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Thread: Gold Match: Enchanter (Emonalach) Vs. Reaver (Vee) - Judges Kris/Dak/Kicks

  1. #1
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    Default Gold Match: Enchanter (Emonalach) Vs. Reaver (Vee) - Judges Kris/Dak/Kicks

    This is the scenery you wake up to.

    You blink once or twice as your eyes are getting used to the red bright twilight last sun rays over the horizon as you notice the big damaged sign "RPALandia".

    This was once a lively city, you think to yourself, but now it is a ghost town, forgotten in time and space. Was this the fate awaiting you too, should you lose?

    You look up and notice your opponent who is standing on the other side of the road. You are about to get ready to fight when you notice a silhouette falling down upon your back. You look up and see a descending angel, her wings huge and magnificent. Once she lands she starts to whisper something.

    You hear noises and turn around quickly.

    Slowly from the ground, from the buildings, from the damaged cars, and from each direction they are gathering around -- The judges themselves have come to greet you.

    While only four remain on ground level, the others are disappearing to the roof of the highest building.

    You look at the remaining four and they are all glaring at you with a sinister smile.

    The angel stepping closer to them and she speaks to you, "I am Kris, and this our riddle:

    'Let us be behind a veil, left to our secret designs. Then present us with the object of our desire and we will show you the meaning of temptation. Be ready, because our passion will flow like blood that runs through your veins and at the end you will be ready to welcome the blissful pain that will open to you a new world... or more to say, your familiar world.'"

    Kiki is the first to speak: "I am Lady Temptation- Give me what I desire most".

    Kicks is second : "I am the Queen of Secrets- Give me what I desire most".

    G joins the group: "I am the Mistress of Pain- Give me what I desire most".

    And finally you see a parachute opening. Once he lands down you know it's dakkagor who turns to stand besides the three ladies: "I am the Baron of Blood- Give me what I desire most"

    Kris speaks again, "If you have watched carefully you will know the answers. The arena is a great field for you to work upon, using the ruins and the leftovers of this forgotten city. Should you choose to appease our judges, you will be given their grace, but only if you give each of them their desired object"

    She then flies up and joined by the other judges on the roof-top: LiveVoltage, NecroNama, Alanoth and Maeve.
    As Kris claps her hands each of the judges besides her starts to throw down an item to the ground. LiveVoltage throws a teddy bear; NecroNama throws a small spaceship model; Alanoth throws a glowing looking box and Maeve throws a torch.

    Kris watches as the items hit the ground, not far from where the four judges are standing. Once they are ready she screamsn, "Fight!".



    *) You are going to fight as usual, but should you chose to appease one of the judges you must waste one "action" move to give him/her their item.

    *) If you give them the wrong item nothing happens!

    *) If you were able to solve their puzzle's item, a post will follow to describe the effects of the appeased judge to which both of you need to regard accordingly.

    *) Each of you are allowed to try and appease up to 2 judges.

    *) Instead of waiting for an appeal, the last battle will be judged by three judges and the results are final.

    *) Extension- Probably will not be given. You may still try to request and if the reason is good enough you may be given one, not more.

    Good luck.

    Each of you have 5 posts and 72 hours to post inbetween.

    The first to go is TheDoc

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    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Default As master commands, so slave obeys

    This is it, then.

    A dimming land of shattered civilization, fragile and brittle at a glance, greeted the Fallen's sunken eyes upon his reappearance. Ghosts of calamity lapped upon his cheeks, phantom winds of a metropolis now lost. The loneliness of such a landscape was haunting in visual and aural presentation, seizing sympathy by its heartstrings and wrenching with great might. Romanticism, however, sprouted from every crack and crevice in the Fallen's perspective, for it was a rare and indescribable sight to watch the rotting corpse of a broken society. This was his legacy; every foe he destroyed, every nemesis he conquered, obelisks of grand achievement met with an ultimate fate of evanescence by the implacable zephyr of time itself. The silent solitude of such a disclosure, polluted only by the ambient breezes from beyond, was both diluting and harrowing.

    But I'm not alone here, am I?

    Another female stood before him on the opposite side of the fractured street, not divergent in appearance from his previous opponent. However, while cursed with a similar deathly skin tone and pitch, navy-like locks, her eyes glimmered with a curious lavender tinge that sparkled with duplicitous life yet betrayed little enthusiasm. Her perfection paralleled the Fallen's own, her rounded cheeks expressing ardent femininity compared to his own angular jawline. Below her paradoxical gaze lay statuesque lips, flawlessly rotund and exquisitely crimson.

