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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #821
    Member James Davy's Avatar
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    Denise flew on her Metagross and both Reuben and Ray flew on Naganadel to Rouge Park. Tents went up, food was eaten and Denise was a bundle of anxiety that her Espeon soothed to sleep.

  2. #822
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Denise flew on her Metagross and both Reuben and Ray flew on Naganadel to Rouge Park. Tents went up, food was eaten and Denise was a bundle of anxiety that her Espeon soothed to sleep.

    Jeremy and Sandy Got their tents put up with Simisage and Simisear as well as Their Excadrill and Roggenrola's setting the spikes on the sides to place in support and fortification. The Tent was a rather jumbo sized one that was meant to house 10 people.


    Abigail had her Luxray and her Glalie put in the supports on the sides of the tent as she had the Tent set and raised. It was one that would become like a princess styled Tent. It was tough... but very fortified. The others had their tents which were able to house 5 people a piece. 5 people for each tent.

    Lisa and Nicole were in their tent with Jessie and Marcie. Along with Darlene.

    Abigail had her father, Randy and Macie. As well as Alice.

    Jenna and Scarlett had Amy Diamond, Jasmine, Anistar, Curtis, Saphiroth, Jessie, James and that was all. The younger trainers were in multiple tents that housed 4 a piece. They all were a ton of thoughts racing through their heads. Their brains were just with tons of thoughts. Wondered as to how they were gonna get to Chicago and handle the situation that was going on. They were gonna need some huge help. They were gonna need a plan and it would have to be good. It took the pokemon they had to calm them down and soothe their minds. Once they were calmed and soothed... They got to sleep and began to dream. It was gonna be at least 14 hours before they were gonna be with enough rest to get back on the grind and make way again to the path which would lead them right to Chicago.

    Finding the M-5 Highway and take it to where it breaks into the N. Pontiac trail... heading west following it as it turns into S. Pontiac trail then W. Pontiac Trail into just Pontiac Trail... following it till it cuts and ends... reaching S. Milford rd. head south and then turn west on to I-96 following it all the way to hwy 31 going south on Hwy 31 which has a odd break into I-196BL. taking it down to where it smacks into US-12 Taking that west and head to grand beach Michigan.

    a day later...

    Grand beach, Michigan.

    Jenna: Here we are... We finally made it. Across from here... is Chicago and once there... we can get with diving right into the situation. We have to send Team Magma a message that they can't take Property that doesn't belong to them.

    Scarlett: How do we do that?

    Jenna: We do it in the usual way. We make a statement by launching a fight. They want to take over... We're gonna make their job at doing that... hard. Like it's meant to be.

    Lisa: Jenna's right. We must take them down and return order to the Pokemon Gym. The Gym leader owns that place. She's been chased out. We need to chase Team Magma out. Fight fire... with fire.

    Looks like there was a fire for battle. Hope that the trainers know what they're about to be up against... Good heavens...

    My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.

  3. #823
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    "We need to be smart about this," Reuben commented. His Beheeyem was scanning around the Chicago gym and counting up the forces of Team Magma.
    "I agree with Reuben," Denise added, "They look to have numbers on their side and a full frontal assault will be suicide."

  4. #824
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "We need to be smart about this," Reuben commented. His Beheeyem was scanning around the Chicago gym and counting up the forces of Team Magma.
    "I agree with Reuben," Denise added, "They look to have numbers on their side and a full frontal assault will be suicide."

    Jenna: Something about this seems very odd. Very odd. If there was a siege going on... wouldn't you see a band or particular swarm of troops. On the lookout and willing to pounce on anyone that tried to infiltrate an enemy's camp?

    Scarlett: You know... *Thinking about it* Guys, Jen's right. Haven't you noticed that there is no one on the front-lines upon the enemy camp?

    Lisa: I think that we all have, Scarlett. It does seem odd. Don't you think that perhaps... they're hiding and just are very likely to be waiting for us to step foot upon their turf... Just so when we least expect it... they can take us by surprise.

    Curtis: Hmm... That does seem pretty possible. It's been said to happen. As to how often... i don't think we know. But... it does happen.

    Randy: Maybe we can send one of our pokemon to do a reconnaissance. Which pokemon do we have that is capable of doing that? *Looking at the crew* Any... takers?

    Someone had to know of a perfect one to send to do reconnaissance and scout for any possible hidden threats. Question was... who was it gonna be?

    My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.

  5. #825
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    "I would say me, but that would mean I haven't done reconnaissance, which I have. You're right, they have the numbers. They are expecting you, they know how you fight, and they have defenses in place to protect against that. But there is one advantage you may have in this whole situation. And a full frontal assault is not suicide. I can prove it."
    A lisp, and a girl, nut brown hair, violet eyes. Closed white trenchcoat, white dress pants and shoes showing where the coat didn't cover. She then continued, "And don't try to read my mind. The only thing you'll find out is how impossible it is to circumvent a psychic block placed by a pokemon far stronger than your Espeon."
    Last edited by omgLYNX; 02-01-2025 at 02:36 PM.
    "Good men mean well. We just don't always end up doing well."

  6. #826
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    "My Dragapult will be perfect for recon," Reuben volunteers, "Being a spectral ghost, it can be invisible and phase through things."
    "If we need distraction when we sneak around, I have a Zoroark for that," Denise added.

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