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Thread: The Unexpected Beginning for Shape Changers. (M)

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    As Kevin starts to leave Emma’s side he hears her ask a question but as he was about to answer her he sees Emma’s wholes body start to shake. He quickly runs over to her side and grabs both of her shoulders and holds her down. As he does he calls over to Ed who was on the other side of the room from him with another person. “Ed please quickly go get me the drug that stops seizures. Emma is having one right now so I can’t get it.” Ed nods his head and runs out of the room. As Kevin waits for Ed to return he continues holding Emma down because she was still having a seizure. Then as Ed runs back into the lab with the needle he quickly pushes it right into Emma’s arm. As the drug goes into Emma’s body she stops shaking. Then as Kevin lets go of her he shakes his head. “Emma we almost lost you when you were having the seizures.” he said as he takes a rag and gentle wipes the sweat off of Emma’s forehead. “Oh and to answer your question you ask me a little bit ago. Yes Daniel can come visit you every day.” he says as he pats her on the arm and nods to Ed.

    A day goes by and Daniel was finally allowed to visit with Emma. As he walks into the lab Emma was in he sees she was sleeping so he was able to stand by her side and look at her. Then smiling he leans down and kisses her on the forehead. “Emma dear it is me Daniel I am here to visit you now.” he said as he picks up her hand and gently squeezes it. Then smiling down at her when he sees her open her eyes and look up at him. “Hello Emma how are you feeling? Kevin told me he about lost you the other day when you were having those seizures. Now how in the world am I to marry you if I was to loss you?” he asks as he kisses her hand. They then talk for an hour and then Daniel looks at his watch. “Well Emma dear I was toldI had an hour with you and then Kevin needed to talk to me about something. I will try and come back again a little bit later to see you again. I love you Emma so much. Now please try and get some rest.” he says as he leans down again and kisses her on the forehead once again. Then smiling at her he then turns and leaves the lab room.

    As Daniel walks out of the room Kevin was standing outside next to the door waiting for him. “Hello Kevin you said you needed to talk to me about something?“ hesaid as he looked up into Kevin face. Kevin smiles and nods his head and starts to lead Daniel away from Emma’s room and down the hall to another lab room. “Yes Daniel I would like to talk to you about an experiment I would like to do on you and Emma. I know you two were planning on getting married today, but with Emma still recovering right now I can’t not let her leave this room. So I thought maybe I could do an experiment on both of youat the same time today. This experiment will help you two grow even more closer to each other and you will fall in love with Emma more. Plus it will make you two be able to read each other’s minds to see if you are truly ready to get married to each other. I won’t be telling Emma any of this because I am not sure she will like what we are going to do to you both. Since I have you here right now I wanted to tell you this and see if you were willing to do the experiment today.” He said as he turns on the light in the lab room they had just walked into. Now Daniel stood there not sure what to say at first, then he started to nod his head. “Okay Kevin I am willing to aloud this experiment to be done no us both as long as it will not hurt either of us. Alright now what are you waiting for let’s get this experiment started before I change my mind.” He said as he held out his hand to Kevin.

    Kevin started to laugh as he takes Daniel hand in his and shakes it. “Good I am happy to hear you want to do this experiment. No it should not hurt either of you at all.Alright before I bring Emma in here I would like for you to remove all of your clothes but keep your underwear on.Then will you please lay down on that table because I will then be giving you three shots that will relax your body and make you be hypnotized. After you get this shot you will not be able to say anything but you will still be able hear me talking. I will then leave you and go get Emma and bring her in here and do the same thing to her. Then once I get her ready I will then start the experiment on you two. Okay go head and start to undress when I go and get the drug.” he said as he turns and leaves the room.

    After Kevin leaves the room Daniel started to remove his clothing. As he does he looks around the room and he notices that there was this big glass tank next to the table and it had water in it. Was Emma and he going to be put down into this tank? But his thoughts were interrupted when he saw Kevin come back into the room. As Daniel watches Kevin come back over to him he lies down on the table and covers himself up.

    When Kevin gets back over to Daniel’s side he then nods his head. “Okay I am now ready to begin to give you the three shots. After I have given you the first shot it will only take about two minutes for the drug to start to work.” he said as he places the needle up to the middle of Daniel’s stomach. Then he starts to push it in really slowly. When it is in Daniel stomach he then holds the needle there until the entire drug comes out of the needle. As he does that Daniel’s eyes watch him closely. Then Kevin slowly pulls the needle out and refills it once again. When it is filled Kevin then place the needle up to Daniel’s neck and does the same thing but this time he only put half of the drug in. Then he takes the needle out really quickly and moves it up to Daniel’s head and jabs it in really fast. When Daniel feels it go into his head he gasps and his eyes grew wide while his mouth grows really dry.

    Then by the time Kevin has taken the needle out of Daniel’s head he has already started to relax. The next thing Kevin does is snaps his fingers and Daniel’s eyes roll back into his head and then he starts to look up at the celling like he was hypnotized. Kevin then waves his hand back and forth in front of Daniels face then when he see that Daniel’s eyes stay in one place he nods his head. “Okay Daniel don’t try and move any or get up because you may pass out. I will be back in a few minutes with Emma.” he said as he pats Daniel on the arm and then turns and leaves Daniel lying there.
    After Kevin leaves the room he makes his way back to the supply room and picks up two more needles and some more of that drug. Then as he is leaving the room he walks right into Tara. “Well hello there Tara.” he says as he takes a step back away from her. Tara jumps and give Kevin a strange look. “Oh my Kevin you need to watch out where you are going and slow down when you are leave a room.” she says as she looked down at Kevin’s hands. Kevin’s eyes grow wide when he hear her say this. “Well is that so I guess I should try and do that. Now what brings you all the way back here for?” he asks as he sees Tara looking at the needles in his hand. Tara then kind of laughs at what he says to her and nods her head. “Oh Ed needs me to get the drug that puts people to sleep because Kelly Patmore was fighting with her husband again and he can’t get her to stop.” she said as she rolled her eyes. Kevin then nods his head. “I see, well go head get it and when you are finish doing that I could use your help in lab twenty with a bonding experiment I am doing on two people.”

    When Tara hears what Kevin has to say her eyes grow wide. “Alright I will do that and join you after I am done with Ed because I would like to see how that experiment goes with them.” she said as she nods her head. Kevin then nods his head. “Alright then I will see you in a few minutes.” he says as he starts to walk down the hall to the lab room where Emma was at.

    When he gets into Emma’s room he smiles at her. “Well, well hello Emma I trust you have been resting well. I have come to take you to have a little visit with Daniel for a little while. I am sure you were not expecting to see him again today but I kind of changed my mind.” he said with a big grin on his face as he looks at her. “Would you like to do that?” he asks as he starts to pick her up into his arms and turns to walk out of her lab room. But instead of going to their cell like she thought he would be doing he turns and walks down the hall a few rooms. He knew she was now probably beginning to get confused in where they were going but did not say anything else until he reached the lab room where Daniel was at.

    When he reached lab room twenty he smiled. “Okay Emma here we are. I am sure you were not expecting to be coming here, but here is a Daniel waiting for you.” he says as he lays Emma down on the table next to Daniel. After she was lying on the table Kevin then checks on Daniel. Then coming back over to her Emma’s side he nods his head at her. “Alright Emma I am now going to ask you if you would remove all of your clothes but your underwear and bra then lay down on the table next to Daniel and cover up with this sheet. I am now going to go look for Steve and bring him back with me.” But before Emma could ask why she must remove her clothing Kevin had already walked out of the lab room. Now as Emma was undressing Daniel never moved once or even looks over at Emma, Infact he does not even say anything to her when Emma spoke to him he just keeps looking up at the celling and does not respond back to her.
    A few minutes go by and Kevin, Steve and Tara all walk into the lab room together. Kevin nods to Steve and makes his way over to Emma’s side. Then without saying anything to her he pulls the sheet off of Emma as he does that he take one of the needles out of his coat pocket and then placing the needle up to the middle of her stomach he then quickly jabs it in to her. As he holds it in her for a few minute he then looks up at her face. Then nodding his head he pulls the needle out of her really quickly and moves up to her neck and jabs it into her. When he does that he then reaches into his coat pocket again and pulls the second needle and hand it over to Steve and nods his head. Steve then come up and stands next to Emma’s head and before she could ask what he was going to do he puts the needle up to the middle of her head and quickly jabs it into her. Kevin watches Emma as the needle goes into her head and sees that her eyes also grow wide and her mouth starts to open to say something but she could not speak out to say anything because the drug has already started to work. Then as the two men pull both of their needles out of Emma the next thing Kevin dose is snaps his fingers and Emma’s eyes roll back into her head and then she starts to look up at the celling like she was hypnotized as well.

