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Thread: Aetherius Academy OOC (M)

  1. #1
    RPA Honor Guard
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    Default Aetherius Academy OOC (M)

    Adventure, riches, heroism. Stories of these three things abound. Many people strive for these three things, but most fail. Why is this? Is it birth? Fate? Or merely having the right skills at the right time. Four friends, who managed to acquire these three things thought the same thoughts. Their leader came up with a solution. "Why not give others these chances? So they can succeed? Not only would they be grateful, we'd make boatloads of gold doing it!" No one opposed his idea. And so it came to pass that these friends used their hard-earned gold to construct the grandest place of learning ever devised, Aetherius Academy:
    Spoiler: Aetherius Academy 

    A pan-dimensional nexus of interwoven dimensions. Only those who show devotion and talent...and deep pockets, are allowed in. Will you be one of them?

    This rp is open

    Rated M for violence, drug and alcohol use, language, nuity, and possible naughtiness (but will be taken off screen)
    Last edited by Cfavano; 05-13-2013 at 08:48 PM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  2. #2
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    Default The academy

    The academy in itself is a conundrum. Looking from the outside, you see a simple ornate castle, typical of what royalty would own. But entering it...opens up a whole new can of worms. The area leading up to this castle, is very foggy and cold. Something When you open the door, you are awestruck by what you see, for opening the door does not lead you to the foyer...but into a bright and warm field. Once your senses adjust, you realize that you have just stepped into another dimension. Looking around, you can see other areas, each with what looks like a mostly transparent barrier. These are the different 'dorms', pocket dimensions within the dimension that is the academy. They are separated', and yet together. You stand now in the 'nexus' a blank and open plain that extends for hundreds of miles, before ending in a cliff, which hangs over an endless abyss.

    The closest area you see is:

    Spoiler: Hestavar 

    The city of Hestavar houses the Main buildings of the acadamy, like the administration buildings, hall of justice (where those that misbehave are judged), and main lecture halls. The market, where students buy and sell things is housed there, as well as the Headmaster's manor. There is some student housing there, but not much.

    Moving east, you see:

    Spoiler: Fey woods 

    This area is home to babbling brooks and ancient trees. It is very quiet, and a very serene place. One can feel the natural energy of the world flowing though them as they walk the paths of this magical forest. There is student housing here, and this area is used to teach hunting, tracking, and nature-related arts.

    To the north of the city, you see:

    Spoiler: Krazngrar 

    Krazngrar, the dwarf stronghold, is an industrial center. The mines and workshops supply the academy with all it's tools and equipment. The students that live there typically work in the mines or workshops, and the classes that are taught there are ones that typically revolve around working.

    Finally, to the west of the city:

    Spoiler: The burned lands 

    This desolate area is the poorest and most dangerous area in the academy. Almost nothing grows there, and students living there face a very hardscrabble existence. Ash storms frequent the area, though magical lanterns prevent students from getting lost. The students that live here are either too poor to live anywhere else, or do not want to enter into a service contract (explained later). The only class that is taught here is survival.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 04-17-2013 at 02:23 AM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  3. #3
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    Default Character Creation

    Spoiler: character sheet 

    Spoiler: My characters 

    Spoiler: Accepted characters 



    Like all worlds, this one is populated by a multitude of different creatures. I will be keeping this list small and simple for now, and could update it later. The 'personalities' I have describe just generalize the race, and in no way does it have to affect your character.

    Spoiler: Elf 

    Spoiler: Eladrin 

    Spoiler: Half-elf 

    Spoiler: Dwarf 

    Spoiler: Human 

    Spoiler: Halfling 

    Spoiler: Shadar-Kai 

    Spoiler: Githzerai 

    Spoiler: Gnoll 

    Spoiler: Bugbear 

    Spoiler: Hobgoblin 

    Spoiler: Drow 

    Spoiler: Moppling 

    Spoiler: Hito-Neko 

    Spoiler: Flufftail 

    Spoiler: Miw 

    Spoiler: Derro 

    Spoiler: Goliath 

    Spoiler: Warforged 


    These describe what you do, and denote what you can and cannot equip. Each class will have two versions, each with a different style.

    Spoiler: Cleric 

    Spoiler: Druid 

    Spoiler: Fighter 

    Spoiler: Paladin 

    Spoiler: Ranger 

    Spoiler: Rogue 

    Spoiler: Wizard 

    Spoiler: Monk 

    Spoiler: Seeker 

    Spoiler: Avenger 

    Spoiler: Warlock 

    Spoiler: Pierrot 

    Spoiler: Ronin 

    Spoiler: Ninja 


    As philocetes said in the disney movie hercules 'a hero is only as good as his weapon'. Here are all the weapons and armor your character can pick from. But remember, they may only use what weapons and armor they are proficient with. You may gain more proficiencies, but you'll have to earn them.

    Spoiler: Keywords 

    Spoiler: weapon categories 

    Spoiler: Melee weapons 

    Spoiler: Ranged weapons 

    Spoiler: Armor 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 05-10-2013 at 01:13 AM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  4. #4
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    Area information

    Spoiler: Hestavar 

    Spoiler: Fey woods 

    Spoiler: Krazngrar 

    Spoiler: The burned lands 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 04-19-2013 at 03:02 PM.

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  5. #5
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    As it was said, Aetherius is very expensive to get in to. How did your character do it? Did they pay up front? Take out a loan? or sign a service contract? All those are ways to get in.

    Service contract- by agreeing to indentured servitude for a set number of years after graduation, you are granted entry. However, your character must still pay for their dorm. Most people who enter them would only be able to live in the Burned lands.

    By agreeing to work in Krazngrar's mines for at least 6 hours a day, you can live in that area.

    Mostly females live in the Fey woods, because the person that runs it gives them a hefty discount.

    Only the richest of the rich live in Hestavar.


    1. be respectful

    2. follow all rpa rules

    3. stick to character

    4. no killing others without their permission

    5. The posting order is thus: everyone can post up to once in between my post.

    6. have fun

    7. more rules will be added as time goes on.

    Spoiler: combat 
    Last edited by Cfavano; 04-28-2013 at 09:12 PM.

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  6. #6
    Waarnemen's Avatar
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    Cfavano, I smell one of your role plays...
    Now you know there's more than enough Academy role plays....
    on RPA...

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

  7. #7
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    which is why I'm doing it differently. How many can claim to take place in a series of man-made pocket dimensions?

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  8. #8
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    I'm pretty sure somebody's done that...
    Could have used your help...

    But I don't want to trash your work; I wanted to point that out there.

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

  9. #9
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    oh, no, you see, the difference is, that takes people from all different dimensions. All the students that come here are from a single dimension. Plus, mine is completely different, mine is D&D based, and uses their world and reality.

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    oh, no, you see, the difference is, that takes people from all different dimensions. All the students that come here are from a single dimension. Plus, mine is completely different, mine is D&D based, and uses their world and reality.
    Which makes it more organized... Aha~!
    I see what you mean... I'll look into it...

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

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