Greetings and welcome to my search thread!
So a few things about me:
* I roleplay in the third person.
* I am happy writing a few sentences to three to four paragraphs. Though I also write for the scene as well. If it’s mostly dialogue, my posts aren’t going to be as long.
* I am good with posting in forums or though PM.
* I can either use images or just descriptions of my character. I will not use images of actual people.
* My work schedule tends to get a bit crazy, so there may be a day where I don’t post.
I am mostly looking for fantasy or scifi roleplays, and I do have some plots and ideas I can share as well. Eventually, as this thread evolves, they’ll be edited into this initial post. With fantasy, I am happy with medieval or modern settings and even have an idea for a steampunk setting. Slice of life is not a genre I enjoy, so I tend to avoid it.