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Thread: Sorority Slayers: Summer Vacation [1x1][M]

  1. #1
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    Default Sorority Slayers: Summer Vacation [1x1][M]

    ----------World description----------
    For as long as it has been settled, Dreambrooke has been a world class college community and tourist destination. It has attracted an ever growing populace of oddities, curiosities, and fascinating mysteries. What is kept under wraps however is its endless death rates ranging from accidents, to suicides, to unsolved murders. This means the city is always attracting new residents from all over the world to move in and fresh lively students to attend its world famous college. Although authorities and the general public are somehow largely oblivious or in denial of the town's history, There have long existed local myths and legends that overshadow the fate of those who dwell within.

    In recent history however, those clever college kids are wising up to the dire living conditions of life on campus. The reports of monster sightings, supernatural incidents, and residents with mysterious pasts cannot all be covered up. The sorority of TauElpisTheta was founded to protect the youth which seemed most prone to falling prey to the dark forces drawn to the city. The local students soon found members among the campus who possessed unusual abilities and skills or knowledge and training that could be used to fight back against whatever next terrorized the college. A new semester has begun, a new class has signed up for another year on campus, and a new dark cloud closes in, turning Dreambrooke into a nightmare!

    Active: YES
    Genres: Horror, Modern
    Themes: Gore, Language, Permanent change/death, Romance, Substance use, Violence

  2. #2
    Malyka's Avatar
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    %Name/Title: Allysa
    Age/Maturity: 22
    Gender/Sex: Bisexual
    Race/Species: Human
    Abilities/Powers: Werewolf
    Affliction/Weakness: Allergy to dogs, and really shy
    Equipment/Items: Laptop, ipod
    Occupation/Job: College Student
    Skills/Talents: Allysa is really skilled with computers.

    Last edited by Malyka; 06-17-2021 at 09:19 AM.
    “I won’t forgive you. I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.” – Hatori Chise

  3. #3
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    (Sounds fun! She may get along with several of the other survivors quite well all things considered!)

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    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    The usual autumnal look of the coastal town was for once replaced with the vivid livelihood of summer. The frequently leaf strewn streets were clean, bustling, and blazing with the golden light of the sun. The windy shores of Dreambrooke were for once a lovely sight rather than a melancholy horizon. The world renowned college was in the midst of a half semester brought on by the latest series of mysterious crime drama plaguing the campus. Things were as tense as the heatwave gripping the students, and everyone was eager for an excuse to leave the classes and get to the beaches early.

    New students who had only just settled into college life here were suddenly upheaved by cancellations to finals, delays in scheduling, and a paid promotional trip to a resort up the coast. The whole campus was getting a vacation out of this drama in order to get everyone to calm down, forget about the grizzly things that had happened, and prepare for the fall semester with a fresh start. Alyssa was among those who had just moved to the town, gotten into her class routine, and had not even joined any sororities yet before being told she was joining her classmates on a bus far away from towns.

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    Allysa pressed her bag to her chest, and stood with a group waiting at the bus, she hates it, to sit on a bus, people would sit too close to her, so people often started talking to her, she hoped also that no one would notice her, and that she would simply be left alone.

    However, Allysa was not one to miss, she may have been small for her age and very shy, Allysa had a minor problem despite having two fluffy ears and a tail, she had an allergy to dogs which often made her had to sneeze, in a most adorable way that often made people think she was just a kid.

    Allysa sighed for a moment, and looked at her watch for a moment and pressed the taffeta even closer to her body, and already felt her nose start to tickle "No no no not now" she thought to herself and started to sneeze several times in a row
    “I won’t forgive you. I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.” – Hatori Chise

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    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    As the caravan of pale yellow buses were filling up, the students were all lining up together, trying to find convenient seats with friends and sororities or fraternities as they exchanged plans for the resort. Plenty of locals did not want to leave the familiarity of the town, but many move in students were eager to get some sun and warmth again. A few overly eager types were already showing of there new swim trunks and bikinis in the lines as Allysa built up another chain of sneezes.

    ...G~ ges~ gesun~ ge~ gesundheit!

    Just say it once at the end, Willow!

    A pair of voices said behind her as she noticed the line behind her had built up a bit. The pair of girls behind her were looking like a good example of the range of reactions to this trip. The tall gangly redhead trying to jump on politeness was practically bouncing in her sandals to go. The goth face painted girl beside her glared over her glasses at the bus, praying it would explode before taking them away. Hopefully with a few of the more annoying students in it.

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    After Allysa had finished sneezing, she looked for a while but the different types of people slowly got on the buses, her ears went flat for a moment as she got on the bus herself and she looked at the people, and saw some of them staring at her.

    ~Why are they looking at me~ She thought

    Allysa walked a bit to the back, and saw a bench that was completely free, she quickly sat down by the window, and looked outside, and saw some students who are a bit impatient, and a few who were frolicking a bit.

    ~All little kids, and what am I doing here I'd rather sit in my room at my computer~ went through her mind again, hoping no one would sit next to her
    “I won’t forgive you. I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.” – Hatori Chise

  8. #8
    The Smiling Dragon Corrik55's Avatar
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    With the pair behind her climbing aboard the bus as well, the tall redhead looked for a double seat that was open for her and the goth girl beside her. Plopping down on the one in front of Allysa, they were followed by a shaved dark muscled man who was intent on leading a rally right here on the bus. Getting several other guys in the same black and white football jerseys to hoot and stamp there feet with them, they took up the front of the bus as the goth girl sighed and pulled out a book.

    This is going to be quite the ride Willow... Too bad Sarah is not here with them to wave those pom poms?

    The dark haired girl teased as she made the one called Willow turn as red as her freckles. She gave her glasses wearing friend a shush as if afraid saying names would cause them to appear. Looking around nervously, she did not spot anyone mentioned, but did spot the new girl trying to keep the back bench to herself behind them. Seeing her seat partner back in her book and safely away from life, Willow turned around and whispered.

    ...Hey! ...Hi! The bus is gonna be packed full in a minute... Can we sit with you? We will be quieter than if some of the football squad sits back there, honest!

    Miss Willow, are you trying to make me socialize again?

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