to put them at?” she said as she stood in the door way waiting for the queen to answer her. Arina nodded as she kept her eyes fixed on the Knights. “Please put them over there on my daybed and I will get them when I am done here.” she said as she smiled at one of the Knights who had just now noticed her standing there watching them.

    Then Arina opened the window part way when she saw the knight bowed to her. “Good day to you my lady Queen Arina.” Arina smile at him. “Good day to you sir, and thank you for everything you do.” she said as she nodded her head. He then nodded his head and bowed to her once again. “You’re welcome My Queen, and it is my honor to sever you.”
    Then smiling again Arina nodded her head and closed the window. As she did that she turned away from the window and walked over to her daybed and picking up her needle work she then took a seat and started to work on it. As she did she started to think about what it would be like to sword fight with Sylvester. Would he do it with her if she was to ask him? She did not know but she would make it a point to ask him if he would do it with her.

    A few hours went by and Arina eyes started to grow tired from the work she had been doing on her needle work. Then deciding she had done enough work on it for the day she laid it a side. Then feeling a little cold she pulled the blanket up around arms some more and then leaning her head back against the pillow she started to yawn. She did feel a little tired and she knew if she did not rest right now she would probably end up falling asleep on Sylvester shoulder later on when the two of them went out for the carriage ride. She knew Sylvester would come to check on her and most likely find her sleeping when it was time to go for the ride, so she decide it would probably be a good idea to rest and let him wake her when it was time to go. Arina closed her eyes and snuggled down under the blanket and it did not take her very long to fall asleep.

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    He stood as still as stone.

    He dared not disturb her, for she was precious. A diamond encased in rock. Though that was unseen compared to the heaviness that weighed on his soul. His wife, his Queen, had been injured and seized. Such an atrocity throttled him. He had shed blood, and men gave their lives for her. Resources and time expended, all the behest of Sylvester. His charging hand guided these events to their climax and resolution in one swift motion. And yet, all he could do was remain still. Remain absolutely quiet as his Arina lays there, recoiling in her pain and sorrow.

    But the long sorrow was only temporary.

    When dawn came, and the morning's rooster cawed, Arina called for her King. He was there in an instant. He listened to each word with bated breath, uneasy and drowsy from the night's sleeplessness.

    Sylvester please come hold me close to you and tell me everything will be all right for I don’t want you to leave me.

    Sylvester, without a second thought, did just that. He pulled her straight into his embrace, and held her there tightly. "My dearest Arina, the mother of this kingdom, and the light of its people, everything is alright. I will never disappear from your side. You belong there, and I belong to yours. Nothing, be it man nor beast, will come to disown such a vow."

    In their embrace, time had past and Arina became curious as to Sylvester's ability to find her. He had hoped that he didn't have to answer the question, but it appeared her curosity got the best of her. However, he had other ideas. "I cannot answer that for it would endanger you further, and you have suffered so much as it is. As for my feelings on the matter, it caused me great anguish. It showed me that I must wield a steel hand, in order to protect those I cherish most." He was earnest in this.

    For such a thing to happen under his watch would invariably cause a scandal to erupt among the other kingdoms, but it only served to insult Sylvester's ability to protect. This offense went beyond a mere challenge of kingship, but a sheer challenge of manhood. This was personal.

    And from there, the next two days became routine. Sylvester would handle the mornings affairs, visit his sleeping wife, and then tend to the rest of the day's ails before retiring for the night. And both nights he kissed her forehead and wished for speedy recovery. Thankfully, his wishes were heard.

    On the third day, Arina surprised him with her presence at breakfast. She came over and placed a kiss upon his cheek.

    Good Morning sweetheart, I felt like I was strong enough today to come join you for breakfast.

    "Then I welcome you, truly." All he did was smile, a warmth having arrived on his face. He was humbly excited to have her on her feet again.

    As the two ate, Arina took the opportunity to blindside him with yet another question.

    Sylvester dear I was wondering if we could possibly take a carriage ride out to the country this afternoon so I can get some fresh air. Plus we have not done it since before we were married.

    He thought about this for a moment. He debated it in his own mind, running the pros and cons of allowing such a thing. He only sighed, having realized that it was for her health in the long run. So, he nodded and said, "Very well."

