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Thread: [M] War in the Void - Imperials IC

  1. #31
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 

    Spoiler: HDMS Tiamat’s Claw - Coseflame 
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  2. #32
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    "You've done well considering the situation, Dorlia." Chao patted the other woman on the shoulder. "Keep trying to raise the Domina, or anyone left in charge, aboard the Anisadora, and order them to fall back to the pods. If we have to we can turn our guns on the target to prevent its escape."

    She stepped past the Secundi and approached the holo table. The secondary bridge was often used to support groundside operations, especially in contested landings. It was not optimally designed for void combat, but its spirits would serve until the main bridge could be restored.

    "Get hold of the Accusator and give them a frank appraisal of our current combat readiness. Tell them we stand ready to assist but recommend that for the moment we keep the enemy out of line of sight and wait for reinforcements from the main fleet to arrive"

    The Shepherd was limping, still combat capable, but effectively crippled. She'd rate against a frigate or even a defence monitor, but two of those damn Enforcers was too much. She tapped on the hololith and brought up key low orbit features.

    "If we could alongside just one of them, we might have a chance. . . but how?" She flicked her gaze back to the markers for the crippled transports. The Peregrine was a fat, slow tub, but. . .

    "Do we have any idea what the Peregrine was carrying? Fuel stocks, bulk ammo loads? How intact are its dorsal bays?"

    Another gamble was putting itself together in her mind. If the Peregrine was loaded down with the logistical tail for the Patriots, then it might yet serve the Imperium one last time. . .

  3. #33
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 
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  4. #34
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    "Then we need to improvise ten minutes of complete brilliance."

    Chao started to issue her orders. Aboard the Peregrine, enginseers were spinning up the plasma reactors to their highest state, and linking their volatile hearts to a simple dead-mans switch to be operated by servitors. With control on remote to the Shepherd, the Peregrine would become a vast, crude, plasma grenade.

    "Make sure as many of our skitarii and enginseers get clear." Chao stated. "I don't want any heroics."

    She watched as the boarding craft returned from the Peregrine, as well as a scattering of saviour rafts that started to fall down the gravity well. There still had been no communication from the Anisadora and Chao was forced to admit there may have been a heavy enemy presence aboard that ship. Crippled, it had fallen out of arc of her guns so it was going to escape punishment for the moment.

    "Timing will be critical. We will need to detonate the Peregrine at the right point to blind the sensorium of the two pursuing ships, to cover the Accusator, and our own attack. We'll then need to push the engines hard, and cut between them as their shields fail so that we can leverage our broadside weapons to hopefully do them enough damage to force them to withdraw. Have the shield generators focused forward for the initial approach, then switch to full defense port and starboard."

    The crew stations around her signalled readiness, and Chao took a precious second to steady herself, and reassuringly tap her own console.

    Come on old girl, don't fail me now. I know I ask a lot of you, oh spirit, but its no more than any of us give.


    On the small repeater screen, the Peregrines engines flared into life, and the labouring engines of the Shepherd coughed into life to follow.

  5. #35
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 
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  6. #36
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    Everything on the secondary bridge jumped and then slammed down as the Shepherdcut through the blast wave.

    "Sensorium!" Chao yelled, levering herself to her feet. The blast had been bigger than even Chao would have hoped, and she could hear damage spreading through her ship now. They had been a bit close for comfort and the voids were shrieking as they shunted aside gas and debris. But the Shepherd was an old, tough ship, and had been through worse. Though not by much now.

    "Main view!" Her Sensori canted back, and a composite picture of the battlescape snapped into view. The Watcher was dropping towards the elliptical, dead and quiet, slowly curving under the effect of gravity into a terminal dive somewhere on Coseflame. The blast had been enough to knock out her drives and reactor, like taking a sledgehammer to a combustion engine. The damage to her forward sections was severe, and entire sections facing the blast had been stripped back, open to the void. The Peregrine had served the Omnissiah well in her final moments. Her Calculus Logi plotted the Watchers final course. It would take several hours for it to hit atmosphere. By then, they should be able to either get it under tow, or break it up under their guns.

    Or they would all be dead, and someone else would have to deal with megatonnes of capital ship impacting a biosphere.

