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Thread: Can't possibly find sub-forum for putting in text for a blog, so I have it here.

  1. #1
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Default Can't possibly find sub-forum for putting in text for a blog, so I have it here.

    I roleplayed many years ago with others in our fantasy tabletop game activity. We all went in our separate directions, I never found other friends I could interest in this role-playing, what I had worked on for preparation for it got buried and stored away, while it was still a long time before I connected with others using online access. That background was still a powerful influence in directing me toward writing works of fiction that I have been doing. When I did come online, I sought others who would roleplay with me, while I thought of the tabletop games still, through social media. This was still not fruitful so I went on writing even more. I eventually figured out others had ways to roleplay online, and when I figured out that I could search for that, I already knew about forums and had started using forums too. So it was natural then to look and find out if roleplay happened through forums. Lo, they did. There were several possible options to choose, I copied the addresses of several, and then had to think about how I would make time for that in my schedule occupied by a lot of things now. I decided at some point to jump into it and find out. The address to this forum, that I stayed with, was that first online address of several that I tried out. I didn't look at the others and those addresses would be buried somewhere.

    So I am trying a new thing here. I responded to an idea once posted by someone in the forums who did not remain to see a response, and no one showed interest in what I might do with it. So, I am trying out a series that would be based on that, still I don't know how long I might continue with it. But I am one who just likes to write, too.

    What Child Is This?

    The small caravan had come far, from the land of Egypt, through wilderness area and among rugged hills, on toward the country of Galilee. It dwindled along the way, as individuals disembarked where they came to significant settlements along the way. Finally only Mary with her husband and her young child, along with another more aged couple, were still continuing, as the wagon they still occupied went on northward to reach its destination.

    It came to a stop suddenly, and unexpectedly. The door to the wagon was abruptly ajar. A man with thick beard and holding a long blade, with other men behind him, stood there. He shouted, "All your money and valuables, hand them over, now!"

    The older man still traveling handed over a bag with jiggling coins as his hands shook. Mary's husband then took a bag holding coins, full though it was smaller, and held it out. The man with the thick beard snatched it from his hand.

    "What do you have in that box under where you sit?! Tell me!"

    "There is frankincense and myrrh, eastern fragrances, in it."

    "Pull it out. I will take that too!" That man held out his long blade toward them. The other men with him were similarly armed.

    Once he had a grasp of the box, he had another man who had been behind him help him carry it out from the wagon, and they both departed, with the others with him. After a little more time the wagon they were on continued on.

    Mary said, sadly, "Now we come back with nothing."

    Her husband said, "We come back, with our lives."

    The child, who watched what was happening outside the wagon said, "And we come back with our God." He smiled.

    They looked outside, and saw the earth open up under the bandits, they were suddenly swallowed up.

    Mary said, surprised, "Judgment has come on those men! But, we are still without anything now, that we had traveled with."

    The child said, "Are we? See what we have under our seats."

    Mary and her husband looked. There sat a box just like there had been there, previously. And next to it was a coin bag just like the one they saw taken from them.

    The couple were brought in the caravan wagon to one of the small towns in the country of Galilee, occupied yet by some of the empire forces. They departed from the wagon through the dusty street to where the home Mary's husband, Joseph, was going to inherit from his aged family. They had been gone several years due to all the circumstances they had, since leaving for the tax count.

    What was different now was an infestation, where rats came first, now there were aggressive snakes here. One soldier of the occupying forces had been bitten, and an old uncle in Mary's family had been, too.

    When Mary came to see her uncle, with the child she wanted to introduce, she was astonished and very concerned to see that uncle's condition. Then she learned about the aggressive snakes, which could give people here a poisonous bite. The child disregarded the concern, and came to give the great uncle a hug. Right after that, Mary's uncle looked all better, and he was no longer suffering.
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 08-01-2024 at 02:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    This writing I am showing is not working well for me in the blog with its form only being a singular post with comments only possible in which to place more. I put it here now
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 08-05-2024 at 02:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    There really was a subforum for texts from blogs to be posted in by the blog writers, according to what had been said for them to do before the move of the forum site. I really looked around, repeatedly, without seeing it anywhere. If it somehow really exists, and I just somehow could not manage to find it, and this then not the right place for this text I save from this old site's blog, I ask for it to be moved to the right place for it, and with it in the right place the title of this thread can be changed.

  4. #4
    The Replicant
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    They’re here:

    I can move this thread there for you, if you like?
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  5. #5
    Salvation in Fantasy
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    Yes, if there is a subforum for the texts copied from the authors' blogs, I think this that I posted with text from my blog should go there. I was thinking the change to the new site was about to happen.

  6. #6
    The Replicant
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    And yes, we should be moving imminently but we are waiting for an update from our tech moderator.
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.


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