    Then Kevin looks over at Steve and Tara and nods his head after he does that he walks over near the door way and turns the lights down to a lower setting. Then he pushes another button on the wall and the celling starts to open up above Daniel and Emma. As that happens two strange things that look like robots starts to come down out of the celling and as they do it starts to take the shape of Daniel and Emma’s bodies. When the robots are laying on top of Daniel and Emma Kevin then pushes the button again. As he does that ten hundred little needles start to come out of the robots and push into Daniel and Emma body. The robots then latch on and cover their whole bodies so all that is sticking out of the robots is their heads and hands.

    Kevin then walks back over to the tables and as he does that he starts to speak to Daniel and Emma. “Okay the next thing I am going to do is I am going move Daniel’s body over top of your body Emma. When he is laying over you I want you both to then grab ahold of each other’s hands and lock them together tightly.” Kevin then nods to Steve and Tara to come help him flip Daniel over and move him over top of Emma. When the two robots come together and are lying on top of each other. Kevin then pushes a button on Daniel’s robot and a melt head piece starts to slides out over top of both of their heads, then it covers them up and close up around their necks. Steve then pulls two long chains down form the celling and hooks them up to the back of Daniel’s robot so the two of them are now just hanging above the table from the chains. Kevin then tells Steve to go head and push another button on the table underneath Emma. As he does that the table starts to move away and the glass tank is now open underneath them both.

    The next thing Kevin tells Daniel and Emma to do is open their mouths wide. Then he tells Daniel to put his tongue into Emma’s mouth. When Daniel has it inside Kevin then tells Emma to close her mouth around Daniel’s tongue. He then tells them why he is having them do this. “You did this because it will help you both focus on each other better when we put you down under the water. Kevin then starts to tell them what they will be doing next to them. “I am going to lower you both down into the glass tank that has the water in it. When you are in there, I am then going to remove the chains off of you, then you both will then start to sink down to the bottom of the tank and lay on the bottom. The next thing that will take place is the needles that are in your body right now will then start to move in and out of you which will then pump a drug into your body.

    When you feel the drug enter your bodies you will both start to have happy thoughts fill your minds. When that happens you both should be able to start to read each other’s minds. Oh and be sure to look into each other eyes as this is going on. After an hour has gone by I will then put another drug into you, this drug will start to make you have sad memoires and you will still be able to read each other’s minds. When you both have these feelings going on in your minds it will help you two come closer to each other and to know for sure that you two are meant to be together.
    When another hour has gone by I will then put one last drug into you. This drug will make your minds go blank and you will stop thinking for a few minutes. You will also pass out and your bodies will start to shake all over. When that is happening the robots that are on you will then start to come off of you both. As they are coming off I will then put a drug in to the water this drug will make both of your bodies regain strength that you may have lost from other experiment we have done on both of you. As this is taking place you will then start to float up to the top of the tank and lay there until we pull you both out. I will beletting you both lay there for a few minutes so the drug can work on you. This is when the experiment will be over. Then the three of us will pull both of you out of the water. You will still probably be out so you will not know when we take you out.

    Okay let’s get started with the experiment. Alright Steve go ahead and start to lower them into the water.” Steve nods his head and then pushes a button. They then are slowly lowered down into the water. When they are under the water Kevin then removes the chains that were holding them up and they start to fall to bottom of the tank. Kevin then pushes a button that controls the robots and all of the needles start to go in and out of their bodies. As this takes place the first drug starts to come out of the needles and enters their bodies. Now when Daniel feels all the needles start to go in and out of his body this makes his eyes grow wide and his tongue start to move wildly around in Emma’s mouth. But it only last for a few minutes because he then feels the drug start to enter into him. When Daniel feels the drug enter into him his mind starts to put happy thoughts out about Emma. As this happens Daniel starts to look straight into Emma eyes. He then starts to read her mind as each of them share the happy memories.

    Now the first happy memories he sees were when they were first put together in their cell and they met for the very first time. Then as fast as that memory enters his mind the second happy memory pops in next. This one was the time he first kissed Emma on the lips. Then when the third happy memory comes into his mind it was the time he told her he loved her and she told him she did to. Then as fourth happy memory comes into his mind it was the time he ask her to be his wife and marry him. Then Daniel looks deeper into Emma’s eyes and she starts to share her happy memories with him. The happy memories go on for another hour or so and then Daniel feels a new drug start to enter his body. This drug starts to bring really sad memories into his mind. The first sad memory was the time he saw Emma really sick after they had their first experiment done on them. Then the next sad memory came into his mind and this was the time he saw Emma when she was in a lot of pain. Then all of a sudden he starts seeing Emma’s sad memories. Her memories make Daniel start to cry and tears fell from his eyes and hit Emma in the face.

    The sad memories go on for another hour and then Daniel felt the last drug enter his body and this drug starts to make him feel really strange and he started to loss all contact to Emma’s mind and when that happened he stopped thinking and then he passes out. As this was happening Daniel and Emma’s body both start to shake like they were having seizures. Now when this was taking place all of the needles that were in them started to the pull out of them all at once and the robots then slowly fall off of them and both of their bodies lay on the bottom of the tank.

    When Kevin sees this taking place he quickly releases the strength drug into the water and it did not take it long to reach them and then both of their bodies start to slowly rise up to the top of the water. As they reach the top they start to lay there in the water. Kevin then watches them closely and lets them lay there for about thirty more minutes. As they lay there in the water the drug that was put into the water starts to cover their bodies and as that happens it gives them both strength and their bodies both start to tingle all over. After thirty minutes go by Kevin then looks at his watch and nod his head as he looks up at Tara and Steve. “Alright you two we need to remove them from the water now. Steve please go get the two back boards so we can put them on it.” he said as he started to reached into the water to check on Daniel and Emma heart rate. As he checks on Emma first he could not feel her heart beating. Then looking up at Tara he starts to shake his head. “I think we may have to shock Emma’s heart because I can’t feel her heart beating right now.” he said as he reach over and checked on Daniel next.

    Then smiling and nodding his head when he feels Daniel’s heart beating. “Daniel is fine but he must have already become alert again and is hearing us talk right now because his heart is really racing fast. Daniel if you can hear what I am saying to you right now please move your feet for me.” he says as he looks down at Daniel’s feet. Daniel dose move his feet when Kevin tell him to do it. Kevin looks up at Tara and nods his head. “Alright Daniel it won’t be much longer and we will have you both out of the water and we will then take care of Emma.” He says as he looks up and sees Steve walking back into the lab room. “Steve quickly get over here we need to get them out of the water pretty fast because Emma’s heart has stopped.” he says as he grabs the two back boards and start to put them up under Emma and Daniel bodies. “Alright you two on three help me pick them up. One…Two…Three pick them up now.” Kevin says as they started to pick up the boards and move them over to the tables next to the tank.

