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Thread: Space War - recruitment and OOC

  1. #1
    The Replicant
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    Default Space War - recruitment and OOC

    Recruitment and OOC thread for the War in the Void campaign. Submit your ships and characters for review here!

    Major NPCs are detailed in the next post, and will be added to as the campaign progresses.

    ICs are live! Click here for the Imperials and here for the Patriots.

    Spoiler: Accepted Ships and Characters 

    Last edited by Azazeal849; 05-18-2023 at 05:45 PM.
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    Spoiler: The Imperial Crusade 

    Spoiler: The Adrantean Patriots 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 08-15-2019 at 07:03 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Ship Name: Stella Rosa
    Ship Class: Adeptus Mechanicus Light Cruiser
    Allegiance: Patriots

    Trademarks: The cog of the Mechanicus is displayed proudly along with the the words "Illuminating the Hearts of Man" stenciled in High Gothic with no deviations from the standard design. The ship itself is a deep crimson with streaks of black and gold and the crew serving aboard are faithful servants of the Omnissiah.

    Captain: Reynar Thane has sat the command throne of the vessel for several decades. Liked and respected by his men, his augments have suppressed his emotional response but not quite dulled his wit or tongue. He stands tall and rather lean with a youthful, well-formed face and respectable amount of cybernetics for a young tech-priest taking well to his first leadership position. His mind is sharp and his quick tongue can rub others the wrong way at times. He has the experience of several void encounters under his belt and understands the quirks of his vessel's machine spirit well but can still be surprised at time thanks to how old and cranky the girl is.

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    The Replicant
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    We have our first naval asset!
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  5. #5
    The Last Remembrancer
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    The Eudaimonia

    Date/Location of Commission: M39 Armageddon System

    Class: Cobra Class Destroyer (Modified M40 House Krast)

    Current Status: Moral Threat Diabolicus, terminate with extreme prejudice. Associated with Patriots (see ref 36658:AdrantisSecCrisis)

    History: Commissioned as part of a squadron of six, the Cobra destroyer 'Red 6' was part of a general reinforcement of Battlefleet Solars fleet patrol elements in a time of increasing Xenos activity. Its served ably as part of Patrol Squadron Castros in the Armageddon sector for 3 centuries, before the entire patrol group, consisting of 2 Dauntless light cruisers and five other Cobras, where lost with all hands in a sudden warp squall.

    The entire squadron would be found drifting near the Koronus Passage by House Krast, a Rogue Trader house of minor standing. Aboard, minutes had passed, with food cooling on tables and shipboard cogitators counting out mere seconds since the vessels had translated to the warp. However, not a single living creature was found aboard any of the ships, the crews having vanished. Realising this was a profitable find, the Rogue Trader House turned the squadron back over to the Imperial Navy, and as reward where given the lead Dauntless of the Squadron, Highest Repute, and Red 6, to operate as their own. Alongside their trader barque, this gave House Krast a flexible squadron. It was not to last. Drawn into the brutal fighting against the Chaos Armies of Darza in the Girza Sector, House Krast worked to profit from the failing war. Blood had flowed like wine for ten years of grinding conflict, and there was profit to be made in evacuating VIP's from worlds about to fall, running supplies to beleaguered defenders, or raiding Chaos ships for materiel, all of which the rebuilt Cobra was well suited too.

    It was on one of these raids that Red Six, recommissioned as The Honourable Traveller, attacked an enemy held transport that was carrying a deadly cargo. A regiment of rogue guardsmen, led by a deadly psyker, stormed aboard in a counter boarding operation that seized the vessel. Under its new commander, the ship fled the system, and then the Girza sector entirely, heading to the galactic north, passing through the Calixis and Ixaniad sectors before finally joining the fighting in the Andrantean War as a privateer and mercenary, under the command of its unsteady tripartite of renegades, scum, and witches. Renamed the The Eudaimonia, and under the command of the notorious Black Witch of Gallowglas, it is a threat to all Imperial Shipping, and regularly deploys ground forces to key theatres. Due to its crew, it is considered a Diabolicus level Moral Threat and should be purged with all haste.

