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09-06-2011, 04:18 AM
Yola! :D Our OOC thread for stuff! :3 Maybe in-depth plot ideas as we go along and such. :]

Or just chit-chat about the rp and how we think it's goin. :D

I shall post my character stuff once I figure it out XD

A member of a noble womans family is brutally murdered and the detectvie who investigates the vicious crime finds out more about the family and crime than he wants to.

A troubling past, littered with murder, lies, and darkness can all be revealed in a dark nursery rhyme that was once believed to be pure fiction.

A twisted life of unknown horrors awaits and now the detective gets involved! How will this end? Will it end? Or will the maddening darkness have its sacrifice?! >O

Dun dun duuuuuuun!!!

I had to do it. XD Ahahaha... >_>;;

09-07-2011, 03:41 AM
Tic tock tick tock
See the running of the clock
Knick knack knick knock
Do you have everything in stock

Darkness rises, darkness knows
Darkness curls around your toes
Bring your salt and bring your fire
Show the world that you’re no liar

When it’s night and you’re in bed
You might hear voices of the dead
Don’t you worry don’t despair
There is just a veil tear
Circle square
Criss cross
Ignore their warnings of loss
Prayers in the night sky
Make the shape of a lidless eye

Heed this warning listen well
You hold back the gates of hell
’our family don’t go without a fight
Let’s hope we can last the night.

Nursery Rhyme. Written by Kiall. (FANTASTIC! :D )

This is the rhyme that is told at bedtime to the members of the noble girls family. The story of the curse. :D

09-07-2011, 04:09 AM
Character sheet:

Name: Charity Grace Findala (XD Ahaha.. >_> )
Appearance: http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac262/Bidoof/109.jpg
(Feeling a bit too lazy to describe it.. XD )

Personality: A little distracted and distant from people. Shies away from physical contact from anyone, and is emotionally detached from others, even members of her own family.

Other: Death surrounds the Findala noble family, and growing up surrounded by brothers, and watching the members of her family die away either suddenly, or with old age it was always the same. Terrifying, heart-wrentching, and always came with a whispered or written message of warning.

I may change some things and I will add the names of some deseaced family members and the ones alive... with your help hopefully? XD

09-07-2011, 04:13 AM
oooh I like the black font SUPA SPOOKY! XD

Name: Gregory Calloway

Age: 29

Profession: Private Detective

Appearance: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/4506102419_5b3771fc52.jpg

Personality: a calm collected individual he’s renown for being a good case man, able to analyze and deconstruct a myriad of crime scenes, he’s soft spoken and kind a trait which has helped him handle many a grieving witness, however he rarely performs any of the social niceties preferring to cut to the heart of any matter, which rubs some people the wrong way

History: Gregory started off as a constable, roaming the streets of London, over time he made himself a reputation as a good case man, eventually becoming a homicide detective, however a certain incident forced him to quite. He now works as a private investigator with particular emphasis on unsolved murders.

Here’s some story ideas we can do…

Noble family runs a cult worshipping an old god. Their goal is to awaken this god in order to do so a blood sacrifice must be made. Over time the cult is abandoned and all but forgotten however one person has discovered this cult and has restarted the old ritual killing the family members, overtime he gains the blessings of the old god as it begins to come into this world making the murders more gruesome

Long ago the noble family discovered an ancient artifact, and formed a secret society obsessed with discovering its secrets. However this item was also cursed, and attracted a sort of living darkness that fed on fear and death. The society however learned how to contain this darkness using a myriad of rituals, they then proceeded to instruct these rituals to the uninformed members of the family using nursery rhymes and the like, incorporating it into their daily lives to keep the darkness held at bay indefinitely. However as time has passed certain aspects of the ritual have been forgotten, and the darkness is beginning to get loose from it’s cage.

09-10-2011, 05:28 AM
Name: Lydia Elizabeth Black (haha went with both)

Age: 18

Appearance: Chin length blonde hair, with startlingly clear blue eyes. Petite figure, shorter than most women, but also stronger than most women.

Personality: Foul-mouthed, outspoken, and very opinionated, Lydia hardly ever takes no for an answer. She has a certain charm about her (the blonde hair and blue eyes always help) and people find it hard to resist her. She's a fast talker who can get nearly anyone to do anything she wants, even if they figure out her intentions she has a way of making them regret going against her. Lydia has a bad temper, but she's also sweet when she wants to be and has a genuinely good side, though she hardly ever shows it.

Background: Her mother was a prostitue who got knocked up at a young age. Begging her pimp to let her keep the baby, Lydia was eventually born, but given up almost at once. She was given to a church, who took in parentless children, but she was regarded as 'Devils Spawn' for being born out of wedlock and having a prostitue for a mother. By the time she was old enough to read, she began to resent those around her, and took her life into her own hands. She stole from people, conned others to give her things, and she was a bully. Lydia often got away with a lot of things because of her innocent looking blue eyes. She finally ran away when she was about ten, and her life of crime began. She mugged people, and pitted others against each other all without getting caught; being a heavy gambler she tricked many people out of their own money rigging games, making up false charities that she was the head of, and making up sob stories, just for money. She was a genius. She could lie her way out of anything even if there was undeniable evidence that she was the culprit of a crime. She met her downfall when she met Detective Gregory Calloway, and incidentally she was the downfall of his career.

After finally being caught for committing an unforgiveable crime, she was imprisoned,but not before she'd seen a terrible crime happen. She was the only witness. That was probably the only reason Calloway helped her and she got a lighter sentance, got out of prison and ended up becoming his adopted daughter. Since she owed a lot to the detective, and being the genius that she was, she helped out on some of his more 'interesting' cases when she was bored, and often crashed in his spare bedroom.

That about sums it up! XD Any changes ya wanna make?

09-10-2011, 05:35 AM
I was thinking the crimes she did would be more, tricking people out of their money. rigged gambling games, false sob stories, pretending to be the head of a fake charity that sort of thing, but that's up to you

also don't forget to mention, the fact that she was actually the witness of a crime, which is why Calloway helped her,

other than that looks good! this is gonna be fuuuunnn XD

09-10-2011, 05:41 AM
Right right, I shall edit right away! :D