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View Full Version : [OOC] The Kind Unknown (Enaz & C) [M]

Princess C
06-09-2011, 11:50 PM
IC :


So, yeah. We discussed plot. So, I guess here's the character sheet-

Breed- Werewolf, Vampire, what. :P
Appearance- (Real pictures preffered.:P)

My Character-

Name- Alice Briarson
Age- 17 and a half
Gender- Female
Personality- Alice is a pretty nice girl although she can be a bitch when she feels that she needs to. She is pretty laid back, loves having fun too. She can be shy when she meets new people, but is usually a pretty brave and outgoing girl who makes herself seem fearless. She can be very sarcastic at times, and is sometimes a real 'mean girl' as people call her. She is one of those girls who loves to party, and hangs with the popular crowd.
Breed- Werewolf


06-16-2011, 08:02 PM
Name-Caim Asmoday
Age- 18
Gender- Male
Personality- Caim is nice to just about everyone he meets, and always seems to have tons of friends. He is usually carefree and will almost never get mad at some things. She also hangs out with all of the crowds at school, but didn't like the popular ones much because some always seemed to be stuck up about something.
Appearance- appearance (http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd130/silly_sammy22/anime123.jpg)

Princess C
06-19-2011, 10:27 PM
Okay, so, shall I get the IC up right now, or later? Whatever you want I'll do. :)

06-22-2011, 03:50 AM
You can start up the Ic if you want to.

Princess C
06-22-2011, 03:53 PM
M'kay. I'll get it up in a few. :)