    Just like his mother's.

    His newfound memories tore jagged scars into the flesh of his mind, but he had little time to contemplate them beyond a glance. Beings of omnipotent proportion sprung from the ground and descended from the sky above, spouting bemusing diction that the Fallen gathered and digested to the best of his ability. So these were his gods, his masters in this incomprehensible tournament, and they demanded his entertainment once more. These were the beings of his innermost hatred, manifestations of his patience waned and starved by nonsensical folly. Every one of them stood before him in his new arena, together in his radical presence. Before the sun fell, he would bathe in their collective bloodshed.

    But...that's it.

    A chortle crept from the Fallen's figure as the angel Kris demanded conflict, a quiet snigger that quickly ascended to greater size. It grew out of his control, perverting into a maniacal cackle as he doubled over with arms clasped across his abdomen. "In...ingenious!" The laughter continued as he threw his face skyward, wild eyes gazing upon the amber clouds above. "Absolutely magnificent! What a beautiful, twisted plot! How could I possibly have ignored such an obvious solution?!"

    The towering man's roars of laughter settled to amused chuckles as he walked calmly towards the tokens of appeasement that clattered to the ground, his gnarled hand massaging his side through the black fabric of his coat. "This...this is all for me. You tested my patience with trial after trial, pulling away my prey moments before I pounced upon them. You whetted my curiosity by stealing my memories, but they were nothing but diversions to make me continue your game." He leaned over the small ovular spaceship and plucked it from the earth, raising it to eye level. "You made me keep playing as my desire to kill you grew beastly and near untamable. That is why I was punished for my assault upon you in the previous engagement: it simply wasn't the right time."

    As he dusted off the figurine, the Fallen walked towards the so-called "Baron of Blood," locking his gaze upon him. Without a doubt, this was the man who Sabriel had coaxed him into attacking, the god that had the authority to remove his indomitable powers. "This is a trial, an examination as to whether I truly deserve the kingdom which I so righteously overthrew. And in trying my claim, you want me to derive the highest form of absolute pleasure when I hurl your corpses upon the ground." His empty hand caressed his face as he approached the deity, the toy swaying by his side. "For I understand through these memories, I was driven by progress, yet never by indulgence. What sort of philistine ruler has the audacity to refuse the hedonism that his subjects so happily devour?"

    In tandem with his steps, the Enchanter prodded with the depths of his being, reaching for the pulsing signature of the pale lady. His mental presence caressed her power, yearning to reach out and seize it instantaneously. However, even he had his limits, for acquiring one of her coveted abilities demanded equal time and forbearance. As his steps echoed without disturbance between structures long abandoned, his mind reconstructed her supernatural ability within his entity, well on his way to confiscating that which was not his own. Whether she detected his duplication or not wouldn't matter when he was finished with her.

    The Fallen halted before the Baron and his hand fell to his side, a calmer demeanor assumed across his face. "Therefore, I shall kill this final sacrifice you have presented me with in a manner fitting for your entertainment, and I shall sip from the cup of self-gratification in the name of what belongs to me." He raised the synthetic model and extended it to the Baron, his grey eyes shining with passion and excitement. "Then, when I finish with her, I shall slaughter you all until said cup runneth over."

    Emonalach, the Fallen reborn, split his lips in serene rapture. "And I, a mortal, fragile being, shall rule an infinite empire in your names, my most loyal of subjects."
    Last edited by TheDoctor; 09-16-2015 at 11:04 PM.

    Thanks to Karma for the dandiest set
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    From this post Mys has 72 hours to post! GO!

    Quote Originally Posted by dakkagor View Post
    "You gave me my hearts desire, a fight worth remembering, a story worth telling, and a hero worth commemorating."

    Dakkagor holds aloft the model ship, for a second the lights and engines on the small model flare into life, and it seems that rather than a toy, you are looking at the real thing from a huge distance away.

    "In return, I give you the gift of time. Time is the one enemy we cannot defeat, but it can also be your ally. Use the time I have given, and make this battle one for the history books!"

    OOC : the successful player has all the cooldowns of their powers reset to zero. If all cooldowns are already at zero, they can use two powers next turn as they find they have more time on their hands.

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    These battles she had been forced to fight, every one of them had been leading to this moment. This crucial moment where it would all end and she would be able to continue her quest for revenge. As the ground tremored with the rising gods, the natural rage that accompanied her existence sprang up as Vee realized that these people were the ones who tormented her. They were the ones who threw her in an arena and left her to die unless she could prove her worth.

