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Thread: Riddles: Tales from Tailte OOC {Reboot}

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    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    Default Riddles: Tales from Tailte OOC {Reboot}

    Riddles: Tales from Tailte
    (Now this is a lot of writing, but bear with)

    Tailte is an ancient land filled with magic and mythical creatures. It is a beautiful place, covered with forests and vast green plains. The lands in the northern and western regions are the warmest parts of Tailte. The rest of the land is often plagued with unpredictable weather, ranging from clear sunny days to bitter snowstorms and gales.

    Near the dawn of men the five nations were at ease with themselves and each other. Then the Olc came. It was a great evil that invested itself into every man, woman and child that lived in Diabhal. It forced them to do whatever it willed them to do. Be it to kill each other or even kill themselves.

    Eventually the Olc’s grew to be too much of a threat, so the remaining four nations forged a treaty which would become known as the alliance. The war lasted for decades and eventually became known as The Exodus of Diabhal.

    The Olc was almost destroyed but the restlessness of the Atonians was too great and the battle was almost lost. Thankfully the mighty sorcerer Draoi was able to end the Olc once and for all. Or so it is thought. Diabhal is now a wasteland of ash and ruin, no-one dares to venture there, not anymore.

    Tailte has gone through three ages since the Exodus and much has changed. The alliance between the four nations still stands but the bonds of trust are beginning to weaken and break. It won’t be long now, not long until a new war breaks out.

    Lands and Races


    Atoni is now a wasteland filled with wild in-hospitable forests. It was once a peaceful elegant place. The Atonians inhabited the forests with ease building settlements that eventually grew into cities. However when the exodus of Diabhal began the Olc’s tore through the country killing and destroying anything that came into their path. Surprisingly a fair amount of Atonians survived. However the Atonians were foolish. During the exodus they ruined the chances of the Alliance cleansing Diabhal of Olc’s completely. The reasons for the Atonians impatience have been forgotten by all except the Atonians themselves.

    Now there are only a few hundred Atonians still in existence. They roam their homeland in a large convoy of horses and caravans. They keep their own matters to themselves and do not get involved with the other countries quarrels. The other lands see the Atonians as complete and utter barbarians, they are often spat upon and treated unfairly. However it doesn't cause them too much hassle, as many Atonians don't even leave Atoni in their lifetime.
    Atonians usually have pale skin and wild curly hair. They are excellent climbers and horse riders. Most of them make good marksmen. They cover themselves with the furs and pelts of the creatures that live among the Forrest. They have gained a reputation as being traitors and un-trustworthy among the other nations.
    Spoiler: Quick OOC note 


    Saibhreas is the wealthiest of the four nations, due to its central location and access to the Northern seas. Poverty is almost non-existent. King Cadman rules over the nation with his thirty advisors, each advisor chosen from a predominant household of Saibhreas. The King himself is a wise kind ruler who tries to rule fairly but is often blocked by his greedy advisors each only wanting more gold and riches. All of them fail to see the watchful eyes of the Raincs who wait patiently for their time to strike.

    The people of Saibhreas are referred to as Saibs. The often have tanned skin with darker hair. Most of them are used to a life of luxury and it is rare to find a Saib warrior, but they do exsist in small numbers. You will more likely find Saib politicians.
    Spoiler: Quick OOC note 


    There is one word to describe the people of Fhrainc: (Referred to as Raincs) sleazy. They were once as wealthy as the Saibs but they lost all of their riches in the exodus. Too lazy to fight for themselves the Raincs threw money at the Saibs, Atonians and Bhreatains. The cheek of the Raincs knew no bounds. After the exodus and the loss of so many lives of the paid countries the Raincs still demanded to be paid back the money they had invested. Obviously the paid countries refused and Fhrainc became a poverty ridden nation full of tricksters and liars.
    The nation is just about kept together by the wealthiest man in the land, Lord Truco whose family somehow kept their riches throughout and after the exodus. Lord Truco dictates what happens in the land, as long as it benefits him. The citizens don’t bother to rebel though as it would mean having to put actual effort into something.

