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Thread: [M] Great Galactic War(OOC)

  1. #1
    member Sigma's Avatar
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    Default [M] Great Galactic War(OOC)

    Rated [M] for graphic war scenes, blood and gore, language and etc.

    It was the Year 2420, Humanity was once a unified species under the Terran Federation, but now humanity once again is splintered. a civil war waged between the federation forces and various splinter factions from within that have rose in rebellion.

    For Seven bloody years, the war was costly to all sides. the federation and two other dominant factions could no longer fight and signed a Non-aggression pact to put an end to the civil war. an uneasy peace followed for many years to come, in this timespan, the once again divided humans soon had made contact with various alien civilizations. and secretly, all three groups attempt to forge alliances with some of the aliens, and while some attempts were successful, most of the aliens rejected.

    The year is now 2522, tensions rise between the human powers and war is once again on the horizon. meanwhile, outside human-controlled space, the alien races face their own coming wars. soon nowhere in the galaxy will be safe from the fires of war...


    Nation Name:
    Government Type:
    Brief History:
    Notable Personalities:



    Human factions: Full.
    Terran Federation
    Colonial Alliance
    Sternreich(Empire of the Stars)

    Alien Factions:
    United Systems Alliance
    Gedie-Travin Trade Empire
    Incedian Heirarchy
    Adir-Zerok Confederacy
    Fedori Imperium
    Autayni Empire
    Last edited by Sigma; 08-20-2010 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Member L's Avatar
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    Terran Federation

    Government Type: Despotism

    Race(s): Human and varied Alien races

    Brief History:
    The Terran Federation has fallen a long way since its golden era in the 2400's. Formally a Democracy under the rule the President, elected by the people of the Federation, the Terran Federation has since fallen to the charismatic wiles of the war hero, Christopher Almedias. Despite being elected by the people, General Almedias has increasingly turned the democratic Federation in to a military state, ruled by Almedias's Lieutenants. In the last 10 years any attempt to remove the General by vote, assassination, or otherwise have met with failure, and the mad General has become obsessed with returned the Federation to its rightful place, as the leader of all humans.

    Notable Personalities:

    General Chris Almedias

    Diplomat Lauren Fen


    Spoiler: Federation Flagship, 101st Apollo Battleship 

    Spoiler: Standard Federation Battleship 

    Spoiler: Terran Proteus Fighter 
    Last edited by L; 08-20-2010 at 02:56 PM.

    Spoiler: Guides 

  3. #3
    RPAs White Knight
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    Here is mine, I noticed the irony of the abreviation of my factions name AFTER I wrote it, so it wasn't deliberate.

    Nation Name: United Systems Alliance (USA)
    Government Type: A combination of the Volarian Republic and Atlanian Empire and the Free Jaffa Nation.
    Race(s): Atlanians and Volarians and Jaffa (All look human, but with slight differences)
    Brief History: The Alliance has only been around for 3 years, before that the Volarian Republic was at war with their neighbors, the Valian Federation, who are now annexed under them. At the time both sides fought across Imperial worlds, causing the Empire to fight back against both of them. The Empire brokered a peace between the Valians and Volarians, although the Volarians had all but won the war against the Valians anyway. They then brokered a peace with each other, the Empire had their long standing allies, the Talin Hul as a separate autonomous faction inside the Empire. After the alliance was brokered peace has rained across the Alliance for these past three years. Unfortunately the Emipre is now facing a rebellion.
    Notable Personalities: 66th Imperial Vanguard: Fleet Admiral Wolf Xalian
    High Commandant Sabre Xalian
    1st Lieutenant Emerald Silknam
    1st Lieutenant Sapphire Silknam
    Captain Lucine Kalnima
    Admiral Ice Nikalay
    Admiral Cougar Nikalay
    Warrant Officer Tion Xalian
    Warrant Officer Hailie Nikalay
    First Sargent Vala Jalnima
    First Sargent Sala Jalnima
    First Sargent Zala Jalnima
    High Commander Siapa Kalnima
    Captain Sora Kalnima

    22nd Republic Commando Squadron: Fleet Admiral Kalnas
    Commander Talin
    Admiral Kalin
    Sgt. Hilda

    Free Jaffa Nation: First Prime Teal'c
    Master Brae'tak
    Master Jalinar

    Atlanian Revolutionary Armed Forces: Supreme Commander Jed Rebic
    (More to be added as I come up with names for them)

    Ships of the Alliance

    Spoiler: All the Aliiance ships look like this. The Kibalay is the top on, and the frigates are the bottom one. Carrior is the one above the frigates and the battleships, cruisers and destroyers are the second one 
    Last edited by Fox Xalian; 09-19-2010 at 09:57 AM.