    And what for? It was for a game. Everything she had done was for their precious game!

    Well then. It’s time to play it once more, isn’t it? Show them what you’re capable of.

    Ah yes. Her true power had awakened. The rushing power left behind in her world had unveiled itself, and she would finally be able to prove that she wasn’t someone to be messed with. She had her instinct. She had her abilities. And now, she had a worthy opponent standing before her.

    Indeed, as Vee faced this final foe, she could sense something in him that had been absent in those she had defeated previously. He was strong, intelligent, and dark. He carried the air of someone who had fought hard during his life, much like herself. Much like him. Oh, how the mere thought of him sent her spiraling. He was just like him. Confident. Sinister. Threatening. He was just like the one she spent her every waking moment hunting. And she hated it. A snarl snuck across her face as she recognized the semblance.

    Give them what they want.

    Should she oblige? Should she give them the show they desired?

    The answer was yes. She would give them exactly what they wanted, and after she finished her hunt for he who wrong her, she would be back for them. She would be back to destroy these gods, no matter how much time it took or how many tries it required. She would be the last one standing in the end. There was not a doubt in her mind.

    As Vee watched the dark male’s movements as he presented one of the four objects to the one god she recognized, a plan was formulating inside her mind. He was given the gift of time according to this god, but she was nearly certain it was temporary. It was a bet she would have to take.

    Let’s start.

    Each side had their pieces. Every move they would make would be like a chess board piece aimed strategically to force their opponent into submission. It was time for their macabre dance to begin.

    Just as the god finished speaking of his gift, Vee leaped. She took flight, using the air around her to her advantage. She flew higher and higher, observing everything in sight; she would need it later.

    The ruins of the city groaned beneath her as a light breeze sung past them, threatening their collapse. Vee took note of the various cracks and holes, noting certain aspects of each of the nearest buildings before she turned to look back down.

    “I’ll be waiting,” she shouted down before vanishing through a broken window. Instantly, her eyes began to adjust to the dim lighting, and she took her place, back against the wall and awaited her opponent’s arrival. In the meantime, she bit her thumb, allowing her blood to begin dripping into a pool in her hand.

    Each had moved their first pawn. What piece would be used next?

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    A Dandy Guy in Space
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    Default For fear of righteous ire

    The Baron's response only heightened Emonalach's glee, and he relished in the sublimity of holding the power of time in his hands. Even if it was for only a moment, the fact remained that he could wield that which belonged to no mortal. The ever-flowing torrent of time presented itself before him, ready for him to reach into its infinite depths and seize a pebble from its omnipotent riverbed. Surely such a sensation surpassed even what his shrouded past could present to him.

    But that was not all. As his ambitions were realized, he felt his opponent's power manifest in his being, chained and dominated by his willpower. The peculiar metallic pang of blood tickled the edges of his nostrils, but to call it a smell was a vast understatement. How could one possibly describe exposure to a new sense? Perhaps like a long-lost limb that finally found its way home, restoring the owner's ability to feel what he's missed his entire life. So she's a beast of blood, it seems.

    And yet there came upon him a third sensation, a mental thinning of both balance and comprehension. It was slight at best, but how naggingly irksome it was. His mind felt sluggish and derivative from his calculating carriage, drifting gently towards the periphery of animalism. He had no doubt whatsoever that the pale mistress was the source of his troubles, and should his condition worsen, it could cost him his inevitable victory.

    However, there was no need to rush. He had more than enough time.

    In response to the female's gaudy taunt, the Enchanter tittered with mirth and cast his eyes to the source of her voice up high. "'You'll be waiting?' Please, there's no need to wait. Your death will arrive upon gilded wings, girl." He turned on the spot and vanished in a flurry of his tailcoats, disappearing from the Baron's presence. Not a moment later, he materialized before the woman in the ruined skyscraper thirty feet from her, his boots scraping upon splintered linoleum. His gaze immediately focused upon hers, and another smile crept across his lips as he raised his arm in a gesture towards her. Like a boar outrun by dogs of the hunt, she cornered herself against the wall in a manner which Emonalach found all the more amusing.

    "You believe that wall is helping you?" Emonalach laughed again, shaking his head in disbelief. "You should be spending your last moments trying to escape with your life, savoring every wheezing breath from your exhausted frame. And yet here you are, saving me the trouble of hunting you down." His elevated hand clenched into a fist. "Where's the entertainment in that?"

