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Thread: Covert War - recruitment and OOC

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    Alyss Reavansmore
    Alias: The Black Witch of Gallowglas

    Spoiler: Artists Impression 

    "The Adrantean cause is noble. Doomed, but noble."

    Mesh armour under noble gown
    Hotshot laspistol
    Combat knife.
    Nemesis Force stave
    Grimoire of True Names
    Tarot cards (Decks of both Imperial and Heretics wake)

    Threat Rating and Assessment:
    Hereticus Majoris. Alyss is an unsanctioned psyker who was rated at Beta+ on capture. Her seemingly non-linear growth in capability, especially the diversity of her powers, indicates that she may be of the rare Mutatis+ class, able to gain competence in diverse disciplines where a sanctioned imperial psychic is restricted to mastery of one. This 'jack of all trades' capability should not be underestimated, and she should be handled with extreme caution. Permission is given for Kill on Sight.

    Born on the Feudal world of Gallowglas, Alyss was always an unlucky child. Her younger years were blighted by vivid night terrors and a feeling that she 'wasn't right'. She was fearful around clergymen and often sickly. But her parents were well off merchants, and were able to hide her condition. As she aged, she realized she was a witch and did her best to hide her burgeoning powers. But she was found by a Witch hunter of the Ordo Hereticus and was dragged to the Black Ships, her parents burnt at the stake and her family home razed. She was bound on the Black Ship Erebus and was to be taken to Terra, a sacrifice for the Golden Throne.

    However, fate intervened. A breach in the Gellar field allowed daemons to board the vessel, causing the wards to fail. As the ship descended into insanity, Alyss broke free from captivity and led a riot, using her powerful telekinetic skills to crush a Grey Knight under a bulkhead she had torn lose, stealing his nemesis force stave and his grimoire of true names.

    When the ship breached back into reality, it was vomited into the war torn Vorstagg system. Taking to the escape pods, her and a number of other pyskers escaped into the wider system, causing that war to spiral completely out of Imperial control over the course of several hellish years. For several years she worked as a mercenary for warbands, slowly gravitating towards the Girza sector, and the safety of working for powerful chaos warlords who can protect her from those that hunted her. That all went to hell in a handbasket when the chaos forces unwittingly unleashed a powerful daemon from the Imperial World of Kreuzung. The appearance of this monster threw the chaos advance into disarray, killing many potent champions and leaving their warbands in disarray. The Imperium capitalised on this with a counter attack, pounding Kreuzung into damp rumble and killing a large portion of Darza's warhost on the ground. By this point, Alyss had already fled with a reaver pirate force, and soon hijacked the Honourable Traveller alongside the Damned 88th. She would use the Honourable Traveller to slip out of the warzone, and briefly docked at the hive world of Vaxanhive to spend their plunder on contraband weapons, STC template equipment, and colonisation pre-fabs.

    Over her life, she has shown powers of a telekinetic, biomancer, telepathic and divinatory nature. Her powers of divination are the least refined, but have given her three dreams from her childhood. One of which has come true already, as her earliest nightmare was of her home burning to the ground. Her second dream was meeting a man clad in black who would change her destiny, and the final dream was of her death, gunned down by a woman wearing the 'I' of the Inquisition with blond hair and a manic grin. . .

    While she has served the dark forces of Chaos, she makes clear to any employer that she is not interested in worshipping the Chaos gods, or the Emperor. One particularly enthusiastic Word bearer who tried to convince her otherwise was found ground flat across a kilometer of rockcrete outside Verdakhive, and his screams were said to have lasted days. . .

    In many ways, her only objectives are independence, power, knowledge and personal luxury. Her aims are simple: gain control of a voidship, staff it with people loyal to her, fill its holds with supplies, and head as far into wilderness space as she can manage.

    Psychic powers:

    Telekinesis: she can generate powerful defensive fields, throw objects (if she focuses, she can toss aside an APC) fly, float and manipulate objects at a distance with a fine touch.

    Biomancer: She can fire blasts of lightning, heal her wounds and cause pain in others.

    Divination: She has occasional bad feelings about danger, allowing her to avoid traps, and her nightmares and dreams are occasionally prophetic in nature. She can attempt tarot readings, but will only receive very vague insight (at GM discretion)

    Telepathy: Can psychically communicate with willing participants. Does not have enough finesse or power to force her way into someone's head or read minds.

    Careful study of the Grimoire of True Names has allowed her to piece together several lesser rites, mainly of banishment and warding. She could theoretically summon a lesser daemon with a proper sacrifice, but refuses to on general principles. Several warlords have used her ritual knowledge to protect themselves from psychic scrying however, a ritual she has perfected due to her own paranoia of the Inquisitions agents.

