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Thread: Piper's Laboratory.

  1. #1
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Default Piper's Laboratory.

    Scottie's Laboratory!

    You fondly know this room as one of warmth and rich smells. Of stews and bubbling soups. Of a traditional dinner and yummy desserts. Where the scent of cookies drags you through the door. Instead of a warm amber-like glow that sneaks under the door, an angry-looking purple slithers through the cracks of the doorframe. The inviting smells you predicted coming from the kitchen have been replaced by a cold mint smell...the smell of wet dog and something else that you can’t quite put your finger on.

    The door swings open as you come closer and a small herd of fluffy four-legged things scurry around your feet. You are promptly pushed into the room by a small herd of pugs dressed in sheep costumes. “Oh...OH THANK YOU MY SWEETS.” The woman in the room has large glasses on that seem to be permanently slipping off the end of her nose. Fluffy hair is piled high upon her head and some strange things can be seen nestling in the curls. A twig...a batwing?....and you swear for a moment, something is watching you with crimson eyes.

    “Welcome to my laboratory!!” The woman spins and you can clearly see that she is wearing a lab coat that once upon a time would have been white. In the centre of the room, there is a large cauldron bubbling with a deep green gloop. The sheep pugs scurry behind the crazy looking woman as she bounces around the room. “I need your help, my pretties!!” She gives you a wide smile. She taps a finger against the side of the glasses and they magnify her eyes as she gleefully looks you over. “I need new monsters...creatures...guard things for my precious precious pumpkin garden. I don’t like store-bought so I’m making them from scratch. I have everything prepared...I have all the ingredients....well nearly all of them.”

    Sitting on a beautiful bronze pedestal beside the cauldron, a very dog eared book sits. The woman drags a finger over the list again and mumbles gently before stabbing the page violently. “I need imagination...JUST A DROP” The dogs that continue to wriggle and worm themselves around your ankles all yap happily for a moment. “You look like a very imaginative individual. You may search high and low for inspiration BUT YOU MUST STAY OUT OF THE BASEMENT.” She pauses for a second, her hair appearing to raise with her anxiety. A single very fluffy looking sheep pug yips and she is brought back to the room. “Here...I’ll show you what is going in this batch and you conjure up my newest creature.”

    The woman bounces on her heels for a second before snapping her fingers. “Let us begin, shall we?”

    The snap of her fingers echoes through the suddenly very quiet room. Before you, three ingredients appear. The woman hums for a moment as the objects bob gently in the air.

    “This particular potion states I need….the remnants of a yeti’s last haircut.” A small burlap pouch hovers before you and then suddenly drops into the green liquid. Swiftly sinking beneath the liquid as an almost cartoonish “bloop” sounds as a large bubble burst.

    “Next, it needs the wind created by some very frantic bat wings.” A mason jar filled with a faint grey smog spins before plummeting into the liquid.

    “Last, it needed the cheesy gleam of a full moon.” A mirror spins around and around before it suddenly stops reflecting the full moon that sits high outside the dirty kitchen window. As it holds the reflection, it slowly drops to the cauldron and the woman drags her eyes back up to you.

    “Well...Go on...Give me the imagination.”

    Every 48 hours, the strange woman of the laboratory (cough cough totally not based on me...cough cough) will reveal three ingredients that must go into her cauldron to create a new protector of the pumpkin garden! This is a monster prompt and you must use those words either as a base for your monster or include them in your description!

    Spoiler: Rules! 

    Inspiration for 25/10/2020:
    - Yeti
    - Bat wings
    - Full Moon

    Winner: @Alura;

    Inspiration for 27/10/2020 - You have 48 hours to submit your entry!

    - Dragon scales
    - Web from a Giant spider
    - Autumnal mist

    Winner: @Alura;

    Inspiration for 29/10/2020 - You have 48 hours to submit your entry!

    - Crumpled spells
    - Spider Venom
    - Extra Strength
    - Uncontrollable laughter
    Last edited by Scottie; 10-29-2020 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #2
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    I stared deeply into the eyes of one of the sheep puggles, mesmerised, before finally startling back to the moment at the mention of the basement. Odd how that particular topic kept surfacing. What is in that basement!?

    The mad pumpkin-gardening genius added three ingredients to her cauldron: the remnants of a yeti’s last haircut, the wind created by some very frantic bat wings and the cheesy gleam of a full moon.

    “Well...Go on...Give me the imagination.” She said.

    I tentatively stepped forward and peered into the bubbling green liquid.

    "Well, I do know of one guardian that might do..."

