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Thread: Piper's Gallery.

  1. #11
    The Replicant
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    Winners (and more!) coming soon...
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  2. #12
    The Replicant
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    On the wall above you, the great clock whirs and begins to chime as the hands tick over onto midnight. The raven quorks and flaps its wings, steadying itself.

    “Time’s up already?” it mutters. “But I never even...GAH. Very well. I suppose it’s time to pick the winners.”

    It bobs around on its skeletal perch and croaks, “Scottie!?

    There is a sound of scrabbling feet from the corridor, and a small pug wearing a sheep’s fleece trots into the room, a twist of parchment tucked into the wool. It bounces over to Asharasahara and sits down, panting cheerfully. Removing the paper and uncreasing it, you are rewarded with the following message:

    Prompt 1: “They’re here!”
    Winner: @asharasahara

    The raven offers a solemn bow, putting aside its annoyance in light of the moment.

    “Well done Ashara, well done.” it booms. “Now, for the s-”

    Before it can finish the sentence, a paper aeroplane comes gliding down the stairs, curving through the door and catching a draught from the fireplace before spiralling perfectly into the hands of Blakserenity. Written across the paper wings in tiny, tight cursive are the words:

    Prompt 2: “I can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathy.”
    Winner: @Blakserenity

    “Right on time as always…” the raven mutters, disgruntled, but it rallies and spreads its wings in a second bow. “Congratulations, Blakserenity! And last, but by no means least, our third winner of the night! Infrared Hero?”

    A crumpled ball of paper arcs from a shadowy corner of the room, narrowly missing the raven who flaps in alarm. As it lands in the hands of Alura, you can see the drapes fluttering as a mischievous cackle recedes down the corridor.

    Prompt 3: “Even the shadows run in fear.”
    Winner: @Alura.

    The raven ruffles its feathers, muttering in annoyance, but eventually gathers together enough of its dignity to offer Alura a solemn nod.

    “Well, that’s the end of this year’s Halloween competition!” it croaks, with what sounds rather like relief. “Thank you all so much for participating, and if you head through to the common room there will be snacks, drinks and apple bobbing!”


    The sing-song voice drifts from beyond the doorway, instinctively drawing your eyes, but there is nothing there - just the old oak doors with a sliver of light shafting between them.

    With your masquerading,
    And you...

    The raven hops upward in annoyance, its wings beating the air before it settles back down. “What on earth…?”

    Always contemplating,
    What to do…

    The voice is playful, the tune of its song vivacious as it slips through the doors and twirls through the air around you, filling the room.

    In case Heaven has found you,
    Can't you see?
    That it's all around you?
    So follow me…

    You see the light between the doors wink, blocked by a long shadow that dances across the carpet of the gallery. It looks almost like a man.

    Hey come on, RPA
    Follow me!
    I'm the Pied Piper,
    Follow me!

    You see that the raven has opened its beak to shout, but whatever harsh rebuke it had been about to throw at this latest interruption dies on its tongue as it hears the name.

    “No.” it whispers, and you see fear shining in its coal-black eyes. “Not you. Not you!

    The door bursts open, and light floods in as a man dances into the room. His faded red cape swirls around him in a swirl of ragged splendour, his shaggy hair framing a pale but animated face. With arms spread wide, he sings triumphantly:

    I'm the Pied Piper,
    And I'll show you where it's at!

    Rats caper around the man’s feet, bouncing in time to his song. With a twirling flourish the piper brings his flute to his lips and a skirl of notes fills the air, the music sweet and enchanting.

    “Hello, everyone!” the piper shouts with a grin as he marches over to the writing desk and shoos away the raven with a dismissive wave of his hand. The bird lets out a shrieking caw and takes flight, fleeing through the open door.

    The piper flashes you all another grin, a mad light dancing behind his eyes as he sits down and throws his scarlet boots up on the writing desk.

    “Well!” he says, pushing his chair back until it is swinging precariously on two legs. “I think it’s time for some changes around here, and I’m nothing if not a man of the people! I want you, the members of RPA, to help me create a bright new future, with bright new rules!”

    He reaches down and one of the rats bounds over towards him, carrying an immense feather quill between its teeth. The piper takes it and dips it into the inkwell, scratching it across the ready-placed parchment on the desk with a flourish.

    “Let’s see now…Free toast for all new members. That’s a good start. Hmm…”

    He pauses, tickling his chin with the feather end of the quill, before looking up at you.

    “What rules would you like to see implemented in my new version of RPA? Come now, don’t be shy!”

    Spoiler: NEW rules! 
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  3. #13
    Alura's Avatar
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    Fashion Moderators should be instated to issue citations for outdated red capes, overdue hair trimmings, and gauche use of rats as tiny-dog-purse-reminiscent accessories. Punishment: being tied to the [toast] rack installed in the basement for just such a purpose.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  4. #14
    Alura's Avatar
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    The renovated basement cell should be lined in layers, beginning with a reinforced, illuminated aquarium of bioluminescent algae that emit toxins as they fuel their glow: no sunlight needed for light that comes itself from decay. Breaking the glass means you let the light shine in.

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

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