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Thread: [M] The Forgotten Realms: The Dancing Man [Mature]

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    Default [M] The Forgotten Realms: The Dancing Man [Mature]

    Warning. The Dancing Man may contain content that view's might not find suitable.

    "Come Arthur" called the dark voice of the abyss. And as bidden Arthur Harpell came forward on his knees. His head was bent low and his faceless visage, long ago torn away by Asmodeus, because Asmodeus didn't like the ugly man, tilted slightly so that he might "see" his Lord and Master.

    "I grow bored my dear slave" the genderless voice said to Arthur. Asmodeus was evil in it's purest form and as such he could change from male to female at whim, choosing even to be genderless. However right now Asmodeus was simply in a form similar to what Arthur had looked like. He wore it to openly taunt the broken man. "Go forth into the material plane and stir up some trouble. Make it entertaining and I might see fit to grant you a reprieve for a few hundred years. No torture for at least half of that, and then only partial tortures for the rest,"

    The evil lord laughed knowing that such a pitiful offer of what should have been free for the human looked so tempting. So tempting that the twisted Arthur couldn't resist. He bowed so hard that his head cracked against the floor. With another laugh Asmodeus sent Arthur flying back into the wall. Right before the man connected a dimensional portal opened and Arthur found himself lying on the floor of a dark cave. A mysterious form stood over him, sword poised at Arthurs throat.

    "Who are you" asked the mysterious figure in a language Arthur immediately understood as Drow. Arthur batted the sword away and stood, regarding the figure as it back stepped to get away from the thing that had just smashed into the ground in front of it. The drow stared curiously at the faceless man. It reminded him of a drow Wizard a few years earlier known only as The Faceless One. A Hun'ette if he remembered properly.

    But this man was different. He was naked except for a black cloak etched in gold he wore about his shoulders. And not only his face was expressionless but so too was his entire body. No wrinkles, no fingernails or any characteristic that could name him human. His skin was peach and supremely smooth, as if he was made of hardened clay.

    Arthur was staring enviously at the drow before him. The man was young, strong looking, and oddly enough bald. Arthur knew enough about Drow to know that this man should not have been bald. Unless he was a rouge of some sort. Curious. Arthur ambled forward and the Drow flung his hand out taking the humans head off.

    But the human caught the head in the open palm of his right hand! And as dandy as could be he simply put the head back on his shoulders. Then he launched at the drow, ignoring the dual swords slicing into his body repeatedly. As he clutched the drow his skin's pores opened like little mouths and began to latch onto him. Screaming the Drow was devoured in moments.

    Arthurs skin began to bubble then, and in moments his bones and body were shifting. A few moments later Arthur was gone, replaced by the drow elf. Arthur was overjoyed to have fingers and a face again, but they felt wrong. He wanted his own face! How could he get away from the cruel clutches of Asmodeus and regain his face?!

    First he would have to find out what he could do in the mean time to keep his master happy. Menzoberranzan. The perfect place to start chaos to keep his master distracted enough for him to begin looking for a way to bind the demon to him. To gain his revenge. And when the demon was bound to him, serving him as Arthur saw fit, Arthur would turn upon the world so that he may release his frustrations upon them and once again ply his craft of magic. Some small, still humaine part of him wanted simply to run. But that was drowned out by the insanity Asmodeus had placed in Arthur's heart.

    And so the drow skipped away, practically dancing down the rocky hill towards Tier Breche. He would begin there and then move on to the rest of the drow city.

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    Last edited by Black; 11-05-2012 at 09:41 AM.
    Blackus Jackus the Eighteenth, Lord of the Apocalypse, Lord of Despair, King of Large and
    Unmentionable Monsters, Unholy Space Pope of Jackism, Chief Administrator of the Feeding Pits of Malgor the World Eater, Margrave Presumptive of the Holy Roman Empire, Chief Justricar of the Free Companies, Grand Maester of the Cowboy Space Pirate Robot Ninjas, Heir to the Duchy of Cheese and Quackers, Countess of the Space Truckers of America, Janitor of the International Space Station, Duke of Disneyland, Baron of Boredom, Court Jester to the Courts of Wrath, Princess of Procrastination, Exchequer Extraordinaire, Chancellor of Chamber Pots, High Steward of Shai Hulud, Marshal of Muffins, Constable of Confections, Admiral of Admiration, Knighted Hobo of Estonia, Slayer of Hutts, Esquire, Lord of the Dance. Prime Menistor

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    Spoiler: Character Sheets 