    Name: Sarna Astros
    Position/rank: Assassin and Scout.

    "Death on one side, Damnation on the other. There has to be a third path."

    Spoiler: Artists Impression 

    Weapons: Regis Pattern power sword. This long, curved, two handed weapon can part armour and flesh with equal ease. Two combat knives, two boot knives balanced for throwing, Drukhari needle pistol.

    Other: Armoured Bodyglove with integral stealth systems, grip gloves and combat hood. Flugs and photo contacts. Three Flash grenades, three smoke grenades. Gear to make climbing easier, and some thieves tools.

    Background: Regis V is a feral world located on the edge of the Ixianad sector, on its Calixis side. The world fell from majesty as an Imperial Civilised world into a decayed state of barbarism sometime just after the Horus Heresy for reasons lost to history, and has stubbornly remained as such for millennia, its hives left to moulder and its technological heritage almost completely forgotten. Local legends speak only in hushed tones of the hubris of its old leaders, the coming of death, and a great silence that descended as a shroud across the world. Imperial archaeologists have uncovered mass graves that must contain billions of souls, but no further clues. The survivors became nomadic horse warriors, only settling in hilltop keeps made from wood and stone. The greatest weapons here are the sword, the crossbow and the spear, with only simple mechanical devices such as windmills for grinding corn and pumping water left to the more settled peoples.
    This culture of tough, hardbitten people who valued strength at arms proved invaluable to many Imperial organisations, who have quietly encouraged the state of affairs on Regis V to continue in perpetuity. Two principal organisations recruit from this world: The Adeptus Astartes and the Moritat cults.

    No one is quite sure when the Moritats first arrived on Regis, but they now have a firm stake in the lives of its people. Standing apart from the internecine clan warfare, daughters who cannot be cared for are given up to the sisters and raised as assassins for the clans constant warfare. Several technological items have been smuggled onto the world despite Astartes blockades in orbit, and the scattered Moritat hill forts are equipped with advanced training machines and battle servitors, as well as workshops to produce limited quantities of advanced gear. Rumours also abound of hidden facilities, dug into the hills, where dark operations are performed to 'enhance' future Moritats.

    Sarna was given up to the sisters at a very young age: she has no memories of her mother or father, though the sisters tell her she is the daughter of a powerful chieftain who was killed by his brother to seize control of his clan. Her mother died of a slow acting poison not long after seeking sanctuary with the Moritats. All she has ever known in the world of the Assassins, training to be the Emperors blade, wishing to become a Reaper, an angel of death made flesh. She has been offworld three times, each time in the company of a full fledged Reaper, so she has been inured to the culture shock of warp travel and visiting more civilised worlds, but she still has not seen much of the wider galaxy. She completed her training less than six months ago, and was released into the wider galaxy to find a suitable master under whom she could continue to hone her skills. She was recently recruited by Inquisitor Feyd Lucullis as he felt that Sarna would be the perfect foil for the Khornate cult he would soon be investigating. Her performance on this mission will determine if she will become a permanent member of the team.

    That. . .didn't happen. The mission to Vaxanhive went badly sideways, with heavy casualties and the threat of corruption. While the summoning the team was assembled to stop was prevented, the sacrifice was a temporary loss of memory that meant that Sarna attracted the attention of a daemon known as the 'Red King'. While she resisted its temptations, she still sacrificed to it and its master, and is now bound to it by a thread not easily cut. Realising she was critically compromised and a threat to those around her, she fled the Inquisition and hid in the bowels of Vaxanhive. However, she attracted the attention of an enemy, Anais Svelthopfler. The two had been rivals before, and now they were mortal enemies, Anais determined to earn the favour of the Red King, Sarna desperate to resist it. The two clashed several times, each either winning or losing but neither able to land a decisive blow, until Sarna was badly injured and forced to hide in a shipping container. Ironically, or perhaps darkly fortuitously, this container was sent to the Eudaimonia and Sarna was found by Alyss. The two quickly formed a working relationship, Sarna becoming Alyss shadow, And Alyss working on severing the ties the daemon had to Sarna's soul.

    Apart from her sublime skill with the blade and her abilities as infiltrator, Sarna is also a very capable mimic and user of disguises. With a few hours of observation she can imitate local customs and accents near flawlessly, a surprising aptitude for a Moritat but one her teachers where quick to cultivate as useful to an Assassin. Working with Alyss has only caused her to hone these abilities, as few suspect renegades or chaos cults to use something as subtle as an assassin once battle is joined.
    Last edited by dakkagor; 11-09-2018 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #12
    The Last Remembrancer
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    "No peace, no respite, and no second chances. I'll hunt them to the ends of the galaxy and beyond."