    As they lay them on the table Tara starts to take the melt head piece off of them. When it is off of them Steve quickly rolls Daniel off of Emma. Then Kevin starts to tilled Emma’s head back and opens her mouth so he can start to breath into her mouth. As he does that he pinches her nose and starts to breath into her. When he does that a few times he then comes off of her and Tara starts to push down on Emma chest. Kevin then starts to breathe into her again. They then take turns doing this and then Kevin looks up at Steve and shakes his head. “Still nothing is happing.” he says “Okay Steve I need you to shock her heart two times.” Steve reaches into the table and pulls out a tool he will use on her. He then puts it up to Emma’s chest pushes down and then pushes a button on it. He then shocks Emma heart two times and then move back for Kevin to feel her wrist for her poles. Kevin then nods his head and starts to smile as he feels Emma heart beating again. “Now that was a close call for us we may have lost her for good.” he says as he looks over at Daniel.

    Daniel smiles and nods his head as he start to shiver. Kevin sees this and shakes his head “I am so sorry Daniel I forgot to get you a blanket out before we put you on the table. Tara will you please get them both a blanket and cover them up.” he says as he look over at her. Tara nods and walks over to a metal cabinet that was on the wall and opens it up and takes out two blankets. Then she comes back over to the table and covers Daniel up first then she puts one on Emma next. Kevin then turns and looks at Daniel again and as he does he snaps his fingers two times in Daniel’s face. When he does that Daniel come out of his days and starts to move his head around and starts to talk. “Is Emma alright now?” he asks as he looks over at her. Kevin smiles and nods his head. “Yes she is alright but is just sleeping right now. Steve will you please give Emma a shot in the neck too wake her up.” he says as he pats Daniel on the arm.
    When Steve gives Emma a shot in the neck everyone watches her and when she gaps for air they all start to clap their hands and cheer out. “Welcome back Emma. How are you feeling right now?” Tara asks as she takes Emma’s hand in hers and gently squeezes it. But before Emma can answer her Daniel starts to speak. “Well I hope she is feeling well enough to marry me still today.” he said as he looks over at her. Kevin then starts to laugh. “I am sure she is well enough now but I still want to keep her in here one or two more days Daniel just to watch her. But I do believe it is kind of late to be having a wedding at the church. But Daniel would you like for me to marry you two right now today, right here in this lab room?

    See I was once a pastor a long time ago before I went back to school to learn how to do all this experiments then I took the job as head scientist here. So I don’t see why I could do it for you both.” Daniel eyes grow wide and a smile comes onto his face. “Oh my Kevin that would be wonderful if you could do that for us today. Emma what do you think about that?” He said as he turns his head and looks over at Emma who was trying to say something but could not yet speak out to them. Kevin then turns and looked at her and then remembers he had not yet taken her out of being hypnotized. “I am so sorry Emma I forgot about you.” he said as he snapped his fingers in her face and makes Emma come out of her days and it was not long before she could talk again as well.

    ((**Sorry it has taken me so long to post my reply and it is alright I understand that you were not able to reply to our RP right way. I hope you like my post I have done. I know I did not get to the wedding ceremony in this reply but I had a little fun with them both with the experiment I did on them. Here are a few ideas for you: If you want to have Emma respond to what I had Kevin do to her at the beginning of my post and then again in the parts I had both of them together in the water with all the happy and sad memories flooding through their minds. You could see if you can come up with a few of your own memories for Emma to give to Daniel. Then you could have her start to get dressed for the wedding at the end of your post. I will then pick up at that spot at the beginning of my next post with them having the wedding ceremony right there in the lab room. I do have a few ideas on how I am going to do it. What do you think of these ideas? **))

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    Emma slowly woke up seeing Daniels smiling face “ hi, Oh I’m just tired still form the seizures, medications and Birth” she touched his cheek “ I knew I had to live because I get to marry the kindest man I’ve ever seen” she said and talked for a long time but was sad to see him go after an hour “ I love you Daniel, I will” she smiled watching him leave the room. It had been so long since she had been away from Daniel for any amount of time it made her sad to see him go but she knew he had to. And that the scientists were doing their best to help her recover. Emma closed her eyes and rested again, slowly beginning to fall asleep.
    Emma began to dream of walking down the aisle and seeing Daniel in his suit, the flowers everywhere and the people from the town sitting there with them to celebrate. In her dream she was still pregnant but was very happy and excited. She woke hearing the doors to the lab open and saw Kevin and Tara “I would like to see him again “she said thankful that he was not going to make her walk she felt weak still. As they went deeper in to the lab she became a little nervous, she looked seeing Daniel laying still and she leaned up to look at Danile “Daniel?” she toughed his arm but his eyes didn’t move or look at her and was concerned “is he ok?” she asked as she did as was asked and laid back on the table in nothing put underwear and a bra and pulled the sheet up. As she waited, she talked to Daniel about her dream of a wedding and hoped that the experiment wouldn’t stop them from having their own child one day.

    When the scientist came back, she looked up and gasped at the jab of the needle. her belly was still tender, so it stung. She felt the needle in her neck and stayed still but the one in her head made her gasp and grab Daniels hand as it scared her more than anything she was going to say she was scared but she soon was to relax once Kevin fingers snaped she became lip and could not move or even look around. Emma panicked, not liking the feeling of being trapped. Emma panicked, feeling the needle going into her body. Holding on to Daniels hands tightly helped and looking up into his eyes made her feel safer.
    As they were lowered down, she was scared thinking that they were going to drown but with the help of the robots they did not. Slowly she calmed down once more and her back touched the bottom of the tank. As the needles move she felt Daniles tung moving and hers moved against his till the drug took ahold of her as well. Her first happy memory was how quickly she felt safe bing in a cell with Daniel, he put her at ease so quickly it made her curous in him. Her second was walking threw the town and seeing the watch shop and the chapel and the roses. Her last memory was when she was giving birth the last time and seeing Daniel holding one of the babys for the first time. It made her heart swell with such happiness.
    When her sad memories started she was crying to. The first was when the babys were taken form her. They were not really hers but she brought them in to the world and it broke her heart she would never see them grow or find their own happiness. She second was when they would take Daniel for experiments and leaving her behind . the feeling of cold and fear came over her so quickly that Daniel had become a source of happiness. The third was droning the last birth, the pain and exhaustion and when she had a c section she could feel everything but couldn’t respond . the pain and the moving inside of her. As they removed the Babys.

    (( love those ideas . I cant wait to see what you do the the reply))

    As they lost there connection eve began to shake again and when all of the needels pulled out of her she cryed out in her mind and passed out, the pain and still healing had her boddy reacting differently. Slowly as she floated to the top her heart stopped. She had an out of body experience and she cryed out curcing herboddy crying that she coudent leave like this . she needed Daniel she loved him. She struggled to get back and was begging the scientist thought they cant here her. Her boddy was doing its best to work with Steven when the first shock hit she was thrown back in to her boddy. When the second hit she was back, her boddy began to shover cold from the water. She was so thankfull she was back she didn’t want to leave Daniel. The shot went in to her neck and she gasped waking up and looked around. She tried to respond but she couldn’t, she was still stuck.

    When Keven let her go she smiled “I would love to marry you today, thank you Keven that would be perfect, Could I get your Help Tara to get dressed in my wedding dress?” she asked. Whe felt stronger then before but she needed help with her hair. Moving to a screaned part of the room she was helped to get ready and she smiedl . it was a beautifule flowing gown that would look beautifule if she was verry pregnant or not pregnant, but she hd special little images on the neck line she did by hand . a pocket watch for when they got them selves watches. A key for the access to the town, a mouce and a lion face to represent how strong he was and how timid she is . she had flat shoes on and her hair done up in a bun with some babys breath. Even warn out as she felt she looked beautiful. “ I think I’m ready “ she said the connection form the experiment fell more in to place and she felt such joy and happiness unintentionally to Daniel
    The only limit is YOUR mind

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    Daniel smiled when Emma said she would love to marry him today. “I am so glad to hear that then what are you waiting for go get dressed.” he said as he waved his hand at her to go.

