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Thread: [M] The Throne of Gods: Divinity's Requiem - IC

  1. #51
    The Replicant
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    Against a backdrop of rusted metal and war-torn debris, the gods bickered like swaggering children - as they always had, and probably always would. Diz's presence hung heavy over them all as they were called one by one; a constant, unspoken reminder of the power he wielded. Chisoni had turned her thoughts to what Diz might have said to the others in private, but quickly decided that she preferred to focus on the bickering. At least that didn’t hold her future in the balance. Chisoni watched quietly, submerging herself in the undercurrent of grief that clung to the landscape of shattered inventions and abandoned dreams. She had learned over the years how to slip into the background, to observe without being seen. As she sat with her back against a cold steel plate, her chin resting on her knees, her gaze was drawn to Damian.

    The God of the Apocalypse looked like a boy and in some ways he was - his emotions swirling like a storm, impossible to pin down. But now, after the battle with Markus, there was something raw and painful in him. Chisoni knew that look, that tension in his clenched fists, the way his body seemed to pull in on itself as if he could shrink away from the weight of his own failure. Even Temperance’s soothing words seemed to have done little to quell the storm within him.

    Her instinct was to step back, to give him the space he clearly wanted, but the grief that radiated off him was intense. Chisoni could sense it from where she sat - anger and self-loathing bubbling just beneath the surface, festering like an untreated wound. She watched him kick the cog, watched it spiral away into the dark, and something within her stirred. Maybe it was pity. Or maybe it was something deeper, something more empathetic.

    She didn’t want to get involved. She didn’t want to draw his attention, especially not now, when he was clearly struggling with the weight of his anger. But she couldn’t ignore him either - not when the grief in his chest was so palpable.

    So what to do, Chisoni?

    She could not and would not use her power to hollow him as she had done with so many mortals since the Fall. But there was something she could do - the half-remembered methods from when she remained behind the veil, omniscient but intangible. Such methods were slow and unsating, but they had worked in the past. Usually.

    She approached Damian slowly, her footsteps sending up sighs of dust from the cracked earth. The air around her felt heavier as she drew near, her own grief flickering at the edges of her consciousness; her constant companion, a reminder of what she had become. But she focused on Damian now, on the way his hands shook, the way his thoughts seemed to close in on him. She remembered that feeling from a thousand million mortals: the weight of failure, the suffocating pressure of expectations, the crippling belief that they would never be enough.

    “Damian,” she said, her voice calm and steady despite the uncertainty that flickered in her chest. “I’ve seen that look before.”

    He didn’t turn to face her at first. His eyes were fixed on the ground, and his fists remained clenched, as though they were the only thing holding him together.

    “The God of the Apocalypse.” Chisoni continued, her words soft but piercing as she stood next to the child god, her hands clasped in front of her, gazing forward at nothing in particular. “Quite a name to have to live up to.” She paused, studying him from the corner of her eye. “I know how it feels to fail. To think that everything you've worked for and everything you've sacrificed was for nothing.”

    She dropped to one knee on the ground next to Damian so that they were of a height, her gown pooling around her as she extended a pale hand to scoop up a handful of loose earth and let it sift through her fingers.

    “I’ve watched gods and mortals alike falling, every one of them thinking their pain and their failure was unique. And in a way, it was. Grief is a constant, but it’s also a change - unless you let it consume you. It doesn’t matter if you're the God of the Apocalypse or a mortal who lost everything. If you let it, it will swallow you whole, make you doubt your worth and question your very reason for existing.”

    Her gaze trailed off to the side, towards her twin Inoschi. That’s the path to my brother’s arms.

    “Grief isn’t meant to be carried forever.” she said, softly. “It’s not meant to break you down. You can’t let it own you. You can’t let it make you forget who you are beneath it.”

    Silence loomed between them. She could feel the other god’s pain, the hadal depth of it, but she knew that trying to simply erase it or numb him with her power wouldn’t work. Not this time. No - this time, if she wanted to help, then she had to be patient. She had to guide him, just as she had once guided humanity from beyond the veil. She felt her frustration welling. She was supposed to be stronger now, and things were supposed to be simpler, now that she could grasp and hold the Earthplane. Another lie from Diz. Or rather, another lie she had told herself.

    “You’re not a failure, Damian,” she said, her voice almost gentle now. “Not because you failed to kill Markus. You’re not defined by that moment. And you’re certainly not defined by what others expect of you.” She paused, looking at the young god through the shadows that blurred her features. “You’re defined by how you rise from this, and by what you choose to do with this grief. Grief isn’t your enemy.”