    As his fingers coiled into his palm, the woman's stolen power flared to life from Emonalach's core. He immediately seized control of the blood pooled in her palm and forced it to explode in a storm of crimson spines, aimed to skewer her chest, legs, and head.

    But he wasn't finished.

    At his command, the stream of time split, diverging in two separate paths. While one self perforated the woman with her own blood, the other whispered the name of the lady of darkness, freeing the Enchanter from the burdens of his foes. Although he appeared to suffer from the pale woman's drain on his consciousness, he immediately thrived in his restored status. Never again would he permit her prying aura to weaken his tempered mind.

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    Is he really so blind as to think that I cornered myself?

    Vee struggled to withhold a chuckle as her opponent chided her “poorly calculated” move. All she did was sacrifice a few of her pawns to lure the enemy in like a vulture to rotting meat, and it succeeded. She wasn’t even forced to wait long as he appeared out of thin air mere feet from her position.

    “Don’t un- “

    A peculiar feeling shown a shadow across Vee’s mind, a hint of this man’s next move. Something was being tampered with that should never be touched by an outside force. Exactly what, she wasn’t sure, but she had no time to ponder it. Less than a moment passed between this detection and the attack.

    Her own blood was being used against her! She was the master of blood, not this lunatic! As the knife-like crimson points came towards her like bolts of lightning, Vee’s instincts took over, shielding her from the false move she would have otherwise made.

    She refused to allow him to manipulate her life source whether it came from her or elsewhere. Not now nor ever.

    The attack was halted millimeters before the strikes penetrated her skin, much too close for comfort. She needed to end this before this man got any more brilliant ideas.

    That means no stopping to chat! Kill him already!

    Yes. Kill. To kill until she destroyed all who opposed her, and then continue to kill yet further. She had performed this sinful action countless times during her existence, and she was ready to do it again. No. It wasn’t that she was ready; it was that she needed to.

    With this thought centered within her core, Vee flashed a smirk towards this dark pillar of a being and pivoted to her left, using the momentum to aid her in her task. A resounding crack announced the end of the aged wall as her right fist collided with the weakened stone structure. She felt the bones in her hand fracture from the impact, but she remained undeterred as she followed though, shattering a main support of the room both she and her foe were in. This accomplished, Vee used her right foot to push off the second it so much as licked the building’s trembling floor, flying into the air to escape the trembling collapse.

    Her plan appeared to work marvelously as the roof of the room caved, sending up clouds of debris and dust. As Vee landed softly on the roof of a building across the street, she chuckled, knowing full well she had used her knights’ first moves, and she still had the queen in reserve.

    Vee anxiously awaited the moment she might see her opponent rise from the ashes to see if he truly was challenging or if he had only appeared as such. She herself had not gone unscathed in her trick, and she still maintain a close watch on her blood, attempting to prevent any unnatural movement that might occur. She longed to attack with it, to show him how to properly wield its power, but she knew she would have to bide her time just a bit longer before showing her most important moves.

    All in due time.

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    Default As master retreats, so slave betrays

    Concrete crumbled and plaster disintegrated as the structure perished in a maelstrom of debris around the Fallen, and yet his senile stare did not falter. She believed him bested, ensnared in her juvenile subterfuge with nowhere to hide. A hazardous sea of detritus churned about him, therefore her ploy was a successful achievement in position alone. But if she thought her gambit purchased, no one was that witless.

    When the lady of shadows darted from the havoc she upheaved, he inhaled splinters of paint and limestone before liquifying, his entity departing from the physical restrains of his body. Said corpse greyed and withered into lifeless swill, mixing and trickling between broken pillars and shattered walls. His vision grew ever bright before relenting upon the familiar dismal chamber of the mysterious scribe. The shriveled cadaver was kneeling before its bedpost this time, fists clenched in apparent anguish next to the desk now overturned. Resting next to it like a haunting ghoul was the writing machine, its countless buttons and levers glistening tyrannically.

    What a nuisance, you have become... wretched cur of--

    Enough of your peddling nonsense! Emonalach's entity pulsed angrily at the omniscient presence. I am here for utility alone. Your incompetent speech has tired my ears. You may remain silent, nameless god, for I shall haul you from your throne soon enough.

    A chilling, inhuman giggle echoed through his being.

    Harrowing mortal.