    Interrogator Kally Sonder

    Spoiler: Happier Times 

    History: :: CLASSIFIED ::
    Patriots Threat Assessment: Based on reports from Scintilla and our own field reports, combined with scraped financial transactions and Captain Tarrans debriefing, Interrogator Sonder has a standing Alpha Level Kill Order in effect. The extensive cybernetic and bio-mech enhancement, deep arsenal, and extensive experience and training, makes Sonder one of, if not the most dangerous threat to our small supply of psykers, and the persons of Ella Seren, Alicia Tarran, and Arcolin DeRei. All Patriot forces are cleared for the use of maximum force, including any level of collateral, to confirm a kill against this dangerous assassin and Imperial fanatic. Psykers on any world with reports of Sonder (confirmed or otherwise!) should be moved to secure locations, or have their guards suitably reinforced.
    Card Deck Position: Queen of Knives
    Current Location: Unknown, but has penetrated ahead of Crusade forces.
    Capabilities: Beta Level Blank, expert urban/CQC fighter. Immune to any interrogation technique currently cleared for use. Augmented for post human speed, strength and reaction times.
    Equipment: Master work power sword, hardened bodyglove. Has otherwise been reported using a variety of ranged weapons, ranging from tube launchers and autocannon, to pistols and other small arms. Access to grenades, drugs (combat and otherwise), explosives, and an Aleph Grade MIU should be assumed from reported engagements.

  3. #13
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    “Happier times”...that’s the happiest picture you could find of her and Marc? :P

    All accepted!
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  4. #14
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    I am aware of PaintSerf's characters in progress - is anyone else planning on submitting one?
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  5. #15
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    Why yes, Sova is a total show-boater. He’s still not as cool as Enki’s friend VK, though.
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    “That was a medically necessary procedure. Our prisoner was choking on an obscenity.”

    Name: Sapphira Wilder

    Position: Sister Hospitaller [on Errantry with the Inquisition]

    Appearance: Sapphira is a woman of her mid-thirties who stands five and a half feet, with an athletically petite build. She is fine featured with pale skin that starkly contrasts with her straight, shoulder length black hair and prominent bangs. The right side of Sapphira’s face is traced by old scars, which run diagonally along her cheek, jaw, and forehead above her catlike gray eyes. There is a straight and fine burn line across Sapphira’s neck, with a similar violent slash of a scar on her left forearm.

    Archive Image: Sapphira Wilder – candid photograph in guest apartments at the Hospitaller sanctuary on Scintilla – image taken by Interrogator Glabrio Hybrida.

    Personality: Sapphira is an approachable, collaborative, devout and dutifully motivated Imperial servant who does not hesitate to offer her assistance. While personable by nature and caring by calling, and with the ingrained prejudices and reflexive judgments of the Sisterhood tempered by years of service with the Inquisition – as well as her recent, fleeting experience with death - Sapphira is neither soft nor weak. She is capable of setting aside her own personal doubts and reservations to do what needs to be done in the moment – always for the God Emperor, and for her few remaining friends.


    Combat Shotgun - Persecutor Pattern: Sapphira’s shotgun is a solid and reliably designed weapon typically found amongst the armories for Arbitrators on void-related assignments within Calixis. Built with close quarters combat foremost in mind, the Persecutor is box-fed and selective fire with a non-lethal las-dazzler - and most prominently, a retractable shock-prod mounted beneath the muzzle. The Sister normally uses conventional shot and slug ammunition, in addition to a small reserve of incendiary, stun, webber-snare and executioner hunter-killer shells.

    It was withdrawn from the precinct on Baraspine’s Agglomeration by now-Interrogator Glabrio Hybrida on his first visit to the sprawling space station, and presented to Sister Sapphira over a year ago on the occasion described by the former-regulator as ‘the fourth anniversary of her twenty-ninth birthday’.

    Stub Revolver – Ophelia Pattern: Sapphira’s originally issued sidearm when she confirmed her oaths and became a Sororita and it is familiar as it is reliable. She is partial to the aptly named amputator rounds; a vicious munition filled with explosive micro-shrapnel which produces comparable trauma to a bolt pistol but without the armor penetration or attention such a weapon could draw.