    Chisoni rose, her ragged gown falling back into place. And with those final words she turned and walked away, leaving Damian to his thoughts - but now, perhaps, with a small seed planted in his heart. A seed of hope. A seed of something other than just destruction. Perhaps it would grow, or perhaps it would wither. Only time would tell. Unfortunately, time was not Chisoni’s domain. Still, as she walked away, something flickered deep within her chest - an unfamiliar sense of purpose, the faintest whisper of an idea. She didn’t know yet what it meant, but she could feel it.

    Diz’s voice rang out from the center of the Logic Wastes, cutting through the air like a blade. “Alrighty, everyone, gather around!”

    Fighting down the familiar twinge of anxiety as the Ruiner reappeared, Chisoni moved to join the others, where she ended up standing between her brother and the Emberstoker. A scent of funeral incense drifted from the fire goddess’ flickering skin. From her brother she smelled only dust and decay.

    As soon as Diz mentioned the word fire, Chisoni knew which of them had been chosen. She saw the bitter hatred from Damian as he was forced to lead the applause, and felt a slight pang at this fresh humiliation being heaped on him before he could even process the first. Time is not my domain.

    She glanced aside at Igniteen. There was something in the way the fire goddess held herself - so much anger, so much conviction - and yet, there was a hollowness beneath it all that Chisoni recognised; it mirrored her own, though it was wrapped in flames instead of shadows. Chisoni had seen gods and mortals alike, driven by pain and rage, convinced that destruction was the only way forward. Messis…Zeyra…Alatus. And while Igniteen's rage burned hotter than most, it still carried the same familiar bitterness, the same desire to make the world feel the emptiness that they had felt. Diz gathered such souls to him, moving them into place like pieces on a chessboard before setting them loose.

    How much of this was Igni’s idea, and how much was Diz? Has she already lost herself in his orbit?

    She knew she had to watch her step now. This was no time to be branded a malcontent. But for reasons she could not entirely explain, Chisoni felt compelled to reach out, to warn Igniteen of the trap she was walking into, even if it meant pushing the boundaries of her own carefully maintained distance.

    “You made your case for the job, then?” she probed gently, almost under her breath as they all clapped mindlessly along with Diz’ applause.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 01-15-2025 at 10:51 PM.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #52
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    As Jonas waited for Temperance and Diz to emerge from the dark corner of the Logic Wastes, Jonas mused to himself, quietly thinking about what he'd do if he was selected as Horseman. There was a lot of extra responsibility, namely organizing the rest of his minions. Jonas was never a leader, always the follower. Vantas, Zypher, didn't seem to matter who, Jonas was always the one taking orders, never giving them. That was an extra wrinkle he hadn't shared with Diz. That would have reflected poorly on him, he was sure. He knew when to keep his mouth shut and not share extra details. His gaze drifted amidst the others, stopping briefly on Igniteen, who he offered a small smile. His gaze eventually rested on Damian, who was despondently kicking a gear in what could only be construed as self-loathing. Jonas frowned. He'd been there. Hells, he was still there. Knowing someone out there was disappointed in you. Sometimes it was yourself, sometimes it was someone close to you. For Damian, it was a little of both, he was sure. Both himself and Diz. Much like Jonas and the rest of his family.

    He thought to go over and speak with him, offer a word of advice as someone with awfully similar experiences might, but Chisoni beat him to it, offering him her own words of guidance. Jonas shrugged his shoulders, figuring it was best if he didn't anyways. It wasn't terribly likely Damian would want the advice of the one who'd stepped in and helped him look bad. A younger Jonas certainly wouldn't have; he'd have smacked the offender in the face and run off, steaming more at himself than the one he'd just hit. Jonas contented himself instead with simply doing nothing, as he often did. He sat himself on a gear, occasionally casting his silver eyes at the other gods, wondering what their conversations with Diz amounted to, what nefarious tasks they had been given in turn. So many questions, but no answers unless they were willing to share.

    Finally, Temperance and Diz emerged. Jonas narrowed his eyes at the former, still not over her scathing comments about his family. Diz, however, Jonas remained wary of, just because his emergence meant someone-or no one-was going to be promoted. Jonas held his breath; he felt the most qualified of anyone to be the next leader, but who knew what was going through Diz's head? Plenty of other angles to consider. As he spoke, Jonas's heart fell as he could already tell exactly who was going to be his selection. Of course it was Igniteen. His conversation with Diz should have alerted him to that answer right from the beginning. Why promote your most capable soldier, especially one who already showed loyalty, when you could keep your worries close to your breast? Igniteen was not a threat to betray, but to desert, if Diz was anything to go by. By heaping more responsibility on her, he could both keep a close eye on her as well as inspire her with a promotion. A shrewd play...just one that left Jonas a little sour. He gently applauded all the same, but couldn't help but wonder what his mother would say. Or more specifically, which choice insults she'd have for him.