    They talk for a little bit longer, but then Arina came to take his hand in her's saying,

    This morning I think I will spend some time in my sitting room doing some needle work and maybe even writing a letter to my mother. If you need me for anything you can find me in there.

    He was not opposed to this, as he had some of his own things to attend to before leaving for this carriage ride. Thus he said, "I'll see you when the time comes my dearest." He accepted the kiss on the lips and watched with a calm smile as she departed for the sitting room.

    Meanwhile he spent his morning in the war room receiving the latest reports from his kingdom. It appeared that everything had been progressing as planned, and there were very little issues. However, the only thing of note was the fact that the bandit problem had still yet to be solved. Sylvester heard that small caravan from Bakewell was attacked by bandits traveling to the capital. This attack marked the third so far, including what happened to his wife.

    He looked to his newly appointed war master and said, "Have a small troop of our most experienced swords. I want these men to travel with me to the country side to seek out their hideout."

    Warmaster Yarnik was to be his name, and he was one of the seven men still standing from the recovery effort. He held a nasty scar upon his face from that fight. He said, without skipping a beat, "They'll be ready by the afternoon."

    "Good. That's when we plan to leave. As for the other reports?" Sylvester looked to Yarnik with some matter of curosity.

    "Not favorable. I didn't think running a small militia was going to be this difficult, but keeping the current men we have from losing their morale is a losing battle my King." Yarnik was rather forward for someone in political power, but that's what Sylvester adrmired about Yarnik.

    That aside, Sylvester sighed heavily and crossed his arms. He pondered his next move and shook his head, "Alright then.. I stand by my order, but this time we have a goal in mind. If we eradicate these bandits, then our food stores will increase so that we may survive both the New Moon Tithe and winter."

    Yarnik nodded, and started to leave saying, "I'll go and prepare our finest swords. We end this before the New Moon Tithe, my King."

    Sylvester followed him out, only affirming with a nod.

    The afternoon came and it was time to go on a journey out into the countryside. Sylvester, flanked by two armed men, stepped up to the sitting room door and peered inside to find his wife asleep. Having told the men to wait outside, he came in to gently wake her. He said, "My wife, the time has come for us to travel to the countryside." His voice barely broke a whisper in those few, scant, seconds.

    Once she was up, awake, and in the proper attire, she would've escorted out and down into the carriage where she stepped into a lavish carriage fit for any royal couple. Flanked on either side of this carriage were seven of the kingdom's finest knights, all of whom had blood on their swords from previous battles.

    Sylvester looked to Arina and smiled asking, "Are you ready my dear?"

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    As Arina was getting ready for the carriage ride an idea came into her head. Then turning to her servant with her a smile on her face on her face. “Lyoka would you please ask the kitchen to put some ham and cheese sandwiches, carrots and some cookies and also our noon tea in a basket for Sylvester and I so we can have a picnic together today.
    Then please put the basket under my seat in the carriage. Oh and make sure Sylvester does not see you put it in the carriage, I want this to be a surprise for him.” she says as she finishes braiding her hair and pins it up on her head.
    When Arina was finished getting ready she walks out to the carriage and as she does notices there were seven Knights standing around the carriage. Now why in the world would Sylvester arrange for the Knights to be coming alone with them? She knew she would have to remember to ask Sylvester about it.

    Then when Arina was seated in the carriage next to Sylvester her thoughts were interrupted by a question Sylvester had asked her. “Oh my dear as long as I have you next to me I will always be ready, for I love you so much Sylvester.” she says as she took his hand in hers and gently squeezed it.

    As the carriage started to move neither of them said a word for a long time. Then Arina turned and looked at Sylvester and spoke. “Sweetheart I don’t think I have ever asked you what your name means. My name means Wild flower. Have you ever thought about what you would like to name our children? I have a few names I like. But I want to hear what your ideas are first before I tell you mine.” she said as she looked into his eyes and smiles.