    The land of Fhrainc is the coldest in Tailte and incredibly unforgiving. The place seems eerie and unnatural, it's full of natural oddities. For example, Fhrainc has a frozen Jungle, The Jungle of Calor is seemingly made entirely of ice and snow.

    Raincs are usually short and stout with an almost sickly pale skin and oily brown hair.
    In younger life Raincs are muscly but as they progress to middle age they often go bald and grow fat. Surprisingly fighters are not uncommon in Fhrainc, fist fights are a common place to earn money through bets or fighting itself.
    Spoiler: Quick OOC note 


    The Bhreatains are a simple yet hardy folk that know the land like the back of their hand. If they do not grow up to farm then they will become warriors, protecting wealthy noblemen or joining another nation’s guard.

    Bhreatain is not ruled by any king or lord, instead a council of forty farmers from across the land decide what is best for the country in general. Bhreatain often takes pity on the Atonians and gives them aid whenever they need it. In return the Atonians have given the Bhreatains spiritual insight and most of the Bhreatains believe in the same spirits as the Atonians. There is a strong bond between Atoni and Bhreatain.

    Bhreatains are often tall and fair, with very pale skin and blonde hair. Many Bhreatain men are brutes and giants making excellent swordsmen and warriors.
    Spoiler: Quick OOC note 

    Different forms of the Olc

    The olc takes the form of any creature that dares to cross into its realm, dead or alive. After the exodus, the Olc had the opportunitty to take on the forms of the dead bodies that now littered its borders. The Olc can take the form of three creature that the people of the alliance know of: Man, dragon and griffins, (Though the latter is rare)

    The Olcs true form has rarely been seen by man, there has only been one recording of their physical appearance and that was by the mighty sorcerer Draoi. This is what the doccument said:
    The Olc have no real physical appearance, they resemble a pitch black cloud in the vauge shape of a human. They have no features that I can see but they seem to recognise each other well enough.

    Places of Interest


    Sareas - The capital city of Saibhreas
    The village of Vale - A costal village that thrives on fishing
    The MistTop Mountins - A group of small mountins that become shrouded in mist in the long inter months
    The abandoned Watchtower - Simply an old un-used watchtower that has become a Saibhreas landmark
    Woolton Town - Just a simple working town
    Westwich Town - A town once plauged by the Olc, still being re-built after the destruction the Olc caused.
    Blacktrade Market - A black market
    Padgate woods - A small nestle of trees used for hunting and catching game by many locals


    The forgotten Aisles - Islands once owned by the Atonians, now lost to the Olc.
    The ruins of Neamh - The remains of the once great Atonian capital city.
    Celtica Settlement - A patch of land where the Atonian Convoy settle regularly.
    The white coast - A huge stretch of white sandy beaches
    The island of Ariett - The home of the temple of Ean. The most sacred building the Atonians still have standing.


    Cyfalaf - The capital City of Bhreatain, though its not much bigger than a town
    Tref Town - A trading town with strong connections to Saibhreas.
    Oed woods - A old wood rotted away by time
    Fasnach town - A fishing town.
    Llyn Lake - A large lake which is used for fun as a skating rink in the long winter months
    Dociau Docks - Collecting supplies and other items from Fhrainc
    The Hall of Ffrindiau - Where the council of farmers meet to rule Bhreatain.
    Afon ferry - A ferry across to Atoni


    Ganancia - The capital city of Fhrainc, and the place where Lord Truco calls home.
    Pobreza - A slimy fishing town
    Knothole Nook - A tavern known for its conmen and thugs.
    The jungle of Calor - A hot humid place known for its man-eating plants
    Trucos - A town dedicated to his lordship ... even though he isn't dead yet.
    Tailtes Eye - The first sight of Tailte a returning ship will see.