    He rested a hand on Igniteen's shoulder, giving her a warm smile. "Congratulations. Couldn't have happened to anyone more deserving." He felt at least somewhat genuine in his words, buoyed somewhat by their heartfelt conversation before she'd been summoned into Diz's chambers. She seemed...different. Not bloodthirsty or inherently evil. need of change. Like him, just with a different motivation. It was refreshing in a sea of darkness. But Jonas couldn't celebrate for long, as Diz immediately had a new task ready for them-and Igniteen in particular. Jonas sighed and leaned back. "Ain't no rest for the wicked..." Jonas offered a chuckle for his own joke, then listened quietly. Lilith. Outside of his mother, this was the Horseman he had the least experience with. Manipulation generally wasn't his bag, though he realized it would very quickly have to be. Perhaps he could ask her for advice with Igniteen.

    Their mission leave the six realms behind. Jonas blinked. They were going off-world entirely. Which of them knew anything about piloting a starship? Clearly, Diz expected someone to. The idea of being in the endless nightscape of outer space was tantalizing, but of course this wasn't for any simple vacation. The Titans...Diz's brief mention at the tail end of the massacre of the Councilors. Now he understood. The failed siege had been devastating to Mechanus, but apparently the Titans had been wholly uninterested in true destruction, else they would have sent even stronger warriors. What had them holding back, then...? Something told Jonas it was going to be up to them to find out.

    "Only concern I have is you're sending a bunch of completely inexperienced cosmonauts on a potentially ages-long journey to a race of beings potentially stronger than you or Luthious. Not saying we're going to fail, I'm just...a smidgen concerned for our safety on a few fronts." Jonas spoke his mind respectfully, keeping his hands folded behind his back. They were gods, yes-sending mortals on this journey would have been laughable at best. "Are there any precautions we should be taking? What else can you tell us about the Titans?" Jonas figured it was best for them if they at least tried to learn what they could for an undertaking of this magnitude.
    Karma is the best.

  3. #53
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    The smoke dwindled until it was drifting around her feet like an erratic yet friendly cat. People were taken and then returned. She watched them all from her resting place, surveying their features. Some returned expressionless, others with a faint smile and some looked lost in thought. What had her face revealed when she returned? Was she politely smiling or was she so lost in thought that she looked more statue than Goddess? The Ruiner returned, slicing through the soft simmering silence.

    Burning amber eyes latched to the god as he gestured for them to venture closer. Igniteen floated near but kept her distance. She relaxed her form and rested herself back on one foot as she tried to believe his words. Today’s success. Your contributions. Most appreciated. She wanted to tut and tell him to stop with the flowery language. Then he started to pace, like the slithering blood thirsty serpent that he was. Igni traced him as he moved. ‘This new horseman isn’t driven by ambition’ She raised an eyebrow at the choice of words then froze.


    For the first time, she felt cold. Like a chill had torn through her body, raking ice cold nails into her chest and lodging icicles within her lungs. The smile was tense, held up only by fragile threads of need to not look disappointed. Her gaze burned through the ruiner and the faint darkness of coal started to flit around her pupils, clinging to the corners of her eyes. Silence. No rousing round of applause. Others had wanted the role. Others had begged him for the place. Why her? What game was this god playing?

    Finally, Damian’s clapping shattered through the frozen statue of the Goddess of Fire and she sent a warm yet tight smile around the group. If things could not get any worse, she was to lead their next mission. This group. To Port Nexura. To meet her now ‘fellow’ Horseman. Just as that news was settling in her bones, Diz cracked another whip churning up the dust in her veins. To the stars. Her gaze flicked skyward for a brief moment.

    Information was hurled at them, and she tried to listen. Yet all she could think was that there was no escape now. No sneaking away to see if Kabuto was right. No possibility to even entertain the thought that cried in the back of her mind. She was forced onto this path now. She would be a name on a book somewhere regardless of the ending….either as a great villain or one of the Horsemen that brought victory to Diz’s future.

    The coal in the corner of her eyes continued to crackle over the fire, solidifying into the same crust that lay over her eyes before her conversation with Jonas. As Diz neared her, Igniteen paused and swept into a deep curtsy. “I thank you, my lord…for the promotion and your trust.” Warmth radiated from her, coating the others in the soft gentle heat of a fine summer’s day. As she rose, he bent to greet her, and words were dusted into her soul. She nodded once. “Understood.”

    ‘You made your case for the job then?’ Her head tilted slowly to the Goddess who had fought alongside her earlier that day. “You could say that.” Igni gave her a bitter sweet smile as her words were soft, trying to make them only for Chisoni. She tried to read the other Goddess’s expression, yet it was difficult. Was there annoyance at not receiving the position herself…happiness at not having to take such a mantle? A hand clapped on her shoulder and Igniteen raised her chin towards Jonas. She matched the warm smile, yet it felt hollow. Like the painted smile on a cracked doll. “Thank you, God of Night.” She bowed her head again and scanned the gathering.