    After they had been riding for a good twenty minutes Arina then spoke again. “Sylvester dear I have a little surprise for you and Lyoka also helped me out with it. I thought maybe we could stop in the wild flower meadow and have a picnic lunch together since it is such a nice day for one.” She said as she started to reach down under her seat and pulled out a large basket. “I think this meadow coming up is a good one we can stop in. Would you please ask the carriage diver to stop here.” she said.

    When the carriage had stopped Arina waited for Sylvester to get out first then she took his hand and he helped her out. Once she was standing down on the ground she then placed her arm in Sylvester’s arm. “Thank you for doing this with me today. I am looking forward to what the rest of the day holds for us.” she said as they started to walk in the meadow.

    As they walked Arina was quite as memories started to flood her mind of the day her father ask her if she wanted to learn how to sword fight and it just happen to be in a meadow of wild flowers. “This meadow is bringing back memories of the day my father ask me if I wanted to learn to sword fight. He would bring me every Friday into the meadow like this and then he would give me lessons. So to this day I love to sword fight. Sylvester do you think the two of us could sword fight sometime?” she asked as she put her head on his shoulder and looked up into his face and smiled.
    After they had been walking for a few minutes they came up to an old apple tree. Now when Arina saw the tree her eyes grow wide. “I do believe this would be the perfect place for us to sit and have our lunch now.” she said as she started to lay the blanket out under the tree.

    When they both had sat down on the blanket Arina started to unpack the food from the basket. As she did she watched her husband closely for he had been really quite while they were riding in the carriage. “Sylvester dear I have noticed you have been very quiet ever since we got into the carriage, Is something bothering you?” she asked as she hands him a sandwich and some carrots. Then picking up one for herself she then goes and sits down next to him. “Please do talk to me dear because you are worrying me.” she says as she take a bite of her sandwich.
    Once they were finish eating Arina then packs everything that was left back into the basket again. Then Arina stood up and walked over to stand next to the apple tree as she does she places a hand on the tree and starts to look off in the distances like she was in deep thought.

    Then without turning to face him she speaks. “Sylvester there is something that is bothering me that I was not able to tell you the other day but now that I have had some time to think about it I need to tell you about it.” she said as she turned and faced him again. But as she does tears started to run down her cheeks. “I don’t know how to tell you this but the other day when the men had me all tie up.” she stopped and took a deep breath and then continued. “They both lay on me, I tried to pull away from them but I could not.” she said as she started to cry again. “Oh Sylvester what…if I become…pregnant because of this? Will you still love me and, and want me as your wife even if I am not carrying your child but some other man’s child?” she ask as she falls on to her knees and covers her face with her hands and start to cry and shake with sobs.

    As Arina sat there crying she did not have to wait long until she felt Sylvester’s strong arms come around her pulling her close to him. She knew he loved her and would not let her have to go through this all alone. Then after a few minutes of hearing Sylvester voice talk to her Arina felt better. When she finally stood up she whipped her eyes off.

    “Thank you sweetheart I knew you would be there for me. Now I think it is about time to start heading back to the carriage and heading on home.” she said as she places a hand on his cheek and then kisses him on the lips.
    Once they had picked up the basket and blanket they started to walk back to carriage. Now Arina could not help wonder what was going through Sylvester mind right now after what she had just told him she knew he had to be thinking about it. But as they got closer to the carriage they soon saw a group of about thirty men riding up to them on horses. As Arina saw this she quickly pulled herself closer to Sylvester side and held on to him tightly.

    Now when the men got up to them one of the men shouted out. “We are not done with you yet Queen Arina we will get you again you just wait and see.” As the man shouted that the rest of the men shouted out in agreement to what he had just said then the entire group of men took of riding down the road. After the men had ridden away Arina looks up into Sylvester’s eyes and starts to shake her head. “That was the one of the men that had beat me up the other day.” she said as she put her head on Sylvester chest and held on tightly to him still.

    Now after a few minutes of standing close to him Arina then takes Sylvester hand and lets him help her up into the carriage. Once both of them were seated and the carriage started to move Arina then lean over and put her head on Sylvester’s shoulder. As she did that she felt him put his arm around her. She knew he was not going to let the men get her again this time and she was not going to worry about it either.

    The rest of the carriage ride home Arina never did say a word instead she just closed her eyes and was soon asleep for she felt safe in her husband’s arms.