    Oceans & Rivers

    The mist Gates - A sea named for the mist that shrouds the waters in secrecy constantly. No-one knows who lives beneath the waves.
    The River of riches - The main river of Saibhreas, named for the wealth that flows through it.
    The river of glass - The river seperating Atoni from Bhreatain. In the winter the river freezes over, hard enough to walk on.
    The channel of peace - The shallow river that seperates Atoni from Ariett The convoy usually ford the river to get across.


    Griffins are native to Saibhreas and refuse to breed or populate anywhere else. They became tamed by the Saibs after the exodus. They serve as fighting animals in the Saibhreas army but some are kept as pets by the wealthiest families. They have become a symbol of Saibs power and feature on the nation’s flag.

    Dragons are the smartest of any of Tailte’s creatures. They are clever and can understand and speak some of man’s languages. They used to live in Diabal before the days of the Olc. But like so many others they too were overcome and became prey to the Olc’s will. There is a rumour that some dragons not under the influence of the Olc still roam the northern hemisphere. Dragons cannot be tamed. That does not mean they can't be your friend.

    Selkies thrive in the seas surrounding Tailte, favouring the warmer seas near Fhrainc. It is difficult to spot a selkie as they can change into a human form at will. When in human or seal form they can breathe underwater. They possess no other magical powers.

    The Blaidds are giant wolves that roam the woods of Bhreatain. Like the dragons they have a mind of their own and can speak some of the languages of men. They move in one large pack devouring any meat they can find including man meat. If their numbers grow too large then the Bhreatains will order a cull against them. Because of this the Blaidd have a bitterness against mankind.

    Perytons populated the fields of Tailte before the days of the exodus. In the years after the exodus however they disappeared. There are rumours that the Raincs hunted them down for riches and reputation, but some still believe they exsist and that they are simply hiding themselves until the days of peace return.
    Perytons look similar to stags but with the addition of powerful eagle wings. Near the dawn of man it is said the Atonians rode these elegant creatures instead of horses, but it has been so long the Atonians themselves cannot be sure of this.

    Jackalopes are the failed experiment of the great wizard Draoi that escaped into the wilds and spread like wildfire. They are basically fluffy rabbits (Smaller than the usual kinds) with small pointy antlers. They are often captured and domesticated for use as pets due to their "cuteness"

    Phoenix's once followed the daughters of Ean wherever they went. Now though, they have become rare and almost non-exsistent. They are large birds, usually four foot in height with a wingspan of about a metre in length. They can ignite at whim and are incredibly powerful.


    The Ean bloodline of Atoni
    Kyna was the first of the Ean bloodline. She was a warrior in the exodus and was the Atonian believed to ruin the cleansing of Diabhal. While shunned by the other nations the Atonians surprisingly worshipped her, for reasons again known only to themselves. A prophecy was made about the bloodline. According to Atonian law the tenth generation of Ean would “Bring death and destruction to all but the good with the rage of fire”. However the ninth daughter disappeared and had no apparent children, and so the bloodline ends there.
    The Atonians still worship the “Nine daughters” each daughter a different strength.
    Kyna – Strength
    Caoimhe – Kindness
    Ruari – Spirit
    Seren – Elegance
    Jilleen – Youth
    Laoise – Joy
    Naomh - Peace
    Shaira – Sacrifice

    The teachings of Draoi
    The sorcerer Draoi left many teachings before his death which many Saibs now believe and follow.

    The first teaching
    If you are kind to a fellow man or beast then fate will reward you and your kin
    The second teaching
    If you kill another man out of spite or greed fate will punish you until the end of your days
    The third teaching
    There is always a time and place for redemption


    Magic once exsisted in abundancein Tailte. However after the death of the great Socerer Draoi, magic became used less and less. It still exsists within the world but is now treasured and revered, often used by priests and other religious icons. The magic that does still exsist however has no real limits.

    There is destruction magic used in combat to kill enemies. This may be by burning your enemies by magical flames or freezing them in ice for eternity.

    Healing magic is used for healing (Funnily enough)

    Practical magic are the type of spells used to do everyday things like levitation or telekinesis.