    Thank you to Alice for making my sig and avi <3


  4. #4
    Higurashi's Avatar
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    Nation Name: Colonial Alliance (Human)
    Government Type: Pure Democracy, except in war. It is then a High Council.
    Race(s): Human
    Brief History: The Colonial Alliance was formed from the farthest colonies from Earth. None of these colonies had any love or loyalty to Earth, as they never recieved any help or gratitude for their labours in its name. Finally, the colonies had had enough, and attempted to break away from Earth, twenty seven planets in all. Thirteen of these were production based, while ten were population centers, and a futher seven were food planets. This sparked the origin of the civil war between Earth and the C.A. Even with the current peace agreement, the C.A. doesn't trust anyone but themselves.
    Notable Personalities:

    Councilman Raymond
    Councilwoman Jessica
    Councilman Desmond
    Councilman Caedan
    Councilwoman Elizabeth

    Lord Commondore Lincon
    General Asberg
    General Lithta
    Lieutenant Matthew (Adjundant to Asberg)
    Lieutenant Misa (Adjundant to Listha)
    Seventy-Fourth Valhallan Shock Troopers: (Note: Valhalla is a multiple ecosystem world. It encompasses Massive Jungles, Expansive icefields, and just about everything you could imagine. As such, Valhallans have been trained in all conditions.)
    Colonel Isaac
    Major Roth
    Captain Raslen
    Captain Reydan
    Srgt. Tanil
    Srgt. Degovin
    Space Fleet:
    Admiral Yeta
    Admiral Olivar
    Admiral Queta
    Captain Fredricks
    Captain Jutlan
    Captain Zaio
    Captain Wayland
    Last edited by Higurashi; 08-11-2010 at 03:50 PM.

    ((Ava/Sig set by Mystress of Souls!))

  5. #5
    member Sigma's Avatar
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    Both approved and added in the list.

  6. #6
    Member Shifty's Avatar
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    I'll get something up, but it will be by tomorrow at the earliest, the next day at the latest.

  7. #7
    A Storm Is Coming
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    NOTE: I apologize in advance for anyone who is offended by this

    Nation Name: Sternreich (translation: Empire of the Stars)

    Government Type: Totalitarian Military Dictatorship

    Races: Human Fanatics

    Brief Hisory: The Sternreich used to be part of the Terran Federation, and they were some of the most devout and loyal citizens that the Federation had ever seen. When the tensions started to rise and the union started to splinter, a leader rose and opened the eyes of the people, showing them that the Federation was weak, that they, the people, were so much stronger. Not long after, system after system started to break away from the Federation, forming an empire that was aptly named the Sternreich. They quickly became a military power to be reckoned with; and with a shoot-to-kill order on anyone that trespasses in to their territory. That combined with a firm indoctrination of its people and a manditory military service requirement, the Sternreich is ready to expand out and claim their destiny across the stars. No matter what their struggle, they will succeed, for they are God's Chosen People.

    Notible Personalities:
    Fuhrer Heinrich (HINE-RIKE)
    Hochmiester Rasmus (War Consular)
    Miester of Education Erika
    Miester of Treasury Gabor
    Judge Miester Charlotte

    Miester General Rammstiener
    5* General Vladamir
    4* General Nails
    3* General Axel
    2* General Adolph
    1* General Rossen
    Colonel Haine
    Lieutenant-Colonel Badou
    Major Kliest
    Captain Hauptmann
    First Lieutenant Quaritch
    Second Lietenant Aldo
    Waffen Schutzstaffel Death Corps:
    The translation for Schutzstaffel is "Shield Squadron". They are chosen at a very young age, usually around 5-10 years old and entered in to the Krieg War Academy. The planet of Krieg is a very hostile planet, classified as a "Death World", deemed unsuitable for life. The Schutzstaffel, also called the SS or Death Corps of Krieg, train on that hostile world, which is at the heart of an equally dangerous solar system full of feral and tribal class worlds. The Krieg academy indoctrinates its candidates to the point of being nearly robotic. They are trained to have no emotion, and they are taught that anyone that is not part of the Sternreich, is a dog, and anyone that is not of the human race, is a cancer that must be cut from the face of the galaxy. The Schutzstaffel consists of 800,000 members, 200,000 of the most elite are the Fuhrer's personal guard. They have committed countless war crimes and crimes against humanity, but as it was earlier stated, they are indoctrinated beyond belief. They have the best of the best that the armory has to offer, and there are even rumors of genetic alteration and modification, making them, as the Fuhrer says, "perfect. The pinnicle of humanity."