    Then as Emma was getting dressed Daniel turned and looked at Steve. “I have two favors to ask of you.” he said as he walked over to him. Steve smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, what can I do for you Daniel?” Steve said. “Well, I was wondering if you would be my Best man and I also need to go back to our cell and get the rings, my suite and I something for Emma.” Daniel said as he looked over at Kevin and then Steve again.

    Kevin started t not his head. “Yes, go head and take him to get those things. In fact, why don’t you just let him get changed over there and then meet me in the little chapel down the hall. I think that would be a nice place to have the wedding at.” He said as he looked over at Steve. Daniel smiled and started to walk over to the door with Steve right behind him. As they did Steve stopped and turned and looked at Daniel. “Oh, by the way I would be glad to be your Best man. “He said as he pats Daniel on the shoulder.

    Once they got to the cell Daniel quickly changed into his white suite then looking into the mirror he started to laugh when he looked at his bald head. “Steve do you still remember the day you shaved my hair off my head? Emma was not one bit happy to have her hair cut off. You know I don’t think you have ever told me why you did it to us. When Steve hears this, he started to laugh as he comes over to Daniel side. “Yes, I sure do still remember that day I shaved your hair off. Well, the reason we did it to you both was because it makes it a lot easier to do experiments on you head and with this many people living here, we were using a lot of water when everyone had to wash their hair every day. We have found that it has saved us a lot of money by doing this to everyone.” Daniel nods his head as Steve told him that. “Ah, I see now, well I have found it’s a lot less work in the morning and I kind of like how I look without it.” He said as he rubs his head.

    After Daniel had finished dressing, he made his way downstairs to his little brown desk where he had been keeping the rings at. He also took out a paper that he had written his Vows on. As he put the paper in his pocket, he walked over to the bed then keeling down next to it he reached under it and pulled out a small box that had the gift for Emma in it. As he stood up, he started to open the little box and as he did, he smiled as he looked down at a beautiful diamond neckless and bracelet. He knew Emma was going to love it when she saw it. Then as he closed the box, he put in his coat pocket and then made his way back upstairs to where Steve was waiting for him. As he got back upstairs, he saw Steve leaning on the bars of their cell. “Okay Steve I am ready to go to the chapel now.” He said as he walked over to Steve side.

    Steve smiled and nods his head as he puts his hand on the back of Daniel’s neck. What Daniel did not know was that Steve had just pushed a tiny needle into the back of his neck. Well, this needle held a dug in it that would make Daniel relax and case him to have a lot of happy emotions. It would last for next five days. Now when Steve took his hand away the needle started to release the drug into Daniel’s body and his body started to relax and a lot of happy feeling rushed over him.

    When Daniel and Steve reached the little chapel Kevin was standing at the front waiting for them. Steve nodded his head when he saw Kevin looking at him. “Everything is done and ready. Do you want me to go check on Emma and Tara?” Steve asked. Kevin smiled as he looked at Daniel. “Okay nice job and yes please do go check on the ladies.“ Steve nods and turns as he walks out of the chapel. Kevin then turns and looks Daniel over. “How are you feeling right now? Are you ready for this to take place Daniel?” he asks as he pats him on the back. Daniel turns and smiles at Kevin as a lot of happy emotions rush though his body. “Oh, my I feel great sir and I sure am ready for this to take place.”

    As Steve entered the lab room where the two ladies were at, he remembers that he had another needle with him. Now how would he get that needle into Emma’s neck? When he goes farther into the room, he hears Emma say she thinks she was ready. “Ah, that is good to hear. Daniel is also ready and waiting for you.” he says as he nods to Tara.

    Then he walks over to Emma’s side and looks her over as he does that he reaches up and place his hand on the back of her neck. As he does that, he gently pushes the needle into her neck. Now this needle did not only have one drug in it but two different kinds of drugs in it. The first drug would make Emma feel scared and the second drug would make her either cry or laugh for no reason. Steve knew it would take a few minutes for each drug to start to work on her so he kind of tried to encourage her to leave the lab room now. “Okay Miss Emma what are you waiting for let’s go to a little chapel where Daniel is waiting for you at.” He said as he took his hand off of her neck. When Steve did that, the needle started to release the drug into Emma’s body and when it did Steve could see Emma starting to look kind of scared. He looked over at Tara and mouthed something to her. “Put your arm around her to help encourage her to go on.” He said as they started to walk out of the lab. Tara smiled and did as told. “Emma this is going to be a great day for you.” Tara said. Steve went ahead of the two ladies and quickly got in place next to Daniel and Kevin.

    Daniel’s eyes grow wide, and he started to smile when he saw Emma walking into the little chapel. She looked so lovely in her wedding dress that he wanted to run to her and take her in is his arms. But when Kevin saw this, he grabbed Daniel’s arm. “Ah yes, Emma does look very beautiful, but you need to stay right here and wait for her to come to you Daniel.” he said as he put arm around him.

    When Emma had finally got down to the front where the men were standing Kevin smiled at her. Then he started to talk “We gather here today to join Emma Steel and Daniel Everleigh. If any among us can show just cause, why they many not lawfully be married speak now or forever hold your peace.” Kevin smile and looked around the room then when he saw no one speaking he continued to speak. “Each of you please join right hands.”

    Once they had joined hands Kevin kept talking. “Do you Daniel take you Emma to be my wife to have and to hold to this day forward for better or for worse for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health to love and cherish as long as you both should live?” Daniel smiled and looked at Emma and said. “I do.” After Daniel had said that Kevin then turns to Emma and said the same thing to her. “Do you Emma take Daniel to be my husband to have and to hold to this day forward for better or for worse for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health to love and cherish as long as you both should live?” Daniel gently squeezed her hand and waited for her to speak.

    Kevin smiled at then and asked for both the rings. When Daniel gave him the rings he said. “Daniel as you put the ring on Emma’s finger please repeated after me. Emma, I give myself to you to be your husband. I promise to love and sustain you in convent of marriage from this day forward.” As Daniel put the ring on Emma’s finger, he repeated what Kevin had said.

    Then Kevin looked at Emma “Emma please repeat after me as you put Daniel’s ring on. Daniel, I give myself to you to be your wife. I promise to love and sustain you in convent of marriage from this day forward.” Daniel looked into Emma eyes as she repeated what Kevin said. After they had given each other their rings Kevin then looked at Emma and Daniel once again. “Now that Daniel and Emma have given themselves to each other by slum vows and joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronouns them husband and wife. Daniel if you would like you may now kiss your bride.” Kevin said

    Daniel started to laugh as he moved closer to Emma then as he pulled her closer to him in his arms, he placed his lips on hers and kissed her deeply. When he finished kissing her, he looked into her eyes. “Mrs. Emma Everleigh, I love you so much and will always love you as long as you are by my side.” But before she could say anything to him Daniel scooped Emma up into his arms then looking at Kevin. “Kevin, may I take my lovely bride back to our cell and started our honeymoon with her? I also would like to get your permission to not have to sleep in our cell tonight but stay out in the village and spend some time with Emma for our honeymoon.” Daniel said as he kisses Emma again.
    Kevin was quite for a few minutes then he answered Daniel’s questions. “Daniel, I don’t see why you two couldn’t spend the next four days out in the village. But just remember be back in your cell by Friday morning because we have another experiment that needs to be done on you both. Now go have fun together and I will see you in a few days.” Kevin said as he smiles at them both and waved them off.

    Steve started to laugh as he turned and looked at the newly wed. “Now let’s go you two before Kevin changes his mind.” he said as he winked at Kevin. Daniel nods his head and starts to walk over to the door. But when he gets there, he stopped and turned to face Kevin. “Kevin Thank you so much for making this day a special one for us.” he said as he kisses Emma again. Then turning he nods to Steve and the three of them head back to the cell. When they get there Steve opens the gate and lets them go in. But before he leaves them, he turns and looks at them. “Well, you two have a good time on your honeymoon and I will see you next week sometime.” He said as he closes the gate to their cell and leaves them alone.