    Accusator was closing, and Chao ordered the Shepherd forward at full available speed. Engines strained and coughed, reactors came back to life, and the two capital ships crossed the suddenly alone Enforcer. Archives identified her as the Lex Orbitalis Custodes, an old ship, present during Angevins crusade to claim the Calixis sector. And now here she would die, under the control of traitors.

    Chao conducted a roll, allowing the starboard guns a single salvo and then bringing the portside weapons online. The portside battery was less damaged and hammered the shields of the Lex hard, tearing them down as the Accusator slammed fire into her exposed flanks. Both ships conducted a hard turn, the Accusator easily, the Shepherd still struggling, and continued to pour the fire on. She wasn't toothless yet, however. Lances hammered the shields of the Accusator and Shepherd even as the carriers attack craft conducted perilous bombing runs.

    "Frakking die!" Chao snarled as her guns hammered away. She could imagine the sweltering heat and oppressive noise down below as the gunners fired at full rate, not knowing how many full salvos they would get.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 08-14-2022 at 05:37 PM.

  7. #37
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    “Turn us away!”

    The order was relayed with swiftness and a measure of panic as the grand bulk of the battleship began to turn the engines away from the incoming vessel. She had already sustained thruster damage in a previous engagement and was in need of repair on that section, otherwise Balthasar would have the “Claw” just take the ram on the chin before ripping the “Corrino” apart with her gun batteries.

    But at the moment such a luxury was beyond the sailors. The whole ship lurched with the sudden high-speed turn (well as high-speed as a capital ship like “Tiamat's Claw” was capable of) throwing many crewmates to the floor or into walls and machinery. The broadside batteries opened up all the same, peppering the incoming and fire-wreathed vessel with with canon and missile fire.

    But nothing could be perfect.

    The sharp turn likely saved the “Claw” but the flaming vessel still scraped the Imperial ship, causing warning sirens to flare up as the starboard engines were engulfed in sudden flames from the impact of the ship glancing off and moving passed them.
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  8. #38
    The Replicant
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    Spoiler: Shepherd of Light - Coseflame 

    Spoiler: Tiamat’s Claw - Coseflame 
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 09-22-2022 at 07:14 PM.
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  9. #39
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    Chao slumped, exhausted.

    "An acceptable mistake Dorlia. I doubt the Custodian survived that jump. With that much damage I can't imagine her gellar fields actually functioning. They most likely jumped straight into oblivion."

    "And if they did survive, Mistress?"

    "Then they can be some other bastards problem." Chao rallied slightly, running a hand through her hair and regaining her composure. Just because the battle was over, didn't mean she could relax.

    Dorlia nodded, and retreated a few steps to focus on a different station. Chao brought up the damage control board and had to stifle a gasp of shock. The Shepherd had been beaten to hell, key systems were operating well below safe thresholds or barely running at all, and her armament was basically nil. Ammunition reserves in the bunkers had been shot through during the engagement, but that was a small mercy as several of those bunkers, rattling empty, had been holed by penetrating hits.

    Weeks, no, months, no, even that was too optimistic. Years in drydock to put everything right, assuming they could reach a yard with the capabilities to do the work.

    Her first task now was to staunch the bleeding, save lives, and preserve the ship. She stared dispassionately forwards as the message from Flight Lieutenant Kusch came through the vox. She moved over to the vox system and took the transmitter from the enginseer manning the station.

    "This is Ship-mistress Chao of the Shepherd of Light. I can report we have taken heavy damage and would appreciate whatever aid the Navy can spare. Specifically, patch kits and transfer of atmospheric components to allow us access to areas we forced to vent to prevent fire damage, as well as any skilled enginseers the Accusator can spare from her own damage control efforts." She looked over the damage board again and winced. "We are void-worthy and not at risk of orbital loss, but we are nowhere near combat worthy."

    She paused, and felt she should say something else. She reactivated the transmit button.

    "Can you also pass along my sincere thanks and appreciation. The squadrons of the Accusator did the Navy's heritage of excellence and service proud this day. This victory could not have been won without their sacrifice."

    Your sacrifice. She mentally added, though it wouldn't do to say that over the vox. She knew fighter crews were a tight knot bunch, and she couldn't imagine that Kusch had come through that scrap without losing a friend or two.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 09-18-2022 at 04:43 PM.

  10. #40
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