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Thread: Roleplay of the Week Advertising!

  1. #1
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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    Hey there RPAians!

    In order to make submitting roleplays easier, we've created this thread for completed, announcement-ready submissions to be posted. If you would rather PM your submission to one of the Staff members, please feel free to do so, but if not you are welcome to post entries here as well. That being said, if you need help with resizing a banner or if you want to make sure the entry isn't too long, feel free to PM any member of staff, and we'll be more than happy to help!

    Here are a few requirements before you get to submitting me your amazing RP!

    • Each submission must have an image no smaller than 385x170 and no larger than 385x200.
    • Each entry must be no larger than three paragraphs long, the shorter the better due to limited space on the homepage
    • Make sure your advertisement is literate and informative- we want to know what your RP is about!
    • Please make sure that your roleplay is not full. If it becomes full before it is posted in the announcement, please notify a member of staff ASAP so we can use another submission instead.
    • Please have a link to the OOC, and include the title of the roleplay in your submission.

    Each week, we post an announcement that covers both the Staff's Choice Roleplay of the Week and a roleplay submitted for Roleplay of the Week. These announcements feature roleplays that the staff have picked and those that you have submitted. These roleplays are new, accepting more players, and cover any genre imaginable. So have fun, get creative with your submissions, and don't be afraid to ask for help if needed! In the meantime, have fun roleplaying and if you want to advertise your roleplays further, check out the Roleplaying Games Directory, advertise in staff signatures, or even ask for imaging help in the Roleplay of the Week banner shop.

    (Credit to the original writer of this thread- Karma)

  2. #2
    Member DannyPhantom's Avatar
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    Veins Of Black and Silver: A Werewolf Roleplay

    Link to OOC Thread:

    In the town of Burlington, Vermont there are two types of werewolves, both trying to keep themselves a secret from humans.

    The first type are the Silver Bloods, and they are pretty much what you expect in a typical werewolf. They can shift at will, except at night, no matter if there is a full moon or not. The second type is called the Black Bloods. They're pretty much like the Silver Bloods minus the fact they shift into dogs, and not wolves.

    However, a new virus is starting to break out. It's called Moon Sickness. It starts out slow, but eventually progresses to the point where the infected attack others, and it even leads to death. The two types of werewolves are afraid that this new virus will eventually lead to their extinction or them being exposed to humans, something no one wants to happen.

  3. #3
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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