View Full Version : [R] RP Partner Needed for Immortalis RP
Jade Moriparty
10-05-2011, 01:53 AM
This RP will be rated R for violence, language, and rule-abiding sexual allusions.
Hello, I am Girly Woman and I am seeking a 1x1 RP partner for my Immortalis RP. I only have time for 1x1 RPs these days; I simply can't keep track of more than one other RPer! However, I'm totally fine with each of us playing more than one chara. In fact, that is often necessary! First, my requests for an RP partner:
First and foremost, if you are under the age of 18, stop reading right now! It's not that I want to RP mature content (in fact, I don't want to!), it's just that I prefer to play adult charas and find that teenagers generally lack the maturity and experience to play adult charas. It's not their fault; it's a product of their age, which they cannot help! So, I only want to RP with someone 18+. 21+ is preferable.
Second, proper grammar and spelling is a must! Ever since I worked as a writing tutor, reading poorly written content, no matter how good the content, is painful to me.
Third, I want a partner who can create complex charas and who will develop those charas. I am equally interested in the plot and the effects that the events of the RP has on the charas affected by the events.
Fourth, I do NOT RP romance. I am in a relationship in RL and consider RPing romance cheating. I also find that it rarely works well when one person plays both members of a romantic relationship. That basically means that all romance is out of the picture. I don't like excessive violence and gore. Some violence is fine. Sexual situations (with NPCs) can be alluded to, but nothing more, as per the rules of this forum. Flirting is okay.
I will explain the plot in the next few posts. I've RPed this twice. The first time it was a group and it went AWESOME until one person ruined it. The second time it started out as a group and ended up being 1x1 and was AWESOME until the other person had a bunch of RL drama.
Jade Moriparty
10-05-2011, 01:57 AM
One evening, a group of vampires, fed up with lurking in the shadows while humans destroyed themselves and destroyed the world, decided that it would be better for all living things if the vampires, with their superior strength and knowledge, came out of the shadows and worked with the humans, advising them on how to organize and run things. Thus, Immortalis Eruditis was born. Unfortunately, as with many the revolutions, which are born of out the best of intentions, but quickly became corrupted, turned into violent and insane movements which only barely resemble their original forms, the Immortalis was soon bastardized. A radical faction of vampires took control of Immortalis. They didn't think that vampires should be mere advisers. Humans were weak, they argued, and unable to control themselves, even with the aid of vampires. Instead, the vampires should have total control, and keep the humans in a state of natural innocence. From this grew a still more cruel faction. These cruel vampires wanted complete control and did not care for the well-being of humans. Humans were no better than the animals and deserved to be enslaved. This faction, being composed of the cruelest and most violent vampires, was quickly able to take control of the Immortalis. They killed most of the older vampires who comprised the first and second faction of the Immortalis. They began a bloody revolution, revealing the existence of vampires to the world by openly and relentlessly feeding off of humans in several major cities of the world. They also put to death all vampires who are against them.
This RP takes place in the cities of Versailles and Paris. The high-rank Immortalis vampires have taken over the palace at Versailles. Their slaves keep the palace very well-maintained, since the beauty of the palace reflects the glory of the vampires inside of it. Favored mid-rank vampires live in closer quarters in the smaller buildings of the Versailles palace. The rest of the mid-rank vampires have taken over the homes near Versailles and mansions in Paris. Low-ranked vampires live in humbler (but still quite nice!) homes in Versailles and Paris. When staying in Paris, the high-ranked vampires stay at the Louvre. Many of the original palace rooms have been converted back to living quarters, although much of the more valuable artwork still resides in the palace. Other works of art have been scattered throughout Versailles and Paris. The possession of these valuable works of human art also reflects the glory and dominance of the vampires. Non-Immortalis vampires and humans live throughout the cities in apartments and houses. Humans will use the metro or cars to get between the two cities. The vampires will use their fancy cars, motorcycles, and sometimes helicopters to get between the two cities.