    1. My word is law
    2. If you want to create something new within the world please PM me first and we’ll make sure it fits ok (Same if you want to do something secret with your character).
    3. No giant plot twists without my approval.
    4. You can be anyone you like a prince, a bandit, even a certain part of the olc if you really wanted.
    5. 3. Committed players only, please. I really don't want this to die
    6. To check you've read this, add the word popadopolus into the other section.

    Other than that Have fun!

    You can play as a form of the olc if you want, just check it with me first to be sure
    You can play as a selkie too as they are humanoid

    Character Sheet

    Name: (please include any nicknames or titles)
    Strengths & Skills:
    Appearance: (Picture and/or description. please include equipment and clothing)
    Last edited by BumblingBee; 07-19-2014 at 05:28 PM.

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    My very own character

    Name: Aoife 'Fee' Dóiteáin

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Race: Atonian

    Personality: Ambitious, Brave, humorous, lively and sometimes se can be a little bit shy.

    History: Aoife was born to a wealthy Saib advisor and a Atonian mother. Her mother died during childbirth and her Father was far too busy to raise her. So instead she was brought up by her auntie and Uncle in Atoni, Much to her Fathers dismay. It was agreed however that when she was twenty years of age she would rejoin her Father in Saibhreas and become a lady of court.

    She was a shy child with few friends. As with all Atonian children, she was given a horse of her own on her tenth birthday. A huge black thoroughbred she named Topthorn. The pair forged an instant bond of friendship and have worked together ever since. Growing up Aoife spent her time hunting in the tree tops with her small group of friends, because of this she is now a exceptional climber and archer.

    However now she is of age, her Auntie and Uncle are preparing her to rejoin her Father. The problem is Aoife isn't too pleased about this.

    Strengths & Skills: Exellent archer and climber, Brilliant horse rider (Like all Atonians).

    Weaknesses: She can often be cautious and cold around new people. She is very protective of her family and her people, and will do anything for them.

    Fears: She is terrified of losing her friends and loved ones.

    Spoiler: Fee 

    She has pale skin and a wild mess of black curly hair that falls a little way past her shoulders. She has a beautiful face, with golden coloured eyes that are so bright you'd swear you could see them in the dark.
    Now she is off to Saibhreas her usual Atonian furs have been deemed too ... 'Barbaric. So she has been kitted out in some average Saib clothes. She wears some black riding pants and grey lace up boots that go up to her knees. For a shirt she wears a white blouse with her sleeves always rolled up. She adorns a navy hooded cloak to top it all of. All she carries for a weapon is a simple hunting bow, not meant for combat, mind you a lady wouldn't need a bow anyways.

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    Hello there, it looks like you’re off to an amazing start! Here are a few links that will help you get your game noticed! Have fun and happy RPing!

    Why not check out the Roleplay of the Week thread?

    And if you need any graphics for your Roleplay of the Week submission, the Banner shop is a great place to go for them!

    The Roleplaying Games Directory is also a nifty place to advertise your thread!

    Wanna know a secret? Staff Siggies are pretty cool too!

    Extra, extra, read all about it! Show off your stuff with the RPA Tribune!


    Good luck!!!

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    Name: King Cadman Fakhir
    Gender: male
    Race: Saib
    Personality: Cadman is a kind and generous king who cares for his people. As a father however he can be harsh and judgmental. He takes his role as king very seriously and puts that before all else. His relationship with his advisors can be unstable as Cadman has ideas on how his kingdom should be run but he is often broken down by the views of his advisors and sometimes blinded by their manipulation to further their own wealth over the well being of his people.

    History: Son of King Kenhelm Fakhir, nephew of Great Queen Mildred. Cadman took over as king after the death of his father when he was 34, the 16th king of the Fakhir line. Over the years he has become wiser through experience and respected by his people. Cadman is the father of four sons, his eldest Caleb is named as his heir, Rurik, Lock and his youngest is Edin, who is much younger than his older brothers at age 10. Cadman is married to Cantara, who is also the mother of his four sons. She has been extremely ill over the year. This has made Cadman rather stressed. Due to his wife's illness he has allowed his advisors more power and has fallen blind to some of their actions as his mind is constantly filled with grief of the love of his life slowly dying in front of his eyes. His relationship with his sons have suffered as well, mostly with his eldest, who he finds himself arguing with more and more as things get worse.