    Daniel looks up at Emma and smiles at her. “Well Mrs. Everleigh how does it feel to be called that now?” he asks as he kisses her and puts her back down on her feet then he puts his arms around her and pulls her closer up to his chest and looks down into her eyes.

    After she answers his question, he remembers that he still had the gift for her. “Emma, I have a little gift for you that I think you will really like.” he said as he takes his arms off of her and starts to reach into his pocket and pulls out the little box. As he opens it he watches her face. “Emma, I want to give you this.” he says as he takes the diamond neckless out of the box and starts to put it around Emma’s neck. Then he does the same thing with the bracelet. “What do you think my dear?” he asks as he watches her look at them.

    Then he lets her share her feeling with him for a few minutes before he looks at his watch. “Well, I think it is about time to head on out into the village now. What would you like to do first? I’m going to let you pick the first thing we do on our honeymoon before I tell you what have planned for us next.” he said as he waits for her to answer him.

    (***~~ Sorry it took me so long to respond. I am looking forward to seeing how you respond to my post. If you want at the end of your post go head and have them, go into the village and start their honeymoon. I can’t wait to see what you have them do first.)

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    Emma adjusted the wig that tera helped her with, she prefers to have hair so she was happy that she could do this. She adjusted her dress and smiled to Steve” I’m ready I feel quite ready for this” she felt the prick but just figures that she had her wig pulled on a hair. As the drug took effect she started to feel scared but started to laugh” oh my I’m scared but .. I don’t know why “ she said and smiled to Taraand leand in to her “ it is im just suddle scared “ she admitted and headed to the chapal.

    She took a deep breath and and started down the aisle. She smiled and laughed holding her flowers . she made it down and took Daniel’s hand “you look so handsome in a suit “ she said and looked at Daniel the whole time and smiled at the ring “ I do” she slipped the ring on his finger and repeated “ I give myself to you to be your wife . I promise to love and sustain you in covent of marriage from this day forward. She giggled threw it all and was shaking form being scared and felt bad hoping he didn’t think it was because of her marrying him. She smiled and kissed Daniel she teared up at his words” Mr. Daniel Everleigh I love you to your my world and you make everything survivable. I can conquer anything with you and you bring out the best in me. Thank you for loving me “ she said tearing up.

    Gasping Emma blushed as she was picked up and talked about the honeymoon. She was so happy to have a few days to them selves alone “ yes thank you Kevin for helping us “ she stayed close to him and resteing her head against his shoulder. “ you have a gift for me ?” she asked and when she saw it she gasped “ oh Daniel its beautifule “ she touched both and teared up.” There perfict thank you “ she said .

    “ I had something special for you to “ she said going under her matrice and and it was journal inside it had every happy moment and scary moment that he helped her threw and on the front it said the many reasons I love you “ its not the biggest thing but its something special “ she said hoping he would like it.

    Down stairs the village made them a cabin to get away and set it up with a beautiful pond and a large bed plenty of food for them to make it special. With clothing and beautiful For them . a another was laying out a bath of rose petals to lead them there . she smiled “ lets go and start the honey moon love “ she said and took his hand and open the door to the village and gasped “ oh its beautiful “ she said following all the way down to the new cabin. “ oh love look at this “ she said going inside and smiled “ thy have done so much for us “ she said her eyes teared up and cryed “ we can feel like were out of the labs for a little while “ she said seeing the clothes were stoked and dresses and cofy pants for her to were so it didn’t hurt her belly. Should we change and go for a walk ?” ive been in the lab for so long “ she said changing in to a beautifule sundress and took her wig off and put it away. And took daniels hand and went on a walk around the village as it was all recorated for there weding

    (( its ok , it happens I hope you like it ))
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    When Daniel saw Emma Walk out from changing into the sundress a big smile came onto his face. “Oh, Emma you look so lovely in that yellow sundress.” He said as his eyes grow wide as he looks at the dress closely. Then going over to her he pulls her into his arms and kisses her on the forehead. “Okay Mrs. Everleigh what are you waiting for let's go out into the village now because I have some fun things planned for us and I am not going to tell you what it is because they are all surprises. “He said as he put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

    As they walked along the path Daniel watched Emma closely. I he knew she was going to be a wonderful wife and he looked forward to starting a family with her. But halfway out Daniel turns to her. “Okay Emma close your eyes and take my hand I will lead you the rest of the way to the place we are going to.” he said as he took her hand in his.

    Then as he led her up to a small photo studio a very tall man with a camera walked out of it. As Daniel saw him, he put a finger up to his lips to let the man know not to say anything but just to lead them into the building. The man nods his head and opens the door as they walk in. “Aright Emma we are at the place now but keep your eyes closed for a bit longer until I lead you over to the place we are to stand at.” He said as he nods to the man. When they both were in the small studio and Daniel had her standing under an arch that was covered with a lot of little red roses all around it.
    Daniel then got down on one knee in front of her. “Okay Mrs. Everleigh you may now open your eyes.” he said as he took both of her hands into his.

    Then smiling as he watched her open her eyes and look down at him, but before Emma could say anything the man with the camera quickly started taking pictures of them. Daniel started to laugh as he saw Emma’s face. “Surprise” he said, “I thought you would like to remember our special day, so I arranges for us both to come here and have someone picture taken for us.” he said as he stood up and pulled her into his arms and started to kiss her on the lips.

    When he finished kissing her, he smiled again. “I do have one more surprise for you and it should be here very soon.” he said. But as he said that Tara walked into the studio. “Ah yes and here is your next surprise right now.” he said as he points over to were Tara stood at in the doorway.

    As Tara walked over to them, she had a big smile on her face. “Emma, I thought you would like to have this, so I bought it for you.” she said as she started to pull Emma’s weeding dress out of a big bag she held. As she was doing that Kevin and Steve also walked into the studio right behind her. But while all this was taking place Daniel just stood there with a big smile on his face. “Emma dear did you have any idea this was going to be happening?” He asked as he put arm around her again.

    As Tara helped Emma get dressed Daniel went over to where Steve and Kevin stood at. “Thank you for coming so quickly. I plan on having all three of you joining us for some pictures as well.

    But while we wait for Emma to finish dressing while don’t, we get a few pictures together right now.” he said as he turns to the man with the camera. “Sir, will you take some pictures of us three men together.” he asks as he walked back over to the arch. The man smiled and nodded his head. “I sure can. Oh, and please call me Matt.” He said as he led the other men over to the arch as well.

    When Steve and Kevin were standing next to Daniel Matt nodded his head. “Okay Daniel I want to get a few of you first then we will add the other two men in. Alright for the first picture I want to have you hold your hand up on your suite collar for me.” He said as he waited for Daniel to do so.

    After Daniel did it that Matt smiled and took the picture. “Okay, Next I want you to get down on one knee like you are asking Emma to marry you.” Daniel nods his head and does so. After a few more pictures were taken Steve and Kevin join him. As Matt took all the pictures he smiled. “Nice work Daniel! Now take a break until your wife is ready then we will take some more pictures.” he said as he looked down at his camera to review the pictures he had taken. Daniel nods his head as he sits down and looks at his watch. So far, they were doing very well on time, so he did not have to worry about it.

    Daniel did not have to wait long until he saw Emma coming out of the small room in the back of the studio. As he stood up, he greeted her with a smile and outstretched arms. “Ah, there is my beautiful wife now.” he said as he took her in his arms and lean forward to kisses her on the forehead. Matt nods his head when he sees her coming out “Ah that is wonderful now we can take some more pictures. Why don’t I take the pictures of the ladies first then we can get the group pictures then just the two of you together.” He said as he walks over to Emma’s side.

    Daniel smiled and stepped out of the way as he watched Matt started to take pictures of just Emma. The first picture he took was of Emma smelling her flowers; he then had her give him a surprised look like when she got her ring. Now when Daniel saw this pose it made him start to laugh. “Oh, Emma that pose sure does brings back memories when I first gave you the ring. Are you getting the same memories as well?” he asks as he smiled at her.