    Spoiler: The Abominable Werebat 

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  3. #3
    The Scottish Fluff
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    “WHAT A MONSTER” The woman cackled loudly with glee, bouncing and clapping her hands as the blur of wheat coloured fur left the kitchen through the back door. Barely an inch of the green murky water remained in the cauldron, all of @Alura’s imagination had sapped it up! The sheep pugs cowered in the corner until the creature was far from their sight. “Yes. Please do protect my pumpkins, ma’am!” The woman hollers out to the garden and a soft wail of mourning drifts through the trees. The dogs now find a place of warmth and safety huddling around your ankles.

    “OH COME ON.” Glancing over to the doorframe, the woman is hanging from the doorframe looking to her left. “Not...NOT MY SQUASH.” The door is slammed harshly and the woman stomps back to her cauldron, turning on a tap to fill the cauldron with more slimy green water. The woman frantically looks through the book and slams a hand down on the page before mumbling.

    “God damn night terrors...ruining my squash patch.” The woman glances back up and grins widely at you all. “Another creature perhaps...This spell requires” A long fingernail trails over the recipe and she mouths the words before returning her gaze to you.

    “The crimson luminous scales of a fearsome dragon.” A snap of her fingers and bright red scales appear before dropping into the liquid like petals falling from a rose.

    “This one was a difficult one. The dried web from a giant spider.” The thick twisted material splashes noisily into the cauldron.

    “And finally. The haunting breath of a cold autumnal mist.” The mason jar cracks open and the mist tumbles to the liquid. Her stare feels like she is looking deep within you.

    “Well...Chop chop. I don’t have all day.”

  4. #4
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    I bend to awkwardly hug the fluffy pugs comfortingly, equally amazed at seeing what looked suspiciously like the mangled Nerrivik making a dash for what was presumably the aforementioned pumpkin patch. Then again, they seem rather used to the strange woman. Perhaps that should be worrying...

    "Say, about that basement..."

    "Well...Chop chop. I don't have all day."

    "Oh, well..." I take a long moment to ponder before rising again to step near the cauldron. "This one is more of a three-for-one, but how about..."

    Spoiler: The Scarlet Recluse 

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  5. #5
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Something large toppled the cauldron on its side and appeared to double in size the moment it squeezed its form through the doorway. The woman went scurrying after the large creature that was created through the glorious imagination of @Alura; and let out a shrill cackle as she hung herself from the door frame.

    “TAKE THAT, YOU TERRORS” She screeched at the night terrors and bounced with glee as the soft thudding of a large creature faded away. The woman spun as her dogs crowded around your ankles, looking up at you expectantly.

    “Finally. I need the pièce de résistance for my pièce de résistance.” She let her hand drag over the dogs that snuffled gently towards her. “I need something that will protect my dear children...and I know exactly the spell for it.” The book flipped its pages violently before the woman arrived before the cauldron. Some sort of spectral force lifted the cauldron off the floor. Any discussion of the basement was met with a loud tut and a worried glance towards the door leading back to the corridor.

    “This one is a little different. I’m taking things from the very rulers of this home. Firstly, this spell needs crumpled spells from Kris’s Office.”

    The balled up pieces of paper appear to crackle before they drop into the new green sludge that is forming at the base of the cauldron.

    “Next some very carefully collected spider venom from G’s guard spiders!”

    The vial of bubbling purple liquid tumbled into the sludge which let out a small puff of smoke before settling again.

    “The extra strength coffee granules needed to get through one of Azazeal849’s extra long persistent world posts!”

    The coffee granules looked as dark as the sky outside and they sprinkled onto the sludge like pepper atop a creamy soup.

    “And finally, the uncontrollable laughter of InfraredHero’s meme collection!”

    The bottle cracked open and laughter filled the room before suddenly silencing when the bottle dropped beneath the sludge.

    “There. Now no more talk of basements. You give me my final creature!”

  6. #6
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    Default Rated M

    Moon shuffled into the laboratory, casting her gaze about the room. Several members of her horde followed her, their gaits slow and heavy.

    "A...creature..." she said, the moans of her minions filling in the spaces between her words.

    "Let us see...what we can create..."

    Waving her lace-covered hands over the black cauldron, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes.

    Spoiler: The Scarecrow (rated M) 
    Last edited by bluemoon; 10-30-2020 at 02:33 AM.

  7. #7
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    Spoiler: The Mad Oracle 
    Last edited by Alura; 10-30-2020 at 09:59 PM. Reason: Formatting [B][/B]!

    Spoiler: Completely Unsolicited, Contextual Praise Definitely not Acquired via Torture 

  8. #8
    The Replicant
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    Winners (and more!) coming soon...
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.