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    Oh my dear as long as I have you next to me I will always be ready, for I love you so much Sylvester.

    Sylvester's heart fluttered. Their marriage may have been arranged, but such dedication to him only assured his heart. He thusly smiled, ever infatuated with her lovely air. And rightly so, he guided her out and unto the carriage where the two would depart for the Isle's countryside. The location of which was a small hamlet just west of the town of Beaconfield. Out here, there won't be anyone to really pester them if they decided to engage in hostilities. However, there was someone else that needed to be tended to before that.

    Sweetheart I don’t think I have ever asked you what your name means. My name means Wild flower. Have you ever thought about what you would like to name our children? I have a few names I like. But I want to hear what your ideas are first before I tell you mine.

    "Sylvester Woburn means Wooded Sweetly. My father knew of my kindling, and thus nutured my fire differently than my brothers. He had a tender hand on me, and only sought to teach me justice..." He only smiled on that point.

    His smile remained after hearing the question of children. "My children, my own flesh and blood, have always been on my mind, but I never thought to give them names. But the closest name I can conjure is Davidson. Davidson Woburn."

    Children wasn't exactly new to Sylvester, in fact it was mandatory. Without an heir, this kingdom is doomed. So, Sylvester had already planned to broach this question at some point when all the heat from his rulership died down. However, it appeared Arina beat him to it. Which, is all the better.

    But some time elapsed, and Arina had something else to say.

    Sylvester dear I have a little surprise for you and Lyoka also helped me out with it. I thought maybe we could stop in the wild flower meadow and have a picnic lunch together since it is such a nice day for one.” She reached down and pulled out a large basket. “I think this meadow coming up is a good one we can stop in. Would you please ask the carriage diver to stop here.

    And, without skipping a beat, Sylvester hailed for the driver to stop. The carriage came to a stop, and Sylvester exited first. Afterwhich, he helped his beloved out and the two stood just before a meadow.

    Thank you for doing this with me today. I am looking forward to what the rest of the day holds for us.

    "You are most welcome my dearest," he kissed her hand. He then nodded and said, "As do I. Life holds a great many mysteries, each one always as fascinating to discover..." And the two walked to and into the meadow. This meadow, to Sylvester, brought with it a sense of unity and peace. He was truly in a bliss state by being here. And for Arina, this meadow brought forth a memory from deep within the past.

    This meadow is bringing back memories of the day my father ask me if I wanted to learn to sword fight. He would bring me every Friday into the meadow like this and then he would give me lessons. So to this day I love to sword fight. Sylvester do you think the two of us could sword fight sometime?

    Sylvester stopped, and stood there for a moment. He then looked to her and said, "If you feel confident with a blade, then I am not opposed. Although, I will always caution your safety when wielding deadly steel." It had practical uses, but it didn't sit quite well in his heart. And after walking a ways, they came up on an old apple tree. She found this to be the best place to sit, and they sat without hesitation.

    Sylvester dear I have noticed you have been very quiet ever since we got into the carriage, Is something bothering you?

    Sylvester stayed silent for the most part, his focus shifted away from this and toward preparing the knights to put the bandits to the sword. His face only made it apparent that the coming battle was worrying him only slightly, as he may endanger his beloved if he isn't careful.

    Please do talk to me dear because you are worrying me.

    He took a nice, big, bite of his sandwich and then said, "Nothing is really worrying me. At the moment I feel nothing but peace. We're in nature, away from the scrutiny of man." He smiled and began tearing through his meal. However, the atmosphere changed when he noticed Arina get and walk over to the tree where she placed a hand on it. She made a revelation that he had only suspected was true.

    Sylvester there is something that is bothering me that I was not able to tell you the other day but now that I have had some time to think about it I need to tell you about it. I don’t know how to tell you this but the other day when the men had me all tie up. They both lay on me, I tried to pull away from them but I could not. Oh Sylvester what…if I become…pregnant because of this? Will you still love me and, and want me as your wife even if I am not carrying your child but some other man’s child?

    This tore him. To watch his most beloved divulge such a horrid truth, and to see her on her knees in utter tears. It tore him. He couldn't help but rush to her side, and embrace her warmly.