    Matt then took a few other pictures of her and then asked Tara to join Emma. He then took a several picture of them and then nodded his head. “Okay nice job ladies now let’s add the men in.” He said as he called the three men to join the ladies.

    Once he had taken several group pictures, he then said he was finished taking pictures with Daniel’s friends and told them they were free to leave now. Daniel smiled and then thanks each of them. Now once Steve, Tara and Kevin had left Matt then turned and looked at Daniel and Emma. “Okay you two now the fun starts with just the two of you. Daniel, please join hands with Emma and looking into her eyes and smile at her.” Daniel nods and does as he was told. After Matt has taken the picture, he then has them kiss. “Nice work you two. Now Daniel go head and pick Emma up into your arms.” As Daniel does this he starts to laugh. “I love you so much Emma and don’t you forget it.” as he says this, he kisses her on the lips. Matt laughs and snaps a few pictures of the two of them kissing. Matt then takes a few more pictures and then puts his camera down. “Well, you two I think we have taken some good pictures. It will take me four days to get all of these pictures ready for you then I will give you a call to let you know you can pick them up.

    As Daniel thanks Matt and puts Emma back on her feet. “Emma why don’t you go change back into that yellow sundress and then we can go to the next place I have planned for us. Once Emma had changed and come back out Daniel quickly scooped her up into his arms again and started to walk out of the studio. As he walked down the path he looked up at Emma. “Okay dear how would you like to go have some lunch before we go do the next surprise place?” he asked as he kisses her again.

    Daniel walks a little way down the road and then he came to this empty lot that had a lot of trees all around. “Well, here we are Emma. I am sure you are probably wondering where our food is at, well don’t worry about that because it is right over here. As Daniel put Emma on her feet again, he then took her hand and led her down a small path as they walked down it Daniel watched Emma’s face closely as they walked up to a table that was all decorated with a white tablecloth and some candles. The table also was full of all different kinds of food for them to eat. “What do you think about this dear?” he asked as he pulled out a chair for Emma to sit down in.

    Once they had finished eating their lunch Daniel smiled at Emma once again. “Okay I think we should be heading to our next surprise I have planned for us.” He said as he walked around the table to pick her up into his arms again.

    “As he started to walk, he was quite for a few minutes then as he spoke again. “Alright Emma do you remember me telling you after we got married, I wanted to start a family with you right away? Well, that is what we are going to do tonight.” He asks as he walked up to a big tan building that had a sign on the wall that said. The Love Birds Rooms.

    As he walked up to the door he puts Emma down on her feet. “Okay Emma here we are. Now let me do all the talking when we get inside.” he said as he takes her hand and opens the door. As they walked into the building all of a sudden, the lights start to go out slowly until there was only a low lighting in the room.

    As soon as Daniel’s eyes got use to the low lighting he just stood there looking around. Then all of a sudden lady sitting at a desk in front of them calls to them. “Hello and welcome to the love bird's rooms how may I help you? Daniel smiles and walks up to the desk. “Hello there, we have come to stay the night in one of the rooms. “ He said as he looked at Emma. The lady smiled “Okay may I please have a name to see if you are in the computer yet.” she asks as she looked over at them again. Daniel thought for a minute. “Ah yes that might be a good idea. Daniel Everleigh, I believe that is what was given when my friend registers us.” he said as he looked at the lady.

    The lady nods her head and started to type. “Ah yes here we go I do have you down. Give me on minute to print out some information for you.” she said as she got up and walked over to a wall that had a lot of keys hanging on it. “Alright you are going to be in room 22 on the second floor and it is on the right-hand side of the hall. Enjoy your stay and if there is anything you need just call this number right here. Oh, and just ask for Sara if you call.” she said as she pointed to the number on the paper, she was handing him. Daniel nods his head. “Thank you, Sara we sure will do that.” He said as he looked at the paper. Then nodding and smiling over at Emma. “Okay dear what are you waiting for let's go.” he said as he took her hand.

    As they walked over to the stairs Daniel took one look over at Emma. “Ah I am sorry sweetheart I was not thinking about you here let me carry you up the stairs to our room.” He said as he quickly scoops Emma up into his arms and start to climb the steps.

    When they reached the second floor Daniel looked at the paper again. “Ah here we are room 22.” he said as he walked up to the door. Then reached down he put the key in the door handle and turned it. The door then opened, and Daniel pushed it wider. As he walked into the room you could see that the lights were very low it had a King size bed, two chairs, a small table, a big bathtub in the corner and a toilet next to it. The bed was covered with red rose petals in the shape of a heart.

    As Daniel walked into the room, he put Emma down on her feet again and looked around the room. “I think this room will do just find for us.” he said as he stood behind Emma and put his arms around her to pull her close to him. “Now where do you want to start my dear? I will let you decide on that.” he said as he started to playfully kiss her neck.

    (***What do you think of my post I did? I will let you write about the fun part next at the end of your post and I will pick up with whatever you have them doing at that point. Can’t wait to see what you have Emma do to Daniel.)

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    Member isabella1503's Avatar
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    Emma blushed and held his hand “thank you Mr. Everleigh, oh you’ve planned so much haven’t you “ she said excited to see what he did plan. Daniel is a sweet man, and she could only imagen what he did. She bet that she would love it whatever he did. She smiled, holding her face up to the sunlight enjoying it. It felt like a new beginning for her that anything that happened they could make it through it. She didn’t mean to, but she projected her feelings to Daniel, and he felt pure happiness.
    Eve nodded and closed her eyes and took his hand “I’m sure whatever it is it will be amazing” she said and kissed his hand she knew were it was. She could tell they were inside but that was about it as she moved in to position to were they wanted to be and told her to open her eyes she looked over and then looked down and smiled “hello handsome husband” she said and herd the camara and was surprised but smiled “ oh wedding photos ?” she smiled happily that the could document this wonderful day “ I hope we can at least keep one photo in our cell “ she said for days that they were needing to rest in there cell if they were ill form the experiments. She smiled putting her arms around Daniel and kissed him back lovingly the happiness could be seen in her eyes.
    She looked over to Tara with her wedding dress “ I had no idea im so excited “ she said hugging Daniel . she was happy to have them all in the photos as they were a big part of there lives now . she stood for the photos with Tera Steve and Kevin.
    Emma posed for the photos with Tera and then did as matt asked and she smiled at Daniel “ I am, it was the happiest day of my life besides today “ he said threw out the pictures Emma squeaked and smiled “ I love you to Daniel you don’t forget it either” she said and nuzzled him putting her had on his chest .
    Emma nodded “ im feeling quite hungry “ she said taking his hand again and smiled “ ooh there’s foods I haven’t seen in a long time “ she said sitting down next to Daniel “ thank you “ she ate slowly and enjoyed each moment. When they headed to the next surprised she smiled “ you’ve planed so much “ she said so touched .
    When Daniel mentioned about starting a family she nodded “ I want to start right away to, if I test pregnant they will not do anything to me to risk the baby, our baby “ she said smiling at the thought of them having a child of there very own.. when they were on there way to there room the stairs were hard on her walking on flat serfaces was one thing but stairs were a nother. She smield at the room “ oh its beautifule “ she said looking around . when he kissed her neck she sighed in pleasure liking the feeling “ shall we start here I have never been withe anyone before so this is very new “ she said kissing his neck and working on losining his tie” maybe start calm and then explore as the night went on “ she said and gently folded his tie and then helped him with his jacket .
    She had a surprised for him as well . she had gotten some lacey underwear hoping he would like it. slowly they explored each other and learn of each others bodies in other ways. After there first time together and emma shily shoing her self but felt so safe and comfertabule with Danile it turned in to an amazing breathtaking night as they explored and started there family
    (( not sure if you want detail in pm but ill leave it here))

    In the morning Emma slowly woke as the sun came threw the crack in the curtans. She stroked Daniels cheek thinking how lucky she to find such an amazing man to call her husband. She slowly stood up and showered humming a cheerey song and washed her self. The first day of as mutch freedom they would ever get. . her hand rested on her belly and smiled “ prahaps there littleone had started to grow allredy and soon they will see a beautifule combination between her and Daniel.
    Once she finished she knocked on the door she opend it and a beautifule breakfast of eggs toast bacon fruit juce coffee and tea “ oh thank you so mutch “ she said finishing tiying off her robe and moved to the side to let the man threw with the cart.