    “Well…To the stars, shall we?”

  4. #54
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    Virtue silently walked to rejoin the group, her footsteps lighter than air. Temperance glanced to the side as she caught Chisoni from the corner of her eye, whispering what she could only assume were sympathies and reassurances to the young God of the Apocalypse. Her fingertips curled into her palms, nails digging at her flesh to the point where it threatened to draw her golden aether. Anger. No, more like a white hot rage flooded Temperance's being. "Sad. Worthless little cretin. Spilling her grief addled existence." Damian was, to Temperance's mind, her responsibility alongside Diz. Virtue's disquieted soul would have to wait. Diz had made his decision.

    Temperance contemplated the fact that it hadn't taken him much time at all. Perhaps Diz had known what he wanted from the beginning. Maybe the rest was all a formality, or some faint hope that one of them would surprise him. Or, it was all genuine. Either way it didn't matter. Temperance was not one to question his judgment, not now, not ever. Virtue's dark eyes drifted toward Alatus. What could he have possibly been thinking? Was he capable of such treachery? Everybody was. Temperance was a firm believer in darkness. Each of them was capable of betrayal, of disloyalty. Who, however, she wondered would be stupid enough to do so? To act against Diz knowing what he was capable of. The fear many of them felt was not only real, but entirely necessary.


    "Fragrant bitch." That was Temperance's first reaction, though outwardly it would not show. She remained ever ethereal, raising her hands to clap with everyone else, a bright smile on her face and a subtle nod to Igniteen of congratulations. If Temperance were honest with herself, and she was, Igniteen was the most deserving of the lot of them. There was of course, Jonas, but he was young yet. Strong, yet brittle in the same breath. Igniteen had performed valiantly, with poise and grace, even if she hadn't been the one to bring the battle to its ultimate conclusion. To deny such a superb choice would be foolish. Temperance was no fool.

    This selection was Diz' will, and once more Temperance would not question it. A pang of pain shooting through her body, or more specifically an incredible disappointment. Temperance had failed today, spectacularly. Virtue knew full well that she did not deserve this honor. She was not ready for it. Temperance held no anger toward Igniteen. Virtue found her to be a fascinating deity, and thus, the simple fact that she had not been chosen was a result of her own actions. Temperance blamed herself, harbored anger toward herself.

    The details of their mission were delivered and Temperance listened intently, that was until an all consuming pain struck her arm. Her face faltered for a single moment as she steeled herself against it, glancing down subtly to note the veins in her arm were emitting a faint golden light, tainted with hues of red and black flowing through them. As quickly as the searing, burning pain had arrived it departed, and the faint glow subsided. Moving her other hand to wrap around the once afflicted area her attention fully returned to Diz, her breath returning to a slow and measured rate.

    "To the stars then, under the bright banner of our fearless new General. A warm congratulations to the Goddess of Fire." Temperance offered a polite curtsy and her signature smile. There would be time to determine what this all was later. The only important thing was that she served her master, and if she was not meant to be a General she would resume her attention and care for Damian, putting Chisoni in her rightful place. Temperance would not fail Diz again.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #55
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    “You’re defined by how you rise from this, and by what you choose to do with this grief. Grief isn’t your enemy.”

    Damian allowed the Griefer’s words to wash over him, his expression seemingly unphased. But deep down, he absorbed them—turning every word with care. Was he not a failure? Even after failing to defeat Markus? The sting of that defeat lingered, sharper than anything he’d ever experienced. Failure was foreign to him. Yet, for the first time, he wondered—did Chisoni have a point? Did this one setback truly define him?

    He felt the storm of emotions brewing within, threatening to consume him—doubt, shame, frustration. It would be easy to let them fester, to let the weight of insecurity isolate him. But as her words resonated, a different possibility began to emerge. He could accept it. Embrace it. Tackle the problem head-on. This failure wasn’t the end of his story—it was a stepping stone, a chance to grow stronger. To rise above. To become the god he envisioned, one defined by his own ideals, not the expectations of others. Not even Diz.

    Even though Diz had saved him as a child, and had given him purpose, Damian began to understand that gratitude didn’t mean blind obedience. If he remained silent, if he never stepped out from Diz’s shadow, he would never be more than a tool—a pawn shaped by another’s will. And he refused to let that be his fate. Destiny awaited him, but it wasn’t in anyone’s shadow. It was his own path to carve.

    A Horseman's legacy be damned, he will change the multiverse to his vision.