    "My dearest Arina, you may be their mother but they will never be Woburn. They aren't mine, and thus have no future with us. They will be given up to a different family to raise them; unaware of their true origins. I love you my dearest Arina. Those tears need not fall anymore, I'm here. And will always be here."

    Thank you sweetheart I knew you would be there for me. Now I think it is about time to start heading back to the carriage and heading on home.

    He nodded, and gathered up everything, and the two departed for the carriage. However, trouble arrived in the form of thirty armed men on horseback. The lead horseman called out something rather obscence and proceeded to ride off down the road. This forced Arina to quiver in fear.

    That was the one of the men that had beat me up the other day.

    "Is it now..?" He watched the dust cloud get smaller, and smaller. He then looked to the seven knights and nodded to them. The seven knights returned the nod, and departed after them. Sylvester took Arina and rushed into the carriage and quickly departed for home. He, himself, was armed with his trusty longsword. However, the trip home was safe and uneventful to the point that Arina had fallen asleep on him.

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    The ensuing battle was stacked against the seven knights.

    However their leader, Captain Lancelot, was as fierce a warrior as he was a tactician and thus ordered his men to split their forces. Lancelot, and his own horse, stood tall as he faced the one marked for death. He and their horses charged the fractured knights, and pursued them with murdrous intent.

    Lancelot and his knights led the bandits around the meadows, picking each one off one by one. After thirty minutes of ring-around-the-rosey with horses, half of them now remained. They had become shaken by the way they were using the lone trees as a means of tripping up the less experienced riders. The remaining fifteen, however, were far more experienced and had grouped up around their leader.

    One of the knights trotted over to Lancelot and said, "They're expecting to charge us down as a group. What do you suggest?"

    Lancelot watched as the bandits reared themselves before launching into a dead sprint toward them. "Me and Percival will lead the bandits away, you and the others come in from behind to poke and prod. Kill as many as you can before they break formation. Go."

    With the plan executed, Lancelot rode off. Percival joined Lancelot in the chase shouting, "Nice day for ride huh Captain??"

    "Just keep riding Percival. And don't stop." Lancelot didn't even look in Percival's direction, and kept his eyes forward on bobbing and weaving through the meadows.

    At the back of this chase, three of Lancelot's knights cleanly picked off five men. This dwindled their numbers to a mere ten, crippling their morale. Some of the ten broke off into the distant hills, while the rest were cleanly killed by the knights. The one marked for death tried to run, but his horse was killed.

    One of the knights grabbed him and dragged him over to be placed in front of Lancelot who disembarked his horse. He stepped over to the bandit and held a sword to his throat. "I'll make this easy on you. You tell us where your hideout is, or I'll have one my knights get that information through less...honorable means. Your choice, wretch."

    "Like I'd ever tell you pathetic pieces of shite! Go drown a piss water..."

    Lancelot flipped his blade and slapped him across the face, scaring right cheek. He sheathed his blade, and gestured to the bandit. "You're up Lamorak."

    "Good. I was starting to wonder if you we're going to give me my turn," Lamorak said as he took the bandit and dragged him over to two of the horses. He tied him up to the horses, and knelt over the bandit. "Let's see how you feel after this.." He slapped the butt of one of the horses, causing it to run off in a straight line.

    This sudden and immediately tug on the rope cause several bone to snap and crack inside of the bandits body, which he yelped and screamed in pain.

    Lamorak came back to the man after wrangling the horse back into place. "Do you want to talk now?"

    ✭ ✭ ✭

    When the carriage arrived back home, Sylvester did not hestitate to carry the sleeping Arina up to their room. It did not matter that she may awake when he disturbed her for the sun was already below the horizon by the time they arrived. So it was best to prepare her for dinner and sleep. He called for Lyoka to prepare her evening gown, while a butler was called upon to go prepare dinner. He laid her body down on the bed, and set about getting his own evening clothing.

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    When the carriage arrived back at the castle Arina was still sleeping but when Sylvester lifted her into his arms to carry her in Arina put her head on his shoulder. “Oh I must have fallen asleep. Are we back at the castle now?“ she ask as she yawned.