    Spoiler: The Forgotten Realms Map 4763x3185 
    Last edited by Black; 11-05-2012 at 10:42 PM.
    Blackus Jackus the Eighteenth, Lord of the Apocalypse, Lord of Despair, King of Large and
    Unmentionable Monsters, Unholy Space Pope of Jackism, Chief Administrator of the Feeding Pits of Malgor the World Eater, Margrave Presumptive of the Holy Roman Empire, Chief Justricar of the Free Companies, Grand Maester of the Cowboy Space Pirate Robot Ninjas, Heir to the Duchy of Cheese and Quackers, Countess of the Space Truckers of America, Janitor of the International Space Station, Duke of Disneyland, Baron of Boredom, Court Jester to the Courts of Wrath, Princess of Procrastination, Exchequer Extraordinaire, Chancellor of Chamber Pots, High Steward of Shai Hulud, Marshal of Muffins, Constable of Confections, Admiral of Admiration, Knighted Hobo of Estonia, Slayer of Hutts, Esquire, Lord of the Dance. Prime Menistor

  3. #3
    Damonique's Avatar
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    I really like Salvatore, but I'm not willing to commit until I know a bit more about what we're actually going to be doing.

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    Damonique and Natora, Joshua and Jessica, over a million words strong and the story goes on and on and on.....

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    me too

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    I may join if more detail is added.

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

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    Name: Triss
    Age: 25
    Fighting Style: Long range Archer
    Origin: The realm of the Fae in Avalon
    Allegiance: Noone

    Description: 5'tall faerie with short blond hair, her skin a very pale color but she has rosy cheeks all the time.Always has a bow or slingshot in her hand and wears a long dark green cloak

    Distinguishing Traits: slightly pointed ears and no wings (shes a faerie not a fairy) she also has one long scar from her shoulder blade to her collarbone

    Inventory: a long bow, a quiver of arrows, a slingshot, a sack of marbles (to use with the slingshot) and a knife she keeps strapped to her at all times. she also has a short sword that she only uses when she absolutely needs to.

    History: A lone faerie that decided to leave her own kind in search of adventure.

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    Details will be added. I haven't quite finished. I'm not 100% sure where im actually going with this. However the idea popped into mind so I started this. If you'd like to add ideas, im willing to hear them. Ill be working on it for the next 2ish hours or so so feel free to PM or just message here.

    Aj add more detail to your character. I know the Dancing Man and Nikolas are short atm, but I will be expanding them. If you have any questions just ask me.
    Blackus Jackus the Eighteenth, Lord of the Apocalypse, Lord of Despair, King of Large and
    Unmentionable Monsters, Unholy Space Pope of Jackism, Chief Administrator of the Feeding Pits of Malgor the World Eater, Margrave Presumptive of the Holy Roman Empire, Chief Justricar of the Free Companies, Grand Maester of the Cowboy Space Pirate Robot Ninjas, Heir to the Duchy of Cheese and Quackers, Countess of the Space Truckers of America, Janitor of the International Space Station, Duke of Disneyland, Baron of Boredom, Court Jester to the Courts of Wrath, Princess of Procrastination, Exchequer Extraordinaire, Chancellor of Chamber Pots, High Steward of Shai Hulud, Marshal of Muffins, Constable of Confections, Admiral of Admiration, Knighted Hobo of Estonia, Slayer of Hutts, Esquire, Lord of the Dance. Prime Menistor

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    One, your second character is overpowered as hell. I hope you intend to keep him in the background for crutching rather than put him front and center to be badass all RP long.

    Name:Marik Addzada Mith'fete
    Race: Drow
    Fighting Style: Swashbuckling, Distraction, and Deflection with a Falchion and Poniard. Utilized Magic.
    Origin: Eryndlyn
    Inventory: -Falchion and Sword Belt. The blade is Drowcrafted and indestructible, and enchanted with lightning along it's edge, and specially prepared to prevent losing it's power in Sunlight.

    A Silver Poniard Dagger, an exclusively thrusting weapon. It's enchantment is that it can kill, or if not that, at least banish for a year and a day, absolutely any being of any of the plains, if thrust directly into the heart.

    A Blue Piwafwi, lined in silver, that is much the same prepared in order to survive surface light, though it's invisibility effects do not work in daylight. And he posesses a ring, when turned outward, disguises the user as a Moon elf.

    History: Marik Mith'fete was born in the Drow city of Eryndlyn in the Upper Underdark, Ruled as it was by competing Merchant Houses and Noble Sects. Belonging to the former, Marik and other disposable males were sent afield onto the surface, disguised, to search equally for New Markets of Trade, and Secondarily the opportunity to murder elves. While Marik was very good at the first, he had difficulty with the second, as he is the odd dark elf with a conscience.

