When Jade and Christy ascended to Level 3, they were met with some minor resistance in the form of two guards who were coming down the staircase to respond to the commotion caused by their Captain. As a result, Christy kneed and decked her guard in the face before dumping several pistol rounds into his body. She then pushed him down the staircase before moving onto the platform where she pushed aside, secondary drawn. "RODRIGUEZ?? KARMICHAEL!? WHERE ARE YOU??"
Christy checked if Rodriguez's transponder was on and found that it was. Which was not a good sign. And while scouring the level for her two squad mates, she came upon the sight of one them. He was laid out upon a cubical, sat up now. It was Rodriguez.
He sat himself up against the cubical desk, and started filling puncture holes with powder. Unfortunately, he had suffered blood loss as a result being unable to close all his wounds in time. Christy saw this and instilled in herself an animosity unlike anything she thought possible. Who did this? Why did they do this? And where even was Karmichael to save him?? These questions twisted and turn in her mind as anguish gradually began to build. The alarms going off thereafter.
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Darius saw what this laboratory was up to in terms of sample production, and it made his stomach churn. Labels upon labels of the M-Killer Virus in all sorts of stages of development. But Darius was all too concerned about all these samples, he was for a specific series of vials: Antigens. If all the other raids were clues, then those clues were pointing to this place. This is because Darius stopped in front of a cabinet filled with the antidotes he was looking for.
He stared at them. Years of his life distilled down to a singular point in time: Right Now.
And right now, he heard the click of a gun being primed. Which, instinctively, he froze in place. Without moving his head he looked to his most furthest left and could see Karmichael standing there. "Karmichael... Why..why aren't you with Rodriguez?"
Karmichael sighed and said, "They have my family, Captain. They want those antigens..And I need to do this. Give me the antigens Captain. "
"I can't do that Karmichael," Darius flatly said, "Millions died. Millions Karmichael. Do you hear me? If I give you these antigens, then the chance of all of this ending early dies. And I will not having some shadowy third-party ruin any chance I have at a peaceful life outside the Hell I'm forced to survive in." Darius put his PDA up to the keypad lock and had his device decipher the code in seconds.
Once done, the glass cabinet unlocked and swung open to give Darius access to the seven vials. But Karmichael had control of the situation, and thus proceeded to pull out a briefcase that was stowed away in his backpack. He opened it to reveal seven slots for the vials. In which, he started slotting them in one at a time, all the while keeping the gun trained on Darius.
But Darius wasn't going to let him get away, and proceeded to get close enough to kick the gun away. Karmichael jerked to one side, but spun to comeback with a spinning roundhouse kick. The kick landed, knocking Darius into an desk-island whereby Karmichael proceeded to grab him and throw haymakers.