    Strengths & Skills: Cadman is a good strategist and a good swordsman.

    Weaknesses: His own blindness to those he trusts.

    Fears: The lose of all he loves.

    Appearance: Cadman is rather tall and well build. Though sitting on the throne and through meetings with his advisors has done a number on him and he is much rounder than he was in his younger years. His hair has gone gray and he has a well trimmed beard that only further ages him. Due to stress he looks rather wary eyed. He dresses in some of the finest fabrics and jewels that show his position as king along with a gold circulate as his crown.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Name: Prince Caleb Fakhir III
    Age: 25
    Gender: male
    Race: Saib
    Personality: Prince Caleb is rather nice and much like his father cares for the people who he is expect to rule over in the future. He is however rather serious on most occasions and takes his studies to heart. However this doesn't mean he doesn't know how to enjoy himself, mostly with the company of women. Caleb feels the heavy burden on his shoulders and sometimes wishes to escape it. However he sees it has his duty to protect his father, who Caleb feels is being manipulated by his council in his moment of weakness.

    History: Prince Caleb is King Cadman's oldest son, and his heir. He has grown up in the life of luxury though he likes to think he is aware of the state of poverty of the nations around him. Caleb spent his whole life with a wave of expectation hanging over him. He sometimes wishes the role of heir was thrusted upon one of his other brothers instead of himself but he understands the responsibility and as long as the duty is his he will try his best at it. As for his relationship with his brothers, he get along with them and spends much of his time his first younger brother Rurik who's a bit of a joker and he has to keep under control.

    Caleb doesn't trust his father's advisors. This is what mostly fuels the arguments between Caleb and his father. Caleb distrust to his father's advisors has caused him to take action to protect his father who had allowed them to go unchecked. This includes Caleb's own secret group of spies that are hidden through out the servant staff that report to him when they hear of anything they think Caleb should know about.
    Caleb is currently engaged to the daughter of a rich Bhreatain farmer, named Sierra Marie Adela. Caleb only meet Sierra once before, when they were younger. The marriage, though not technically arranged was not Caleb's idea. Sierra's relations in Bhreatain could be useful to the saibs and the marriage would help reinforce the alliance between the two nations.

    Strengths & Skills: Caleb is a good swordsmen as well as decent rider on a griffin.
    Weaknesses: Caleb cares perhaps a bit to much about others.
    Fears: Caleb fears most that is true enemies are unknown to him.
    Appearance: Caleb is of a decent height, though not extremely tall. He is narrowed shouldered but his training keeps him toned. His hair is curly and a dark brown that is kept cut and neat. His eyes are a bright icy blue, that contrast against his tan skin. He is some times clean shaven but he does also keep a thin beard and mustache when his duties are less strenuous. Caleb is dressed in the nicest light leather armor money can buy and usually has his blade,given to him as a gift when he came of age, on his belt.
    Last edited by AvisCrown; 08-21-2014 at 03:41 AM.

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    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    Of course you're accepted

    I may do a mini CS for Lock and Calloch later :P
    Dunno yet

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    Hey, I just put this together, let me know if you need anything changed or clarified.

    Name: Yvalla Telri (Some call her ‘The Fae’)
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Race: Atonian
    Personality: Yvalla is greatly opposed to the way that many in the world treat wild creatures. She has a desire to protect the natural world at nearly all costs. She is ruthless to those who threaten her, but kind to those who are kind themselves. In that way, she is motherly towards those close to her.