    As Emonalach's eyes were consumed with light once again, he settled his bubbling aura. Concern over potential destruction in his current engagement with the pale woman was unnecessary, for his victory was inexorable. What jarred him was not uncertainty, but rather the mere concept of apprehension felt from his brief vacancy in the foreign realm. The anxiety triggered by that pervasive entity loomed threateningly behind his phantasmal frame. What truth did it hold in its sleeve? What was wrong?

    No, do not permit its entry under your skin. His visioned darkened again as earthly sensations tickled upon his reconstructing body. It is naught but a distraction from your conquest. Crush this peasant with the force of your will, and laugh bolder than any before you as she burns in your righteous inferno.

    For you, the Fallen reborn, are the sole of your kind.

    The puddle of refuse crawled higher amongst the concrete rubble. You are your only ally, the single paragon worthy of your trust and companionship.

    Now act like it.


    The monochromatic ooze swirled and cumulated into the Enchanter's towering figure, his caustic sarcasm rebounding amongst the settling destruction. Color resumed upon his frame, and a heavy breath expelled from his lungs as he opened his eyes. His arms stretched upwards and wide in a cat-like stretch, his neck tilting to the side and popping with satisfaction.

    "Clever, girl, but your resistance is fruitless."

    As his arms settled and clasped behind him, he raised his condescending gaze to the female upon the separate rooftop. "I do say, that must've really hurt to knock over." While words slithered from his gilded lips, his presence reached once again to hers, this time latching like a fiendish claw upon her nervous system. "Still, I'm sure you are not hindered by a pitiful scrape like that; just a bruise, nothing more."

    He opened his arms wide again in a welcoming gesture, inviting her to the opulent temple of his body. "Come, now, there is no need to restrain yourself, mongrel. Wounds of the flesh are meager slights compared to what shall befall you--well, us--before your inevitable end. Therefore, I propose a covenant."

    The white of his teeth flared wolfishly before her as he entwined their essences, their senses becoming one. "Please, show me what it means to feel true pain, and in return, I shall reward you with an illustrious death that only our watchful gods could dream of!"

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    "You want to fight for these gods? Do you plan on leaving them alive? Perhaps follow them? Try to make them follow you? That's absurd."

    Vee had noticed the trickling intrusion of her mind, felt the strange sensation of someone else breaking down her mental barriers and pressing in. She felt the intertwining of the two essences, surely a plan in construction.

    She had successfully launched her attack, but this man, this incredibly powerful being, had rendered her attack useless. It was time for a new plan, something better.

    He's proven he can escape you with ease. You won't win at this rate. If you can't beat this pathetic excuse of existence, then how do you expect to defeat him?

    That new voice inside her head was really beginning to get on her nerves. Do this. Do that. This was her fight, and she would choose when to listen to her instincts, and when to rely on strategy. As of now, she was relying on strategy, and there was nothing this voice could do to stop it.

    "I don't care to fight someone with such a ridiculous plan." As Vee stared down at him, a scowl of annoyance presented itself: annoyance of the voice, annoyance of this tournament of sorts, annoyance at her opponent's escape of her attack, annoyance that she didn't know her opponent's next move, annoyance that she knew she might not win this time.

    She knew she had to outsmart this creature, so god-like in his essence, in order to continue on her personal quest. As such, she left these words with him as she turned on her heel and walked two feet to a large hole in the roof and jumped down into the darkness.

    Follow me into my territory. It'll be the last thing you ever do.

    Yes. The darkness was where she thrived. She live as a nocturnal creature, a friend to the abyssal black. It was almost like it was welcoming her home, into a place where danger constantly lurked, but she remained safe from death.

    Vee stepped over several piles of debris, careful not to disturb any of it; she didn't need to reveal where she had gone. It was at the entrance of the stairs that she slipped left, hiding in wait behind the wall of the hall for her opponent to follow her, waiting until he would be near enough to strike. Hopefully, he would not take too long; she didn't care for patience, especially when she has already had to be so for her plans to work.

    She could feel her power over blood beginning to wane, and she grimaced, knowing full well that she had used it too early. If only she hadn't relied on her instincts. That did not matter though. She would be victorious, regardless of what her opponent faced her with.

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    Default And burns upon his pyre

    (Warning: the following may make you feel uncomfortable and/or squeamish. Please read with caution)

    "Do not put words into my mouth, girl. It's a foul habit, and I've executed vermin for less."