    As the group gathered around Igniteen to offer their congratulations, Jonas stepped forward, questioning the fruition of Diz's plans. Damian stepped forward with newfound confidence. “The Titans are not stronger than the Monarchs,” the Child of the Apocalypse declared, his tone steady and unwavering. His magma-like eyes burned brightly as they swept over the elder deities, unbothered by the attention his words drew. “The Titans were docile before the Fall, correct?” he continued, locking eyes with Jonas for a moment before addressing the group.

    “With Suriyel out of the way, the purpose of the siege wasn’t conquest—it was reconnaissance. They were testing the strength of one of the Monarchs. In this case, the Duke of Freedom.” He paused, the gears of logic turning in his mind as he laid out the conclusion. “After their failed siege, they likely determined they still aren’t capable of defeating the Monarchs outright.”

    Damian let the weight of his words linger, drawing the group’s attention further before delivering the crux of his argument. “Otherwise,” he added, his voice taking on a dramatic edge, “if the Titans had determined they were stronger than the gods, they’d already be ruling the multiverse.”

    This time, his eyes settled on Jonas, the faintest hint of a challenge flickering in his fiery gaze. “And even if some of them are older than the former King, that doesn’t necessarily make them stronger than Luthious.” He let the words hang in the air, unspoken proof radiating from him. Damian, one of the youngest celestials of creation, had held his own against Markus, a being of far greater experience. Age alone was no measure of power.

    His gaze softened as he turned to Chisoni, offering her a subtle nod of thanks for her earlier support. Then, his eyes shifted to Temperance, his expression tinged with regret, almost apologetic as he gave her a respectful nod as well.

    "Yet, with the combined might of our forces and the Titans, that probably would give us the best chance of defeating Harku and everything he stands for." Finally, there was a last point to address - an age-long journey. "And to me," his smile broadened. "It just sounds like we need to find a really fast ship at the port."

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    Alatus turned his back to Diz and walked away slowly. He not only had to deal with the injuries he had received from the fight with Kabuto, but now his whole body felt like it had been torn apart. He was pissed that Diz thought that he was a traitor. His anger evident on his face as he exited the makeshift office. He looked over at Chisoni.

    “You are next.” Alatus said in a flat tone as he turned his head away and walked away from the group. Sitting on a cog that would allow him to watch the others but kept himself away from the conversation. He had always been alone, so this was natural. His anger festered as he continued to think about what had just happened. He had been accused of territory, and now he was going to find who among this little group would try and diminish his loyalty.

    As the deities went in one by one, he watched. Waited, and listened. He had finally by the time the last of the little group had entered regained his composure. The time was right, and he returned to the group as Diz and the last deity returned to the group. As he revealed who had impressed him enough to become a horseman. Alatus was a bit confused.

    He wondered why he would choose the Goddess of fire over his boot licker the Goddess of Virtue. The one that followed him without question. The one that truly wanted to be by his side no matter what. It just seemed odd to him. Though the others seemed to think that it was the right decision. He looked at them with curious eyes, as a chill ran down his spine. Something felt off. He shook his head as he ignored the feeling. The others of the group clapped at the fact that Igniteen had been promoted. He for one didn’t find it a worthy choice and refused to clap.

    As she took her spot the next mission was brought to light. They were to leave their realm, and go to where the titans were? The explanation made sense, but at the same time. If they were all powerful, wouldn't they have returned to finish what they had started? Especially with the throne empty.

    “What is he thinking?” Alatus said in a low tone as he just stood there. Maybe that feeling he had was related to this? He shook his head as the others were gung-ho for the next mission. He kept his mouth shut. Since he had learned that him questioning Diz was not a good idea. It was a painful lesson he would never forget.

  7. #57
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    His mind was plagued with the words of Diz. The God of Ruin had a way with words that could make even the strong willed contemplate their existence. Ino was concerned about his sister and where she was mentally. She had seemed drawn to Diz’s cause in the beginning, but he had to admit that he had witnessed a shift. He had only tagged along to ensure her safety when the news had reached his divine ears that she was taking orders from a being like Diz. Ino couldn’t care less what the God of Ruin did, but he had no problem ending anyone who threatened his sister’s existence. Such a thing would be extremely despairing.

    As he floated off in the distance just within range to hear all of the commotion and side conversations, he couldn’t help but to look up when he overheard Chisoni speaking to the Damien. She showed a side that Ino loved. She was caring and wanted others to overcome grief, the very thing she represented. She was different from Ino in that he allowed others to feel despair and in some cases allowed it to consume them to the point that nothing was left of them, nothing more than a hollow shell. He knew all to well the power of emotions, and there were occasions in which he would remove despair from a being so that they could return to the illusion of happiness and hope.