    History: Yvalla lived as a child in the caravan, but always felt uncomfortable eating the meat that they served and wearing the furs that they all wore as clothing. Because of this, she was often mocked by other children, and she became isolated. She fell in love with the trees around her, and often spent her free time climbing around and following the caravan from the solitude and quiet of the woods. She became very proficient with her bow as well as knives that she learned to throw, and so as she grew older, the hunters decided to take her out with them.
    She was sent to track down a creature that they had shot and wounded, but when she found it, she couldn’t do what she was told to do. It was a large wolf, not a Blaidd, and was injured badly by the arrows of the other Atonians. She took pity on the creature and managed to carry it away, hiding herself from the hunters and disappearing into the woods. She eventually nursed the wolf back to health, and began to live in the forest, protecting the creatures that lived near her. The wolf became her close friend and aided her to live as she did. She refused to kill other animals, and while she accepted that the wolf, who she named Diala, had to eat, she did not believe that humans needed to eat meat to live.
    She tends to keep to herself unless other humans enter her domain, and if they try to harm the forest or the creatures within, she punishes them from the shadows of the tall trees. Nobody who defies her protecting force leaves unscathed, and none who encounter her know who she is. As such, she has earned the title ‘The Fae’ and there are rumors of her presence, but few actually believe the stories.
    She eats berries and other vegetables and fruits that she can gather from the forest, and she weaves her own clothing out of the leaves and grasses in the forest as she cannot stand the pelts that she wore before.

    Strengths & Skills: Yvalla is an expert marksman, as well as very proficient in knife work. She has had quite a lot of practice. She can also remain hidden if she wishes and move silently.

    Weaknesses: She is not used to large groups of people, and she can lose control of her emotions rather easily. Seeing others in harm tends to trigger a rage and hatred that can lead her to act very rashly.

    Fears: She is afraid that she will fail to protect others, she is afraid that the future is devoid of life other than that of the humans or of the Olc.

    Appearance: Yvalla is tall and pale. She is toned from years living in the forest, taking only what she needed to live, and from climbing through the trees. Her hair is a dark red and is entwined with dark green leaves from the trees in which she lives. It falls in wild curls around her head and down her back, framing an angular face. She has dark brown eyes that appear black in dark lighting. She wears earthy brown pants and a dark green shirt that she created with fibers in the forest. She also has a grey green hooded cloak that she wears to help to conceal herself in the shadows of the forest.
    She carries a tall longbow with her everywhere as well as her knives. She has one small knife and on longer one. She can both fight close up, and throw them if she must, though she prefers to use her bow from a distance if she is to fight.

    Other: Popadopolus I guess?
    There was once a line marked out by God, through which were divided Heaven and Hell. And thus was chaos banished from the world. The Devil created Lawyers to make amends. They argued the thickness of the line until there was enough room within it for all the sins of men to fit. And all the sins of women too.

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    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    Bob on! Accepted

    One little thing and this is just a hint more than anything. Your character lives mainly in the forrest, and that's fine. However last time we did this we had a another character who also lived in the forrest, they had the problem of not a lot of interaction due to their characters location. Eventually they just kinda lost interest in the RP :/

    So all I'm saying is do you plan to keep them in the woods forever? Or do you have a story in mind?

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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    Member CryoLilly's Avatar
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    Well, I had a thought that Aoife or Fee or whatever would be having to get to Saibhreas, or she would be heading that way at some point, maybe through the forest where Yvalla lived. If not, could just have some people from Saibhreas in the forest doing some form of deforestation for lumber and stuff, and she wants to tear out the problem at the roots. Not that she'd ever tear out any kind of good plant...
    There was once a line marked out by God, through which were divided Heaven and Hell. And thus was chaos banished from the world. The Devil created Lawyers to make amends. They argued the thickness of the line until there was enough room within it for all the sins of men to fit. And all the sins of women too.

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    I feel like those ideas would only temporarily fix your problem :/.You'd still end up alone and you'd have to keep waiting for others to interact with you. Which is not a good position to be in in an rp. Everyone else is going to be more concerned with their character, not making sure you have someone to rp with. They would find people who were easier for them to interact with.

  10. #10
    The bumbliest of bumbling bees
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    I'm up fo dat thing with Fee
    Cool, that sorts that then

    And now ... we wait ...

    The last mosquito that bit me had to check into the Betty Ford clinic

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