    It was one night in a forest that his party came upon an encampment of moon elves, who they themselves were disguised as. The camps mingled and drank and ate and made merry, and come time for the Moon elves to sleep, the disguised Drow conspired that murder to the men, and rape to the women was in order. Marik refused to participate, and that was a good thing, as the attack was botched as some decided to take their pleasures before completing all of the bloody business they should have. The others were killed, Marik was caught and very nearly executed, but instead kept as a prisoner. He traveled with the elves, unarmed and under watch, for ten years, but was eventually accepted into their party, taking a bride and forming a family.

    This continued for another fifty years, but eventually his past caught up with him, as the matron priestesses divined his location and sent two of his brothers after him to 'rectify' his dishonorable straying. He killed them, but not before the death of his wife, brother in law, and eldest son. He left the company of the moon elves and took his remaining daughter,only seven years old, with him. They wandered alone for a while as he taught her, and eventually took work as adventurers and sellswords from the sword coast to the Dalelands.

    Name:Arristhalia Mith'fete
    Age:26(Young for an elf, but still fully grown)
    Race: Drow/Moon Elf, showing much more from her mothers side than her fathers. Her skin is a good deal greyer for the normally fair moon elves, but not unreasonably so.
    Fighting Style:Rapier and Dagger
    Allegiance:Aerdrie Faenya, Elven Godess of the wind, whose Divine Magic she practices.
    Appearance: Arris
    Distinguishing Traits: Darker skin than a regular moon elf and light grey eyes lacking the splashes of green usually shown in her kinds irises.
    Inventory:-Rapier, Dagger, and Sword Belt

    -A light blue Pwafwi with silver outline, though hers lacks the Drow enchanment for invisibility, she can replicate the effect using her own divine magic.

    Elven Shortbow, with a quiver of thirty arrows.
    History: Arris has been traveling with her father all her life since the age of seven, and is somewhat afraid of the world around her, much of which she has not seen but from behind the Hem of Marik's cloak. He is violently protective of her, but having seen what happened to her mother, she doesn't blame him...much.

    She has a much softer temperament of her father, and enjoys song and dance, and seems always happy compared to his dour temperament. She has a rebellious streak, but has fought it down through many demonstrations that Marik is correct when he says anything she does alone ends badly. She is also a follower and Lay-priestess of the air goddess Aerdrie Faenya, who's diving magic she can use for partial control over weather and wind, using the latter to direct the flight of her arrows and pull of nearly impossible shots.

    She is a skilled fighter and a lethal combination with her father, whose wide-circling, confusing style of swordsmanship she practices, though unlike he she uses her dagger more for defense than to attack.
    Last edited by Damonique; 11-05-2012 at 02:24 PM.

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    Damonique and Natora, Joshua and Jessica, over a million words strong and the story goes on and on and on.....

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    yeah, that second chara is too much

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  10. #10
    Black's Avatar
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    Very well made Damonique I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the RP with you. And don't anyone worry about Nikolas Fiddlesticks. He is an accent character to go with the mercenary Jarlaxle and nothing more. I'm going to be adding quite a few characters like him, not in stature or ability, but in purpose To accentuate the story line and to give it more depth and feeling. I think I personally will be playing a dwarf as my main character. I actually didn't want any of us starting out with very many magical items, instead preffering to take them from one of the many characters who I will add for The Dancing Man as a puppet or opponent.

    At any rate, Nikolas will stay as he is. You'll see him, but you won't battle against him. Besides, if you think about Jarlaxle and how resourceful He is, and how truly power he is, you need not worry about Nikolas. Much more likely that Jarlaxle will kill you or have you killed before Nikolas ever needs to draw his weapon.
    Blackus Jackus the Eighteenth, Lord of the Apocalypse, Lord of Despair, King of Large and
    Unmentionable Monsters, Unholy Space Pope of Jackism, Chief Administrator of the Feeding Pits of Malgor the World Eater, Margrave Presumptive of the Holy Roman Empire, Chief Justricar of the Free Companies, Grand Maester of the Cowboy Space Pirate Robot Ninjas, Heir to the Duchy of Cheese and Quackers, Countess of the Space Truckers of America, Janitor of the International Space Station, Duke of Disneyland, Baron of Boredom, Court Jester to the Courts of Wrath, Princess of Procrastination, Exchequer Extraordinaire, Chancellor of Chamber Pots, High Steward of Shai Hulud, Marshal of Muffins, Constable of Confections, Admiral of Admiration, Knighted Hobo of Estonia, Slayer of Hutts, Esquire, Lord of the Dance. Prime Menistor

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