    After a while of seeing deities and lesser creatures alike go throug the emotions of grief, despair, anger, hatred, hope, and happiness, the one emotion that seemed to trump them all was love. Love, in and of itself was an emotion that still baffled him in a way. He didn’t, or rather couldn’t quite fathom the purpose of it. His own twisted cold heart had once loved and that emotion allowed room for weakness, resulting in his love shattering. Death is the ultimate reality check. He had never recovered from it, and instead embraced the cold, hopelessness that consumed him. The only beacons of light in his life were Silvannus and his darling sister who reminded him of the beauty of caring. He knew too well that allowing his inner emotions to show put a target on him that he didn’t want. Therefore, he instead hardened his exterior even to the point that his own sister could not see through it as a way of protecting her and himself. Even his close friend Temp would never see beyond what he allowed her to see.

    Diz’s voice rang out from the center of the Logic Wastes, cutting through the air like a blade. “Alrighty, everyone, gather around!”

    Ino’s eyes darted to the God of Ruin listening to the announcement that followed. The appointment of Igniteen as the leader for their next adventure. Ino shook his head as he floated between Chisoni and Igniteen, but gave a dry clap in response.

    “Well…To the stars, shall we?”

    Ino wasted no time in speaking what was on his mind.

    “It seems that fiery temper of yours paid off, you get to lead us to our DOOM. How despairing…” Ino said floating around Igniteen for a moment before gazing into her eyes. “Best of luck, and may your presence send fear down the spines of the titans.”

    Ino floated for a moment gazing into Igni’s eyes as if searching for something. He smiled, something he rarely did and looked around at the others gathered before floating over to his sister’s side, his smile fading to reveal the look of disinterest he often carried.
    Special thanks to Poison Ivy for the awesome sig and avy set.
    Spoiler: Accolades!! 
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    The wasteland stretched endlessly before them, an expanse of rust-colored dunes and jagged metallic ruins. The Logic Wastes were a graveyard of forgotten mechanisms, where the remains of failed experiments and discarded constructs lay half-buried in the sand, their exposed gears creaking softly in the artificial wind. Towering monolithic cogs jutted from the earth at odd angles, remnants of an age long past, their once-perfect symmetry now fractured and broken by time and entropy. The sky above flickered with an ever-present twilight, Mechanus’s vast, luminous rings spiraling in slow, deliberate rotations far overhead.

    The group moved in near silence, their footsteps crunching over metallic dust and the shattered remnants of clockwork that had long ceased to function. Igniteen, the Goddess of Fire, led the way, her ember-lit gaze scanning the terrain for signs of movement. Though the Logic Wastes were largely barren, scavenger drones occasionally roamed the landscape, mindless sentinels repurposed by unknown hands to patrol the ruins.

    The journey was arduous, many places had teleportion wards so travel by vehicle or on foot was often required - other than the occasional floater. Port Nexura, the White City, and the Pit of Tartarus all had wards to prevent anybody from entering or leaving the area via teleportation without the Monarch's say. After several hours of trekking through the desolate landscape, the environment gradually shifted. The cracked, dusty terrain of the Logic Wastes gave way to something far stranger—a vast, shimmering expanse known as the Resonant Flats.

    The terrain consists of massive, metallic tuning forks embedded in the ground, stretching miles into the sky. The air vibrates with deep, harmonic frequencies, creating an eerie yet mesmerizing atmosphere. The ground is covered in smooth, reflective metal, occasionally interrupted by pools of raw energy that glow with an ethereal light. Strange, floating drones patrol the area, scanning for movement. In the distance, faint echoes of lost voices ripple through the air. The sky above is dark with shimmering auroras flickering in response to the vibrations.

    "Well, this is quite the interesting place," the Child of the Apocalypse commented as he strode with the group.

  9. #59
    The Grey Lady
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    Virtue's eyes grew wide with excitement or more accurately amazement as they entered the sprawling Resonant Flats. This was one place she had managed to go without seeing in her many millennia of life. The deep frequencies of the heavenward forks passing through the air was electric. Temperance could feel the vibration passing through her, it began as a tingling sensation upon her skin, like little pricks, so terribly subtle. Then the waves pushed deeper into the complex web of flesh, bone and muscle. Dancing their way through her body like nothing she had ever felt before. It was almost magical.

    "Magnificent." Temperance spoke in response to Damian's comment. Her eyes darting toward the sky to see the rich colors of the auroras. Brilliant shades of green, blue and almost pink at times, all shooting across the sky in response to the vibrations in the atmosphere, microscopic particles bursting just above head. "The echoes of a future yet to pass." Temperance spoke smoothly. As she walked slowly, the sound of her heels clicked against the cool metal of the ground, the hem of her black dress now restored flowed whimsically around her as she moved. "I'm sure Marette would disagree with that sentiment." Temperance chuckled as she gazed across the near endless sea of tuning forks.