It is now two years into the Immortalis revolution (when the corrupt vampires took over the world) and all humans and (non-Immortalis) vampires live in fear of the Immortalis. Humans are attempting to live well under the shadow of the Immortalis. Many resent the Immortalis. Several groups of humans and vampires have come together in an attempt to rise up against the Immortalis. All of these uprisings have, thus far, ended very violently.
At the beginning of this RP, a group of humans and vampires will be banding together to fight the Immortalis.
Jade Moriparty
10-05-2011, 02:00 AM
For this RP, vampires can go out during the day. They are not affected by things like garlic, crosses, and holy water. They can be slowed down by silver bullet shot to their hearts, being stabbed deeply in the heart, and decapitation. They have the traditional powers: super strength, super speed, super healing, and immortality. In order to kill a vampire, it must be burned to ashes and the ashes must be scattered.
A vampire can turn a human by draining her to the brink of death and then having her drink his blood. Vampires are only made; they are not born. There are not any vampire families or vampire babies in this RP. The vampires in the Immortalis are very snobbish and therefore highly unlikely to turn a human into a vampire.
A weakness of vampires is that they must feed on blood in order to keep up their strength. The longer they go without blood, the weaker they will become. Human blood gives them the most power, but animal blood will work as well.
It is also possible to enslave other vampires. However, this is currently taboo in the Immortalis because the Immortalis considers vampires to be superior to humans. Enslaving a vampire degrades that vampire to the level of human. It is considered more noble for a vampire to die than to be enslaved. These vampires will only follow the orders of the vampire who has enslaved them. In order to enslave a vampire, the future master must first drain the blood of his future slave. He will then cut himself and force his victim to drink his own blood. The master's blood now dominates the slave's blood. The slave will be conscious, but his body will always do that which his master orders, even if the slave is against performing this action.
[No one will play a slave. This is here for a possible plot point in the RP.]
With the exception of governing the humans and freely and openly hunting humans, the Immortalis has allowed business as usual to continue. The main restrictions are that humans cannot carry weapons and humans must not struggle against an Immortalis vampire or disobey the commands of an Immortalis vampire. Humans still work, still use money, still get married and start families, still attend school, still live in apartments and houses, and still go out to clubs, bars, and coffee shops for entertainment. Humans now attempt to always walk in packs, as lone humans are more vulnerable. They also dress conservatively and uniformly, so as to not draw the attention of the vampires. They also try to be in before dark, since they are more vulnerable at night, lacking the amped-up senses of vampires. Some humans will be the opposite and attempt to draw the attention of vampires, their main goal to become the special slave of a highly-ranked vampire in the Immortalis. Most humans have become less careful due to the very close possibility of death.
The Ranks in the Immortalis
These are the oldest and most powerful vampires who were the original instigators of the uprising. They have their own private slaves and their private slaves are considered to be of a higher rank than the regular slaves. These slaves can only be ordered around by the high-rank vampires.
These are the old and powerful vampires who were not one of the original instigators of the uprising. These are also any younger vampires involved in the original uprising. Finally, these are the younger (but not the youngest) vampires. If they do something commendable, they may be granted their own personal human slave, but they can only have one personal slave.
These are the youngest and least powerful vampires. They have to follow orders from both the mid-rank and the high-rank vampires. [/COLOR]
Jade Moriparty
10-05-2011, 02:03 AM
Character Sheet:
Appearance [Real]:
Type (Immortalis Vampire, Non-Immortalis Vampire, Human):
Occupation (if human):
Rank (if in Immortalis):
Biography (at least a paragraph and no more than two paragraphs):
Personality (at least a paragraph and no more than two paragraphs):
(if vampire) Weakness (see note below):
Anything else we need to know:
Note on weakness: Must be something active, as in, it can exploited or is active most of the time. Any weakness of the form or of similar form "x will eventually be y's downfall" is banned. It's lame and a cop-out because it means, basically, your chara has no weaknesses until "eventually".[/COLOR]
Phew, that is all! Congrats for getting this far!
So, as a 1x1, I was thinking that we could each take at least two charas. We will each have at least one chara in the Immortalis and another in the Resistance.
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