    Capabilities: House Krast spent considerable time and thrones turning the Honourable Traveller into a capable blockade runner. The massive torpedo tubes and magazines have been replaced with cargo space, heat baffles and pict scrambler systems. The entire hull is shrouded, reducing its signature to sensor systems. Up armoured, it also possesses a more formidable battery of lasers than the cobra, making it a dangerous in-fighter, though it is best suited to running, hiding, and sneaking. The interior hull has also been extensively remodelled, with internal spaces heavily reconfigured. The outer decks are well set up for a collapsing defence, with firing slits, deployable barricades and lasline triggered traps. The inner decks are orientated for comfort, with its reduced crew compliment making it more suited for longer journeys thanks to improved legroom and airy internal spaces once used to impress visiting dignitaries and trading partners, a stark contrast to its navy days.
    The Eudaimonia is weakened by a key, missing component: the lack of a Navigator. While the Black Witch can fill in to a limited degree, the ship is still limited to relatively short jumps. Without a Navigator or Alyss, the ship can only make the standard 4 light year calculated jump, which means it could be easily overhauled by a Imperial ship with a navigator in interstellar space.

  6. #6
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    Ah, there she is.
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    Shipmaster Jeanette Chao
    "The bellicose spirits of Titans and Voidships require different flavours of people to master. I remember this when I am tempted to flush a preening Princeps out the nearest Voidgate."

    Spoiler: Jeanette Chao 

    Veteran Shipmaster of the Legio Sirena, Chao has been shipping engines and Skitarii through the warp for over a hundred years, and has excelled at this task like no other, including the breaking of the Siege of Gnosis and the blockade run over Tycho Prime. However, she has never been popular with Legio Command due to her 'attitude problem'. What makes her such a fearsome Shipmaster is her towering confidence and knowledge in all aspects of void warfare. Currently in command of the Mechanicum Cruiser Shepherd of Light, she has found an equal in Princeps Primaris Zoerrin, who appreciates her sublime skill and straight talking attitude. Aboard the Shepherd, she is the direct avatar of the Deus, and no one is allowed to forget it.

    Shepherd of Light

    Spoiler: Shepherd 

    Allegiance: Imperial Loyalists

    Date/Location of Commission: M29 Mars

    Class: Mechanicum Epithemeus Class Titan Tender

    Capabilities: This ancient and storied warship has travelled the length and breadth of the galaxy, including the first seedings of Mechanicus worlds during the Age of Strife, The all consuming fires of the Heresy, the cleansing of the Scouring, the wrath of the Beast and the fratricide of the Apostasy. It has survived it all. In terms of firepower it is equipped with batteries of mars-forged macrocannon and plasma accelerators, in broadsides, though its central mass is taken up with Titan deployment bays, Knight Halls and Skitarii barracks and drop harnesses. Its nose mounts a pair of mag-accelerator bombardment cannon for accurate ground attack, and it is defended by thick armour, void shields and a massive web of laser point defences.
    In terms of overall firepower, the Epithemeus has less punch than a mainline Imperial Cruiser, comparable to a Dictator without the benefit of its launch bays. It is well designed for muscling through defensive fire and delivering its deadly cargo, being tougher with more void shield generators and point defences, and in desperation can even configure its "smaller" passengers for boarding assaults and defence, making it truly deadly at short range.
    Its only weakness is that it has a fairly standard acceleration curve and manoeuvre profile, meaning it should only be committed to an engagement with some escorts to watch its back, or better, as part of a large, set piece landing operation.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 01-04-2022 at 10:50 PM.

  8. #8
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    Ooh, I don’t remember seeing that one before.
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    I wanted something smaller than an Ark, and bigger than a frigate, something designed to deploy a combined arms force of skitarii, knights and titans.

    Ofcourse, it didn't exist, so I made it up :shrug:

  10. #10
    The Replicant
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    Just a note, Chao may occasionally get called away for other duties and leaving the Sirenia to their own devices for a while - big guns are just too handy (and in short supply). The same may occasionally be true for Alyss and the Eudaimonia.
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