    Walking in the wake of Igniteen was at least pleasant, the smell Temperance adored was never far from her, in an odd way it felt like being called home. However, in her mind, Igniteen would always hold a special place, one reserved for the curiosities and mysteries Temperance had yet to find the opportunity to unravel and explore. "Others say the vibrations, the frequencies possess remarkable healing abilities, and still yet others claim that it is a message for a being far beyond the stars, a beckoning if you will." On occasion Temperance could be pleasant, she could play well with others. Or at least tolerate them.

    Proceeding a relative state of silence, Temperance rested a hand on Damian's shoulder, squeezing gently as she moved to walk alongside him. She spoke to him in a near whisper, just loud enough to be heard by him and him alone. The graces of virtue shielding her words from undesired ears. "Did Chisoni make you feel better?" She asked simply. The corners of her mouth upturned into a smile. "If so I am grateful, you deserve to have some of the weight of your future lifted from you. Some of the pressure alleviated. The disappointment of being told no by your father." Temperance felt the sting of 'no' from Diz too many times to count. Yet she still came back, perfectly loyal.

    "But you must be careful when listening to grief." Temperance cast her gaze back toward the shimmering sky. "Grief is a powerful emotion that one can get lost in. It gives us ideas we shouldn't have, it tempts to lure us away from the path we are meant to be walking." Temperance let out a small sigh, her hand once more returning to Damian's shoulder. "You must always stay the course and trust Diz in all things. Do not let the words of others blind you even for a moment." Her tone was gentle, positive and reassuring. "You're doing so well. We are all so proud of you." Temperance was proud of Damian. He had come so far in a short period of time. One hundred years was practically the blink of an eye for a God or Goddess. Barely enough time to understand who you are, let alone what you are capable of.

    "Remaining in control of your emotion is your greatest challenge. But it is something you can control, something you can conquer. We need only practice more, train more." Another soft smile and squeeze of her hand. "That's enough of that I suppose. This place is pretty wild, isn't it?"

    Temperance folded her arms before her and continued to move, returning to a comfortable silence, to give Damian time to respond if he chose to. Her eyes, however, fell toward Alatus. Temperance would simply be there, watching for as long as it takes. But before the journey through the Resonant Flats was complete, she would more formally make his acquaintance, of that she was sure. Damian, however, would always come first.

    Grief. What a terrific waste of emotion.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  10. #60
    Crimson Casanova
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    The soft hum of mechanical insects filled the air, blending with the gentle rustle of metal leaves swaying in an artificial breeze. Streams of shimmering water flowed through sculpted silver channels, cascading into crystalline pools that reflected the amber glow of the Mechanized Gardens' floating lanterns. The Emissary of Averas stood near a cluster of ever-blooming, metallic flora. Her delicate touch sent waves of vibrant color through the leaves, shifting them from the golden hues of autumn to the soft pinks of spring.

    The jagged edges of winter were fading from her hair, the soft curls of spring had returned. Her fingertips danced over the metal flowers as hope bubbled in her chest, if this could remain then there was a chance. A chance for her home. Light danced over her pale form as she knelt in amongst the flowers. This picture would be familiar to all that came to Averas, yet they were not in Averas. The flowers did not sigh to her nor were they, her creation.

    The Emissary of Elysium approached with quiet grace, his polished white plate armor gleaming under the soft glow of the Mechanized Gardens' floating lanterns. Golden emblems etched with ancient runes shimmered faintly against the curves of his armor, catching the light like whispers of divinity. Around him lingered the faint, clean scent of purification, a gentle reassurance to any who stood in his presence. His footsteps resonated softly along the metallic pathways, growing quieter as he neared the solitary figure before him.

    “I knew I would find you here,” Zypher spoke, his voice low and warm yet carried a note of familiarity. His blue gaze shifted to the crystalline pools and metallic vines across the gardens. “How much do you miss Averas?” the God of Purification questioned, wondering if she longed for her home realm, to revisit her sleeping grandmother.

    Lanaei, the Goddess of Seasons slowly turned her head towards Zypher, a smile blossoming onto her features. Her eyes were wide and full to the brim with innocence, only by returning to the heavenly realms did the Goddess of Seasons settle back to her true rhythm. She rocked herself back once and pushed herself to stand. Not even dirt clung to her robes, there was no need for soil when the flowers had no clear roots. “I miss it in a way I cannot describe.” Her voice was sweet with a soft lullaby tone to it. “The only thing I miss more is her…When do you think we can…see her again?”