    As his prey vanished through the opening in the rooftop, the Enchanter stepped across the rubble on the top of his own building. She sought to pull him to her whim, to tug him along like a slave tied to his mounted master. How infuriating, how frustrating, how maddening her audacity was, like kindling for the bonfire of his soul. His muscles twitched ravenously, begging to hurl himself into her domain and tear into her dogged corpse. Animalism leapt upon his urges and sought to dominate logos in a flurry of claws and blood.

    Be still. To attend to your appetite is to indulge in weakness. Bind it, control it, make it serve you.

    A deep breath entered and escaped his lungs as the Enchanter strode carefully to the edge of the building. His neanderthaloid hunger had nearly cost him his life in his entanglement with the lizard. Despite his victory in the encounter, little amusement was available in watching a child's tantrum. Carelessness was an unyielding foe, but caution was equally destructive. A prime equilibrium was necessary, a flawless blend of peril and calculation.

    Well, then, the solution is simple.

    The Fallen's figure halted before the edge of the broken skyscraper, his demeanor having settled from its prior ferocity. His calibrated gaze remained on the hole that his enemy escaped through, but he made no movement to pursue her. After all, there was no need, no hastiness that pressed upon his inner mind. Time was his ally in this skirmish; urgency, his nemesis.

    He would make her come to him.

    "Unfortunately, your desires hold little bearing over my conscience. Your care for battle with me may be your opinion, but the topic of whether you will fight is not up for discussion." He called to the building she hid within, his voice dominating the ambient wasteland winds. "I made a demand, and an unruly mutt will garner no sympathy from me."

    The Enchanter reached for his face, the tips of his fingers caressing his right cheekbone. "I keep my dogs on a tight leash, and you are no exception."


    A sickening wet splatter resounded as a splash of blood paved the edging at Emonalach's feet. His jaw clenched as he paused for a moment, and with a twitch of his forearm, a more subdued squish echoed again. Crimson fluid dripped down his pale face and upon his boots, darkening the black leather further. Another pause followed with a deep, wavering breath.


    The damp noise played in unison with a heavy growl from the Fallen's grit teeth until it was punctually released. His right hand withdrew to his side as the left rose to his face, blood creeping from the newfound wound. Paralyzing pain crackled through his nervous system, but he refused to be trifled with it and remained standing. His chest heaved stubbornly as he forced his pulse and breathing to calm to a moderate pace. What a...wonderful sensation.

    His left hand fell from his face as his right hand rose again, exposing the bulbous pulp of flesh and trailing torn nerve that he clenched to his eyes.

    Well, to his eye. An empty, gaping hollow of crimson was all that remained of his right one.

    The angry fire that flared in his nerves was almost crippling to him, and his bodily instincts had almost refused to let him apply the necessary force for removal. Willpower alone had permitted him to push by compulsions of the flesh, but it was far from easy. Forcibly exposing one of the few organs of the cranium was extraordinarily unpleasant, even to the Enchanter's trembling hand. The process had been torturous and slower than required, but that was the point.

    If even he, the master of his corporeal nerves, was shaken by it, one could only fathom what his opponent felt.

    As the Fallen's arm shook, his hand gripped the extracted eye tighter until it was crushed in a spurt of blood and ocular fluid. His limbs immediately halted their tremors, and with a final exhale, he settled his heart rate. The muscles in his jaw relinquished their pythonic grip as his teeth slackened, trails of crimson tracing along his chin.

    "Have I made myself clear, or shall I keep going?"

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    As Mys failed to post by the deadline, the Doc is the official winner.

    ================================================== ==========
    Suddenly the vampire felt drained of life. Was the life force to support her being much weak to withstand the final battle?

    All of the eight now formed before the Enchanter and the Reaver, looking confused as they nodded to each other with a fearsome expression. They were not pleased for having the pleasure stolen from them.

    From the corner of their eyes they watched the vampire grinning. She knew that in her death, she was able to at least beat another foe of her.

    With a wave of their fingers she was gone.

    Dead? forever?

    No one knew.

    They leered over the Enchanter as they move around him, sending their hands forward.

    Emonalach nodded carefully as he wipe the blood off his face.

    This was clearly not how he wanted to win, but it was he a win non the less.

    And as they waved their hands beside him, and their magic worked around his body he knew that his wish has been granted. He was feeling the power renewing within him and he could see a path. A familiar paved road.

    He started to cross into another world, and as he was walking in memories of this event was slowly forgotten and he too, was gone from the arena.

    The judges disappeared. One by one.

    Probably heading to their final rest. And would most likely stay there.

    Until the next big rumble, that is.

    ================================================== ==

    Congratulation to The Doctor for winning the final road.


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