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Thread: GM questions...

  1. #1
    New Forum Person LordDoom's Avatar
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    Default GM questions...

    Where & how do I start a new game thread? Then how do I promote/recruit players?
    New to this site but looking to continue 3 games I've had running for years on another site that sucks and shall go unnamed... LOL

  2. #2
    Arch-angel of Epica
    Kris's Avatar
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    Welcome to RPA.

    When starting RP you need to pick up the genre of your RP and post it in the right section: we got fantasy, sci-fi, parody (if your RP doesn't have original idea and is based off other source, it goes there, for example Games of Thrones RP), horror and general (everthing else, mostly slice of life RP). We also have private section RP for 1x1 experience (only 2 players in the private section).

    Once you have picked up which type of RP you are going to make, you will see that in each RP section there is OOC (out-of-character) section. The thread in this section will include character sheets, roleplay rules, world descriptions and any other chatter.

    Once you have enough players, or think that you are ready you can create IC thread in the IC section (in-character), where you do the actual roleplaying. Please notice that there are two IC section for each RP aside of Horror RP section.

    One IC section is for PG 13 rating and below and and another is a Mature IC section for a little bit more spice in writing. However, before starting Mature RP, you need to catch up with the mature rules.

    You will see that each RP has 1 OOC section thread and 1 IC section thread (either in mature IC section or in the normal IC section, depanding on the rating).

    Here is an example of RP:

    Runes - recruitment and OOC
    Runes - IC

    Once your OOC is up, you can start advertising it, in one of the 3 possible ways:

    1. Roleplay of the Week- Read about it here.
    2. Roleplaying Games Directory- Read about it here.
    3. Staff signature- read about it here.

    If you have further questions do let me know.


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