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    Daniel smiled when he felt Emma curl up against his chest. Then as he kissed her again, she told him she had been wanting in life to be a mother. He smiled again as one of his hands reached down to rub her belly. “Oh, I think you will be a great mother when our little one comes.” he said.

    Then when Emma asked if he thought they would take the baby away from them he started to shake his head. “To tell you the truth Emma I am not really sure what to say I guess it all depends on what Kevin has to say about it. If you want, I can ask him for you. I would suggest you not say anything to any of the scientist about us trying to have one.” he said as he saw her looking up into his eyes.

    They lay there quietly for a few minutes, and he heard Emma ask him about their bed. Daniel sighed. “Oh, my dear you are just full of questions for me. Yes, I am sure they will do something about giving us a new bed and who knows we may be in a new cell as well.” he said as he gently squeezed her hand.

    Then all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Daniel looked down at Emma for a minute. Now who could that be?” he said as got up and pulled on a pair of underwear and pants and went to open the door. After he open the door there stood Sara the lady from the front desk. “Hello Mr. Everleigh, I am here to let you know the spa pool date you signed up for is all ready for you two to come down to.” she said as she held out two robes for them. “Please put this on over some underwear and for Mrs. Everleigh please come with a bra and underwear with her robe. Well, see you two in a few minutes at the pool.” she said as she smiled.

    As Daniel took the robes he nodded his head. “Thank you, Sara we will be down there in a few minutes.” he said with a smile on his face. Then closing the door, he turned to face Emma again. “Well, it is time for another surprise my dear wife.” he said as he handed her the robe. “Put this over top of your bra and underwear and we will head on down to have some fun together.

    As Daniel changed into his robe he wondered if Emma would enjoy the spa massage in the water. When he was done, he waited for her next to the door. “Ah there is my beautiful wife she is ready now.” he said as he watched her come out of the bathroom and walk over to him.

    Then offering his arm to her he then opens the door. As he did, he leans down and kisses her on the lips. As they walk to the pool Daniel was quite for a few minutes then he spoke. “Emma dear, do you have any ideas of things we can do on our honeymoon because I want you to have some say as well in what we do together.” he asked as they walked up to the big gym doors. As they walked in the first thing, they saw were eight medium size swimming pools.

    Now as they did walk in Sara met them. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Everleigh welcome to the spa water pool. Please remove you robes and join me in the pool over here.” she said as she walked over to the pool and stepped in the water to wait for them.

    As Daniel removed his robe he looked around and noticed that there was no one else in the other pools. He then turned and helped Emma remove her robe as well. Then taking her hand he helped her into the water as he also stepped in.

    When he was in his mouth dropped open as he felt how warm the water was. “Wow! Now the water is really warm.” he said as he lowered himself down into the water for a minute. Sara smiled when she heard what Daniel said. “Alright you two you may swim around for a few minutes to let your body get use to the water then I will tell you what to do next.” she said as set a timer on the side of the pool.

    Daniel nodded his head as he went down under the water and started to swim around on the bottom. After a few minutes he started to tease Emma by swimming around her under the water. Then coming up out of the water behind her he surprised her and wrapped his arms around her and started to kiss her on the neck. “I love you so much Emma. I hope you enjoy this with me today.” he said as he leans her back in his arms and started to kiss her deeply on the lips.

    After a few minutes of moving around in the water Sara called out to them. “All right you two I need you to come over to the steps for a minute while I bring the two massage tables up so you can lay on them.” she said as she pressed another button on the side of the pool.

    Daniel watched as the two tables started to come up out of the bottom of the pool. Then after they were up Sara nodded her head. “Okay please could you make your way over to the tables and I am going to have you both lay on your backs.” she said as she held out her hand for them to go over to the tables.

    Daniel helped Emma lay down first then he made his way over to his table. As he got to his he noticed the table was covered with a large sponge. “Ah this is nice. I don’t think I have ever laid on a sponge before.” he said as he started to lay down.

    As he lay there Sara came over to his table and pulled a head piece out of the end of the table and placed it over Daniel’s hand and neck. As she did this, she explained what it was. “This will give you air after you are lowered under the water. Now try and lay as still as you can and relax and if you want you can even go to sleep.” she said as she started to cover Emma’s head up with the same kind of head pieces.

    Then she pressed a button on the side of each of their tables and it started to low them down under the water. Now when Daniel and Emma’s body was finally all the way under the water their head pieces started to give them both air.

    After they had been lying under the water for five minutes Daniel started to feel his body sinking down into the sponge that was under him. But before he could move any the sponge started to wrap around his arms, legs and the rest of his body. Soon all that was showing was just his head sticking out of the sponge. As this was happing, he looked over at Emma and stared to laugh at what he saw. She too had been wrapped up in the sponge just like him.

    But then all of a sudden Daniel’s table started too vibrated and the water around him started to bubble wildly and the sponge that had wrapped around him got really tight on him. Now when this happened it made Daniel’s eyes grow wide and he gasp because the very next thing he felt was a hundred little pins coming out of the sponge and went in him all over his body. Then they started pull in and out of him really fast. As this was taking place Daniel tried to keep from screaming out by biting down on his bottom lip.

    Now this went on for a good five minutes until the pins disappeared back into the sponge, the water stopped bubbling, and the table stopped vibrating. But just as Daniel thought the massage was over, he felt his whole table starting to turn really slowly. As it came to a stop on its side Daniel looked over at Emma but when he saw her, he noticed that she looked kind of pale in the face. As Daniel was about to call out to her, he felt his table start to move again. But this time it was moving a lot faster, than it started to spin around and around in circles really fast. While he was spinning the pins also started to come out of the sponge again, but this time they went in him a lot faster then before. Daniel moaned in pain as the pins pulled out and went back in his body. Now this went on for a good ten minutes.

    Then all of a sudden, the table stopped spinning, and Daniel was now facing downward looking at the bottom of the pool. But the pins kept going in and out of him for another two minutes and then they suddenly stopped moving but they were all now pushed deep into his body. Now when Daniel was about to scream all of a sudden, he felt the pins move around in him and as they did that, they released ten different kinds of drugs into Daniel’s body.

    These are the ten drugs that were being put into Daniel: The first drug will make him feel like he is in a lot of pain all the time. The second drug will make him laugh a lot for no reason. The third drug will make him feel hot and then cold when he is doing something. The fourth drug will make him always feel really tired all the time. The fifth drug will make him feel hungry after he has eaten a big meal. The sixth drug that was put in him was DNA from a wild bear. This will make him growl when he is in pain, or he is not happy about something, and it will also make his hand change into the shape of bear claws and his fingers nails will grow long and sharp.
    The seventh drug will make him gain a lot of weight and he will have a hard time losing it afterwards. The eighth drug will make him have bad cases of hiccups every day. The ninth drug will cause him to have shortness of breath. The tenth drug was DNA taken from all six of the scientists. Daniel will soon start to either acted or look something like the scientist in some ways.

    Now when all ten of these drugs had finished entering Daniel’s body and the pins had been pulled out of him. Daniel’s body then started to shake; he also started to gasp for air. Why this all happen was because the drugs were all starting to take over his body all at once and when this happens, he also finally passed out.

    After this happens Daniel’s table started to spin again. It kept spinning for ten minutes then his table stopped spinning and came up to an upright position and slowly started to rise up out of the water.