    Zypher’s cerulean gaze rested on Lanaei, studying the warmth and joy that now filled her heart. It was almost difficult to reconcile this version of her with the sorrowful, grieving goddess of Winter—a stark contrast that never ceased to strike him. Especially knowing that, like him, she was one of the last survivors of their respective groups during their time on Earth.

    The God of Purification had lost so many: Lucielle, Jaslyn, Spero. Lanaei had endured the same, her companions—Masecha, Alcander, Nirvana—gone. With their deaths, entire domains had vanished: Indulgence, Desire, the Unknown and Unseen, Motherhood. The Fall had claimed more than just lives; it had unraveled entire aspects of creation.

    In that grief, they had found solace in each other. In their shared loss. In their mutual hope that Selrina would awaken, that perhaps, in the Duke’s Council, they could still carve a purpose from the wreckage left behind. He wanted to smile, to offer some comfort, some small, empty promise that she would return to Averas soon. But in the wake of recent events, that was a promise he couldn’t make.

    “The assassination attempt on the Duke was just a distraction,” Zypher exhaled, his voice heavy with unspoken weight. He hesitated, choosing his next words carefully. “We’ve received news. Half of the Council is gone.” A pause, before he uttered their names, each one cutting deeper. “Markus. Guinevere. Kabuto. Elayne.” More names. More friends. More loss.

    His jaw tightened, but he remained steady. “The Duke has summoned the remaining Councilors for an emergency meeting.”

    Her fingertips hovered over the flowers, even in their metallic form they provided some comfort. She gave him a pitiful smile as she could tell that he was observing her. This new look on an old face. Though it had taken time, she felt more like herself again. Spring was in bloom. She was sweet and innocent and naïve and everything that was not useful for a world racked by such ruin. Lanaei provided the smile that he could not bring himself to give as she padded closer to the God of Purification.

    The conversation drifted to heavier places and she sighed deeply. ‘Half of the Council is gone’ Her footsteps paused, her bare feet pressing into the cold metallic bridge. Every name sliced through her, corroding deep within her chest as her bottom lip started to wobble. Even if she was not close to the names, they were still known. They were still faces that had smiled and laughed with her. Now they were nothing more than ash.

    “Is that wise?” Her voice was incredibly small as she moved to his side. “If all of us are within one place…surely…” She couldn’t bring herself to suggest it. Lanaei had not fought since her interactions alongside Nirvana…and…She tried to shake her head softly. She needed her shield. Why couldn’t it have been autumn instead? She thought for the first time bitterly.

    “We lost them because we were scattered, divided,” Zypher said, his tone firm yet laced with quiet sorrow. “If we had stood together, perhaps…” He trailed off, unwilling to finish the thought. The weight of their losses was already unbearable—there was no use in dwelling on what could not be undone. He exhaled slowly, steadying himself. “The Duke himself will lead the meeting. As long as we remain under his protection, no harm will come to us.” The words were meant to reassure, but even as he spoke them, a flicker of doubt lingered beneath his conviction.

    His gaze dropped momentarily, his fingers instinctively brushing over the armor that concealed the scar marring his torso. A reminder of how close he had come to death. Of how fragile even a god could be. Colonel Hawkins… the demigod son of Suriyel had nearly ended him that day. He had survived—but only just.

    Zypher let the moment pass, pushing the memory aside as he lifted his head to meet Lanaei’s gaze once more. His blue eyes burned with quiet resolve. “I understand your fears,” he admitted, his voice softer now, more personal. “But I swear to you, Lanaei—no matter what happens, I will do everything in my power to protect you.”

    Scattered. Divided. Like they were. They could not all reside here, they could not all hide away from the threats that loomed around every shadowy corner. Lanaei nodded in understanding but her fingers curled into each other. Things were different now. There were no longer rules to play by. Gods could kills Gods without consequence. Some seemed to be doing so with a flourish. Her gaze drifted to the dark orange flower by the path. The colours danced with a sheen that was unnatural. Another subtle reminder that this was not her domain.

    Perhaps if…If Selrina came back to them. She would know what to do. Lanaei’s lips pressed tightly together as she fought the need to ask again to visit her grandmother. She could not put Zypher in harm's way because of her selfishness. Lifting her gaze slowly, Lanaei watched Zypher as his attention flicked to his armour then returned to her. She gifted him a small smile and her bright green eyes latched to his.

    The smile only blossomed with his words, and she broke the tight grip she had on her fingers. Sliding one hand up to take his arm, her fingers curling around the crook of his elbow as much as she could. “As I will do the same for you, Zypher.” The Goddess of Seasons tugged him a step forward as she tried to push her own worries away. “It will be nice to see the others. I will let you lead the way lest I end up back here.” She scrunched her nose up playfully and clung to his arm.

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