    Now when Sylvester had laid her on the bed Arina had finally opened her eyes. Then when she was changing into her evening gowned behind the dressing screen she called out to Sylvester. “Sylvester dear had you planned along to have those seven Knights come along with us when we went on our carriage ride today?” She asked as she finished dressing and Lyoka had started brushing her hair out for her.

    When they had both finished changing Arina walked over to her husband side and taking his hand in hers she gently squeezed it and looked up into his face. “I love you Sylvester and please don’t ever get tired of hearing me say that to you.” She said as she smiled up at him and put her head on his arm. “Shall we head on down to our dinner now?” she ask as she comes around to stand in front of him and taking his other hand in hers as she looks up into his eyes.
    They stand like that for a few minutes neither of them saying anything until Arina speaks. “You know dear not many people are able to hold eye contact with you for that long like I just did.” She says as she reaches up to his face with her hand and pats him gently with it. Then she starts to laugh. “Okay that’s enough staring in each other’s eyes now let’s go to dinner now.” She says as she starts to playfully pull him by the hand out of the room until both of them were laughing. But Arina’s playing did not last for long before she knew it she was being scooped up into Sylvester’s arms and was carried the rest of the way to the dining room.

    When they had arrived in the dining room the servants were already waiting for them. Now as Arina was being put down on her feet again she quickly leaned over to her husband and gave him a kiss. “You need to scoop me up like that more often, I enjoyed you doing that to me.” she said as she took a seat in her chair a crossed from him.
    Now after both of them were seated the servants then started serving them their dinner of chicken and carrot soup with cranberry muffins. Now after the food had been served and they had started to eat Arina sat there quietly not saying anything for she was in deep thought about the days actives, but she knew Sylvester probably noticed it but she did not let it bother her, because sometimes she just needed to think about things without saying anything out loud and she knew she would have plenty of time later on to share her felling with him.

    After they had both finished eating Arina made her way back to the bed room and as she waited for Sylvester to join her she braided her hair. Now by the time she had finished doing her hair Sylvester had already climbed in the bed and was waiting for her to join him. As she made her way over to the bed she smiled at him. “Ah there you are I was wondering when you would come to bed.” she said as she climbed into bed. Now when she lay down she moved over close to Sylvester and started to laugh as she placed her cold feet up against him. “Ah yes you are nice and warm. Please warm me up as well sweetheart.” as she says that she places her head on his chest and snuggles in close to him.

    But instead of closing her eyes to go to sleep she thought she would finish their conversation they had earlier in the carriage about the names for their children. “Sylvester I never did get to tell you the names I had thought of for our children I would like to have. First for a boy’s names I came up with three. The first one I thought of was Akile Woburn, then Kumar Woburn, and the lastly Rolan Woburn. Now for girls I thought of four names. The first name was Kyra Woburn, then Talia Woburn, then Alima Woburn and the last one was Mila Woburn. Oh and I do like the name you thought of for a little boy but you never did tell me one for a girl. Now what do you think of the names I thought of dear?” she asks as she lesioned to his heart beat as she wait for him to answer her.

    Then after they had talked a few more minutes and before Arina finally closed her eyes she had one more thing to say to him. “Sylvester dear thank you for making this day such a special day for me and I enjoy the time we spent together in the meadow. We should do that again sometime. Now sweet dreams and sleep well my dear, Good night Sylvester.” she said as she kisses his cheek and then she closes her eyes and soon was asleep.

    Now after they both had fallen asleep Arina started to have a bad dream. This dream was about the bandits that had kidnaped her. Well the leader of the group was holding Arina in his arms with a knife to her neck threating to kill her right in front of Sylvester. When Arina had gotten to this part in the dream she started to scream out. “No please! No don’t kill me, Sylvester please do something.” After she had screamed out these words Arina woke up and sat straight up in bed. Now why was she having this dream she did not know.

    Then looking over to Sylvester to see if she had weaken him up but all she could see was him moving just a little bit. Then calling out to her husband thinking she had wakened him up. “Sylvester dear did I wake you up?” she said as she put a hand on his chest and waited to see if he was awake.

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