    When Daniel’s body was all the way out of the water the sponge that was on him instead of coming off of him it just dried on him and hardened so it took the shape of his body. After Daniel lay there for a few more minutes he remained passed out. Soon Sara came over to him and carefully moved him onto a water stretcher. She then slowly takes him out of the water and puts him on another stretcher and then wheels him out of the gym and into a lab room.

    Now this lab room she took him to had a special oven in it that was only used by people who had a lot of drugs put into them. The person was put into it to help the drugs move around more freely in their bodies so the drugs would start to work right away. Since Daniel body had all those drugs released in him, he had to be put in the oven. Now this oven would not brunt Daniel’s body because he still had that sponge wrapped around him. But before Sara put Daniel into the small oven, she gave him a shot that would put him to sleep then she pushed him into the oven and closed the door. She then turned the oven on and set a timer for an hour.

    After Daniel was put into the oven Sara then left him there and went back to give Emma the same drug treatment that Daniel just had. When she got back to the pool, she checks on Emma that was still waiting under the water for her massage to start. She then pushes the button on the wall that made Emma table start to vibrate, the water bubble wildly and the hundred little pins started to move in and out of Emma’s body. But instead of the pins going really slow she made them go really fast right way. Then Sara changed the massage a little bit and had Emma’s table started to spin around and around really fast in circles. She then left Emma’s table doing this for fifteen minutes. Then after the time had pasted instead of having Emma’s table facing downward Sara had the table keep spinning, but the pins stopped moving and were pushed deep into Emma’s body. As the table kept spinning around and around the pins then moved a little bit more and then all of a sudden, they released all ten drugs into Emma’s body. But before the pins were removed, they released one more drug into Emma. Now this eleventh drug that was put into her was a drug that will make Emma have a very, very hard time whenever she is in labor. It will also make her have a lot more pain before and during the labor and it will make her have a very hard time giving birth to the babies each time.

    Now when all eleven of these drugs had finished entering Emma’s body and the pins were pulled out of her. Emma’s body then started to shake all over; she also started to gasp for air. As the drugs started to move around in her body it made her finally passed out.

    After this happens Emma’s table stopped spinning, and her body lay under the water for a few more minutes. Then her table slowly started to rise up out of the water as that happened the sponge harden around Emma’s body. Soon Sara came over to her and carefully moved her onto a water stretcher. She then slowly takes her out of the water and puts her on another stretcher and then wheels her out of the gym and into the same lab room as Daniel was in.

    Now when they reach the lab room before Sara put Emma into the oven, she got a needle and put the eleventh drug in Emma’s body one more time. Then after the drug was in her Sara then put both of her hand on Emma’s belly and pushed very hard down on her two times. After she did that, she gave Emma a shot that would put him to sleep.

    Sara then pushes Emma stretcher over to another oven and pushes her in and closes the door. Then she sets the timer on Emma’s oven but instead of for an hour she sets it for one and a half hours. Why she had done this was because she had giving Emma a second dowse of the eleventh drug, and she wanted to make sure all the drugs really started working in Emma body really well.

    After she had finished with Emma she went over and checks on Daniel’s oven. She saw that his timer had only five minutes left until it was time to take him out. So, she added another twenty minutes on to his timer. Then smiling at all the work, she had done with Emma and Daniel she then left the lab to go to lunch.

    Now an hour later after Sara got back from lunch, she went right back to the lab room and first checked on Daniel’s oven and seeing that his timer had already gone off she turn the oven off and then open the door up. Then she pulled his stretcher out of the oven and took him over to a table to let him cool off a bit before she removed his sponge from him. Then going back over to Emma’s oven she sees that the timer had ten minutes left on it, so she smiled and left her there and went back over to work on Daniel. By the time Sara had removed all of the sponge off of Daniel’s body it was time to take Emma out as well.

    As she took Emma out of the oven she smiled and knew that this woman would be going thought a lot now that she had received all these drugs in her. As she started to remove the sponge form her, she noticed that Emma belly was already really big. Then smiling as an idea came into mind. What if she was to give Emma a drug that would make her start to go into labor sooner then she should. This would be away to make sure the drugs were really working in her.

    After she had finished cleaning all of the sponge off of Emma’s body, she let them both rest for a little bit. Then she started to clean the lab room up. But before she took them back to the pool, she did a full body check on both of them to make sure the drugs had started to work in them both. She noticed that Emma’s fingers had already started to change into bear claws, and she noticed that Daniel also had started to grow them as well. She also noticed that Daniel had already started to show some sign of weight gain in his belly. Now after she had looked them both over she then wrote up a report to give to Kevin. She knew he would like to know what drugs had been put into Daniel and Emma bodies. After she had finished the report, she then went to get the drug she was going to give Emma.

    When Sara returned to the lab room she went back over to Emma’s side and quickly pushed the needle into the middle Emma’s belly. Then she rolled Emma onto her side and pushes the needle into the middle of her back as well. As she did this, she knew this drug would not take a long to start to work in Emma, but she was not worried about that because she would not have to see it happen to her. Then after she had pulled the needle out of her Sara then started pushing down really hard in the middle of Emma’s belly for a few minutes just to make sure the drug moved all around in her.

    After she had finished pushing on Emma, she then moved Daniel and Emma onto a bigger stretcher then she started to push them both back out into the gym so she could put them back into the water before she woke them up. Once they were both back in the water on their tables, she then gave them two shots. One was to help with the pain and the other one was to wake them up. But before she gave them the second shot she shocked both of their chips to make them forget what had happened to them. Then she gave them the second shot to wake them up.

    Now when Daniel opened his eyes he looked around for a minute then seeing Sara smiling at him he nods his head as he hears her speak. “Well hello you two welcome back. I hope you enjoyed the water massage. I have given you both a shot to help with any pain you might have from it. Well you two are free to go any time you want and I hope you will come back again sometime to have another massage.” she said as she pats both of them on the arm.

    Daniel smiles up at Sara. “Thank you Sara, I did enjoy this and we may come back sometime.” he said as he looked over at Emma and smiled at her. Sara then nods her head. “You’re welcome Mr. Everleigh. Now you two have a good day.” she said as she turned to get out of the water.

    Now after Sara had left them both alone Daniel looked over at Emma for a minute. “Well my dear wife what a morning this has been for us. I do believe I am ready for a nap now and some lunch now. What do you say shall we do these things?” He asks as he rolls off of his table into the water. But as soon as he was in the water his hand went to his back and he growled as some pain shot up his back. He then slowly moved over to Emma table still holding his back. Then as he stands up he holds his hand out to her to help her off of her table. Once she put her hand in his he notices that her finger nails were really long and sharp. But he never said a word to her about them when he saw them.

    Once Emma was off of her table and into the water Daniel helped her out of the water. He noticed that she was kind of holding her hand on her belly as they were walking back to their room. “Emma are you okay dear? I was a little worried when I saw you had your hand on your belly.” he said as he yawned two times.

    When they finally reached there room Daniel opened the door and went straight over to their bed and as he lay down on it he made a low growling sound like a bear would make. Then as he laid there he noticed that his hands looked different. What was going on why was his finger nails growing longer and his hands also looked strange all of a sudden? He did not know but shook his head as he closed his eyes and soon was a sleep.

    ((**Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Here are some ideas in what you can have Emma do in your post. You can have Emma respond about what happened before they get in the pool and while they are in the pool during the massage. Have her react to how the pins feel when they go in her and stay in her then as the drugs are put into how she responds to then going in. Then right after Sara wakes her up you could have her start to show some of the signs of the drugs working in her body. I will send you a list of the drugs that were put in her so you can have her do some of them later on. The drugs are not just a onetime thing that is going to happen to them it will keep happing over and over now that it is in their bodies. This will change both of them a lot in the next few posts. Oh, remember that she is going to be going into labor early. That could be in your next post you do. **))

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    i cant wait to see what you will post

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