  9. #9
    The Scottish Fluff
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    The creature slithers from the liquid as the cauldron harshly crashes to one side. The woman watches with glee as the creature created by @bluemoon; moves through the door frame almost blocking the light out to protect the pug army that congregates around your ankles. You think that surely everything must be done now, the woman has her fill of monsters...maybe now you can enquire about the basement, I mean you did do everything she asked. Your lips part as the question burns the tip of your tongue…

    “WHAT. NO.”

    A shrill shout of panic floods through the room as the woman presses her nose against the dirty glass of her kitchen window. Her fingers twitch violently before she scrambles from the window and heads towards the doorway. It takes little effort to brush the new creature out and it’s large form slowly lumbers around, following the pug army out into the crisp air. Moving to the doorframe, you can see the woman grabbing her lab coat and hitching it up as she strangely runs off into the distance. “AWAY, YOU FILTHY RATS.” Even from this distance, you can see the large creatures of before swiping away masses of rats that crowd over the pumpkins and squashes.

    “Come on, RPA
    Can't you see?”

    The eerie song flits through the room, faint at first...barely a mumble. It breaks the concentration you have on the strange woman using a branch to swipe away the rats.

    “I'm the Pied Piper
    Trust in me”

    The sound of footsteps behind you alerts you to a new presence in the room. The entity, clad in a tattered red cloak, pays you no mind for the moment as he scans over the make shift laboratory that has been made in the kitchen. With little effort, he rights the cauldron before turning his attention to the spell book. It is almost as if he hasn’t noticed you, but the first movement that creaks from the doorframe has him singing gently.

    “I'm the Pied Piper
    And I'll show you where it's at!”

    The entity’s gaze snaps to the door frame as the last note hangs in the air around you. He smiles widely as his eyes gleam at you. “Quite an interesting place, don’t you think?” The music notes in his eyes look broken, the stems snapped cleanly in half. “I think we should create some more of these creatures.” He brushes his fingertips against the page of the spellbook and the book starts to flip its pages violently before settling on a new page.

    “Perfect.” He sings gently as he scans the page. “This isn’t as complicated as the old kook was making you do. Strange old thing. This is better...Create a creature based on any member of RPA...Use their name for inspiration...or maybe their avatar or signature...or maybe on an inside joke you know…” He tilts his head and beams at you. “Please. I need a new army to take over RPA.”

    Spoiler: NEW Rules! 

  10. #10
    The Replicant
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    A paper aeroplane sails in through the open door, catching the updraft from the bubbling cauldron before turning over and nosediving into the green slime. A flash like a lightning strike fills the vessel, backlighting the rising smoke.

    The Piper leans across curiously, intrigued by this first offering. As he fishes the soggy paper aeroplane out of the now hissing cauldron, you notice something scribbled on the wing in tiny, cramped handwriting. It simply reads: @Scottie.

    “Oh ho!” the Piper chuckles in amusement, “What’s this then?”

    He opens the paper, carefully peeling apart the wet folds, and squints at the badly smudged ink within.

    Inspired by the signature of The Scottish Fluff,” he reads aloud. “The Lesser Highland Fluff is a small, nocturnal creature; originally native to the highlands of Scotland, though due to increasing urbanisation many have adapted to living in attics and basements. Its fist-sized body is covered in soft fur, as are its pipe-cleaner arms and legs; this fur can vary from blonde to brown to black in colour. The Fluff is instantly recognisable by its large eyes, which it uses to navigate in the dark and to track down its preferred forms of nourishment, which include Irn Bru, Coca Cola, and anything with enough sugar to maintain its bouncy metabolism. Despite its adorable appearance, it is known to be extremely fierce.

    The Piper chuckles again, and flips the sodden paper over to read the final line.

    P.S - Down with…” He stops, frowning sharply. “Down with Piper?

    As the cauldron seethes and bubbles, you see a small, fluffy shape wrap tiny stick fingers around the rim and pull itself up onto one of the handles. It draws itself up proudly to its full six inches of height, fluffing up its black fur like a cat raising its hackles. From within the fuzzy mass, two large eyes blink curiously at you, before turning their attention to the Piper. The eyes narrow.

    Square go, ya rocket! it squeaks in a broad Glaswegian accent, before throwing itself from the cauldron edge and leaping straight at the Piper’s face.

    The Lesser Highland Fluff
    Spoiler: My RP links 

    PM me for novelised versions of any of my RPs, or ones that I have participated in. Set by the awesome Karma.


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