    Standartenfuhrer (Colonel) Landa
    Obersturmbannfuhrer (Lt. Colonel) Dolf
    Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Stampa
    Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain) Kaine
    Obersturmfuhrer (1st Lt.) Lynch
    Untersturmfuhrer (2nd Lt.) Josef
    Hauptscharfuhrer (Master Sgt.) Stiglitz
    Oberscharfuhrer (Staff Sgt.) Henzel
    Scharfuhrer (Sgt.) Grendel

    Crusaider Fleet:
    High Admiral Schwartzkopf
    Admiral Helo
    Admiral Makkus
    Commander Tigh
    Commander Lukos
    Commander Oran
    Captain Konrad
    Captain Haggard
    Captain Karen
    Captain Zorin
    Captain Picard (because no one else had)

    Fleet Classifications:
    Spoiler: Apocalypse Class Battleship 

    Spoiler: Triton Class Battleship 

    Spoiler: Heracles Class Cruiser 

    Spoiler: Thor Class Warcraft 

    Spoiler: Marauder Warship 

    Spoiler: Valkyrie Gunship 

    Land War Machines:
    Spoiler: Overlord Tank 

    Spoiler: StormBlade Tank 

    Spoiler: Punisher Tank 

    Spoiler: Basilisk Artillery Battery 

    Spoiler: Dragoon Flame Tank 

    Spoiler: Predator Tank 

    Spoiler: Jackal War Walker 

    Spoiler: Sternreich Soldier 

    Spoiler: SS Soldier 

    Spoiler: SS Crisis Suits 

    Spoiler: Goliath Mechanized Infantry 

    Special Characters of Importance:
    Spoiler: Der Fuhrer 

    Spoiler: Hochmiester Rasmus 

    Spoiler: Miester General Rammstiener 

    Spoiler: Standartenfuhrer (Colonel) Landa 

    Spoiler: Hauptscharfuhrer (Master Sgt.) Stiglitz 

    Reich occupied systems:
    Capital World: Kronus - City World
    SS World: Krieg - Death Worlds - Ash/Fallout
    Deliverance - City Worlds - Tundra
    Char - Forge Worlds - Ash
    Warsaw - City Worlds - Snow/Mountains
    Catichan - Military Colonys - jungle
    Macragge - Military Colonys - Desert/Ocean
    Haven - City Worlds - mountains/snow
    Last edited by StormWolf; 08-30-2010 at 07:15 AM.

  8. #8
    member Sigma's Avatar
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    Don't know how I would be offended. but your faction is approved!

  9. #9
    A Storm Is Coming
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    *decides not to point out all of the Nazi parallels and goes with it*

    cool! Thanks

  10. #10
    Sanity's Eclipse
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    Nation Name: Gedie-Travin Trade Empire
    Government Type: Imperial Oligarchy
    Gedie - a humanoid species with larger, more robust forms and skin tones varying from light and dark extremes. Cybernetic modification is very common.
    Travin - a humanoid species with more slender frames, pale skin, black teeth, and varying eye colors
    Brief History: The Gedie and Travin both come from the same section of galactic space. For generations, they were locked in a bitter and stubborn war of attrition as the Travin refused to allow Gedie to open trade routes through their space. After years of fighting and getting nowhere, a peace treaty was reached and the Travin and all their territories became a full part of the Gedie Trade Empire. With both species being very adept with technology, their combined intellect gave the new Gedie-Travin Trade Empire the power to be the largest maker and distributor of industrial goods throughout the entire galaxy. With their unusually strong military, the Trade Empire is preparing for something big while at the same time dealing with a rising rebellion that may break out into civil war within the Empire.
    Notable Personalities:

    The Machine Emperor (founder of the Salusia Corporation and eternal ruler of the Trade Empire)
    Master-General Garl Hellstrom
    Admiral-General Odstrava Thermidor (serves as both supreme naval commander and highest ranked army officer under Hellstrom)
    Minister of Trade Rogor
    Minister of Treasure Hanza
    Minister of Science and Technology Omar
    Brigadier-General simply known by the alias “Old Boss”

    The personal army and naval force of Admiral-General Thermidor. The official name is the Sector Seven Defense Force and is stationed as a massive defensive line around Salusia, the Gedie homeworld. The nickname “unbreakable line” comes from the proven fact that no naval force has been able to penetrate through to Salusia.

    The personal forces of Garl Hellstrom. Highly trained, elite soldiers specializing in a variety of combat forms and situations. Led by Hellstrom himself, the Hunters are ruthless to the Trade Empire’s enemies and all their assignments are hand-picked by Hellstrom as are the members of the corp.

    Lord-Archon Voltaire
    Lord Heritor
    Lady Tsaibo
    Legion General Ammon Hearth AKA “Ouroboros”
    Legion General Rourke AKA “Overdrive”

    One of the few Travin military forces operating autonomously within the Imperial Military. Made up entirely of Travin soldiers, each one is specially chosen and then heavily modified either genetically or with cybernetics. They are generally employed in the most extreme of circumstances and operate, as their name suggests, at legion numbers.
    Hit me up on discord: Mags#3126
    I'm just easier to get a hold of there. Just lemme know who you are

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