    Bionics: Sapphira experienced a massive and briefly fatal heart attack in the aftermath of the Inquisition’s confrontation with the Nebula Corps on Concordia orbital. She survived due to the prompt intervention of colleagues and allies aboard HDMS Impiger (most prominently now-Interrogator Glabrio Hybrida, Sister Mahin of the Silent Vigil, and Commander Banastre Thurlow) and a replacement drawn from the war-stock of the Silent Vigil. She has mostly come to terms with the bionic, with the assistance of fellow members of 'the club', her friends Raechel Kuscelian and Tomas Prinzel.

    Carapace: Sapphira’s distinctive glossy black and ornamented Hospitaller carapace. On the left forearm is an underslung, energy cell powered bone saw intended for field amputations. Mounted below the right shoulder plate are reservoir vials with fluid lines that run down the arm and end with an injector array, which is most typically loaded with kalma and paralytum serums.

    Data-slate: Primarily used for physical evaluations when coupled with the diagnostic scanner wand. Sapphira keeps her clinical notations and acquired evidence on the slate, so it has been further augmented with standard Inquisitorial encryptions and a field-grade shock resistant exterior case.

    Medi-Kit: Sapphira’s satchel bag of medical equipment (or tactical pack if given preparation time before combat – in addition to individual kits for the team) the contents of which are higher quality and quantity than the typical kit carried by an Imperial Guard medic or Officio Medicae field surgeon.


    Sapphira is the orphaned child of martyred Imperial servants, and like all Sisters-to-be throughout the millennia, she was transferred to the nearest Schola Progenium for education and indoctrination. She was assessed and designated for the Sisterhood by the Drill Abbesses’ considered opinion, and accepted as a Hospitaller novitiate by the Order of Serenity. Sapphira once again excelled in her education, and after taking her full oaths into the Sisterhood, she was honored by her Order to remain on Ophelia VII and work for the Ecclesiarchy – alongside other Imperial agenices - as an examiner of moral threat.

    It was during this time that Sapphira impressed one of Lord Inquisitor Immanuel Sidonis’ senior interrogators, Nasreen Massani – who would ultimately be condemned as a heretic, and executed prior to the destruction of Hive Makita on Solomon - who after a brief and tense examination, recruited the young Sister for service alongside the Inquisition. Sapphira was predominantly a medical professional for Sidonis’ extensive staff, although served field tours with Interrogators Schafer and Machairi.

    Sapphira ultimately transferred – under threat of blackmail for her tangential association with Massani, after she developed friendships with the survivors of those incidents – onto Machairi’s staff on her ascension to Inquisitor, and remained in official records as on an Errantry rather than officially an Inquisitorial agent. The ambiguity suited the Inquisitor’s purposes, as Sapphira was able to be a useful conduit with the Sisterhood, Ministorum, and Ordo Hereticus…at least until the Conclave on Terra, and the consequences which resulted from the penitent task of destroying the heretic Arcolin DeRei.
    Last edited by PaintSerf; 01-21-2019 at 10:14 PM.

  7. #17
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    Oh, Saph is in the club with Tomas! That surely requires a scene at some point.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by dakkagor View Post
    Oh, Saph is in the club with Tomas! That surely requires a scene at some point.
    Aye, and Raech too. The two may have been spotted on occasion trying to slyly make cute, girly heart hands at one another when they think nobody else will notice - and may or may not have tried to get Tom to get in on it.

    Fun fact, if I'd been able to make content happen by the end of Penitence, a scene with Saph waking up (distraught to have survived, naturally) after her surgery and discovering she's had her heart replaced with her book-club buddies Tomas and Solvan.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaintSerf View Post
    Aye, and Raech too. The two may have been spotted on occasion trying to slyly make cute, girly heart hands at one another when they think nobody else will notice
    You saw it here first! (third from last paragraph)

    Quote Originally Posted by dakkagor View Post
    Oh, Saph is in the club with Tomas! That surely requires a scene at some point.
    Probably at the end of the first campaign?

    In the meantime, Saph can slot in with the Imperial covert team if you like, as discussed.
    Last edited by Azazeal849; 01-06-2019 at 07:27 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azazeal849 View Post
    Probably at the end of the first campaign?

    In the meantime, Saph can slot in with the Imperial covert team if you like, as discussed.
    Yes, I think Saph will be down on Baraspine with the boys - we're not so blessed with field operatives that the Sister can afford to stay back with Alia and Tom when the Lady has an entire sanctuary worth of Hospitallers on hand.

    I'd think a likely Alia / Tom / Saph scene would be regarding how Glabrio's first mission in command went, but once business is settled they can all catch-up personally.

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